Pecuniary interest:Please refer to Rules 83A and 84 of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council for rules regarding pecuniary interest to be disclosed and voting in case of direct pecuniary interest.

Item No.Subject
1.FCR(2014-15)31A*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 705 – CIVIL ENGINEERING
Environmental Protection – Refuse Disposal
164DR – Southeast New Territories Landfill Extension

(This item invites Members to approve the upgrading of 164DR to Category A at an estimated cost of $2,101.6 million in money-of-the-day prices for the extension of the Southeast New Territories Landfill.)

(In attendance : Secretary for the Environment/Deputy Director of Environmental Protection/Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Environmental Infrastructure)/Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Landfills and Development), Environmental Protection Department)

2.FCR(2014-15)32A*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 705 – CIVIL ENGINEERING
Environmental Protection – Refuse Disposal
163DR – Northeast New Territories Landfill Extension

(This item invites Members to approve the upgrading of 163DR to Category A at an estimated cost of $7,510 million in money-of-the-day prices for the extension of the Northeast New Territories Landfill.)

(In attendance : Secretary for the Environment/Deputy Director of Environmental Protection/Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Environmental Infrastructure)/Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Landfills and Development), Environmental Protection Department)

3.FCR(2014-15)33A*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 705 – CIVIL ENGINEERING
Environmental Protection – Refuse disposal
165DR – West New Territories Landfill Extension

(This item invites Members to approve –

(a)the upgrading of part of 165DR, entitled "West New Territories Landfill Extension – consultants’ fees and investigations", to Category A at an estimated cost of $38 million in money-of-the-day prices; and

(b)the retention of the remainder of 165DR in Category B.)

(In attendance : Secretary for the Environment/Deputy Director of Environmental Protection/Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Environmental Infrastructure)/Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Landfills and Development), Environmental Protection Department)

4.FCR(2014-15)34A*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 705 – CIVIL ENGINEERING
Environmental Protection – Refuse Disposal
177DR – Development of integrated waste management facilities phase 1

(This item invites Members to approve the upgrading of 177DR to Category A at an estimated cost of $19,203.7 million in money-of-the-day prices for the design and construction of the integrated waste management facilities phase 1.)

(In attendance : Secretary for the Environment/Deputy Director of Environmental Protection/Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Nature Conservation and Infrastructure Planning))

5.FCR(2014-15)40*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. LOTTERIES FUND

(This item invites Members to approve an allocation of $65,043,000 from the Lotteries Fund for meeting the construction costs of a new Contract Residential Care Home for the Elderly with a Day Care Unit for the Elderly at the ancillary facilities block in the public rental housing development of the Housing Authority at the site of Anderson Road, Kwun Tong.)

(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare) 3/Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services)/Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Elderly)/Senior Architect, Social Welfare Department)@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Welfare Services Panel on 9 June 2014)

6.FCR(2014-15)38*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. CAPITAL WORKS RESERVE FUND
Social Welfare Department
New Subhead "Establishment of the Next Generation Information Technology Infrastructure"

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $175,767,000 for establishment of the next generation information technology infrastructure for the Social Welfare Department.)

(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare) 1/Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Administration)/Principal Social Work Officer (Information Systems and Technology), Social Welfare Department)

(Discussed by Welfare Services Panel on 14 April 2014)

7.FCR(2014-15)46A*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 707 – NEW TOWNS AND URBAN AREA DEVELOPMENT
Civil Engineering – Land Development
770CL – Planning, engineering and architectural study for topside development at Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities island of Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge

(This item invites Members to approve the upgrading of 770CL to Category A at an estimated cost of $63.4 million in money-of-the-day prices for carrying out a planning, engineering and architectural study and the associated site investigation works for the proposed commercial development and the development of other economic activities at the Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities island of Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge.)

(In attendance : Deputy Secretary for Development (Works)/Director of Civil Engineering and Development/Project Manager (Hong Kong Island and Islands), Civil Engineering and Development Department/Assistant Director of Planning (Territorial))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

8.FCR(2014-15)39*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 141 – GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT :
Subhead 000 Operational expenses

(to be renamed as Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency)
Subhead 000 Operational expenses

(This item invites Members to approve the following proposals for taking forward the Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme –

(a)a supplementary provision of $52,471,000 in 2014-15 under Subhead 000 Operational expenses of Head 141;

(b)renaming Head 173 as "Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency", with "Head, Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency" as the Controlling Officer, as from 1 March 2015; and

(c)a supplementary provision of $16,582,000 in 2014-15 under Subhead 000 Operational expenses of Head 173.)

(In attendance : Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Deputy Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare)/ Principal Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Poverty)/Senior Principal Executive Officer (Special Assignment), Labour and Welfare Bureau/Deputy Secretary for Education/Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Development)/Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Social Security)/Principal Economist)@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Subcommittee on Poverty on 27 May 2014)

9.FCR(2014-15)48*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. CAPITAL WORKS RESERVE FUND
Government Secretariat : Labour and Welfare Bureau
Student Financial Assistance Agency (to be renamed as Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency)
New Subhead "Information Technology System and Office Automation Facilities for the Working Family Allowance Office"

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $40,037,000 under Head 710 of the Capital Works Reserve Fund for the development of an Information Technology system and setting up of office automation facilities for implementing the Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme.)

(In attendance : Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare/Deputy Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare)/ Principal Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Poverty)/Senior Principal Executive Officer (Special Assignment), Labour and Welfare Bureau/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Consulting and Operations))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Subcommittee on Poverty on 27 May 2014)

10.FCR(2014-15)47*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. 2014-15 CIVIL SERVICE PAY ADJUSTMENT

(This item invites Members to –

(a)approve, with effect from 1 April 2014, an increase in pay –

(i)by 5.96% for civil servants in the directorate and upper salary band; and

(ii)by 4.71% for civil servants in the middle and lower salary bands;

(b)approve the same pay adjustment to Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) staff;

(c)approve the same pay adjustment to teaching and non-teaching staff of aided schools who are remunerated according to the civil service pay scales, and to those subvented sector staff who are remunerated according to the civil service pay scales;

(d)approve corresponding adjustment to the provisions for subvented bodies whose funding is price-adjusted on the basis of formulae including a factor of civil service pay adjustment; and

(e)note the financial implications of about $8,912 million arising from items (a) to (d) above.)

(In attendance : Secretary for the Civil Service/Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service/Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service/Principal Assistant Secretary for the Civil Service (Pay and Leave))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Public Service Panel on 23 June 2014)

11.FCR(2014-15)41*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 47 – GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT :
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools"

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $75 million under Head 47 – Government Secretariat: Office of the Government Chief Information Officer for the implementation of Enriched Information Technology Programme in Secondary Schools.)

(In attendance : Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community)/Chief Systems Manager (Industry Facilitation), Office of the Government Chief Information Officer/Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Curriculum Development))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel on 9 June 2014)

12.FCR(2014-15)42*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. Head 156 – GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT : EDUCATION BUREAU
Subhead 700 General non-recurrent
New Item "Implementation of the Fourth Strategy on Information Technology in Education"

(This item invites Members to approve the creation of a new commitment of $105 million under Head 156 Government Secretariat: Education Bureau Subhead 700 General non-recurrent for the implementation of various measures under the "Fourth Strategy on Information Technology in Education".)

(In attendance : Secretary for Education/Deputy Secretary for Education/ Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Education Infrastructure))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Education Panel on 9 June 2014)

13.FCR(2014-15)43*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 122 – HONG KONG POLICE FORCE
Subhead 603 Plant, vehicles and equipment

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $658.41 million for the replacement of 18 police launches for the Marine Region of the Hong Kong Police Force.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Security/Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (E)/Regional Commander (Marine), Hong Kong Police Force/ Senior Superintendent (Support)(Marine Regional Headquarters))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Security Panel on 13 May 2014)

14.FCR(2014-15)44*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. HEAD 45 – FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT
Subhead 603 Plant, vehicles and equipment

(This item invites Members to approve a new commitment of $15 million for procuring a new Crash Fire Tender to replace the existing Crash Fire Tender R12.)

(In attendance : Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (B)/Assistant Director of Fire Services (Headquarters)/Divisional Commander (Air), Fire Services Department)@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Security Panel on 13 May 2014)

15.FCR(2014-15)45*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. LOAN FUND
Subhead 101 Fisheries Loans

(This item invites Members to approve –

(a)an increase in the approved commitment for the Fisheries Development Loan Fund (FDLF) under Subhead 101 : Fisheries Loans from $290 million by $810 million to $1,100 million, for meeting the increased demand for credit facilities from the fisheries trade, in particular fishermen who have been affected by the trawl ban; and

(b)the setting aside of around $400 million in the loan capital for providing loans to inshore trawlers, on the proviso that such loan applications must be submitted on or before 31 March 2015.)

(In attendance : Under Secretary for Food and Health/Deputy Secretary for Food and Health (Food)/Assistant Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (Fisheries))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene Panel on 10 June 2014)

16.FCR(2014-15)36*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. RECOMMENDATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MADE ON 11 JUNE 2014

(This item seeks approval of the recommendation of the Establishment Subcommittee made at its meeting held on 11 June 2014.)

EC(2014-15)7 Proposed creation of three non-civil service positions of one Director of Bureau, one Deputy Director of Bureau and one Political Assistant to Director of Bureau and four permanent posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade A1 (D8), one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) and two Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) to establish a new Innovation and Technology Bureau with effect from the commencement date of the resolution proposed to be passed under section 54A of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) for the transfer of the statutory functions

(In attendance : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development/ Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Consulting and Operations)/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

17.FCR(2014-15)37*Legend symbol denoting Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014. NEW HEAD "GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT :




(This item invites Members to approve the following changes to the 2014-15 Estimates to give effect to the establishment of a new Innovation and Technology Bureau –

(a)creating a new Head of Expenditure entitled "Government Secretariat: Innovation and Technology Bureau" and a Recurrent Subhead under the General Revenue Account to account for the expenditure of Innovation and Technology Bureau, with the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology as the Controlling Officer;

(b)renaming the Head of Expenditure for the Communications and Technology Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, and renaming the Controlling Officer;

(c)providing a funding provision of up to $22,007,000 to the new Head of Expenditure, assuming the new Bureau can be established within 2014-15; and

(d)providing an establishment ceiling of $12,811,000 in terms of total notional annual mid-point salary value to the new Head of Expenditure and making consequential changes to the establishment ceilings of –

Head 47 - Government Secretariat : Office of the Government Chief Information Officer;

Head 55 - Government Secretariat : Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (Communications and Technology Branch) (to be renamed Government Secretariat : Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (Communications and Creative Industries Branch); and

Head 155 - Government Secretariat : Innovation and Technology Commission.)

(In attendance : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development/ Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Consulting and Operations)/Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Policy and Community))@Legend symbol denoting To be confirmed.

(Discussed by Information Technology and Broadcasting Panel on 14 April and 3 May 2014, and Commerce and Industry Panel on 15 April 2014)

≠ If the House Committee ("HC") needs to resume its meeting at 5:00 pm, the second Finance Committee meeting will start immediately after the HC meeting has finished its business.

* Items carried over from the meetings held on 31 Oct 2014.

@ To be confirmed.
