Council Meeting (Agenda) 4 February 2015 |
A 14/15-16
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) (Amendment) Regulation 2015 | 20/2015 |
2. | Dutiable Commodities (Liquor Licences) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2015 | 21/2015 |
3. | Dutiable Commodities (Amendment) Regulation 2015 | 22/2015 |
4. | Land Survey (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2015 | 23/2015 |
5. | Registration of Copyright Licensing Bodies (Amendment) Regulation 2015 | 24/2015 |
6. | Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2015 | 25/2015 |
7. | Registered Designs (Amendment) Rules 2015 | 26/2015 |
8. | Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2015 | 27/2015 |
9. | Port Control (Public Cargo Working Area) Order 2015 | 28/2015 |
1. | No. 65 | - | Government Flying Service Welfare Fund
Report by the Controller, Government Flying Service on the Administration of the Fund and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2014 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Security)
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2. | Report No. 11/14-15 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments | ||
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee) |
(1) | whether the Government will immediately strengthen the existing work relating to the dissemination of information on the influenza epidemic, including daily publication of information on the situation of various relevant target services provided by public hospitals and data on the influenza epidemic (including the number of influenza-associated hospitalizations that require admission to the intensive care units and the number of deaths, etc.) through press releases and government web sites during the peak of the influenza season;
(2) | given that the vaccine targeting the H3N2 Switzerland influenza strain will only be available in sufficient numbers in March or April this year, whether the authorities have put in place immediate measures to ensure that prior to the supply of the vaccine in sufficient numbers, there are sufficient resources in public hospitals (such as the general wards, accident and emergency departments, infectious disease wards, intensive care units, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machines, etc.) to cope with a major outbreak of influenza; if so, of the details of the various measures and the manpower and other resources involved; if not, whether they will immediately formulate such measures; and
(3) | whether it has formulated other contingency measures for coping with a major outbreak of influenza, such as the introduction of preventive measures at community level, the formulation of clinical and medication guidelines for treating influenza patients and the implementation of class suspension arrangements at schools, etc.; if so, of the details of such measures; if not, whether it will immediately formulate such measures? |
(1) | of the date on which the safety standards for heavy metal content in various types of food set out in the Regulations were last revised, and the details of the revisions;
(2) | whether the authorities have, after the creation of the aforesaid permanent post, started the review of the safety standards for heavy metal content in food; if so, of the details, and whether the review includes amending the relevant provisions of the Regulations; if so, of the legislative timetable; and
(3) | whether it has assessed the impact of the ongoing adoption of the safety standards for heavy metal content in food that are laxer than international standards on the health of the members of the public, particularly children; if it has assessed, of the details? |
(1) | whether it knows the current number of runners in Hong Kong, since when and why SFC has allowed licensed securities dealers to operate as introducing brokers, and whether SFC has plans to publicize among investors the differences between the business of a runner and that of a general licensed securities dealer for protection of investors' interests;
(2) | given that a licensed corporation is required under the Ordinance to notify SFC as soon as possible in the event that it is unable to maintain financial resources in accordance with the requirements, whether the Government knows the number of such notifications received by SFC from runners, as well as the respective numbers of cases in which SFC issued Restriction Notices to runners, revoked their licences and apply to the Court to freeze their assets, in each of the past 10 years, and the number of cases among them which involved fraud; and
(3) | whether it knows the measures SFC has put in place to verify the authenticity of the content of the monthly financial resources returns submitted by runners, and if SFC will consider raising the liquid capital level that runners are required to maintain, or introducing new rules to ensure compliance by runners with the requirements on financial resources; if SFC will not consider, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has studied if the flight path arrangement for the proposed third runway complies with flight safety requirements, and if AA has gained a full understanding of the impact of the current busy traffic at the lower airspace in Shenzhen on the flight path arrangement for the third runway; if it has conducted such studies, of the outcome;
(2) | whether it has discussed with the mainland authorities the granting of permission for Hong Kong flights to use part of the airspace in Shenzhen; whether the authorities will take forward the construction of the third runway only after they have reached such an agreement with the mainland authorities; and
(3) | given the comment that as the airport in Shenzhen is expanding continuously and the number of aircraft movements at the airport has been increasing, the mainland authorities may not be willing to permit Hong Kong flights to use part of their airspace, whether the authorities have studied if, under such circumstances, the expected maximum capacity of 102 movements per hour can be reached after the commissioning of the three-runway system; if the study outcome is in the negative, of the maximum runway capacity per hour that the three-runway system can reach? |
(1) | of the role of the Government in HKACA, and whether it will participate in the operation of, provide financial support for or organize activities jointly with HKACA; if it will, of the details;
(2) | whether it has studied and assessed if the HK Garrison's assistance to local uniformed groups in training the youth, including providing training on live-ammunition shooting, weapon disassembly and assembly, military boxing and military knowledge, etc., in military training camps, is in contravention of Article 14 of the Basic Law, which provides that the HK Garrison shall not interfere in the local affairs of Hong Kong, and any provision of the Public Order Ordinance; if the study and assessment outcome is in the affirmative, of the details; if the study and assessment outcome is in the negative, the justifications for that; and
(3) | whether it knows the role of the HK Garrison in HKACA, and whether the HK Garrison will participate in the operation of, provide financial support for or organize activities jointly with HKACA; if the HK Garrison will, of the details; as there are comments that in the past, the HK Garrison used to maintain a low-profile presence in Hong Kong and was rarely involved in Hong Kong's local affairs, whether the Government has approached the mainland authorities to gain an understanding of whether the HK Garrison has changed its low-profile approach recently to become actively involved in Hong Kong's local affairs by assisting in training HKACA's members? |
(1) | of its major considerations in determining whether to provide permanent or temporary public markets in newly developed districts; whether it has any plan to provide a permanent or temporary public market in Tseung Kwan O Area 85, which is adjacent to LOHAS Park;
(2) | whether it will amend the relevant planning criteria and provide more public markets in newly developed districts, so as to introduce competition and facilitate residents in buying fresh food and daily necessities; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether it has any plan to review the threshold for retrofitting air-conditioning systems in existing public markets, and devise a fairer method for sharing air-conditioning costs, etc.; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has, based on the current business situation of KTCT and the terms in KTCT's tenancy for operation and management, made projections as to when the Government can recover the aforesaid $8.2 billion investment of public funds; if it has, of the details; if not, whether it can make projections immediately and give an account of its projections to the public as early as possible;
(2) | as the Leisure and Cultural Services Department ("LCSD") is currently occupying one of the units in KTCT's roof garden that enjoys a 360-degree panoramic sea view, of the total floor area of the unit, the purpose for which the unit is used by LCSD, the number of staff members using the unit and their scope of work; whether it has assessed the rental income that may be brought to KTCT each year if the unit is leased to a private organization; and
(3) | whether it will, in response to the aforesaid comments made by the tourism sector and marketing academics, review the positioning and mode of operation of KTCT and, by making reference to the success of the Wine and Dine Festival held at KTCT, implement the proposal of establishing "a bar street" in the roof garden, increase the number of occasions on leasing KTCT facilities for holding concerts or other performances, or explore other means to create new sources of income, so as to boost KTCT's income and shorten the cost recovery period? |
(1) | of the existing number of footbridges open for use by the public throughout Hong Kong that were built according to the requirements of the land leases of private developments and, among them, the number of footbridges the management and maintenance responsibilities for which are borne by the land lessees;
(2) | of the circumstances under which the authorities will take over from the land lessee the management and maintenance responsibilities for a footbridge which is open for public use; whether there are precedents; if there are, of the details and the authorities' considerations in the cases concerned; and
(3) | whether it has measures (such as setting up a maintenance fund) to assist owners of private housing estates to cope with the expenditure on the repair and maintenance of footbridges open for public use within the precincts of their estates; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of new recruits to the Civil Service in 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 who declared their disabilities, and set out a breakdown in the following table;
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(2) | given that under government guidelines, candidates with disabilities who meet the basic entry requirements for a post will not be subject to shortlisting criteria and will be automatically invited to attend selection test or interview to compete with other candidates on equal footing, and recruiting departments are required to proactively ascertain from individual candidates any assistance or accommodation needed so as to facilitate him/her in attending the test or interview, whether the authorities have required recruiting departments to contact candidates with disabilities within a certain number of days after receiving their applications to invite them to such tests or interviews; whether the authorities have assessed if the recruiting departments will contravene the relevant requirements under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by failing to contact candidates with disabilities and thus failing to provide them with the assistance or accommodation needed;
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(3) | given that under government guidelines, the recruiting departments will suitably adjust the selection test or interview process to cater for the special needs of the candidates with disabilities, e.g. extension of the examination time with regard to the degree of the candidates' disability and complexity of the paper, of the number and percentage of those candidates with disabilities in the past three years for whom the selection test or interview process was suitably adjusted by the recruiting departments, as well as the reasons for such adjustments not being made for some candidates with disabilities;
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(4) | as it is learnt that although recruiting departments did extend the examination time or arrange separate test centres for some candidates with disabilities, these candidates were nonetheless assigned to take the examination at inconveniently located test centres due to the small number of candidates with disabilities, whether the authorities have assessed if such arrangements constitute differential treatment rendering candidates with disabilities unable to enjoy equal opportunities when taking such tests; and
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(5) | given that some persons with disabilities employed by government departments on short-term or one-year contracts have relayed to me that while they need to attend follow-up medical consultations regularly, the attendance certificates issued to them are not accepted by their departments and they are hence required to work extra hours or accept salary/paid leave deduction to compensate for the loss of working hours incurred by their follow-up medical consultations, whether the authorities will consider accepting attendance certificates from employees with disabilities as valid sick leave certificates? |
(1) | of the total number and average daily number of mainland visitors entering and leaving Hong Kong via various land control points in 2014, with a breakdown by control point;
(2) | whether the Immigration Department has assessed afresh if the existing manpower at various land control points is sufficient to cope with the volume of work during peak cross-boundary traffic periods; if the Department has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | whether it has discussed with the mainland authorities the formulation of measures to enhance the efficiency of traveller immigration clearance at the boundary control points of both places, such as diverting mainland residents and Hong Kong and Macao residents to use different e-channels or increasing the number of e-channels at the mainland boundary control points; if it has discussed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether it has studied the extension of the opening hours of the Lok Ma Chau, Lo Wu and Shenzhen Bay control points, as well as the introduction of other measures to enhance the capacity for traveller immigration clearance of various land control points; if it has studied, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of reports received by the Police in each of the past three years about visitors engaging in prostitution activities in Hong Kong, with a breakdown by the country/place from which the arrested persons came;
(2) | of the number of visitors prosecuted for contravening the conditions of stay by engaging in prostitution activities in Hong Kong, the number of such persons convicted, as well as the terms of imprisonment and the amounts of fines imposed by the Court on the convicted persons, in the past three years; and
(3) | of the new measures the authorities have put in place to curb visitors coming to Hong Kong for engagement in prostitution activities, and whether they will consider stepping up the law enforcement efforts, raising the penalties concerned and denying entry of such persons who have been convicted? |
(1) | of the overall utilization rate and waiting time of respite service at present, with a breakdown by the type and degree of disability of the PWDs;
(2) | whether it has formulated a long-term strategy to increase the number of respite service places, with a view to improving the community care services provided for PWDs so as to avoid an increase in demand for long-term residential care services due to insufficient respite service places;
(3) | of the current supply and demand situation of the respite service provided for PWDs with high nursing care needs (such as PWDs with stomas and those who need to use ventilators); whether the Government has plans to increase the number of the relevant respite service places; and
(4) | how often the information on respite service provided on the computerized central platform is updated, and whether it has assessed if the information can meet the needs of users; of the factors constraining the updating of information more frequently? |
(1) | have drawn up details regarding the proposed Sz-HK Stock Connect, including the implementation timetable; if so, of such details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | have assessed the risks to be posed to Hong Kong's financial regulatory system by launching the Sz-HK Stock Connect shortly after the commencement of S-HKSC; if they have assessed, of the details and whether they have formulated measures to minimize the risks; if they have not assessed, the reasons for that; and
(3) | have reviewed the achievements and failures of S-HKSC (including the fact that utilization of the investment quotas has been well below market expectations), and the implications of a recent plunge of the Shanghai stock market due to the China Securities Regulatory Commission curbing margin financing; if they have reviewed, of the details and how the review outcome will affect the proposed Sz-HK Stock Connect; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether, in conducting the last review of the levels of statutory fees and deposits relating to bankruptcy procedures, the authorities had made reference to the changes in the Consumer Price Index since the review preceding the last one; if they had, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it knows the respective numbers of bankruptcy petitions received from debtors by the Court and IVA cases reported by nominees to the OR's Office last year; and
(3) | among the debtors mentioned in (2), whether any of them told the authorities that they were unable to pay the aforesaid statutory fees and make the aforesaid deposits; if there were such debtors, whether the Government provided assistance to them under the existing mechanism; if it did, of the details and, among such debtors, the number of those who filed bankruptcy petitions successfully; if it did not provide assistance, whether the Government will review the existing mechanism and provide assistance through the Social Welfare Department or other government departments to those who are unable to pay the relevant fees; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the appointment procedures and terms of office of the members of the Committee as well as its current membership list; whether the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has participated in the appointment of the members of the Committee and its operation; if it has, of the reasons for that;
(2) | of the organizations from which EDB received, in each of the past five years, applications for sponsorships for organizing mainland exchange programmes which aimed at promoting national education, and set out by applicant organization the amounts of sponsorships applied for, the application results and the amounts of sponsorships approved;
(3) | whether the authorities can make public (i) the procedures adopted by the Committee for processing an application for including a certain programme in the Passing on the Torch Series, and the specific criteria and guidelines adopted by the Committee for making such decisions, (ii) all documents related to the processing of applications by the Committee (including the scoring criteria, and (iii) the specific procedures as well as the assessment and selection criteria adopted by EDB for vetting and approving applications for sponsorships, and the relevant documents; if they can, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) | given that the key leaders of some of the organizations applying to the Committee for inclusion of their programmes in the Passing on the Torch Series and to EDB for sponsorships are also members of the Committee, whether such members have participated in the Committee’s vetting and approval of the applications submitted by those organizations; and
(5) | as it has been reported that some organizations have commissioned the private companies owned by their key members to organize the national education promotional activities sponsored by EDB, whether EDB will take follow up actions (including conducting investigations); if EDB will, of the details and progress of the follow-up actions; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has measures to increase the number of dentists; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | of the respective current numbers of dental therapists and dental surgery assistants in Hong Kong; and
(3) | whether it has conducted any manpower projection for dental therapists, dental surgery assistants and dental hygienists; whether it has assessed if there is a shortfall of such professionals at present; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether measures are in place to increase their numbers? |
(1) | whether the authorities have compiled statistics on the utilization of the aforesaid E-payment system since its launch and collected views from various parties, so as to review the effectiveness of the system and to make improvements; the amount of resources that the authorities will deploy in the coming year for publicizing the use of the system;
(2) | whether the authorities have plans in the coming year to launch other measures and electronic systems to streamline the administrative work so as to attract more members to consolidate their MPF accounts; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether the authorities will consider relaxing the aforesaid restriction on investments in stock markets of places outside Hong Kong, so as to allow more investment choices for MPF schemes; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the respective numbers of parking spaces for various types of vehicles in the four aforesaid DC constituencies in each of the past five years (set out in tables of the same format as Table 1);
Table 1
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(2) | of the respective numbers of prosecutions/Fixed Penalty Notices for parking offences in respect of various types of vehicles in the four aforesaid DC constituencies in each of the past five years (set out in tables of the same format as Table 2);
Table 2
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(3) | after taking into account the number of housing estates to be completed in the Tsuen Wan district in the next five years, of the numbers of additional parking spaces for various types of vehicles that need to be provided in the four aforesaid DC constituencies for meeting the relevant standards set out in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines; whether it will provide more parking spaces for various types of vehicles in these constituencies in the next five years; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(4) | whether it will review the existing planning standards and the relevant policies in respect of the provision of parking spaces for various types of vehicles to ensure that adequate parking spaces are provided; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | when the adjustment decisions were made; why it arranged announcing such decisions so late at night; whether, prior to the announcements, it had considered if such timing for the announcements would (i) create a public perception that the Government was acting stealthily, and (ii) render the media unable to report the decisions in their main news bulletins, thereby undermining the public's right to know;
(2) | given the comments that although the adjustment decisions have been described as restoring to the levels in 2009 prior to the pay cut voluntarily offered by the personnel of the aforesaid positions, the incumbents of those positions are actually given a pay rise of 5%, and coupled with the fact that prior to the adjustments, the remuneration of CE and PAOs was already higher than that of the heads of states and ministers in most other countries/places, whether the authorities had, prior to making the adjustment decisions, considered the current situation that quite a number of members of the public are dissatisfied with the performance of the current-term Government; if they had considered, of the details; and
(3) | as CE undertook in 2012, when he was then the CE-elect, that he would not implement the proposal by the Government of the last term on a pay rise to restore the remuneration of CE and PAOs of the current-term Government to its real value in 2009, and that the remuneration of his team would be frozen at the 2012 level, whether the authorities have assessed if the adjustment decisions are in violation of the aforesaid undertaking, and whether they will consider withdrawing the decisions? |
(1) | of the number of trees of valuable species which were illegally felled in each of the past three years; among these trees, of the respective numbers of trees belonging to the species of Podocarpus macrophyllus (Buddhist pines), Aquilaria sinensis (incense trees) and Diospyros vacciniodes; whether the Government has conducted a territory-wide survey to gather information on the numbers and distribution of trees of those species; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | of the number of cases of illegal felling of trees of valuable species uncovered in each of the past three years, and the respective numbers of persons prosecuted and convicted for illegal tree-felling; the number of non-Hong Kong residents among these persons; apart from Cap. 96, which legislation the authorities invoked to prosecute the persons concerned; whether the authorities will enact a comprehensive piece of legislation to curb illegal tree-felling and increase the penalties concerned; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | of the manpower for and expenditure on law enforcement against illegal tree-felling in each of the past three years; whether the authorities encountered difficulties in carrying out the task; if they did, of the details; whether the authorities will step up patrol at the black spots of illegal tree-felling and enhance the measures for preventing tree-felling; if they will, of the details; whether the authorities will adopt the tree guard monitoring systems developed overseas or by local tertiary institutions to prevent tree-felling? |
(1) | whether they have asked the bus operators to provide operational data for assessing the impacts of the significant drop in oil prices on bus operators' operating costs and, based on the outcome of such assessment, activated the procedures under the Fare Adjustment Mechanism, which provides for both upward and downward adjustments of fares, to demand bus operators to reduce their bus fares; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether, in the past six months, they obtained operational data from oil companies to investigate if they have colluded to manipulate oil prices; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether they have measures to promote the further opening-up of the auto-fuel market so as to introduce greater competition among oil companies; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the members of political parties, political groups and organizations as well as LegCo Members met separately by the government officials responsible for the constitutional reform since the launch of the second round of public consultation; the respective numbers and dates of the meetings held, the number of persons met and the contents of the meetings;
(2) | of the number of relevant open forums, briefing sessions and consultation activities attended by the government officials responsible for the constitutional reform since the launch of the second round of public consultation; the respective dates, contents and organizers of such activities; whether the government officials have plans to attend similar activities in the remaining consultation period; if they have plans, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | of the number of submissions received by the Government from members of the public by email, fax, mail and phone since the launch of the second round of public consultation; and the contents of such submissions;
(4) | whether the government officials responsible for the constitutional reform will make arrangements to meet the 27 pan-democratic LegCo Members one by one; if they will, of the Members whom they have arranged to meet; if not, the reasons for that; whether they have plans to meet the rest of LegCo Members as well as various political parties, political groups and organizations in the remaining consultation period to lobby them to support the passage of the constitutional reform package by LegCo; if they have plans, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | whether the government officials responsible for the constitutional reform have plans to meet the representatives of the Hong Kong Federation of Students and Scholarism in the remaining consultation period; if they have plans, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(6) | how the Government determined the weighting to be accorded to the public opinions in formulating the proposals for selecting CE by universal suffrage in 2017, and of the details of such consideration;
(7) | whether it has assessed if the relatively low instant satisfaction rate of members of the public with this year's Policy Address will affect their support for the passage of the constitutional reform package by LegCo; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(8) | given the comments that the Occupy Central movement has greatly aroused the interest of young people and students in the constitutional reform, whether the Secretary for Education will have a direct dialogue with them on issues relating to the constitutional reform;
(9) | whether it has assessed if there will be a greater chance for the constitutional reform package to be passed by LegCo should CE meet and lobby pan-democratic LegCo Members in person; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(10) | whether it has assessed if CE's criticism of Undergrad will undermine the post-secondary students' support for the passage of the constitutional reform package by LegCo, or even result in their boycott of the second round of public consultation; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(11) | whether it will consider expanding the membership of the Task Force on Constitutional Development by recruiting more government officials to participate in the consultation and lobbying work; if it will consider, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(12) | given the CE's remarks that there are external forces intervening in the political affairs of Hong Kong, whether it has assessed if there are external forces exerting influence on or intervening in the constitutional reform and the second round of public consultation; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether it has assessed when it will be the appropriate time for making public information on the intervention of external forces in the political affairs of Hong Kong;
(13) | whether it has taken the initiative to invite officials of the Central Authorities to have a direct dialogue with pan-democratic LegCo Members on the constitutional reform; if it has, of the details, if not, the reasons for that;
(14) | whether it has assessed if the expressed support by pan-democratic LegCo Members for the so-called "referendum" to be triggered by the resignation of a LegCo Member will affect the chance for the constitutional reform package to be passed by LegCo; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(15) | of the expected time for publishing the report on the second round of public consultation and for submitting the constitutional reform package to LegCo? |
(1) | of the annual number of households which ceased receiving CSSA payments since the implementation of the Statutory Minimum Wage regime on 1 May 2011, with a breakdown by case type and the age group to which the recipients belong;
(2) | in respect of those existing CSSA households with at least one member who is employed, of the distribution of their household income and the average number of work hours of such members last month, with a breakdown by type of cases;
(3) | of the number of the existing CSSA households with a monthly household income below the poverty line; among such households, the number of those who rent and reside in private housing units and are receiving rent allowance;
(4) | of the respective numbers of the existing CSSA recipients who have resided in Hong Kong for less than seven years and those CSSA households with all members belonging to the ethnic minorities; the number of cases in the past three years in which such recipients ceased receiving CSSA payments; and
(5) | of the total expenditure on CSSA payments made to CSSA households of the low earnings category last month and, in particular, the total expenditure on rent allowance; the total expenditure on the Low-income Working Family Allowance as estimated by the authorities should all CSSA households of the low earnings category switch to receiving the allowance? |
First Reading
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1. | Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 2015
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2. | Clearing and Settlement Systems (Amendment) Bill 2015
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Second Reading (Debate to be adjourned)
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1. | Arbitration (Amendment) Bill 2015 | : | The Secretary for Justice
2. | Clearing and Settlement Systems (Amendment) Bill 2015 | : | Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
Second Reading (Debate to resume), Committee Stage and Third Reading
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Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2014 | : | Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |
1. | Proposed resolution under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance Secretary for Labour and Welfare to move the motion in Appendix I. |
(The motion was also issued on 21 January 2015 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 379/14-15) | |
2. | Proposed resolution under the Pneumoconiosis and Mesothelioma (Compensation) Ordinance Secretary for Labour and Welfare to move the motion in Appendix II. |
(The motion was also issued on 21 January 2015 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 379/14-15) | |
3. | Proposed resolution under the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance
Secretary for Labour and Welfare to move the motion in Appendix III. |
(The motion was also issued on 21 January 2015 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 379/14-15) |