Council Meeting (Agenda) 28 January 2015 |
A 14/15-15
1. | No. 63 | - | Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Annual Report 2013/14 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
2. | No. 64 | - | Vocational Training Council Annual Report and Financial Report 2013/2014 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
3. | Report of the Bills Committee on Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Bill 2014 | ||
(to be presented by Hon Tony TSE, Chairman of the Bills Committee) |
(1) | apart from the assessment made by the Construction Industry Council, whether the Government has made its own assessment on the future shortfall in skilled construction workers on the basis of the current number of additional new construction works projects; if it has, of the details; if not, why CE is able to provide specific figures on future housing supply while no estimation on the shortage of skilled construction workers has been made;
(2) | of the specific details and implementation timetable of the "further enhancement measures" and "other more effective and appropriate measures" as mentioned by CE, and whether it will consider afresh the introduction of a special labour importation scheme for public housing and infrastructure works projects, by making reference to the practices adopted by the authorities for constructing the Hong Kong International Airport and carrying out the relevant works projects at Chek Lap Kok; and
(3) | as CE has stated that if the shortage of skilled workers cannot be properly dealt with, it will seriously affect the implementation of public housing, hospital, school and public transportation projects, and will also indirectly lead to the escalation of construction costs, whether the authorities have assessed the economic and social losses to be caused to Hong Kong by such a situation? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Development Secretary for Labour and Welfare |
(1) | of the respective numbers of service disruptions of LR and traffic accidents involving LR as well as the resultant casualties, in each of the past three years; and the number of cases among such service disruptions in which MTRCL was fined under the Service Performance Arrangement and the amounts of fines involved respectively;
(2) | given that MTRCL currently implements monthly pass schemes for several railway lines but does not offer similar fare concessions for LR, except for free interchange of LR provided for West Rail passengers only, whether the authorities will suggest MTRCL to consider reintroducing the monthly pass scheme for LR so as to alleviate the financial burden of residents who frequently take LR, such as those who work or study in the districts as well as housewives; if they will not, of the reasons for that; and
(3) | given that the Secretary for Transport and Housing, in response to a motion on "Enhancing the railway service in the Northwest New Territories" moved by me at a Legislative Council meeting in December 2013, stated that upon the completion of the study for the review and update of the Railway Development Strategy 2000, the Government would commence studies on the long-term development and management of public transport in the territory, including a review on the LR system, when the authorities will start the review on the LR system, and whether the scope of the review will include LR's retention or otherwise and the conversion of parts of the LR tracks to viaduct or underground sections? |
(1) | of the number of claims received by the Fund from employees since April last year; the total amount of ex gratia payments and the number of companies involved in those claims; the industry which attracted the largest number of claims; whether there is an upward trend on the number of claims;
(2) | of the amount of BRC levy income credited to the Fund since April last year and the projected income for the next financial year; whether the authorities expect a growth in such income in the future; and the current accumulated surplus of the Fund; and
(3) | as there are views that the persistent uncertainties in the global business environment may impact adversely on the economy of Hong Kong, whether the Government knows if the Board will consider recommending once again a downward adjustment of the BRC levy rate, so as to reduce the operation costs of SMEs in Hong Kong? |
(1) | whether the authorities have grasped the latest situation in respect of ATV's default on payments of employees' wages and the aforesaid licence fees, and whether they have regularly reported the latest situation to CE in Council; if they have not, of the reasons for that;
(2) | given that ATV reportedly defaulted on payments of the aforesaid licence fees for 2012-2013, whether the authorities know if CA will assess afresh whether ATV's financial position complies with the requirements of the TV licence; and the circumstances under which CA will suspend ATV's TV licence under section 31 of the Broadcasting Ordinance ("BO"); and
(3) | given that BO stipulates that where CE in Council decides not to extend or renew a TV licence, he shall notify the licensee at least 12 months before the expiry of the validity of the licence, and that ATV's TV licence will expire on 30 November this year, whether the authorities have assessed if the fact that CE in Council has not yet made a decision on the renewal of ATV's licence is tantamount to extending the validity period of the licence, and whether the purpose of not making a decision is to allow ATV more time to look for new investors so as to facilitate the subsequent approval for the renewal of the licence; if this is not the case, when the authorities expect to announce the outcome of the licence renewal application? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Secretary for Labour and Welfare |
(1) | whether the work of the various Directors of Bureaux within the scope of affairs which the SAR administers on its own is subject, under the Basic Law, to the supervision of the Central Authorities; if so, of the relevant legal basis and details of the supervision;
(2) | whether it has received any directions or instructions issued by the Central Authorities on the education policy of the SAR (e.g. the implementation of national education) since the establishment of the SAR; if so, of the details; and
(3) | whether the authorities will take measures and use vast educational resources to provide school sponsoring bodies, advisory bodies and educators, etc., with guidance on how to further deepen students' understanding of the Basic Law and the "One Country, Two Systems" concept as well as enhance the national identity of young people; if so, of the details? |
(1) | whether it will make further capital injections into URA to ensure that URA has sufficient funds to operate and undertake the additional work; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has assessed if the continued expansion of URA's scope of work by the Government will make URA focus only on certain work while neglecting other work, thus slowing down the pace of redevelopment of old buildings and old districts; and what measures are in place to ensure the main work of URA will not be affected; and
(3) | whether it knows if URA has estimated the additional manpower and expenditure needed for taking over the building rehabilitation work from HKHS in order to ensure that the quality of service can be maintained; if URA has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the current number of NC students with SENs, together with a breakdown by the type of disabilities they have and whether English is their first language;
(2) | given that the aforesaid people have pointed out that currently, tools for assessing and identifying the SENs of NC students are lacking, resulting in some educators mistakenly perceive the SENs of such students as language and cultural variations, of the measures that the Government has put in place to improve the related assessment and identification work;
(3) | of the details of the training on the SENs of NC students currently provided by the authorities to educational psychologists and teachers;
(4) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities in the past five years about the inadequate support given to NC students with SENs, together with a breakdown by the nature of the cases (including issues concerning assessment and identification, as well as teaching and learning);
(5) | of the details of the services currently provided by the authorities to NC students with SENs, including the relevant pre-school services, and the respective services provided to students attending ordinary schools which offer integrated education, special schools and international schools, together with the demand and supply situations of such services as well as the relevant waiting time; and
(6) | of the details of the support services currently provided by the authorities to parents of NC students with SENs? |
(1) | why there are still many outstanding appeal cases awaiting processing;
(2) | of the criteria adopted by the authorities for determining the order of priority for processing appeal cases; and
(3) | of the time, as estimated by the authorities, still needed to complete the processing of all the appeal cases? |
(1) | whether it knows the work progress of Fantastic TV and HKTVE in preparing for television broadcasting, and why the Communications Authority ("CA") is still unable to reach a consensus with the two television broadcasters in respect of licence conditions;
(2) | of the allocation principles and justifications for arriving at the current arrangements for television spectrum; whether the authorities plan to allocate television spectrum to the above two new television broadcasters for their use; if they do not, whether the authorities will re-allocate the television spectrum;
(3) | when the authorities expect Fantastic TV and HKTVE to start broadcasting; and
(4) | given that HKTVN has earlier re-submitted an application for a domestic free television programme service licence, of the current progress in processing the application; whether CA has made recommendations to CE in Council in respect of the application? |
(1) | of the respective total numbers of the discretionary places provided by the schools participating in DPA, the remaining discretionary places, and the places for Central Allocation provided in POA for September 2015 by the schools in various districts as demarcated in the "POA 2015 Primary School Lists by School Net for Discretionary Places Admission Stage"; and
(2) | whether it will review the Points System for DPA, including increasing the weightings of the criteria for "first-born child" and "applicant child of the right age," so as to increase the chances of students meeting these criteria to be admitted to their preferred schools; if it will review, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has assessed if the refusal of banks to open an account based on nationality considerations constitutes discrimination under the existing discrimination ordinances; if the assessment outcome is in the negative, of the reasons for that, and whether it will introduce legislation to outlaw such practices of banks; if it will, of the legislative timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and
(2) | whether it has reviewed if the guidelines issued by the authorities to the banking and financial sectors on prevention of money laundering by terrorists have caused differential treatments based on nationality considerations? |
(1) | whether it received complaints in the past three years from PRH tenants about the increase by The Link of the monthly rentals of its parking spaces; if it did, whether the authorities enquired with the company about the average annual increase in such monthly rentals and which car park registered the biggest increase in monthly rentals;
(2) | whether it has studied if the monopolization of the parking spaces in the districts concerned by The Link's car parks has enabled the company to substantially increase the monthly rentals of these parking spaces in recent years; if the study result confirms such a situation, of the solutions; and
(3) | whether it has assessed the impact of The Link increasing the monthly rentals of its parking spaces on the PRH tenants who need to rent such parking spaces because of their work; if it has made such an assessment, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the respective numbers of PRH units, subsidized-sale flats and private residential units which (i) were completed in the past five years, (ii) will be completed in the next five years, and (iii) are vacant at present (set out such information in a table);
(2) | regarding the aforesaid 150-odd potential housing sites, of (i) their specific locations, (ii) their sizes, (iii) the latest progress of amending the relevant statutory plans, (iv) their proposed uses (for public or private housing), and (v) whether they are "Green Belt" sites (set out such information in a table);
(3) | regarding the idle residential sites currently owned by the Government, of (i) their number, (ii) their specific locations, (iii) their sizes, and (iv) their planning progress (set out such information in a table); whether the authorities will undertake to give priority to planning such sites for the use of public housing;
(4) | of the specific criteria for determining the quantity of land put up for sale in each quarter; whether the authorities will ensure that they will review the quantity of land put up for sale in a timely manner when the total housing supply target has been met;
(5) | whether it knows the information of the sites owned by private developers; if so, of (i) the number, (ii) the specific locations, and (iii) the sizes of the idle residential sites among those sites (set out such information in a table);
(6) | of the details concerning the regulations requiring private developers to complete the construction of residential units within a designated period after successfully bidding for a residential site; whether it will explore imposing a requirement that private developers must put up residential units for sale within a designated period after the units are completed; if it will, of the details; if not, how the authorities will attain the target set for private housing supply;
(7) | whether it knows the profit and loss situation, as well as the cash and investment balance of the Housing Authority ("HA") in each of the past five years and each of the next five years (set out such information in a table); how the authorities will regulate the price levels of the subsidized housing units to be sold by HA in future;
(8) | of the details of the arrangement of using the Reserve to support HA in constructing public housing; how the authorities will monitor the use of the Reserve; the amount of funds the authorities intend to transfer to the Reserve in each of the next five years (set out such information in a table); and
(9) | whether it will increase the supply of other types of public housing (such as the re-introduction of the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme); if it will, of the details? |
(1) | whether it has assessed the impacts of tumbling oil prices on the various aspects of the Hong Kong economy, including the economic environment, the inflation rate and the foreign exchange market, etc.; if it has, of the outcome; of the impacts of low oil prices on government tax revenue as well as its expenditures on fuels;
(2) | whether it has assessed the impacts of low oil prices on the energy market as well as the import prices of fuels for electricity generation and vehicles, etc.; if it has, of the outcome; whether, as estimated by the authorities, a substantial portion of the rate of reduction in the import prices of fuels will be reflected at the retail level, including whether the electricity tariff and retail prices of auto-fuels will drop to a similar extent; if they will not, of the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether it has assessed how the persistently low oil prices have impacted on the operating costs of public utilities that are sensitive to oil prices, and whether there is any room for public transport operators, including franchised bus companies that have sought fare increases on grounds of high oil prices, to make downward adjustments of their fares; if there is not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the various factors for determining the PTA rates and the formula for arriving at the rates;
(2) | whether DAS exempts, without exceptions, all cases which may be exempted from the locking condition; if DAS does not, of the specific procedures for deciding whether exemption will be granted; and
(3) | of the policy objectives of exempting civil servants from the locking condition; for cases in which the existing tenancies are terminated involuntarily by PTA claimants, whether DAS will consider if they wish to be exempted and special circumstances (e.g. the granting of exemption will cause them to suffer losses), and exercise discretion not to grant the exemption? |
(1) | among the heated swimming pools under LCSD, which ones are fitted and not fitted with warm passages made of windbreak tents connecting directly to the changing rooms ("warm passages");
(2) | whether it has plans to retrofit warm passages to those open-air heated swimming pools under LCSD which are not yet fitted with such facilities; if it has such plans, when the related works will commence; if not, of the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether it will, on the premise of not affecting swimmers' safety, study the placing of fan heaters or other portable heating devices on the pool decks of open-air heated pools so as to reduce the impact on swimmers caused by temperature difference between the pool water and the air; if it will, when it will conduct the study; if not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of registration of, as well as the average daily and full-year numbers of crossings made by, each type of cross-boundary vehicles (i.e. cross-boundary coaches, cross-boundary hire cars, Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars, mainland official/enterprise vehicles, vehicles of the Hong Kong Government and cross-boundary goods vehicles) which were given approval for regular quotas (commonly known as "cross-boundary vehicle licences"), in each of the past three years;
(2) | of the respective monthly numbers of applications received and quotas approved under the Ad Hoc Quota Trial Scheme for Cross Boundary Private Car since implementation of the Scheme in 2012, as well as the monthly quotas actually utilized by the applicants and their percentages in the total quotas approved; whether the authorities have plans to review the effectiveness of the Scheme; if so, of the review timetable;
(3) | whether the authorities have drawn up the details of the regulatory arrangements for using HZMB by cross-boundary vehicles, and whether such arrangements will follow the recommendations made in the consultancy study reported in 2009 to the Panel on Transport of this Council, i.e. the existing regulatory arrangements for cross-boundary coaches/hire cars/goods vehicles be maintained, and the existing quota system for private cars be relaxed through managed control; if so, of the details, including whether the regular quotas for cross-boundary vehicles and ad hoc quotas for cross-boundary private cars will be increased, and whether the eligibility criteria for applying for these two types of quotas will be relaxed;
(4) | given that the supplementary information on the total traffic projections per day for HZMB submitted by the Government to the Public Works Subcommittee of this Council on 21 May 2008 indicated that the total traffic volumes per day of HZMB would be 9 200, 15 350, 27 400 and 35 700 in 2016, 2020, 2030 and 2035 respectively, and such projections were based on the assumption that the existing quota system for cross-boundary private cars would remain unchanged, of the respective estimated percentages of the aforesaid traffic projections in the design capacity of HZMB per day; and
(5) | whether the Government will set a minimum traffic volume target for HZMB; if it will, whether it will relax the quotas for cross-boundary vehicles in order to achieve such a target; if it will relax the quotas, of the additional quotas? |
(1) | how many workshops were organized by the Police in collaboration with the Equal Opportunities Commission for raising serving police officers' awareness of racial equality, and how many police officers participated in such workshops, in each year since the enactment of the Race Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 602) in 2008;
(2) | of the respective contents of the courses on human rights and racial equality, as well as the respective proportions of such courses, in the regular training courses for police officers at rank-and-file level and those of the Inspectorate rank; and
(3) | whether they have provided training courses on human rights and racial equality to police officers at senior levels; if so, of the ranks of the target trainees; if not, whether they will consider providing such training courses; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has assessed how far the local labour force can be unleashed by extending the retirement age of civil servants; if it has assessed, of the details and set out the relevant figures for each of the next 10 years; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | of the number, as estimated by the authorities, of serving civil servants who will be willing to have their retirement age extended, with a breakdown by department;
(3) | whether it has assessed how internal promotion opportunities in government departments will be affected by the extension of the retirement age of civil servants, and whether this measure will dampen people's desire to join the Government's work force; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) | whether it has assessed which government departments will make arrangements for the extension of the retirement age of serving civil servants due to operational needs, succession planning or not being able to recruit the manpower required, as well as of the respective grades and numbers of such civil servants; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | of the impact, as estimated by the authorities, on the Government's expenditure brought by the extension of the retirement age of civil servants, including the annual additional expenses to be incurred by various departments in future for civil service remunerations and fringe benefits such as medical, housing and retirement protection benefits;
(6) | whether it has assessed the impact of the extension of the retirement age of civil servants on the turnover of civil servant quarters, including whether the average waiting time of staff of various disciplined services for allocation of quarters will be longer; if it has assessed, of the details;
(7) | given that the staff of disciplined services have to meet specific requirements for physical fitness in order to cope with the operational needs, whether it has assessed the impacts of the extension of the retirement age of disciplined services on the quality of their service; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(8) | of the number of meetings held by the Government with civil servant groups and disciplined services unions on the proposal to extend the retirement age of civil servants, as well as the Government's follow-up actions and responses;
(9) | of the average annual economic gains brought about by CIES to Hong Kong since its implementation;
(10) | of the total investment in Hong Kong made by persons permitted to reside in Hong Kong under CIES in the past decade, with a breakdown by country/place of origin of such persons;
(11) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of enterprises which have benefited from the investment projects under CIES; whether it has assessed if the suspension of the scheme will affect the employment rate and types of jobs available in Hong Kong, as well as whether the suspension will dampen overseas investors' desire to invest in Hong Kong;
(12) | why the authorities had not considered enhancing CIES but decided to suspend it, and whether the reasons include that the scheme was ineffective in the past;
(13) | whether it has assessed the annual economic losses to Hong Kong as a result of the suspension of CIES, and the respective annual decreases in the amounts of overseas and mainland capital investments in Hong Kong in the coming five years; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(14) | of the new specific plans in place for recruiting talent and professionals from outside Hong Kong who meet the needs of Hong Kong's economy and long-term development, as well as the industries which will mainly be covered by the relevant measures? |
(1) | the average daily (i) patronages, (ii) numbers of trips (iii) distances in kilometres travelled, as well as (iv) incomes from tram fares, in respect of the tram service during the three periods from 1 to 27 September, 28 September to 14 December and 15 December 2014 till now; how such figures differ from those in the same period of the preceding year in terms of percentage points;
(2) | as HKT has pointed out that during the occupation movement, some tramcars were taken out of service for safety reasons as maintenance of them could not be carried out, whether HKT had reduced the number of tram trips as a result; if so, of the number of trips so reduced and the resultant loss in fare income; whether HKT has indicated that it is under pressure to increase fares due to reduction in income;
(3) | the respective numbers of tram drivers in each shift, and their average numbers of working hours and hours of overtime work each day during the three periods mentioned in (1); whether HKT had requested some of its staff members to take no pay leave during the occupation movement; and
(4) | the additional expenses incurred by HKT for procurement of heavy-duty machines and cables wiring for the Sai Wan Ho Depot to facilitate tram maintenance work to be carried out there during the occupation movement, and whether HKT has plans to procure more machines for the depot, so as to ensure that tram maintenance work will not be affected by similar incidents in future? |
(1) | of the number of complaints received by various government departments in the past five years about light pollution caused by glass curtain walls of buildings, broken down by government department and the District Council district in which the building is situated, together with the names of the buildings involved; among the complaints, of the numbers of those made by residents and motorists respectively;
(2) | besides the Environmental Protection Department, whether other government departments are responsible for handling and following up such kind of light pollution complaints; and
(3) | whether the government departments concerned will take follow-up actions after receiving such kind of complaints; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | given that the cash and investment balance of the Hong Kong Housing Authority ("HA") is projected to decrease significantly and continuously over the coming few years, whether the authorities have estimated the amount needed to be transferred each year from the Reserve to HA in support of its public housing construction projects;
(2) | of the specific measures put in place to urge HA to enhance the cost-effectiveness of its public housing construction projects; and
(3) | whether it has assessed if the establishment of the Reserve will affect the levels of expenditure of other public services? |