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Panel on Manpower (Papers)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013


Occupational safety and health

Year 2015 - 2016

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)250/15-16(03) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2015 17 November 2015
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2015" at the meeting on 17 November 2015 (Follow-up paper) 17 November 2015
CB(2)250/15-16(04) Paper on occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 17 November 2015
CB(2)307/15-16(01) Submission on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2015 from Hong Kong & Kowloon Trades Union Council (Chinese version only) 17 November 2015
CB(2)738/15-16(01) Letter dated 22 January 2016 from Hon TANG Ka-piu suggesting the Panel to discuss the subject of occupational safety and health of employees engaged by contractors of outsourcing government services (Chinese version only) 16 February 2016
CB(2)838/15-16(01) Letter dated 2 February 2016 from Hon TANG Ka-piu suggesting the Panel to discuss the occupational safety of construction works of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (Chinese version only) 16 February 2016
CB(2)1039/15-16(08) Administration's paper on occupational diseases and occupational health situation in 2015 15 March 2016
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Occupational diseases and occupational health performance in 2015" at the meeting on 15 March 2016 (Follow-up paper) 15 March 2016
CB(2)1039/15-16(09) Paper on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 15 March 2016
CB(2)1294/15-16(01) Letter dated 13 April 2016 from Hon TANG Ka-piu regarding the implementation of the Guidance Notes on Prevention of Trapping Hazard of Tail Lifts issued by the Labour Department in October 2015 (Chinese version only) 19 April 2016
CB(2)1428/15-16(01) Administration's response to a letter dated 13 April 2016 from Hon TANG Ka-piu regarding the implementation of the Guidance Notes on Prevention of Trapping Hazard of Tail Lifts issued by the Labour Department in October 2015 17 May 2016
CB(2)1744/15-16(01) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in 2015 21 June 2016
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to the accident figures of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Related Hong Kong Projects at the meeting on 21 June 2016 (Follow-up paper) 21 June 2016
CB(2)1769/15-16(03) Paper on the Occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 21 June 2016

Year 2014 - 2015

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)261/14-15(03) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety situation in the first half of 2014 18 November 2014
CB(2)2151/14-15(01) Administration's response to the request at the meeting on 18 November 2014 for information relating to "Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2014" (Follow-up paper) 18 November 2014
CB(2)309/14-15(01) E-mail from a deputation (人手比例不符最低工資關注組) on issues relating to occupational safety and health of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Chinese version only) 18 November 2014*
CB(2)261/14-15(04) Paper on occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 18 November 2014
CB(2)153/14-15(01) Referral from the Panel on Environmental Affairs on issues relating to the protection of the occupational health of outdoor workers on days with poor air quality 18 November 2014
CB(2)1044/14-15(03) Administration's paper on the work safety performance of repair, maintenance, alteration and addition works 17 March 2015
CB(2)2151/14-15(02) Administration's response to the request at the meeting on 17 March 2015 for information relating to "Work safety of repair, maintenance, alteration and addition works" (Follow-up paper) 17 March 2015
CB(2)1044/14-15(04) Paper on the work safety of repair, maintenance, alteration and addition works prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 17 March 2015
CB(2)1483/14-15(01) Letter dated 13 May 2015 from Hon TANG Ka-piu proposing the Panel to discuss issues relating to the impact of pollutants caused by emissions from vessels on occupational safety and health of workers at the terminals (Chinese version only) 19 May 2015
CB(2)105/15-16(01) Administration's information on issues relating to occupational safety as requested by members at the meeting on 16 June 2015 (Follow-up paper) 16 June 2015
CB(2)1683/14-15(03) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in 2014 16 June 2015
CB(2)1683/14-15(04) Paper on the occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 16 June 2015
CB(2)1718/14-15(01) Submission on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in 2014 from a deputation (勞工工作者聯合陣線) (Chinese version only) 16 June 2015
CB(2)1759/14-15(01) Submission on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in 2014 from Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre (Chinese version only) 16 June 2015
CB(2)1872/14-15(01) Administration's paper on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in 2014 14 July 2015
CB(2)2222/14-15(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014" at the meeting on 14 July 2015 (Follow-up paper) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1899/14-15(01) Joint submission on the report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014 from Hong Kong International Terminals Group Employees General Union and Hong Kong Docks & Ports Industries Union (Chinese version only) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1872/14-15(02) Paper on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1917/14-15(01) Report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014 (Power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1886/14-15(01) Submission on the report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014 from a deputation (勞工工作者聯合陣線) (Chinese version only) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1899/14-15(02) Submission on the report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014 from a deputation (人手比例不符最低工資關注組) (Chinese version only) 14 July 2015
CB(2)1918/14-15(01) Submission on the report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in 2014 from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 14 July 2015

Year 2013 - 2014

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)2115/13-14(01) Administration's information on the situation of the occupational safety in Hong Kong and in the construction industry (Follow-up paper) 19 November 2013
15 April 2014
CB(2)279/13-14(05) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's Occupational Safety Performance in the first half of 2013 19 November 2013
CB(2)279/13-14(06) Paper on occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 19 November 2013
CB(2)994/13-14(01) Administration's information on the progress of discussion between the Transport and Housing Bureau / Transport Department and the franchised bus companies in respect of the health check arrangements for bus captains (Follow-up paper) 17 December 2013
CB(2)491/13-14(11) Administration's paper on a report on occupational diseases and occupational health performance in Hong Kong in the first half of 2013 17 December 2013
CB(2)491/13-14(12) Paper on occupational diseases in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 17 December 2013
CB(1)739/13-14(01) Hon KWOK Wai-keung's paper on the design of new residential buildings and safety of workers engaged in the maintenance of external walls dated 9 January 2014 (Chinese version only) 27 January 2014
CB(2)1269/13-14(01) Administration's paper on the occupational safety performance in the construction industry 15 April 2014
CB(2)1836/13-14(01) Administration's response to the issues of concern raised in the submission from the Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims (Follow-up paper) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1279/13-14(03) Paper on the work safety in the construction industry prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1300/13-14(01) Submission on the occupational safety performance in the construction industry from Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims (Chinese version only) 15 April 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(14) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety and health performance in 2013 17 June 2014
CB(2)1773/13-14(15) Paper on the occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 17 June 2014

Year 2012 - 2013

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)189/12-13(01) Administration's paper on the follow-up measures taken to prevent the occurrence of fatal industrial accidents involving electrocution (Follow-up paper) 16 October 2012
CB(2)1649/12-13(01) Administration's information in respect of the air quality of public buses in service, merit and demerit system for public works contractors and the number of prosecution instituted against employers for not reporting cases of occupational injuries and industrial accidents at workplaces (Follow-up paper) 18 December 2012
CB(2)341/12-13(04) Administration's paper on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2012 18 December 2012
CB(2)366/12-13(01) Administration's response to the letter dated 5 December 2012 from Hon TANG Ka-piu 18 December 2012
CB(2)341/12-13(05) Letter dated 5 December 2012 from Hon TANG Ka-piu requesting the Administration to provide statistics on occupational injury cases concerning professional drivers (Chinese version only) 18 December 2012
CB(2)341/12-13(06) Paper on the occupational safety performance in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 18 December 2012
CB(2)376/12-13(01) Submission on Hong Kong's occupational safety performance in the first half of 2012 from Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre (Chinese version only) 18 December 2012
CB(2)948/12-13(04) Administration's paper on measures to enhance the work safety performance in the construction industry 16 April 2013
CB(2)948/12-13(05) Paper on the work safety in the construction industry prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 16 April 2013

* Issue date