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Council Meeting (Agenda) 19 February 2020


Legislative Council


Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 11:00 am

Laying of Subsidiary Legislation on the Table of the Council

7 items of subsidiary legislation to be laid on the Table of the Council set out in Appendix 1

Urgent Questions

Hon Alice MAK and Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki to ask 2 urgent oral questions in Appendix 2 in relation to measures for tackling the novel coronavirus outbreak
Public officers to reply to the above questions
Chief Secretary for Administration
Secretary for Innovation and Technology
Secretary for Home Affairs
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Secretary for the Civil Service
Secretary for Security
Secretary for Transport and Housing
Secretary for Food and Health
Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
Secretary for Education
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs
Under Secretary for Education
Under Secretary for Food and Health

Clerk to the Legislative Council

Appendix 1

Council meeting on 19 February 2020

Laying of Subsidiary Legislation on the Table of the Council

Subsidiary legislation
Legal Notice No.

Appendix 2

2 urgent questions for oral replies
to be asked at the Council meeting on 19 February 2020

Subject matter
Public officers to reply to the above questions
Chief Secretary for Administration
Secretary for Innovation and Technology
Secretary for Home Affairs
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Secretary for the Civil Service
Secretary for Security
Secretary for Transport and Housing
Secretary for Food and Health
Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
Secretary for Education
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs
Under Secretary for Education
Under Secretary for Food and Health

Urgent Question 1
(For oral reply)


Measures for tackling the novel coronavirus outbreak

Hon Alice MAK to ask:
As the authorities suspected that the cause for a tenant in Hong Mei House of Cheung Hong Estate in Tsing Yi being infected with the novel coronavirus recently was that a pipe of the toilet in the tenant's unit had not been sealed up, arrangements were made for around a hundred tenants in the building to live in quarantine centres temporarily. Has the Government laid down criteria specifying the circumstances under which mandatory closure of certain premises and temporary evacuation of the residents therein will be warranted; if not, whether it will forthwith do so; furthermore, whether the Government will immediately send officers to inspect those public housing units whose sewerage system is of a design similar to that of Cheung Hong Estate, with a view to preventing recurrence of similar incidents which will increase the risk of the virus spreading; besides, given that the outbreak has continued to aggravate, with an increasing number of people who are subject to quarantine or isolation, whether sufficient number of quarantine and isolation centres are in place and what are the related details (including the number of places as well as the status of their usage and demand); and whether there are plans to requisition other facilities or premises, etc. for quarantine and isolation uses in an effort to increase supply to meet the demand?

Urgent Question 2
(For oral reply)


Measures for tackling the novel coronavirus outbreak

Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki to ask:
As the novel coronavirus epidemic is raging throughout the Hubei Province, have the authorities closely monitored the conditions of those Hong Kong people stranded in the Hubei Province and rendered them appropriate assistance, and will the authorities expeditiously make arrangements for them to return to Hong Kong; what are the details of the authorities' work in this regard; in addition, do the authorities know what immediate measures that the Hospital Authority ("HA") has put in place to ensure that adequate protective equipment is available for use by healthcare personnel so as to reduce their risks of contracting the virus, and whether HA has devised a contingency plan to deal with the situation where all items of the protective equipment have been used up?

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