Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 62

(As at 26 May 2014)

7 June 2014 (Saturday)
Venue : Conference Room 3

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Mr Gregory SO Kam-leung
Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development

Mr Andrew WONG Ho-yuen
Permanent Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development (Commerce, Industry & Tourism)

Mr Philip YUNG Wai-hung
Commissioner for Tourism

Miss Rosanna LAW
Deputy Commissioner for Tourism

Ms Emily MO Yuen-ching
Assistant Commissioner for Tourism cum Secretary to the Mega Events Fund Assessment Committee

Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung
Chairman, Mega Events Fund Assessment Committee

Hon CHAN Kam-lam
Convenor of the organizer of Events C1, C2, C3 & C4

Mr KO Chi-sum
Representative of the organizers of Event G
3 Mega Events Fund
(third public hearing)
2:30 pm - 7:00 pm