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Council Meeting (Agenda) 19 February 2020

A 19/20-16(CM-15)

This regular meeting not held as decided by the President
before issuance of the full Agenda

Legislative Council


Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 11:00 am

Laying of Papers on the Table of the Council

5 items of subsidiary legislation/instruments to be laid on the Table of the Council set out in Appendix 1


To be notified

Government Bills

First Reading and Second Reading (debate to be adjourned)
(Originally scheduled for the meeting of 12 February 2020)
Secretary for Transport and Housing
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs

Members' Motions

1st debate
(covering the following 2 motions on the incident of assaults which occurred in Yuen Long Station of West Rail Line of the MTR Corporation Limited on 21 July 2019 ("the 721 incident"))
(Standing over from the meeting of 23 October 2019)
Motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint a select committee to conduct an inquiry
Hon LAM Cheuk-ting
Wording of the motion
Motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint a select committee to conduct an inquiry
(This motion concerns both the 721 incident and the 831 incident)
Hon Claudia MO
Wording of the motion
Public officers to attend this debate
Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Security
(Debate and voting arrangements set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(3) 195/19-20 and CB(3) 218/19-20 issued on 9 and 17 December 2019)
2nd debate
(covering the following 3 motions on the incident of assaults which occurred in Prince Edward Station of the MTR Corporation Limited on 31 August 2019 ("the 831 incident") as well as the part concerning the 831 incident in Hon Claudia MO's motion in item 2)
(Standing over from the meeting of 23 October 2019)
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Commissioner of Police, Director of Fire Services, Chairman of the MTR Corporation Limited ("MTRCL") and Operations Director of MTRCL to produce papers and testify
Hon Alvin YEUNG
Wording of the motion
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Commissioner of Police, Director of Fire Services, Assistant Director (Ambulance) of the Fire Services Department, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Hospital Chief Executive of Kwong Wah Hospital and Hospital Chief Executive of Princess Margaret Hospital to produce papers and testify
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki
Wording of the motion
Motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint a select committee to conduct an inquiry
Hon KWONG Chun-yu
Wording of the motion
Public officers to attend this debate
Secretary for Security
Secretary for Transport and Housing
Secretary for Food and Health
Under Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Food and Health
Under Secretary for Transport and Housing
(Debate and voting arrangements set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(3) 195/19-20 and CB(3) 218/19-20 issued on 9 and 17 December 2019)
3rd debate
(covering the following 7 motions on the Police's handling of protesters and persons performing duties in the protests during the "anti-extradition to China" movement)
(Items 6 to 10 standing over from the meeting of 23 October 2019)
6 and 7.
Motions under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint select committees to conduct inquiries
Hon Tanya CHAN
Wording of the motions
8 and 9.
Motions under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint select committees to conduct inquiries
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki
Wording of the motions
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Secretary for Security and Secretary for Labour and Welfare to produce papers and testify
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG
Wording of the motion
(Item 11 standing over from the meeting of 13 November 2019)
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Secretary for Security and Commissioner of Police to produce papers and testify
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki
Wording of the motion
(Item 12 standing over from the meeting of 11 December 2019)
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Commissioner of Police to produce papers and testify
Hon Kenneth LEUNG
Wording of the motion
Public officers to attend this debate
Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare
(Debate and voting arrangements set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(3) 195/19-20 and CB(3) 218/19-20 issued on 9 and 17 December 2019)
4th debate
(covering the following 2 motions on the causes and consequences of the social conflicts or disturbances arising from the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap. 503) and related matters)
(Item 13 standing over from the meeting of 13 November 2019)
Motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint a select committee to conduct an inquiry
Hon CHUNG Kwok-pan
Wording of the motion
(Item 14 standing over from the meeting of 27 November 2019)
Motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to appoint a select committee to conduct an inquiry
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG
Wording of the motion
Amendment mover
Hon James TO
(Amendment set out in LC Paper No. CB(3) 155/19-20 issued on 22 November 2019)
Public officers to attend this debate
Chief Secretary for Administration
Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Security
(Debate and voting arrangements set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(3) 195/19-20 and CB(3) 218/19-20 issued on 9 and 17 December 2019)
Debate and voting arrangements for the following 2 motions to be notified
(Standing over from the meeting of 15 January 2020)
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Secretary for Security and Commissioner of Police to produce papers and testify
Hon Charles Peter MOK
Wording of the motion
Public officers to attend
Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Security
Motion under Article 73(5) and (10) of the Basic Law to summon the Secretary for Security and Secretary for Transport and Housing to produce papers and testify
Hon Jeremy TAM
Wording of the motion
Public officers to attend
Secretary for Security
Secretary for Transport and Housing
Under Secretary for Security
Under Secretary for Transport and Housing
5th debate (covering the following motion)
(Standing over from the meeting of 12 June 2019)
Motion on "No confidence in the Fifth Term Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region"
Hon Dennis KWOK
Wording of the motion
Amendment mover
Hon Claudia MO
(Amendment set out in LC Paper No. CB(3) 667/18-19 issued on 5 June 2019)
Public officer to attend
Chief Secretary for Administration
6th debate (covering the following motion)
(Standing over from the meeting of 12 June 2019)
Motion on "Ensuring children's right to play for them to grow up happily"
Hon HO Kai-ming
Wording of the motion
5 amendment movers
Hon IP Kin-yuen, Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG, Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan and Hon HUI Chi-fung
(Amendments set out in LC Paper No. CB(3) 669/18-19 issued on 6 June 2019)
Public officers to attend
Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare

Clerk to the Legislative Council

Appendix 1

Council meeting of 19 February 2020

Laying of Papers on the Table of the Council

Subsidiary legislation/instruments
Legal Notice No.

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