(Letterhead of Office of Legislative Councillor Bruce Liu Sing Lee)

To : Legislative Council Secretariat

Bill Committee on Housing (Amendment) Bill 1996 and Housing (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 1996

13 th June, 1996

Dear Members,

The first meeting of the captioned Bills Committee will be held on 21st June. In order to facilitate Members’ understanding of the structure and operation of the Housing Authority (HA), officials of the Housing Branch are requested to provide the following information at the meeting :

  1. The membership lists of the HA since its reorganization and independence in 1988, together with the respective information of its members including their biodata, professional background, membership in three-tier councils and business background.
  2. The annual number of HA meetings attended by, as well as the yearly attendance rate of, each HA member since 1988.
  3. The total number of policies resolved by HA since 1988 which were at the same time in line with that recommended in the HA Memorandum, together with the number of policies vetoed, as well as a list of polices passed and vetoed.
  4. The Standing Orders of the HA stipulates that its members may include into the agenda of a meeting any item for discussion provided that the addition is proposed at least twelve clear days before the meeting. Please indicate if any member has exercised the right since 1988 and, if any, provide the name(s) of the member(s) who made such a proposal, the date(s) of the meeting(s) concerned and the proposed item(s).
  5. The Standing Orders of the HA also stipulates that a meeting should be convened within seven clear days at any request made jointly by four HA members. Please indicate whether any members have jointly made such a request since 1988 and, if any, provide the names of the members making such request(s), the date(s) of the meeting(s) concerned and the item(s) for discussion.
  6. The specific arrangements made by the HA to enhance the representation of its members, the transparency in its operation, and its accountability to the public.


Bruce Liu Sing Lee

Last Updated on 10 December 1998
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