Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's motion on
"Studying the formulation of policies for homosexual couples
to enter into a union"
(The above motion, which was originally scheduled to be dealt with at the Council meeting of 20 June 2018, will be dealt with at the first regular Council meeting of the next session)

Wording of motion

-LC Paper No. CB(3) 670/17-18 issued on 6 June 2018

Marked-up version of amendment(s) to the motion and debate procedure

-3 amendments to motion (LC Paper No. CB(3) 704/17-18 issued on 19 June 2018)

A list setting out all the possible scenarios arising from the motion and its amendments (without wording), marked-up version setting out the wording of the first-level revised amendments proposed by amendment movers, and the gists of the first-level revised amendments (these papers in Chinese version only)

-LC Paper No. CB(3) 755/17-18 issued on 27 June 2018