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Establishment Subcommittee (Results) 31 May 2016

Establishment Subcommittee meeting

held on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 at 4:30 pm in Conference Room 1

Record of decisions

 Paper Nos.SubjectDecisions
1.EC(2016-17)2 Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Security Bureau and one Assistant Director of Immigration (GDS(C)2) in the Immigration Department (ImmD) for about three years to March 2019 to steer and support the review as well as to step up relevant enforcement measures and expedite screening of non-refoulement claims meanwhile; and one Assistant Director of Immigration (GDS(C)2) in the ImmD for about two years to May 2018 to provide dedicated directorate steer for the Next Generation Smart Identity Card System project


2.EC(2016-17)4 Proposed creation of one Government Engineer (D2) supernumerary post in the Works Branch of the Development Bureau for a period of around three years up to 31 March 2019 to head the Project Cost Management Office in drawing up and implementing construction cost control and cost reduction initiatives; and proposed regrading of two permanent posts of one Chief Engineer (CE) (D1) and one Chief Geotechnical Engineer (CGE) (D1) to be offset by the deletion of one CGE (D1) and one CE (D1) respectively in the light of changes in operational requirements with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee

(Division ordered -
Yes - 19
No - 4
Abstention - 0)

3.EC(2016-17)3 Proposed creation of one supernumerary Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) post in the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) for about three years up to 31 March 2019 with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to strengthen the capacity of CAD’s senior management in taking forward various key projects as well as enhancing the overall administrative control and management of the department

Under deliberation

4.EC(2016-17)5 Proposed creation of one permanent Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) post to head the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (ETO) to be set up in Jakarta to be offset by the deletion of one permanent Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 (AOSGB1) (D4) post in the ETO in Washington D.C.; an increase in the establishment ceiling, in terms of total notional annual mid-point salary value, of Head 96 from $81,368,000 by $1,937,000 to $83,305,000 in 2016-17 for creation of relevant non-directorate posts required for the new ETO in Jakarta; and re-structuring of the directorate establishment of the Washington ETO after deletion of the AOSGB1 post with effect from 1 July 2016, or with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee, whichever is later

Not dealt with

5.EC(2016-17)6 Proposed creation of one permanent post of Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) in the Legal Policy Division (LPD) of the Department of Justice with immediate effect upon approval by the Finance Committee to head a dedicated unit in LPD to take up the arbitration portfolio

Not dealt with

6.EC(2016-17)7 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau for three years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to oversee and steer the work of a new Project Management Office in taking forward the development of a Trade Single Window in Hong Kong

Not dealt with

7.EC(2016-17)8 Proposed delegation to Controlling Officers the authority to create supernumerary posts, to be held against permanent posts of lower pay scales, to enable a maximum of 47 Insurance Officers, whose posts will be abolished following the establishment of an independent Insurance Authority, to take up alternative employment within the civil service

Not dealt with

8.EC(2016-17)9 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Labour Officer (D1) in the Labour Department up to 31 March 2021 with immediate effect upon approval of Finance Committee to support the remaining work of the Standard Working Hours Committee and follow up on the working hours policy directions and the related work

Not dealt with

9.EC(2016-17)10 Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade B (D3) and one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau for two years with effect from 1 January 2017 to take forward legislative initiatives on auditor regulatory reform, introduction of a new statutory corporate rescue procedure, review of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), as well as other policy matters concerning financial intermediaries for money lending, etc.

Not dealt with

10.EC(2016-17)11 Proposed creation of four supernumerary posts of one Principal Government Engineer (D3), one Government Town Planner (D2) and two Chief Engineers (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) to lead a new Lantau Development Office (LDO) up to 31 March 2021; and redeployment of three D3, five D2 and 13 D1 directorate posts within CEDD arising from the establishment of LDO and re-organisation of the existing Development Offices in CEDD with immediate effect upon approval by the Finance Committee

Not dealt with

11.EC(2016-17)12 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Assistant Director of Education (D2) for about three years to 31 March 2019 and one permanent post of Principal Education Officer (D1) in the new Kindergarten Education Division in the Professional Development and Special Education Branch of the Education Bureau with immediate effect upon approval by the Finance Committee to devise an overall strategy for the implementation of the new free quality kindergarten education policy, provide steer in the formulation of specific details of the measures, oversee the implementation of the new policy and monitor the progress of the relevant measures

Not dealt with