Council Meeting (Agenda) 5 November 2014 |
A 14/15-4
Subsidiary Legislation / Instrument | L.N. No. |
Aerial Ropeways (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2014 | 131/2014 |
No. 23 | - | Consumer Council
Annual Report 2013-14 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development) |
(1) | given that the arrival screenings at New York City have failed to stop the spread of EVD to the United States, whether the Government has assessed if the arrival screenings in Hong Kong are able to prevent the importation of EVD into the territory; if such assessment has been made, of the details; whether it will consider taking more stringent preventive measures;
(2) | under the situation that some EVD patients are found to have travelled on modes of public transportation such as MTR, buses and trams, etc. in Hong Kong and/or roamed areas with a heavy flow of people, what contingency measures the authorities have in place to track down or even quarantine a large number of people who may have been infected without causing any public panic; and
(3) | what contingency policies are available to withstand the severe onslaught of the aforesaid perfect storm on Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood? |
(1) | whether it knows, in the past five years, the number and percentage of local practitioners and institutions in the finance industry holding an asset management licence; whether it has considered, as suggested by some members of the finance industry, establishing a core fund under the Mandatory Provident Fund schemes with the Government as the central trustee, and entrusting the investment of the fund to local fund managers with the aim of nurturing local talents; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | given that the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has pointed out in an article that, among the major asset management activities conducted in Hong Kong, about 70% of them merely involve customer relationship management or sales intermediation while very few of them involve upstream high value-added asset management activities (i.e. formulation of investment decisions, asset allocation, research and analysis, product development, risk management, etc.), whether the authorities know the relevant details, including the year-on-year changes in the number of local practitioners engaged in high value-added activities in the past five years; whether the Government will introduce complementary policies and measures to attract and provide training for more local talents to engage themselves in high value-added asset management activities, and whether it will provide the local practitioners with financial support for professional training, so as to assist them in expanding their scope of services; and
(3) | given that the total asset value of the fund management business in Hong Kong as at the end of last year was as high as HK$16,000 billion, while the total asset value of fund management business in the Mainland as at the end of April this year was only HK$6,400 billion, and that the implementation of cross-border investment facilitation measures, such as the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme and the mutual recognition of funds, will bring about new opportunities, whether the Government will introduce new initiatives to facilitate the development of personal wealth management business in the finance industry and to assist practitioners of the finance industry to prepare themselves for engagement in related activities? |
(1) | as the Police guidelines on the use of force stipulate that police officers may use minimum force as appropriate only when such an action is absolutely necessary and there are no other means to accomplish the lawful duty, of the meaning of "minimum force", and whether it includes kicking and punching persons who have been subdued; if it does not, of the level of force to which such an action belongs; of the respective forms of force and weapons involved in the "minimum force" that may be appropriately used under different circumstances;
(2) | as the Police said on the same day after the occurrence of the aforesaid incident that the Complaints Against Police Office had received a relevant complaint and would handle it in accordance with the established procedures, of the details of the "established procedures"; and
(3) | of the number of complaints received by the Police in the past three years about police officers having allegedly assaulted other people while on duty and the details of such complaints, including whether the complaints were substantiated in the end and the penalties imposed on the police officers involved in the substantiated cases? |
(1) | of the details of the cases in which prosecutions were instituted by the authorities under section 161 in the past three years, including case numbers, other charges in the same case (if applicable), sentencing outcome, appeal outcome (if applicable), and case type (e.g. criminal intimidation, blackmail, indecent assault, theft, deception, criminal damage, public safety, soliciting for an immoral purpose, sale or use of non-compliant electronic products and network attacks), and set out such information in a table; among such cases, the number of those involving fraud or acts preparatory of the commission of a fraud and their case numbers; and
(2) | as most of the laws for prevention of crimes in the physical world apply equally to the cyber world, whether the authorities have planned to review and amend section 161 to bring its scope of application more in line with its legislative intent, that is focusing on tackling crimes such as computer frauds and network attacks, instead of imposing criminal liabilities on people posting on the Internet messages which are not in violation of other legislative provisions? |
(1) | whether DoJ has issued to the prosecutors specific working guidelines on how they should make the special considerations, and what measures it has put in place to ensure that making the special considerations will not complicate and lengthen the prosecution procedures;
(2) | of the total number of cases involving public order events handled by DoJ since the issuance of the new Code and, among such cases, the respective numbers of those for which prosecutions have been and have yet to be instituted; the average time taken by the authorities for making prosecution decisions for such cases, and how it compares with the time taken for other cases in which the Police may institute prosecutions directly; and
(3) | given comments that despite a number of people having been arrested at the assembly venues of the recent occupation movement for alleged breaches of the law, the authorities have not, after a long time, instituted prosecutions against such people because the Police have to gather substantial evidence for such cases to enable prosecutors to make the special considerations, resulting in the public misunderstanding that persons breaching the law at the assembly venues will neither be prosecuted nor incur criminal liabilities, of DoJ's remedial measures to clear such public misunderstanding? |
(1) | whether it has conducted any form of intelligence gathering or investigation on the alleged involvement of external forces in the Occupy Central movement, and whether it has gathered intelligence in collaboration with the State security organs of the Central People's Government or overseas intelligence agencies; if so, of the details; if it has not conducted any investigation or gathered intelligence, the basis for CE's comment that external forces were involved in the Occupy Central movement;
(2) | whether it has concrete evidence on hand at present about the involvement of external forces in the Occupy Central movement; if so, of the details (including the overseas countries or organizations involved), and the reasons for the Government not making public such evidence at present; of the circumstances under which it would be appropriate time to consider whether to disclose the related evidence; and
(3) | whether it will take any form of follow-up action on the alleged involvement of external forces in the Occupy Central movement; if so, of the details? |
(1) | whether it has assessed if the fact that the evidence relating to the involvement of external forces in Hong Kong's affairs is not disclosed immediately will adversely affect national security and the stability of Hong Kong society; how the authorities will guard against the involvement of external forces in Hong Kong's affairs;
(2) | whether it knows if persons advocating independence of Xinjiang, Xizang and Taiwan as well as Falun Gong have participated in the Occupy Central movement and are involved in Hong Kong's internal affairs; if it knows, of the details;
(3) | as it has been reported that the National Endowment for Democracy ("NED") of the United States has provided funds for pan-democratic organizations in Hong Kong in recent years for promoting the development of democracy in Hong Kong, whether it has taken the initiative to find out or investigate if NED has participated in the Occupy Central movement; if investigation has been conducted and the outcome is in the affirmative, of the details, including the political parties or organizations in Hong Kong which have received such funds and the amount of funds involved; if investigation has not been conducted, the reasons for that;
(4) | whether it knows if triad members have participated in activities of organizing, planning, commanding and funding assemblies in support of and opposing the Occupy Central assemblies; if the triad members have done so, of the details; the number of related triad members arrested by the Police so far, and whether prosecution will be instituted against them;
(5) | whether it knows if personnel from the Ministry of State Security have participated in organizing, planning, commanding and funding actions to charge at the participants of the Occupy Central assemblies by people opposing such assemblies; if such personnel have done so, of the details;
(6) | since the occurrence of the Occupy Central assemblies, of the police manpower deployed by the Police for maintaining public order at assembly venues, and how the numbers of crimes such as robbery, theft, indecent assault, etc. in each District Council district compare with the corresponding numbers in the same period of the year before;
(7) | since the occurrence of the Occupy Central assemblies, of the number of police officers who received psychological counselling due to excessive pressure, tendered resignation or refused to perform duty at areas where the assemblies were held;
(8) | since the occurrence of the Occupy Central assemblies, of the respective maximum daily numbers of persons participating in such assemblies and those assemblies opposing the Occupy Central movement in Mong Kok, Causeway Bay, Admiralty and Central;
(9) | of the total number of canisters of tear gas that the police officers handling the Occupy Central assemblies in the area around Admiralty on the 28th of September this year were equipped with; whether it has assessed if that number is adequate;
(10) | whether it has assessed if the Police have adequate equipment (e.g. anti-riot shields, protective helmets, extendable batons and pepper spray, etc.) for handling the Occupy Central assemblies; if it has, of the outcome;
(11) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of canisters of pepper spray used by the Police since the occurrence of the Occupy Central assemblies; whether it has reviewed if any police officer had used pepper spray inappropriately; if it has conducted such a review, of the outcome;
(12) | since the occurrence of the Occupy Central assemblies, of the respective response time performance of ambulances and fire appliances in each of the divisions under the Ambulance/Fire Commands, and the number of service calls attended at venues of such assemblies (set out in a table);
(13) | according to the data obtained by the authorities, of the number of persons injured or feeling unwell in the Occupy Central assemblies so far, with a breakdown by the identity of such persons (i.e. assembly participants, police officers, tourists, journalists and other persons); among them, the number of persons who required hospital treatment;
(14) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of public properties (such as mills barriers, water barriers, rubbish bins, 3-coloured recycling bins, etc.) being damaged or stolen at venues of the Occupy Central assemblies so far, and the number of persons arrested by the Police for alleged vandalism of government properties; and
(15) | given that in reply to a question raised at the meeting of this Council on the 15th of last month regarding whether the three initiators of the Occupy Central movement would be prosecuted, the Secretary for Security indicated that the Police would definitely conduct in-depth investigations into illegal acts and would take appropriate actions in due course, whether related investigations have been initiated by the Police, and of the circumstances under which it would be the appropriate time to institute prosecutions against the initiators, organizers and assembly participants of the Occupy Central movement? |
(1) | of the number of retail establishments participating in the two aforesaid job fairs, with a tabulated breakdown by type of product/retailer (including cosmetics, watch, clock and jewellery, fashion and accessories, general merchandise, electronic and electrical/ telecommunication products, furniture and home accessories, food, health and beauty chains, supermarkets and convenience stores);
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(2) | of the respective numbers of full-time and part-time job vacancies offered in the two aforesaid job fairs, and set out in Table 1 and Table 2 a breakdown by salary and academic qualifications required;
Table 1: Number of full-time job vacancies
Table 2: Average hourly wage of part-time jobs and number of such vacancies
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(3) | whether it knows the details of the eligibility requirements and remuneration package of the retail jobs offered in the aforesaid job fairs, and set out a breakdown of such details using tables of the same format as Table 3 and Table 4 by type of product/retailer and rank of post, including (i) number of job vacancies, (ii) number of job vacancies requiring applicants to have work experience, (iii) maximum and minimum academic qualifications required, (iv) highest and lowest salaries, (v) maximum and minimum numbers of days of annual leave, (vi) maximum and minimum numbers of weekly work hours, (vii) number of job vacancies with a five-day week work pattern, (viii) number of job vacancies with a commission or sales bonus scheme, and (ix) number of job vacancies with a year-end bonus scheme, and
Table 3: Eligibility requirements and remuneration package of full-time jobs Type of product/retailer: _____________
Table 4: Eligibility requirements and remuneration package of part-time jobs Type of product/retailer: _____________
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(4) | whether it knows, among the establishments participating in the aforesaid job fairs, the number of those which have joined the Pilot Earn-and-Learn Scheme ("the Scheme") co-organized by the Vocational Training Council and the retail industry, the types of retailers to which they mainly belong, and the number of internship jobs they have offered for the Scheme? |
(1) | whether the authorities will provide additional resources for the social service organizations concerned, so as to assist them in providing more temporary accommodation places for family violence victims;
(2) | as some social workers have indicated that male victims of family violence cases generally do not proactively seek help, and that it is relatively more difficult to identify these victims because they are mainly subjected to psychological abuse instead of physical abuse (the latter form of abuse can result in noticeable injuries), whether the authorities have studied how these male victims can be more effectively identified so that assistance can be provided for them; if they have conducted such studies, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | of the respective numbers of participants in the Anti-Violence Programme and the Batterer Intervention Programme in each of the years since 2010; whether the authorities have reviewed and improved the coverage and effectiveness of these programmes; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the following information in respect of each of the public works projects completed in the past three years with project costs of $1 billion or above: (i) name of the project, (ii) cost of the project, (iii) respective numbers of construction workers and professionals hired during the peak construction period, and (iv) date of completion of the project (set out in Table 1);
Table 1
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(2) | of the following information in respect of each of the public works projects currently under construction with project costs of $1 billion or above: (i) name of the project, (ii) projected cost of the project, (iii) respective projected numbers of construction workers and professionals to be hired during the peak construction period, and (iv) estimated date of completion of the project (set out in Table 2);
Table 2
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(3) | whether it knows the respective total numbers of construction workers hired for the public/subsidized housing projects under the Hong Kong Housing Authority ("HA") and the Hong Kong Housing Society in each of the past three years, as well as the respective projected total numbers of construction workers to be hired for these two types of projects in each of the coming two years;
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(4) | whether it knows the total number of construction workers hired under the railway projects undertaken by the MTR Corporation Limited ("MTRCL") in each of the past three years, as well as the projected total number of construction workers to be hired for such projects in each of the coming two years;
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(5) | of the respective shortfalls in construction workers for works projects undertaken by the Government, HA and MTRCL in each of the past three years, and the details (set out in Table 3); and
Table 3
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(6) | whether it has conducted long-term tracking studies to find out if the students of the training programmes offered by the Construction Industry Council are engaged in the construction industry within 24 months after completion of such programmes, and if such students have intention to stay in the industry for the long term; if it has conducted such studies, of the details; if not, whether it will consider conducting such studies? |
(1) | whether the authorities have introduced immigration convenience measures to facilitate Mainlanders and foreigners to participate in culture, arts and sports events or competitions in Hong Kong; if they have, of the details of such measures; if not, the reasons for that; and
(2) | of the justifications for the authorities requiring Mainlanders and foreigners to obtain work visas prior to entering Hong Kong to participate in culture, arts and sports events or competitions; whether they will consider exempting such persons from obtaining work visas by making reference to the practices of the aforesaid countries; if they will, of the details and timetable; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the total number of complaints received by the authorities in the past five years which were made by investors due to dissatisfaction with SFC's handling of listed companies, with a breakdown by nature of the complaints;
(2) | whether it knows the current number of listed companies whose securities were suspended from trading ("suspension") at SFC's direction, with a breakdown by the duration of suspension so far and the reasons for suspension; among them, the number of cases in which the suspension decisions were not consistent with the earlier decisions of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong ("SEHK") and the details of such cases; whether SFC will review its division of work with SEHK in respect of the regulation of listed companies in order that investors will not get confused or suffer unnecessary losses;
(3) | whether it will request SFC to (i) review the existing arrangements with a view to setting a time limit for suspension and providing the public with regular updates (including the progress of relevant investigations) on long-standing suspension cases so as to reduce the anxiety and dissatisfaction of the affected investors, and (ii) take measures to prevent investors' interests from being undermined as a result of the reduction in the asset value of the listed companies concerned during suspension; and
(4) | whether it knows if SFC presented in the past five years any petition to the Court under section 212 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) for a listed company to be wound up; of the criteria for presenting such petitions, and how it explained to the public that such a move could protect the best interest of the public and small investors? |
(1) | of the number of cases in which used niches were returned to FEHD in each of the past five years;
(2) | of the justifications for FEHD to allocate new niches by way of ballot, instead of adopting a registration system and allocating them by order of registration; and
(3) | as it has been reported that FEHD will review the niche allocation system only by the end of 2015 (i.e. after the completion of the allocation of the aforesaid niches), of the reasons for FEHD not conducting such a review right away? |
(1) | of the current number of lifeguards in the civil service establishment ("civil service lifeguards");
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(2) | of the respective current lifeguard establishments for different types of public swimming pools, i.e. main pools, secondary pools, training pools, teaching pools, leisure pools and sunbathing pools, managed by LCSD (set out in a table);
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(3) | of the current establishment and strength of lifeguards in various public beaches (set out in a table);
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(4) | in each of the past three financial years, of the respective numbers of civil service lifeguards and lifeguards recruited by LCSD on a seasonal basis ("seasonal lifeguards"), their respective average weekly working hours and average monthly salaries (set out in Table 1), as well as their respective age distributions (set out in Table 2);
Table 1
Table 2
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(5) | in this and each of the next two financial years, (i) of the actual/projected number of civil service lifeguards who retired/will retire, and the respective numbers of civil service lifeguards and seasonal lifeguards to be recruited by the Government (set out in Table 3), and (ii) whether the Government has plans to recruit lifeguards to fill the vacancies arising from the retirement of existing lifeguards; if it does not, of the reasons for that; and
Table 3
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(6) | of the number of seasonal lifeguards who were appointed as civil service lifeguards through open recruitment, in each of the past three financial years? |
(1) | as it has been reported that according to the export statistics, Hong Kong exported edible lard in each of the past three years, but the Director of FEHD advised that no edible lard was produced in Hong Kong, whether the authorities have followed up the reasons why there had been exports of edible lard;
(2) | of the total number of companies in Hong Kong which exported edible lard in the past three years and the countries/places to which the edible lard was exported;
(3) | whether it has investigated if the companies mentioned in (2) have provided edible lard to local food factories as raw materials; if it has investigated and the outcome is in the affirmative, of the names of these factories; and
(4) | whether it has investigated if the edible lard sold by the companies mentioned in (2) is fit for human consumption, as well as the places of origin and the names of the manufacturers of such lard; if it has investigated, of the outcome; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities in each of the past three years from residents in remote areas against the only FNO in their areas of residence;
(2) | whether it has specific plans to encourage more FNOs to provide fixed network broadband services for residents in remote areas in order to introduce competition;
(3) | whether the Digital 21 Strategy currently implemented by the Government has included policies on catering for the needs of residents in remote areas for telecommunications services; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) | as it has been reported that an academic has pointed out that Hong Kong excessively relies on third-generation or fourth-generation data services, thus giving rise to frequent occurrences of serious network congestion, whether the authorities will consider allocating the television services spectrum which is currently left idle for the provision of such services, in order to ease network congestion; and
(5) | given that the information provided by the Government in its reply to a question raised by a Member of this Council last year indicated that the number of Wi-Fi hotspots provided by commercial organizations in the North District, Tai Po and outlying islands were fewer than those in other districts, whether the authorities know the reasons for that and whether they will discuss with those organizations the feasibility of increasing Wi-Fi hotspots in remote areas? |
(1) | the respective numbers of sentinel events and serious untoward events that occurred in public hospitals in each of the past five years, with a breakdown by name of hospital and type of sentinel events requiring reporting to the Department of Health; the respective numbers of cases among these events involving mistakes made by nursing staff and doctors;
(2) | if the Hospital Authority ("HA") has assessed the effectiveness of implementing the patient safety round programme and using two-dimensional barcode and radiofrequency for patient identification in reducing medical incidents; if HA has, of the findings;
(3) | given that HA staff informed a relevant Panel of the Legislative Council in November 2009 that it would set up a central Staff Discipline Committee to advise the Cluster Chief Executives on disciplinary actions for sentinel events, and would establish a central mechanism to review such incidents, of the current arrangement and progress of the relevant work;
(4) | the types of disciplinary actions taken by HA against the healthcare personnel proved to have made mistakes; the respective numbers of times for which various disciplinary actions were taken by HA in each of the past five years; if HA has examined whether the existing span of disciplinary actions is adequate; if HA has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | if the Medical Council of Hong Kong will take the initiative to investigate the medical incidents that occurred in public hospitals; and
(6) | if HA has long-term plans to enhance the quality of medical services in public hospitals; if HA does, of the details? |
(1) | which government departments were involved in the destruction operation and of the relevant decisions made and tasks undertaken by them;
(2) | of the various types of air pollutants emitted during the destruction operation and their respective quantities;
(3) | of the legislation governing the destruction of fireworks, and whether the authorities have, before deciding on the site for destroying the fireworks, conducted environmental impact assessment studies on the sites concerned; if they have, of the details;
(4) | whether the authorities have monitored, in the vicinity of Tai A Chau, (i) the concentration of air pollutants and noise levels during the destruction of fireworks, and (ii) the air quality and the impact caused to the ecological environment in the week following the destruction of fireworks; if they have, of the respective results; and
(5) | of the quantity of fireworks destroyed in Hong Kong in the past five years and the locations involved? |
(1) | of the design capacities of the Control Point for handling cross-boundary passenger trips and accommodating cross-boundary vehicle trips; whether the relevant passenger and vehicle trips have reached their capacities; if so, of the authorities' improvement measures or counter-measures;
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(2) | in each month from January 2012 to September this year, of (i) the number of cross-boundary trips through the Control Point made by Hong Kong residents, (ii) the number of cross-boundary trips through the Control Print made by visitors, and (iii) the number of vehicular trips entering and exiting the Control Point (set out in the table below);
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(3) | of the measures taken last year and those to be taken by the authorities to reduce the congestion at the Control Point;
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(4) | of the measures to deal with the problems of school buses failing to pick up and drop off students at the Control Point in a timely manner, and cross-boundary students competing with parallel traders for the use of the passageway leading to the departure hall;
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(5) | whether it knows if MTRCL had estimated, before the launch of the concession scheme, the additional cross-boundary passenger trips at the Control Point to be brought about by the scheme, as well as the impact of the scheme on the patronage of other means of transport; if it had, of the figures; since the launch of the concession scheme, how the average daily cross-boundary passenger trips at the Control Point compares with the previous figures;
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(6) | whether policies are in place to curb the engagement in parallel trading activities by mainland and Hong Kong residents, so as to alleviate the congestion at the Control Point; and
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(7) | whether the authorities carried out joint departmental operations in the past six months to combat parallel trading activities at the Control Point; if they did, of the details and the effectiveness of the operations? |
(1) | whether it knows the total number of interim and formal injunctions granted by the High Court in the past five years, and the enforcement situation of such injunctions; and
(2) | as some protesters refused to obey the aforesaid injunctions, what actions the law enforcement agencies intend to carry out; whether, in the light of this incident, the authorities will consider comprehensively reviewing and improving the mechanism for enforcing injunctions? |
(1) | whether the fourth-term Government has handled the aforesaid issue regarding the definition of "ordinarily reside in Hong Kong"; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(2) | if it has assessed whether electors no longer residing or working in their registered constituencies but continuing to vote in that constituency will render it impossible for elected members (especially DC members) to effectively take care of the interests of electors; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether the Government has put in place any improvement measure; if the assessment outcome is in the negative, of the reasons for that? |