Subcommittee on Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulation and Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulation (Repeal) Regulation


Correspondence between the Legal Service Division and the Administration / Papers prepared by the Legal Service Division

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)848/14-15(03) Further letter from the Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration dated 16 April 2015 27 April 2015
CB(4)848/14-15(02) Letter dated 22 April 2015 from the Administration in response to the Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 14 April 2015 27 April 2015
CB(4)848/14-15(04) Letter dated 23 April 2015 from the Administration in response to the Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 16 April 2015 27 April 2015
CB(4)848/14-15(01) Letter from the Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration dated 14 April 2015 27 April 2015