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Bills Committee on Interception of Communications and Surveillance (Amendment) Bill 2015 (Agenda) 2 May 2015

Bills Committee on
Interception of Communications and Surveillance (Amendment) Bill 2015

Meeting on Saturday, 2 May 2015, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

(as at 4 May 2015)


Meeting with deputations and the Administration

(9:00 am - 11:55 am)

Deputations/individuals attending the meeting

1. Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor

LC Paper No. CB(2)1378/14-15(01)
(Chinese version only)
(issued on 4.5.2015)


2. Miss Kanley TSANG King-lai

3. Miss WONG Yuk-ting

4. Hong Kong In-media

LC Paper No. CB(2)1214/14-15(01)
(Chinese version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1214/14-15 on 10.4.2015, English version issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1350/14-15 issued on 28.4.2015)


5. Hong Kong Journalists Association

LC Paper No. CB(2)1372/14-15(01)
(Chinese version only)
(issued on 30.4.2015)


6. Hong Kong Civil Rights Observer

LC Paper No. CB(2)1378/14-15(02)
(Chinese version only)
(issued on 4.5.2015)


7. Labour Party

8. Mr NG Chung-tat

Other relevant papers

LC Paper No. CB(3)441/14-15
(issued on 6.2.2015)

-The Bill

Ref : SBCR 14/2/3231/94
(issued by the Security Bureau on 4.2.2015)

-Legislative Council Brief

LC Paper No. CB(2)1172/14-15(01)
(issued on 2.4.2015)

-Letter dated 24 February 2015 from Senior Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration

LC Paper No. CB(2)1172/14-15(02)
(issued on 2.4.2015)

-Administration's reply dated 24 March 2015 to Senior Assistant Legal Adviser's letter

LC Paper No. CB(2)1172/14-15(03)
(issued on 2.4.2015)

-Marked-up copy of the relevant provisions to be amended by the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division

LC Paper No. CB(2)1214/14-15(02)
(issued on 10.4.2015)

-Proposed order and areas for study of the Bill

(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the LegCo website at


Any other business

(11:55 am - 12:00 noon)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
4 May 2015