Bills Committee on Electricity (Amendment) Bill 1996
Summary Table of Submissions
(As at 10 September 1996)

Name of organization/person
(Date of submission)


General Remarks

British Electrotechnical Approvals Board

22 July 1996


It would be impractical to maintain an up-to-date list of the current (safety) standards in the legislation. A general reference to the series of standards (e.g. International standards, or British standards) which would be used to establish the prescribed safety requirements would be helpful to suppliers and manufacturers, as well as to Certification Bodies.

British Standards Institution

2 September 1996


Requests details on how British Standards Institution may apply to become recognised as a National Certification Body.

China Light & Power Company, Limited

2 August 1996


Supports the Bill

The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong

19 August 1996


Supports the Bill

Manufacturers should be informed of the requirements beforehand, including their responsibilities and liabilities to offence. A reasonable grace period should be given for meeting the requirements of the regulation.

Clipsal Asia Limited

28 August 1996


It is recommended that the regulation shall also govern the safety standard of metal or PVC conduits. Although they are not current carry products, they are insulation harness contributing to the total safety of the household electrical network.

See Tables B and C for specific comments on Clause 3 of the Bill and Schedule 1 of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation (the Regulation)

Consumer Council

17 August 1996


With the advent of new technology and the proliferation of exporting countries of electrical products, a Committee on Standards should be formed to review and develop standards with outside participation.

See Tables B and C for specific comments on Clauses 9, 10 of the Bill and Part V Section 11(b) of the Regulation.

Hong Kong & Kowloon Electrical Appliances Merchants Association Ltd

22 August 1996


See Table D for specific comments on Section 29 (1)b, Section 56 (8), Section 59 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (k), (l), (m), (n) of the Electricity Ordinance (the Ordinance).

Hong Kong & Kowloon Electric Trade Association

24 July 1996


See Table B for specific comments on Clauses 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11 of the Bill.

Hong Kong Productivity Council

13 August 1996


Supports the Bill

Integrated Technology Company

24 August 1996


The company expresses the concern about the application of the legislation on "non-mass produced" electrical products. Since the production volume of these products is small, it would be very costly to submit each design for testing. It is proposed that the Bill should contain special provisions for this industry which is involved in non-mass produced electrical or electronic products. Specifically, it is suggested that if a system follows one of the following configurations, it should be considered inherently safe and be exempted from the safety test procedures under the Bill: (please refer to the appropriate appendix for the technical details)

(1) the system runs of an external power supply unit that has been safety-approved; or

(2) the system uses an integral pre-approved power supply unit.

Tantalus Design Company

28 August 1996


Same submission as above

Personal Submission - Mr K T Leong



Same submission as above

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

27 August 1996


Generally supports the Bill

On the difficulty to produce a comprehensive list of standards for all household electrical products, solutions of some kind are highly recommended so that manufacturers can start planning for their design and production according to the new Bill.

Retail Management Association Limited

23 August 1996


Generally supports the Bill

As the new legislation will affect a large range of products in the market, which will take a minimum of one year for both manufacturers and retailers to prepare for the change, the Association recommends that at least 12 months grace period should be given after the legislation has come into effect.

See Tables B, C and D for specific comments on Clause 10 of the Bill, Part I Section 3 (2) of the Regulation and Section 29 of the Ordinance

Sharp-Roxy (Hong Kong) Ltd

12 August 1996


See Table C for specific comments on Part I Section 2 of the Regulation

Singapore Productivity and Standards Board

6 August 1996


It is noted that Hong Kong has the Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance. Is there a Product Liability Law to impose civil liability on unsafe consumer goods?

See Table D for specific comments on Section 2 and Section 29 (2) of the Ordinance

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

26 August 1996


See Table C for specific comments on Part I Section 2 and Part III Sections 8(b) and 8(c) of the Regulation.

Vocational Training Council

23 August 1996


See Table C for specific comments on Schedule 2 Item 1 of the Regulation

Last Updated on 10 December 1998
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