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Panel on Manpower (Papers)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013


Employee's rights and benefits

Year 2015 - 2016

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)446/15-16(05) Administration's paper on the proposed amendments to the Employment Ordinance for the making of compulsory reinstatement or re-engagement orders for unreasonable and unlawful dismissals 15 December 2015
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Proposed amendments to the Employment Ordinance for the making of compulsory reinstatement or re-engagement orders for unreasonable and unlawful dismissals" at the meeting on 15 December 2015 (Follow-up paper) 15 December 2015
CB(2)356/15-16(01) Joint letter dated 26 November 2015 from Hon WONG Kwok-kin, Hon CHAN Yuen-han and Hon TANG Ka-piu suggesting the Panel to follow up the review of the implementation of statutory paternity leave (Chinese version only) 15 December 2015
CB(2)446/15-16(06) Paper on the proposed amendments to the reinstatement and re-engagement provisions under the Employment Ordinance prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 15 December 2015
CB(2)776/15-16(01) Letter dated 25 January 2016 from Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the existing arrangements on the outsourcing of government services and the concerned employees' rights and protection (Chinese version only) 16 February 2016
CB(2)1258/15-16(01) Joint letter dated 8 April 2016 from Hon CHAN Yuen-han and Hon Alice MAK proposing the Panel to discuss the subject of granting full pay maternity leave (Chinese version only) 19 April 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(05) Administration's paper on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(06) Paper on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(07) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association (English version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1567/15-16(02) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(02) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from HK Catholic Breastfeeding Association (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(10) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Breastfeeding Mothers' Association (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1512/15-16(02) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Catering Industry Association (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1512/15-16(03) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1518/15-16(02) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1522/15-16(02) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(04) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(06) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Women Workers' Association (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(08) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Institution of Dining Art (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1567/15-16(01) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Labour Party (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(11) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Mamamilk Baby Alliance (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1512/15-16(01) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Natural Parenting Network (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(03) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Promoters and Causal Workers Union (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(05) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Retail, Commerce and Clothing Industries General Union (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1546/15-16(01) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from The Democratic Party (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1518/15-16(01) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1482/15-16(09) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Women Affairs Committee (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1522/15-16(01) Submission on the provisions on maternity leave under the Employment Ordinance from Women's Affairs Committee, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 17 May 2016
CB(2)1922/15-16(01) Referral from the Public Complaints Office regarding the implementation of section 64B of the Employment Ordinance (Circulated to members only) 15 July 2016*

Year 2014 - 2015

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)383/14-15(01) Administration's responses to issues raised at meetings on 9 and 21 October 2014 (Follow-up paper) 9 October 2014
CB(2)152/14-15(01) Joint letter dated 17 October 2014 from Hon CHAN Yuen-han and Hon TANG Ka-piu proposing the Panel to follow up on the review of the requirement of "continuous contract" under the Employment Ordinance and enclosing a submission from a deputation (關注零散工權益聯席) on the subject (Chinese version only) 18 November 2014
CB(2)798/14-15(03) Administration's paper on the findings of a survey on statutory holidays and general holidays taken by employees in Hong Kong 10 February 2015
CB(2)798/14-15(04) Paper on alignment of statutory holidays with general holidays prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 10 February 2015
CB(2)1260/14-15(05) Administration's paper on the outsourcing of government services and protection for staff of public libraries service contractors 21 April 2015
CB(2)1260/14-15(06) Paper on the outsourcing of government service contracts prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 21 April 2015
CB(2)1482/14-15(04) Administration's paper on designating on a one-off basis 3 September 2015 as a Statutory Holiday and General Holiday 19 May 2015
CB(2)1532/14-15(01) Submission on designating on a one-off basis 3 September 2015 as a Special Holiday from Hong Kong & Kowloon Trades Union Council (Chinese version only) 19 May 2015
CB(2)1885/14-15(01) Referral from the Public Complaints Office regarding the alignment of statutory holidays with general holidays (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 14 July 2015

Year 2013 - 2014

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)297/13-14(02) Letter from Hon TANG Ka-piu regarding the legislative proposal on compulsory reinstatement and re-engagement (Chinese version only) 19 November 2013
CB(2)555/13-14(01) Letter dated 28 November 2013 from the Judiciary Administrator regarding the legislative proposal on compulsory reinstatement and re-engagement (English version only) 17 December 2013
CB(2)555/13-14(03) Letter dated 6 December 2013 from the Administrative Assistant to the Chief Secretary for Administration regarding the offsetting arrangement for severance payment and long service payment under the Employment Ordinance 17 December 2013
CB(2)555/13-14(02) Letter dated 16 December 2013 from the Commissioner for Labour regarding the legislative proposal on compulsory reinstatement and re-engagement 17 December 2013
CB(2)1034/13-14(01) Administration's paper on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(02) Paper on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(05) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Catering and Hotels Industries Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1049/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Catholic Diocese of HK Diocesan Pastoral Centre for Workers (Kowloon) (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1113/13-14(05) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Chamber of Security Industry (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1082/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1427/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Councillors' Workers Association (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1133/13-14(03) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Eating Establishment Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1082/13-14(05) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Employers' Federation of Hong Kong (English version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1070/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Environmental Services Contractors Alliance (Hong Kong) (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1070/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1113/13-14(04) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from HK Environment Services, Logistics & Cleaning Employees Association (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(06) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong & Kowloon Plastic Products Merchants United Association Ltd. (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1133/13-14(04) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Buildings Management And Security Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1056/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1082/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(04) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1070/13-14(03) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong Intellectual Property Association Limited 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(07) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Hong Kong No MPF (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1070/13-14(04) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Jan Cheong Sing Hardware (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1192/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Labour Party (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1133/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Motor Transport Workers General Union (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1113/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Right of People's Livelihood & Legal Association, Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1082/13-14(04) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from Service Industry General Union (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1070/13-14(05) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1056/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1082/13-14(03) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1113/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1133/13-14(01) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1034/13-14(03) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1113/13-14(03) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong General Union of Security & Property Management Industry Employees (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1049/13-14(02) Submission on the arrangement of offsetting severance payments and long service payments against Mandatory Provident Fund accrued benefits from The Hong Kong Metals Manufacturers Association (Chinese version only) 18 March 2014
CB(2)1278/13-14(01) Letter from Hon TANG Ka-piu proposing the Panel to discuss issues relating to upward adjustment of severance payment and long service payment under the Employment Ordinance (Chinese version only) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1514/13-14(01) Administration's response to the issues raised in the letter from Hon TANG Ka-piu regarding the amount of severance payment and long service payment 20 May 2014

Year 2012 - 2013

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)224/12-13(01) Letter from Hong Kong Jockey Club Employees Solidarity Union, which was received and referred to the Panel by the Public Complaints Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat, regarding labour relations as well as employees' rights and benefits in Hong Kong Jockey Club (Chinese version only) 20 November 2012
CB(2)515/12-13(03) Administration's paper on a proposal on legislating for paternity leave 25 January 2013
CB(2)515/12-13(04) Paper on legislating for paternity leave prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 25 January 2013
CB(2)390/12-13(01) Referral from the Public Complaints Office regarding the review of the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 25 January 2013
CB(2)625/12-13(01) Submission dated 29 January 2013 from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Employees Solidarity Union regarding HKJC's conditions of employment for contract staff (Chinese version only) 7 February 2013*
CB(2)629/12-13(01) Submission dated 4 February 2013 from a member of the public regarding issues like manpower and working environment of the telebet department of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Chinese version only) 8 February 2013*
CB(2)633/12-13(01) Submission from a deputation (香港駕駛學院駕駛教師工會) requesting the Panel to discuss the right to form and join trade unions (Chinese version only) 19 February 2013
CB(2)633/12-13(02) Submission from a deputation (香港駕駛學院駕駛教師工會) requesting the Panel to discuss the right to form and join trade unions (Chinese version only) 19 February 2013
CB(2)633/12-13(03) Submission from a deputation (香港駕駛學院駕駛教師工會) requesting the Panel to discuss the right to form and join trade unions (Chinese version only) 19 February 2013
CB(2)285/11-12(01) Administration's paper on the continuous contract under the Employment Ordinance 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(01) Joint submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from Mr WONG Yun-tat, Kwai Tsing District Council member, Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre, Kwai Fong Temporate Job Rights Concern Group, Kwai Chung Estate Labour Right Concern Group, Kwai Chung Community Union, Kwai Shing Rights of Temporate Job Concern Group, NWSC New Arrivals' Women Rights Concern Group and Kwai Chung Estate Grassroots' Right Concern Group (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)774/12-13(03) Paper on the continuous contract under the Employment Ordinance prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 19 March 2013
CB(2)774/12-13(05) Paper on the protection for participation in trade unions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(03) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from Catering and Hotels Industries Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)868/12-13(01) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(04) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from Hong Kong Women Workers' Association (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(05) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from Labour Party (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)827/12-13(01) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(02) Submission on the continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(08) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(11) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Education Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(12) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Government Educational Staff Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(09) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(06) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(10) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Hong Kong Jockey Club Employees Solidarity Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)800/12-13(01) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Hong Kong School of Motoring Driving Instructors Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)827/12-13(02) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(07) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Rights & Benefits Committee (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(14) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from The K. M. B. Staff Union (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)850/12-13(13) Submission on the protection for participation in trade unions from Union of Hong Kong Dockers (Chinese version only) 19 March 2013
CB(2)1137/12-13(01) Submission dated 8 May 2013 from Manpower Concern Group regarding issues like manpower and working environment of the telebet department of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Chinese version only) 14 May 2013*
CB(2)1654/12-13(01) Administration's paper on review of continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance 31 July 2013
CB(2)1654/12-13(02) Paper on the continuous contract under the Employment Ordinance prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 31 July 2013
CB(2)1677/12-13(01) Review of continuous contract requirement under the Employment Ordinance (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 31 July 2013

* Issue date