Bills Committee on Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 2015


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1146/14-15(01) Administration's paper on "Responses to Deputations' Comments on the Bill" 7 July 2015
10 November 2015
CB(1)1044/14-15(02) Submission from Caritas Family Crisis Line and Education Centre dated 26 June 2015 (Chinese version only) 7 July 2015
CB(1)1060/14-15(01) Submission from Consumer Council dated 29 June 2015 (English version only) 7 July 2015
CB(1)1229/14-15(01) Submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 1 September 2015 (English version only) 10 November 2015
• Administration's response to the submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 1 September 2015 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1229/14-15(01)
10 November 2015
• Submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 7 October 2015 in response to Administration's reply as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1293/14-15(01) (English version only)
10 November 2015
• Administration's response to the further submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 7 October 2015 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1296/14-15(01)
10 November 2015
CB(1)1044/14-15(03) Submission from Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants dated 26 June 2015 (English version only) 7 July 2015
CB(1)1044/14-15(05) Submission from The DTC Association dated 26 June 2015 (English version only) 7 July 2015
CB(1)1044/14-15(04) Submission from The Hong Kong Association of Banks dated 15 June 2015 (English version only) 7 July 2015
CB(1)1044/14-15(01) Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 22 June 2015 (English version only) 7 July 2015