Council Meeting (Agenda) 6 May 2015 |
A 14/15-25
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. |
Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice | 81/2015 |
1. | No. 92 | - | Quality Education Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2014 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
2. | No. 93 | - | Education Development Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2014 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
3. | Report No. 18/14-15 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments | ||
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee) |
(1) | of the amount of PSB charges handed over to the Government by shop operators during the period when the First Phase Scheme was implemented;
(2) | of the number of inspections conducted by the authorities on shop operators' collection of PSB charges since last month;
(3) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities about the fully implemented PSB charging requirement since last month (such as overcharging by shop operators and their refusal to give out exempted PSBs free of charge);
(4) | whether the authorities have estimated the extent by which the disposal of PSBs can be reduced as a result of the fully implemented PSB charging requirement; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; when the authorities will review the effectiveness of the fully implemented PSB charging requirement;
(5) | given that the number of PSBs distributed in the first quarter upon the implementation of the First Phase Scheme was 13 462 899, but there was a reversal of the decline in the number after about two years and such number rose to 17 959 779 in the 22nd quarter, whether the authorities have looked into the reasons for such a trend and of the authorities' measures to ensure that a reversal of the decline in the number of PSBs distributed will not recur;
(6) | as the survey on disposal of PSBs conducted by the authorities showed that the disposal of "PSBs from unknown sources" accounted for almost 80% of total disposal, whether the authorities have new methods to identify the sources of such PSBs so as to adopt measures to reduce the disposal of such PSBs; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(7) | as I have learnt that at present, there are a number of countries requiring that retailers may only use degradable PSBs, whether the Government will consider implementing such practice in Hong Kong? |
(1) | whether it knows the number of newly-listed companies on GEM in each of the past five years, and the percentage of such number in the total number of newly-listed companies in Hong Kong in that year;
(2) | whether it knows the number of companies which transferred their listings from GEM to the Main Board in the past five years; and
(3) | whether the authorities have, since the establishment of GEM, conducted any detailed study on the roles, functions and market positioning of GEM; it they have, of the results? |
(1) | whether public healthcare institutions have adopted any criteria for determining "rare diseases"; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether public healthcare institutions have any plan to set up a centralized database on rare diseases for storage of information on experience obtained in treating such diseases, with a view to enhancing the efficacy of the relevant diagnoses and treatments; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | of the current number of healthcare personnel who have received training on clinical genetic service, and whether the authorities have assessed if such healthcare manpower is sufficient to cope with the demand; as many rare diseases are hereditary, whether the authorities will allocate more resources to train more healthcare personnel specialized in clinical genetic service; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; of the authorities' measures to attract more medical students to study this specialty;
(4) | as some patients' organizations have relayed to me that in Hong Kong, there is a lack of healthcare personnel experienced in treating rare diseases, whether the authorities will allocate more resources to strengthen the on-the-job training for the relevant healthcare personnel; if they will, of the details of their specific plans and resource allocations; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | given that early diagnoses may help control certain rare diseases, whether the authorities have plans to step up screening of children with family history of rare diseases; if they do, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(6) | as currently quite a number of countries and regions have enacted legislation and put in place policies regarding rare diseases, whether the authorities will expeditiously enact legislation and draw up policies on rare diseases so as to improve the support for rare disease patients; if they will, of the timetable and specific direction of such work; if not, the reasons for that;
(7) | whether the authorities will provide financial incentives to encourage pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs for treating rare diseases so that rare disease patients can obtain needed medications; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(8) | whether the authorities will allocate more resources to provide financial assistance for rare disease patients and their families; and
(9) | as family members of rare disease patients are under enormous psychological pressure due to the prolonged period of time in taking care of the patients, of the support measures taken by the authorities to help alleviate their pressure? |
(1) | whether it knows the number, percentage and types of buildings completed within the past five years which meet the definition of "green building"; whether the authorities have quantified the contribution of these green buildings to the reduction of electricity consumption and greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions;
(2) | whether the authorities have set targets on the number, percentage, types, as well as the rate of reduction in electricity consumption and GHG emissions of new green buildings to be built in Hong Kong in future; if they have, of the details, and how such targets compare with those in other countries;
(3) | given that the Government set up the "Steering Committee on the Promotion of Green Building" in 2013 to coordinate the joint efforts of various policy bureaux and departments in reviewing the energy saving performance of old and new buildings of the Government and those all over Hong Kong, gauge the views of the industry and study overseas experience in order to further promote the green building policy, of the work achievements of the Steering Committee;
(4) | given that the authorities will put forward a blueprint on energy saving and green buildings in the first half of this year, of the relevant objectives and propositions; whether the authorities will examine the provision of various incentives to further promote green buildings; if they will, of the relevant propositions;
(5) | given that since 2011, the authorities have required all new private buildings to register for "BEAM Plus" certification for the granting of gross floor area ("GFA") concessions for green and amenity features, whether the authorities will consider optimizing the requirement, including granting different levels of GFA concessions according to the ratings of the "BEAM Plus" assessment attained by the buildings; and
(6) | whether the authorities will consider providing incentives for building owners to encourage them to carry out maintenance works for their completed buildings in order to enhance energy efficiency of the buildings? |
(1) | of the villages and areas which are currently not covered by the DTT network, with indication of the locations of such villages and areas on a map; the number of residents in these villages and areas;
(2) | whether it knows the methods and criteria adopted by the two TV broadcasters for calculating the DTT network coverage; whether locations encircled by coverage areas but in which TV signals cannot be received due to geographical features (e.g. blockage of signals by hilly terrains) have been excluded from the calculation of the coverage;
(3) | as it has been reported that some residents in remote areas can only receive TV signals after they have built signal receiving stations in their villages by raising funds, whether these areas have been included in the calculation of the TV network coverage;
(4) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities in the past three years about reception of free TV broadcast signals and, among them, the number of cases referred to the two TV broadcasters for handling, with a breakdown by District Council district;
(5) | how the authorities ensure the proper handling of the cases referred to the two TV broadcasters; and
(6) | given that the residents in some areas have been unable to receive TV signals for over a decade or so, of the authorities’ measures to help resolve the problem; whether the authorities will provide subsidies or loans for residents in these areas and other remote areas for installing facilities for receiving TV signals; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether the authorities have regularly assessed the impacts of the rises and falls of auto-fuel prices on the operating costs of those public transport services (including franchised buses, green minibuses and taxis) which are subject to fare regulation; if they have assessed, of the latest findings; and
(2) | as public transport operators had, for many times in the past, applied for fare increases on grounds of rising fuel prices and were granted approval by the authorities, whether the authorities have assessed if there is any room for lowering the fares of various public transport services in view of the persistently low auto-fuel prices at present; whether the authorities will reject, on grounds of low auto-fuel prices, any application for fare increase put forward by public transport operators in the coming year; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | as it has been reported that the FDH concerned had entered into an employment contract with her new employer before the incident, but lived temporarily in the hostel at the employer's request, whether the authorities have conducted investigations in this respect, including whether the employer has breached the law; if they have, of the results;
(2) | whether it knows the respective numbers of temporary hostels and bedspaces provided for FDHs by intermediaries in each of the past five years;
(3) | whether the authorities have monitored the provision of temporary hostels for FDHs by intermediaries; if they have, of the number of inspections on such hostels conducted by the relevant departments in each of the past five years; if not, whether the authorities will monitor the provision of such hostels;
(4) | as it has recently been reported that the hygiene conditions of some temporary hostels are poor, whether the authorities have conducted investigations in this respect; if they have, whether cases of contravention of the law have been found; if such cases have been found, of the legislation and penalties concerned;
(5) | whether the authorities have conducted investigations into the charging of fees by intermediaries on FDHs temporarily living in their hostels; if they have, whether cases of contravention of the law have been found; if such cases have been found, of the legislation and penalties concerned; and
(6) | of the respective numbers of regular and surprise inspections on the operation of intermediaries conducted by the Labour Department and the respective numbers of cases in which investigations were conducted and prosecutions were instituted in response to complaints, in each of the past five years, as well as the respective numbers of intermediaries involved in such cases? |
(1) | whether the authorities have studied the impact of the occupation movement on the rule of law in Hong Kong after its conclusion; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | as the findings of the aforesaid study showed that the core values to which the respondents attached importance were in the order of freedom from corruption, freedom, justice and the rule of law, with the rule of law receiving the lowest ranking, whether the authorities have studied why young people nowadays attach relatively less importance to the rule of law; and
(3) | as nearly 40% of the respondents agreed to fighting for justice by confrontational means, whether the authorities have assessed the impact of this view on the overall development of Hong Kong; how the authorities will enhance the law-abiding awareness of young people? |
(1) | regarding the cases of alleged non-regular residence involving one-person households and non-one person households respectively, of the respective numbers of cases in each of the past three years, in which (i) HA demanded termination of tenancies, (ii) the Central Team upheld the demand after in-depth investigations, (iii) reviews by the Appeal Panel were sought by the households concerned, and (iv) appeals by the households concerned were allowed after review (set out such information in a table);
(2) | as I have learnt that HA conducts flat inspections to detect abuse of PRH units, but over 90% of such inspections take place before 8 pm when very often the persons from one-person households living in PRH units in remote areas but working in the urban areas have not yet returned home, whether HA will adjust the timing for flat inspections, so that inspection staff can contact such households; if it will not, of the reasons for that;
(3) | whether the methods and procedures adopted by HA for handling suspected cases of non-regular residence involving one-person households are different to those adopted for handling similar cases involving non-one person households; if they are, of the details;
(4) | as I have learnt that HA will not demand the transfer of a non-one person household to a unit of a smaller area or the recovery of the unit on the grounds that some of the members of the households have left Hong Kong for work, but one-person households may have their units recovered for leaving Hong Kong for work, whether HA has assessed if this practice is unfair to one-person households, and whether this practice will in effect force one-person households to give up leaving Hong Kong for work; and
(5) | whether the authorities will consider reviewing and enhancing the policies and procedures for handling cases of suspected non-regular residence involving one-person households in PRH units? |
(1) | whether it has grasped the current number of and the situation concerning those Hong Kong residents residing on the Mainland seeking consultation at the medical institutions on the Mainland; if it has, of the details;
(2) | given that the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital ("Shenzhen Hospital"), which is operated by the University of Hong Kong in collaboration with the Shenzhen Municipal Government, commenced operation in 2012 and brought in Hong Kong-style hospital management models and medical technologies, whether the Government knows the situation since 2012 concerning those Hong Kong residents residing on the Mainland seeking consultation at the Shenzhen Hospital;
(3) | whether it knows the number of Hong Kong residents residing on the Mainland who returned to Hong Kong to seek consultation at the accident and emergency departments of public hospitals or public general out-patient clinics in the past three years;
(4) | given that the Government plans to extend the coverage of the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme to the Mainland and use the Shenzhen Hospital as the pilot institution, of the details of the pilot scheme, including the technical issues to be resolved; and
(5) | whether the authorities have explored ways to apply the experience of implementing the pilot scheme mentioned in (4) for extending the coverage of the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme on the Mainland; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | which government departments/statutory bodies have printed in ethnic languages leaflets/brochures on their services, and set out the titles and publication/reprint dates of such leaflets/brochures, as well as the number of copies printed this year in a table by name of department/body;
(2) | which government departments/statutory bodies provide, in ethnic languages on their web sites, information on their services;
(3) | whether the various government departments/statutory bodies have adopted uniform criteria for determining the need for providing, in ethnic languages, printed and/or online information on their services; if they have, of the details; and
(4) | given that the recorded messages of the telephone enquiry services currently provided by various government departments are in Cantonese, Putonghua or English only, and it is difficult for those EMs who do not speak such dialects or languages to use such services, whether the authorities will require various government departments and recommend various statutory bodies to improve their telephone enquiry services by providing recorded messages in ethnic languages or an option for connecting the callers to interpreters proficient in ethnic languages, so as to ensure that EMs can obtain timely information on public services? |
(1) | of the numbers of traffic accidents involving van-type LGVs in each of the past five years, and the respective numbers of rear seat passengers injured and killed in these accidents because such seats were not fitted with seat belts;
(2) | whether it knows the current number of van-type LGVs the rear seats of which are not fitted with seat belts;
(3) | whether measures are in place to ensure that all the rear seats of van-type LGVs are fitted with seat belts to protect passenger safety; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether the authorities will consider enacting legislation to require all the rear seats of van-type LGVs to be fitted with seat belts; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it knows the number of cases in each of the past three years in which underground telecommunications infrastructures were damaged due to the carrying out of works and, among these cases, the number of those in which telecommunications services were affected, with a tabulated breakdown by type of works project (i.e. railway projects, public works projects and other works projects);
(2) | of the details of the measures currently taken by the authorities to protect various infrastructures (including water supply, electricity supply and town gas) from damage; the differences between such measures and the measures to protect telecommunications infrastructures; whether the authorities will enact legislation as well as formulate penalty mechanisms and measures to require works contractors to take all reasonable measures to prevent telecommunications infrastructures from damage arising from the carrying out of works; if they will, of the details; and
(3) | how the authorities assist telecommunications service providers in enhancing telecommunications infrastructures in remote areas with a view to increasing the connection speed of the Internet; whether they have plans to set the lowest acceptable connection speed of the Internet and formulate specific plans and timetable for making the connection speeds of the Internet in various districts in Hong Kong attaining that level? |
(1) | given that the interpretation of a "motor vehicle" under the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374) is "any mechanically propelled vehicle", whether an electric unicycle is a motor vehicle as defined by the Ordinance;
(2) | of the respective numbers of cases in which the authorities issued verbal warnings to and instituted prosecutions against people who had contravened the relevant legislation for riding electric unicycles, as well as the number of traffic accidents involving electric unicycles, in the past two years;
(3) | whether, in the past two years, the authorities looked into the sales situation of electric unicycles on the Internet and in the market, and whether the relevant government departments took any law enforcement actions; and
(4) | whether it has found out which major world cities where it is legal to ride electric unicycles on the roads at present; given that due to their increasingly good quality and reasonable prices, light and convenient means of transport such as electric unicycles have become more popular worldwide, whether the authorities will make reference to the experience of the transport authorities overseas and consider amending the legislation to permit the use of light and convenient means of transport such as electric unicycles on the roads in Hong Kong subject to compliance with conditions such as specified safety requirements and speed restrictions; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | if it knows whether the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority ("HKEAA") has conducted comprehensive investigations into the aforesaid complaints; if HKEAA has, of the details of the investigations, the latest progress and follow-up actions; if not, whether HKEAA will conduct investigations immediately; if HKEAA will not, of the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it knows the number of candidates, in each of the past three years, requesting to take the listening tests of the Chinese Language or English Language subjects in the "Special Room" in the examination centres before or during the tests, with a breakdown by subject and the time gap between the candidate entering the "Special Room" and the commencement of the test concerned;
(3) | whether it knows the number of complaints about HKDSEE received by HKEAA from candidates in each of the past three years, with a breakdown by subject; of the details of the investigation results of such complaints and the follow-up actions; and
(4) | as it has been reported that Chinese translation was provided for the abbreviations of English proper nouns in last year's Chinese examination papers on the Biology subject but there was no such an arrangement this year, if it knows the criteria based on which HKEAA determines whether Chinese translation of English terms needs to be provided in Chinese examination papers, and whether consistent criteria are adopted for various subjects; if they are not adopted, of the respective criteria for various subjects? |
(1) | of the progress of the Police's investigation into whether illegal use of the T plate was involved in the aforesaid traffic accident;
(2) | of the respective numbers of reports and convictions relating to illegal use of T plates in each of the past three years; among such convictions, of the respective numbers of cases involving attempts to evade payments for the vehicle first registration tax or vehicle licence fees, and driving vehicles not yet tested by the authorities on compliance with safety and environmental protection requirements;
(3) | of the number of vehicles with T plates that the Police intercepted (among such vehicles, the respective numbers of trucks and works vehicles), as well as the number of cases involving illegal use of T plates uncovered during such law enforcement operations, in each of the past three years;
(4) | as it has been reported that insurance companies generally provide T plate holders with third party risk insurance coverage only, and they may refuse to pay compensations for traffic accidents which occurred while T plates were used illegally, of the average amount of damages awarded in respect of traffic accidents involving illegal use of T plates, as well as the highest amount of awarded damages, in each of the past three years; whether it knows if there were cases in which the convicted persons could not pay the full amount of awarded damages; if there were, of the details; and
(5) | whether it has conducted any study on further amending the relevant legislation and stepping up law enforcement, so as to curb the abuse in the use of T plates? |
First Reading
Peak Tramway (Amendment) Bill 2015 Second Reading (Debate to be adjourned) | ||||
Peak Tramway (Amendment) Bill 2015 | : | Secretary for Transport and Housing
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Committee Stage and Third Reading
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Appropriation Bill 2015 | : | The Financial Secretary
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Amendments to heads of estimates in
committee of the whole Council on the Appropriation Bill 2015 | ||||
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN, Hon Claudia MO, Hon WONG Yuk-man, Hon Albert CHAN, Hon Gary FAN, Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung, Hon Emily LAU, Dr Hon Helena WONG, Hon Albert HO, Hon WU Chi-wai, Hon James TO, Hon Cyd HO, Hon LEE Cheuk-yan, Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che and Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG to move Committee stage amendments in the Appendix.
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(These amendments were also issued on 20 and 21 April 2015 under LC Paper Nos. CB(3)602/14-15 and CB(3)613/14-15 respectively)
(Debate and voting arrangements for Committee stage amendments to the Appropriation Bill 2015 (issued on 20 April 2015 under LC Paper No. CB(3)607/14-15)) |
Other Public Officers to attend the Committee stage | : | The Chief Secretary for Administration The Secretary for Justice Secretary for Transport and Housing Secretary for Home Affairs Secretary for Labour and Welfare Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary for Security Secretary for Education Secretary for the Civil Service Secretary for Food and Health Secretary for the Environment Secretary for Development Under Secretary for Home Affairs Under Secretary for the Environment Under Secretary for Transport and Housing Under Secretary for Security Under Secretary for Food and Health Under Secretary for Education Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Under Secretary for Development Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare |