Bills Committee on Estate Agents Bill
Issues arising from the
informal meeting on 18 November 1996 and
which require follow-up by the Administration
at the meeting on 26 November 1996

(a) Research report by the LegCo Research and Library Services Division

In response to the request of a Mr AU YEUNG from the Land Registry on 5 February 1996, a Research Officer of the Division has forwarded to him by fax statistics on cases distribution relating to the survey; a copy of the fax message is enclosed. The Land Registry has not gone back to the Division since. As this is contrary to the Administration’s remarks made at the meeting on 13 November that the Division has not responded to requests made by the Administration for examining data relating to the survey, members would appreciate the Administration’s clarification on when the requests were made and the reasons for the Administration not having put across in writing any doubts which the Administration might have on the research data.

Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo has advised that if the Administration now wishes to clarify any data in the report, a written advice listing out the details should be forwarded to the Bills Committee before the next meeting on 26 November 1996.

(b) Attendance of representatives from the Buildings Department

Hon Mrs Selina CHOW was highly dissatisfied with the non-attendance of representatives from the Buildings Department at the informal meeting on 18 November, the main purpose of which was to discuss the accessibility of property information provided by Government departments. From the meeting on 13 November, members have noted that 70% of property data requires further search at the Buildings Department and they are concerned about the availability of such data, the retrieval time required and the schedule for the computerization of property data in the Department.

Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo has advised that representatives from the Buildings Department should be invited to the next meeting on 26 November 1996 to provide first-hand information and elaborate on the above to members of the Bills Committee.

(c) Clause 37 Information as regards properties, etc.

As requested by Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo at the informal meeting on 18 November, the Administration is to provide a written response on:

  1. a detailed description of each of the six items of information required under Clause 37(2) to avoid ambiguity. For example when information is requested on "floor area", whether reference is being made to the gross area, saleable area, or usable area of a property;
  2. the departments from which each of these items of information can be obtained. These should include the Land Registry, the Rating and Valuation Department, the Buildings Department and the Lands Department where appropriate; and
  3. the types and the percentages of information requested under Clause 37(2) which are and are not available from these departments, with a breakdown by the years of completion of properties such as pre-war, before the 1970s, 1970 - 1980, 1980 - 1990, and since 1990.

(d) Central Data Bank

To address the concern of the trade and members on the establishment of the Central Data Bank which will provide expedient and reliable property information to estate agents and the public, Hon Mrs Selina CHOW has requested the Administration to advise the timetable for the establishment of the Central Data Bank and the schedule for submitting the related funding request to the Finance Committee.

(e) Report of the Working Group on Regulation of Estate Agents

Hon Mrs Selina CHOW is in support of the view of the trade that the Bill as drafted is too refined and has deviated from the recommendations of the Working Group. Hon Mrs Selina CHOW has requested the Administration to review if the Bill reflects the proposals in the Working Group report and to consider re-drafting the Bill as necessary.

Legislative Council Secretariat
20 November 1996

Last Updated on 17 Apr, 1997
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