Legislative Council Members' meeting with The Ombudsman
on Tuesday 3 December 2013 at 11:00 am
in Conference Room 1, 2/F, Legislative Council Complex



Chairman's opening remarks

(11:00 am - 11:05 am)


Briefing by The Ombudsman on the work of The Ombudsman’s Office in the previous year

(11:05 am - 11:35 am)

Information paper provided by The Ombudsman on the work of The Ombudsman's Office (Part (A) of LC Paper No. CRM 279/13-14(01))

Minutes of last meeting held on 18 December 2012 (LC Paper No. CP 937/12-13)

2013 Annual Report of The Ombudsman Hong Kong (tabled in Council at the Council meeting of 10 July 2013)


Discussion items raised by Members

(11:35 am - 12:25 pm)

(a)Issues relating to direct investigation into the records management system in Hong Kong Question raised by Hon Cyd HO and information paper provided by The Ombudsman on this item (Part (B) of LC Paper No. CRM 279/13-14(01))

(b)Issues relating to cases not pursued by the Office of The Ombudsman and cases involving the Social Welfare Department

Questions raised by Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che and information paper provided by The Ombudsman on this item (Part (C) of LC Paper No. CRM 279/13-14(01))

(c)Issues relating to support provided by the Education Bureau to ethnic minorities

Question raised by Hon Claudia MO and information paper provided by The Ombudsman on this item (Part (D) of LC Paper No. CRM 279/13-14(01))


Any other business

(12:25 pm - 12:30 pm)

Legislative Council Secretariat
28 November 2013