Council Meeting (Agenda) 15 October 2014 |
A 14/15-1
1. | Hon TAM Yiu-chung and Hon IP Kwok-him to present a petition (Appendix Ia)
2. | Hon SIN Chung-kai and Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki to present a petition (Appendix Ib) |
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Summary Disposal of Complaints (Solicitors) (Amendment) Rules 2014 | 116/2014 |
2. | Smoking (Public Health) (Designation of No Smoking Areas) (Amendment) Notice 2014 | 117/2014 |
3. | Prevention and Control of Disease (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2014 | 118/2014 |
1. | No. 1 | - | Competition Commission Annual Report 2013/2014 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development) | |||
2. | No. 2 | - | Urban Renewal Authority Annual Report 2013-2014 |
(to be presented by The Financial Secretary) | |||
3. | No. 3 | - | Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Board Annual Report 2013-14 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare) | |||
4. | No. 4 | - | Report of changes made to the approved Estimates of Expenditure during the first quarter of 2014-15 Public Finance Ordinance : Section 8 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury) | |||
5. | No. 5 | - | West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Annual Report 2013/14 |
(to be presented by the Financial Secretary) |
(1) | of the existing criteria adopted by the Police for firing tear gas, including the circumstances under which tear gas may be fired, whether prior warnings must be given to protesters and whether it may be fired under the circumstances where the Police are not being charged at or treated violently; the circumstances under which the Police may resort to more powerful weapons such as rubber bullets, etc.; as the Police has indicated that pepper spray and tear gas are of a similar level of force, whether police officers are also allowed to fire tear gas under the circumstances where the use of pepper spray is permitted;
(2) | as the protests are still going on at present, whether the avoidance of conflicts and dangerous situations is the prime consideration of the Police when maintaining public order, or whether there are other considerations, such as firing tear gas or even using more powerful weapons against peaceful protesters merely for enforcing the clearance instructions of senior government officials; and
(3) | given the allegation that, on the 28th of last month, police officers threw tear gas canisters at the students gathering peacefully at Tim Mei Avenue without giving any prior warning under the circumstances where they were not being charged at, whether the authorities will immediately conduct a thorough investigation into whether there was any misuse or indiscriminate use of tear gas so as to prevent recurrence of similar situation; if they will conduct such an investigation, whether they will temporarily suspend the use of tear gas until the completion of the investigation; if there will not be such temporary suspension, of the reasons for that; whether the authorities will look into if the officials concerned need to be held politically accountable for the decisions to clear the protest sites and fire tear gas at the protesters, so as to prevent them from making similar decisions again? |
(1) | whether the Police have immediately reviewed if their failure to prevent the occurrence of incidents in which assembly participants were attacked by a number of triad members was due to inadequacy in their efforts in collecting intelligence on triad activities or their sluggish deployment of police manpower, so as to take measures in the light of the review outcome in order to prevent recurrence of similar incidents; if they have conducted such a review, of the outcome;
(2) | as it has been reported that the Police did not forthwith arrest and detain those persons suspected of deliberately provoking, shoving, punching and kicking, as well as indecently assaulting assembly participants, whether the Police will immediately step up law enforcement efforts in order to curb the recurrence of such illegal acts; and
(3) | whether they have taken specific immediate measures and followed up on the procedures for making decisions on the handling of the incidents by the Police, in order to prevent assembly participants from being attacked again, and to protect the personal safety of assembly participants and journalists; if they have, of the details? |
(1) | as the railway has now become the only mode of transport for the majority of the public, whether the authorities have forthwith formulated contingency plans to cope with the scenario in which train service of any railway line, particularly the Island Line, Tsuen Wan Line and Kwun Tong Line, is suspended due to occurrence of incidents, so as to prevent the traffic on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon coming to a halt; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will formulate such contingency plans right away;
(2) | as quite a number of small business operators engaged in the transportation, retail, catering and tourism industries have relayed to me that their businesses have been hard hit by the road blockages and their employees have also suddenly lost their means of living, whether the authorities have forthwith assessed the losses suffered by these industries and introduced targeted emergency relief measures for such industries on the basis of the assessment outcome; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will conduct such an assessment right away; and
(3) | whether it has formulated contingency plans to ensure that, in the event of occurrence of major traffic accidents, fires or industrial accidents, etc., emergency service vehicles (including police vehicles, fire engines and ambulances) and their personnel can arrive at the scene in the shortest possible time; if it has, of the details; if not, whether it will formulate such contingency plans right away? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Security Secretary for Transport and Housing Secretary for Home Affairs Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development |
(1) | whether the interpretation of "all the members of the LegCo" by the Government of the current term is consistent with the interpretation in 2010; if it is not, of the interpretation by the Government of the current term and the circumstances under which such interpretation applies;
(2) | whether it has studied if the absence of Members due to involuntary reasons (such as being detained by law enforcement agencies) when the motions to amend the methods for selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for forming the LegCo in 2016 are being voted on in the LegCo will affect the number of Members actually meant by "all the members of the LegCo" and may thus affect the voting result of such motions; if it has, of the outcome; and
(3) | how the authorities will deal with the situation in which the Government and the President have different understanding of "all the members of the LegCo" and whether the Government will take the understanding of the President as the correct one; if they will, of the reasons; if not, the justifications for that, and whether the Government will take any measures, such as seeking an interpretation of "all the members of the LegCo" from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress? |
(1) | given that the 2004 Interpretation mentions only that NPCSC shall make a determination as regards whether there is a need to amend the method for selecting CE, but not that NPCSC has the power to decide how the method for selecting CE shall be amended, whether it has studied if NPCSC's decision on the nominating committee is legally binding; if the study outcome is in the affirmative, of the Basic Law provisions based on which the decision was made;
(2) | given the stipulation in the 2004 Interpretation that the bills on the amendments to the method for selecting CE shall be introduced by the SAR Government into LegCo, whether it has studied if NPCSC's decision on the nominating committee has contravened the principles of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy", and whether the decision has contravened Annex I to the Basic Law and the 2004 Interpretation; if it has, of the outcome; and
(3) | whether it has studied if NPCSC's decision on the nominating committee complies with Articles 25, 26 and 39 of the Basic Law; if it has, of the outcome? |
(1) | whether it has studied the reasons why many members of the public have complained about and the media have one after another criticized the arrangements for contract termination by TSOs; if it has, of the study outcome and the improvement measures; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it knows if OFCA has reviewed whether the existing policy and the Industry Code of Practice for Telecommunications Service Contracts can effectively prevent TSOs from deliberately adopting complicated and time-consuming procedures to make it difficult for customers to terminate their contracts, thereby forcibly seizing their market shares; if it has reviewed, of the details and the improvement measures; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | as TSOs which have strong financial backing can engage legal professionals to prepare telecommunications service contracts which are favourable to them and, owing to the costly litigation fees, members of the public often can only give up settling their disputes with TSOs over contract termination through legal means, what measures the authorities have in place to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members of the public, especially those who are not eligible for legal assistance? |
(1) | given that politically appointed officials or civil servants are currently regulated by the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance or the relevant internal codes of the Government during service, and are strictly prohibited from accepting advantages, whether any legislation or code is currently in place to regulate the acceptance of advantages directly or indirectly from local or foreign sources by such personnel after retirement; if so, of the details;
(2) | whether any legislation is currently in place to prohibit any foreign government or political organization from providing pecuniary, non-pecuniary or deferred benefits to Hong Kong's political organizations or political figures through intermediaries such as local enterprises or people, in an attempt to interfere with Hong Kong's internal affairs; if such legislation is not in place, whether the Government has plans to enact legislation to impose such regulation; if it does, of the timetable; and
(3) | as it has been reported that certain foreign forces have attempted to recruit, through making donations, local political figures or LegCo Members to be the spokespersons for their interests in Hong Kong or to influence the discussions on Hong Kong's constitutional development, whether the Government will take the initiative to request the Central People's Government or the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong to provide assistance in the diplomatic aspect to guard against foreign forces from indirectly interfering with the internal affairs of Hong Kong; if it will, of the details? |
(1) | apart from the aforesaid investors, whether the authorities have plans to assist other investors who suffered losses due to the CITIC incident (including those investors who had already held CITIC shares prior to the specified period, as well as those who had purchased CITIC-related warrants or options during the specified period or had held such items prior to that period) in seeking compensations; if they have such plans, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it knows the respective scopes of the investigations carried out by agencies such as SFC, the Police and the Financial Reporting Council; when SFC submitted its investigation results to the Department of Justice ("DoJ") and the Financial Secretary, and when the Financial Secretary gave his consent to instituting proceedings; the latest progress of the investigations carried out by the various agencies concerned; as well as the expected time when decisions will be made as to whether the persons concerned will be prosecuted or penalized; and
(3) | given that the authorities indicated in their replies to questions raised by Members of this Council in 2010 that in general, it was only after DoJ had ruled out criminal prosecution would SFC consider instituting proceedings in MMT, and that the Securities and Futures Ordinance also provides that if proceedings have been instituted against any person, no criminal prosecution may be instituted against that person in respect of the same conduct, whether the authorities have assessed if the current proceedings instituted in MMT by SFC have undermined the power of DoJ in instituting criminal prosecutions in respect of the CITIC incident; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, of the extent; if in the negative, of the justifications and how the authorities safeguard the rights and interests of minority shareholders and uphold Hong Kong's reputation as an international financial centre? |
(1) | apart from reminding property owners and management companies of private residential estates of their responsibility for proper maintenance of the trees within their estates and disseminating relevant information to them by issuing letters and organizing seminars, whether the authorities have specific measures at present to help them carry out tree maintenance work; if they do, of the details; if not, whether the authorities will consider formulating such measures immediately; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has improved tree management work in the light of the aforesaid tree collapse incident; if it has, of the latest progress and details; if not, whether the authorities will consider taking follow-up actions; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | given that the former Secretary for Development indicated in June 2011 that she would seriously consider commencing studies on enacting legislation on trees, of the latest progress of such initiative, as well as the work plan and timetable for the legislative work; if it does not have such work plan and timetable, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it knows if the University Grants Committee ("UGC") has required tertiary institutions funded by UGC ("UGC-funded institutions") to notify UGC when they set up self-financing organizations outside Hong Kong to be operated collaboratively or independently, so as to ensure that such institutions do not use public funds to subsidize their self-financing projects;
(2) | as HKU has indicated that the operation of Shenzhen Hospital has all along been in compliance with the policy of no cross-subsidization set out in the UGC Notes on Procedures, whether it knows if UGC has carried out any verification to address public concern; and
(3) | given the allocation of matching grants by the Government to UGC-funded institutions under the Matching Grant Scheme launched for the tertiary education sector, whether the authorities will investigate if HKU has used the matching grants allocated to it by the Government to meet any expenses in relation to Shenzhen Hospital (including set-up costs and advanced payments)? |
(1) | whether it has compiled statistics on the current population of those women in Hong Kong belonging to groups with a higher risk of developing breast cancer;
(2) | whether it will, in response to the recommendation by the Working Group, provide the needed medical consultation and breast cancer screening services for women with a higher risk of developing breast cancer; if it will, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that; of the public healthcare institutions in Hong Kong currently offering breast cancer screening services to such women;
(3) | given that the Report of the Foundation indicated that most breast cancer patients had no family history of breast cancer, of the measures put in place by the Government to help this category of women to detect breast cancer and receive treatments as early as possible;
(4) | given that some women have relayed that the waiting time for mammography and breast ultrasound scanning at public hospitals is too long, which might result in delay in their receiving diagnoses and treatments, whether the Government has measures in place to shorten the waiting time; if it does, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(5) | whether the Government will consider following the practices of the Mainland, Taiwan and other countries in implementing a breast cancer screening programme for women, and providing breast cancer screening services for women in need through public-private partnership or collaboration with non-profit-making women health centres in the community? |
(1) | of the current number of locally registered manufacturers of cosmetic products; whether it knows the number of such manufacturers who have conducted animal testing during the R&D of cosmetic products; whether the authorities will consider introducing legislation to ban such animal testing so as to prohibit cruelty to animals; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it will encourage manufacturers and importers of cosmetic products to sign the charter for "cruelty-free cosmetics" and pledge not to sell cosmetic products that have been tested on animals during the R&D process;
(3) | whether it will consider introducing a labelling system to require that cosmetic products for sale in Hong Kong must show clearly whether they have been tested on animals during the R&D process, so as to help consumers choose cosmetic products that are animal test free;
(4) | whether it will consider introducing legislation to ban the import of cosmetic products that have been tested on animals during the R&D process; if it will, of the legislative timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and
(5) | whether it has plans to promote the message of "cruelty-free cosmetics", such as that animal testing during the R&D process of cosmetic products is unnecessary, and to encourage the public to purchase cosmetic products that are animal test free; if it does, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether a communication mechanism between the Government and the mainland authorities is currently in place for regular review of the implementation situation and progress of CEPA in the financial services industry; if so, of the details and the findings of the latest review; if not, the reasons for that; and
(2) | whether it has conducted any assessment on the feasibility of the nine recommendations of the report; if it has, of the assessment outcome and its plan for implementing such recommendations; if not, whether it will do so expeditiously? |
(1) | of the current number of school-age children who have been approved by EDB to be home-schooled, and the details of the relevant vetting and approval procedures; whether it has any plan to upload such statistics as well as such vetting and approval procedures onto EDB's web site, and to promote the learning mode of home-schooling; and
(2) | since some members from the education sector have pointed out that as Hong Kong's current education system is very rigid, holding examination results as the teaching goal, and coupled with teachers being overloaded, students tend to learn by rote and the needs of individual students cannot be met, whether EDB will consider putting in place a home-schooling system for children and setting up a task force to formulate the relevant policies so as to provide an additional option on learning mode for students to choose; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of complaints received by EPD about the catalytic converters since the launch of the replacement scheme, and the follow-up actions taken on such complaints;
(2) | of the tender conditions in respect of the catalytic converters; the respective weightings of bidding price and other considerations in EPD's selection of suppliers and whether the suppliers were required to provide guarantees for the service life and quality of the catalytic converters; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | as EPD has indicated that the failures of the catalytic converters were related to poor vehicle maintenance and repair, whether EPD has ascertained from those drivers of vehicles having problems with catalytic converters if they have changed the maintenance and repair procedures for their vehicles since they used the newly installed catalytic converters; if EPD has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether EPD has conducted any longitudinal study on the quality of the catalytic converters selected in the tender, in order to gauge their long-term performance; if EPD has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | the casualties caused by industrial accidents since January this year, and their breakdowns by industry;
(2) | the annual number of cases since 2012 in which the authorities instituted prosecutions against employers by invoking the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Cap. 509) and the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59), including their subsidiary regulations, as well as the average and highest fines/terms of imprisonment imposed on the convicted employers; and
(3) | the respective numbers of cases since 2012 in which the authorities instituted, by invoking the Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282), prosecutions against employers for failing to give notices of work accidents of employees as required or for providing false or misleading information when giving notice of work accidents, as well as the average and highest fines/terms of imprisonment imposed on the convicted employers? |
(1) | of the number of times the Airport Authority or the Civil Aviation Department was notified by the mainland authorities of the implementation of air traffic flow control (broken down by mainland airspace over which air traffic flow control is implemented) and the total number of hours of delay in aircraft arrivals and departures caused by such control since 2010;
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(2) | of the number of flights which were delayed in taking off from or landing in Hong Kong due to the implementation of air traffic flow control by the mainland authorities, with a breakdown of the number by flight destinations and its percentage in the total number of aircraft movements, in each year since 2010, set out in the following table;
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(3) | whether it conducted any study in the past three years on the effects of the "sky wall" on the number of aircraft movements; if so, of the details; if not, whether the authorities can undertake to conduct the study and publish the results; and
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(4) | of the reasons why the northbound air routes have still not been opened? |
(1) | of the latest progress of the authorities' issuance of formal licences to the aforesaid two organizations and the formulation of relevant codes of practice;
(2) | given the fact that an existing free television broadcaster is currently dominating the market, whether the authorities will, when formulating the regulatory framework, consider implementing measures or arrangements that will provide a less stringent operating environment for the new operators at the initial stage; if they will not, of the reasons for that, and whether they have considered if this would make it impossible for the new operators to compete fairly with that existing television broadcaster in the short term; and
(3) | of the earliest time the authorities expect under the present situation when the two organizations whose applications were granted approval-in-principle can start broadcasting? |
(1) | whether it has considered deferring the date of analogue television services switch-off ("ASO"); if it has, whether it will adjust the relevant considerations; if it will, of the details; what measures the authorities will take to expeditiously achieve the ASO target;
(2) | of the respective transmission capacities of analogue television services spectrum which are in use and left idle; of the transmission capacity of the spectrum to be released following ASO; whether it has estimated the utilization rate of the released spectrum in the first three years;
(3) | how it ensures the efficient use of the spectrum to be released following ASO, and that more competition will be introduced into the free-to-air television market; whether it will consider allocating spectrum rights by auction; if it will, of the details; whether it will consider amending the Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap 562) and the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) to improve the auction mechanism concerned; and
(4) | of the current allocation ratios and utilization situations of spectrum among various television stations, and whether it knows if there is any television station which has not fully utilized the transmission capacity of the spectrum allocated to it; if there is, of the details; whether the authorities have any mechanism in place to recover the transmission capacity of spectrum which is left idle by television stations; if so, of the details? |
(1) | of the details of the requests made since February 2014 by each government department to various Internet service providers (including Google, Yahoo)/Internet platforms/web sites (collectively referred to as "service providers") for disclosure of their users' information, including (i) names of service providers, (ii) whether the service providers are local or foreign companies, (iii) types of requests made and the number in respect of each type, (iv) reasons for making the requests, (v) whether the requests were made under court orders, (vi) details of the information requested, (vii) whether the service providers had acceded to the requests and (viii) reasons given by the service providers for not acceding to the requests;
(2) | of the details of the requests made since February 2014 by each government department to service providers for removal of their users' information, including (i) names of service providers, (ii) whether the service providers are local or foreign companies, (iii) types of requests made and the number in respect of each type, (iv) reasons for making the requests, (v) whether the requests were made under court orders, (vi) details of the information requested for removal, (vii) whether the service providers had acceded to the requests and (viii) reasons given by the service providers for not acceding to the requests;
(3) | whether the authorities will consider publishing reports periodically (such as biannually) in respect of the information mentioned in (1) and (2) so as to enhance transparency;
(4) | of the discrepancies in the procedural guidelines or contents of the forms used by various government departments for making requests to service providers for disclosure or removal of information of their users; whether the authorities have consulted the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data ("PCPD") on such guidelines and forms; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will consider consulting PCPD; whether they will reconsider standardizing such guidelines and forms; if they will, whether a timetable has been set; if not, of the reasons for that; and
(5) | whether the authorities will consider reviewing the existing legislation with a view to requiring that a government department must obtain a court order before it may make a request to a service provider for disclosure or removal of its users' information, so as to prevent abuse of personal information and to safeguard the privacy of the members of the public? |
(1) | whether it has reviewed the situation in which the taxis that enter KTCT to carry passengers would "enter and leave KTCT without passengers on board" as claimed by the taxi associations, and the reasons why taxi drivers refuse to enter KTCT to carry passengers; given that the second berth of KTCT was commissioned at the end of last month and the number of tourists entering the territory through KTCT will increase instead of decreasing, of the means to be adopted to prevent the recurrence of the scenario in which public transport operators refuse to enter KTCT to carry passengers in future;
(2) | given the comments that, at present, the vehicles entering and leaving KTCT must route through Kowloon Bay, and the route is rather indirect, time-consuming and inefficient, whether the Government will consider adopting the proposals recommended by a think tank of linking Kwun Tong and KTCT by constructing a floating bridge or a movable air-bridge, using kaito ferry service (i.e., water taxis), or adding a cruise terminal interchange under the current Kwun Tong to Sai Wan Ho ferry service, or even implement the proposal put forth by the Kwun Tong District Council to the Government on many occasions for building a transportation link to KTCT to improve KTCT's transport arrangements;
(3) | given that some reporters, tourists and members of the public have pointed out the problems of the shops inside KTCT being not attractive, unclear signage, small number of eateries, tourists patronizing retail shops being inconvenienced by the way lifts are operated, tourists having no idea about the location of shuttle bus stops, and few visitors visiting KTCT on weekdays other than weekends at which relatively more local tour groups and members of the public visit KTCT, etc., of the way by which the Government will improve the situation; and
(4) | given that in the past, the Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui relied on discos, bars and restaurants to boost the visitor flow of its nighttime business, whether the Government has assessed the visitor flow that can be brought to KTCT by establishing a street of bars there; as I have learnt that a bar business group has submitted an application to KTCT operator for running an open street of bars on the podium of KTCT, whether it knows the latest progress of the vetting and approval of such application; whether the authorities can further study if the visitor flow to be brought by the street of bars can motivate public transport modes such as taxis and light buses to carry passengers to and from KTCT? |
(1) | of the respective numbers of GMB routes currently serving on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the New Territories, as well as across districts the operators of which have applied for joining the Scheme, together with a breakdown by the aforesaid categories of the respective numbers of those routes the applications of which have been approved, are pending approval and have been rejected;
(2) | when it will announce the GMB routes that have been included in the Scheme and the details; of the expected number of GMB routes which will be able to commence the fare concessions in the first quarter of next year; and
(3) | whether it will, when granting operating rights to GMBs in future, consider imposing conditions to require operators to join the Scheme and comply with the relevant technical, operational, accounting and auditing arrangements, with a view to eventually extending the Scheme to cover all the GMB routes? |
(1) | of the quantity of water used for irrigation by LCSD each year since 2010-2011;
(2) | whether it has reviewed the effectiveness of the existing irrigation methods and explored which of them is the most effective; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | whether LCSD found, in the past three years, cases of its staff members or contractors using excessive amount of water for irrigation; if it did, of the details; of the content of the irrigation guidelines provided by LCSD to them; and
(4) | whether, when constructing parks, it has considered making reference to the practice of using water from natural sources for the irrigation of plants as adopted by the Mainland or overseas countries, so that such parks can be self-sufficient in water use? |
(1) | whether the Hospital Authority ("HA") has reviewed the interpretation services currently provided for people from the ethnic minorities;
(2) | the number of complaints received by HA in the past three years lodged by people from the ethnic minorities about not being given appropriate treatments due to language barriers, and whether HA has followed up and dealt with such complaints; if HA has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether HA will allocate additional resources to employ more people from the ethnic minorities to work in public hospitals or clinics, so that they may also perform interpretation work as needed; if HA will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | as the legal, taxation and regulatory framework of Hong Kong can support the issuance of sukuk, of the authorities' specific plans to encourage more public and private institutions to issue sukuk using Hong Kong's platform; if there is no such plan, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has analyzed the uniqueness and major competitive edges of Hong Kong as a platform for issuing sukuk as compared with other international competitors, particularly neighbouring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore; if so, of the outcome;
(3) | of the collaboration plans between the authorities and Bank Negara Malaysia (such as borrowing the latter's experience in regulating the Islamic capital market and training financial talents) to enable Hong Kong to more effectively grasp the opportunities of the rapidly growing Islamic financial market; the objectives and timetables of such plans;
(4) | given that among the investors of the inaugural sukuk issued in Hong Kong, almost half of them are from Asia, more than one third from the Middle East and the remaining 17% from Europe and the United States, whether the authorities have any plan to attract more global investors, including those from the Middle East and other Islamic areas, to participate in the bond market of Hong Kong; if so, of the details; and
(5) | whether the Government has any plan to set specific targets on the scale of sukuk issuance for the next three years; if so, of the target issue amount each year? |
First Reading
District Cooling Services Bill Second Reading (Debate to be adjourned) | |||
District Cooling Services Bill | : | Secretary for the Environment |
Public Officers to attend | : | Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Security |
Second Reading (Debate to resume), Committee Stage and Third Reading | |||
Marriage (Amendment) Bill 2014 | : | Secretary for Security | |
(i) Secretary for Security to move a Committee stage amendment | |||
(The amendment was issued on 3 October 2014
under LC Paper No. CB(3)19/14-15) | |||
(ii) Hon Dennis KWOK and Hon CHAN Chi-chuen to move Committee stage amendments | |||
(The amendments were issued on 8 July 2014
under LC Paper No. CB(3)825/13-14) | |||
(Debate and voting arrangements for Committee stage amendments to the Marriage (Amendment) Bill 2014 (issued on 3 October 2014 under LC Paper Nos. CB(3)19/14-15(01))
1. | Proposed resolution under section 54A of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance
Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development to move the motion in Appendix I. | ||||
(The motion was also issued on 16 June 2014
under LC Paper No. CB(3)723/13-14) Hon CHAN Chi-chuen and Hon Albert CHAN to move amendments to the proposed resolution. (The amendments were issued on 27 June 2014 under LC Paper No. CB(3)767/13-14) | |||||
(The voting arrangement for the proposed resolution was issued on 30 June and 30 September 2014 under LC Papers Nos. CB(3)770/13-14 and CB(3)13/14-15) | |||||
2. | Proposed resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance
Secretary for Food and Health to move the following motion: Resolved that the following Regulations, made by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board on 16 June 2014, be approved -
| ||||
(The two Regulations are in Appendices II and III and were also issued
on 19 June 2014 under LC Paper No. CB(3)735/13-14) |