Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 62

(As at 12 May 2014)

12 May 2014 (Monday)
Venue : Conference Room 2

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Professor Anthony CHEUNG
Secretary for Transport and Housing

Mr Stanley YING Yiu-hong
Director of Housing

Miss Agnes WONG Tin-yu
Deputy Director (Strategy)
Housing Department

Ms Ada FUNG Yin-suen
Deputy Director (Development & Construction)
Housing Department

Mr Anson LAI Yat-ching
Assistant Director (Strategic Planning)
Housing Department

Mr CHAN Siu-tack
Assistant Director (Estate Management) 2
Housing Department

Mr Lawrence CHUNG Kam-wing
Assistant Director (Project) 3
Housing Department

Mr Paul CHAN Mo-po
Secretary for Development

Mr Thomas CHAN Chung-ching
Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) 1

Mr LING Kar-kan
Director of Planning

Ms Christine TSE
Assistant Director of Planning (Special Duties)
2 Planning, construction and redevelopment of public rental housing flats
(second public hearing)
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm