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Establishment Subcommittee (Results) 4 July 2016

Establishment Subcommittee meeting

held on Monday, 4 July 2016 at 2:30 pm in Conference Room 1

Record of decisions

 Paper Nos.SubjectDecisions
1.EC(2016-17)15 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Town Planner (D1) post in the Planning Department with effect from the date of approval by the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2019 to lead an additional team under its Board Division for strengthening secretariat support to the Town Planning Board (TPB) and handling statutory planning matters, including judicial reviews associated with TPB

(Division ordered -
Yes - 25
No - 3
Abstention - 0)

2.EC(2016-17)16 Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Assistant Director of Social Welfare (D2) in the Social Welfare Department to head a new Licensing and Regulation Branch with effect from 1 October 2016 or upon approval of the Finance Committee (whichever the later) to 31 March 2021

(Division ordered -
Yes - 17
No - 4
Abstention - 0)

3.EC(2016-17)17 Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55) in the Crime Wing of the Hong Kong Police Force to head the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB), with effect from the date of approval by the Finance Committee, to oversee the formulation of long-term objectives and strategies, and to command the operation and development of the CSTCB

Not dealt with

4.EC(2016-17)18 Proposed re-grading of the Director of Protocol (D of P) (D2) permanent post in the Protocol Division of the Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office from the one-rank departmental post to a Senior Principal Executive Officer (SPEO) (D2) permanent post to formalise the long term arrangement of filling the D of P post by an SPEO since 1998; and deletion of the one-rank D of P grade consequent to the re-grading proposal with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee

Not dealt with