Finance Committee

Establishment Subcommittee
Meeting Agenda as of 24 June 1996

Date :1 July 1996
Time:10:45 am

Item No. Subject
I. Proposed creation of a supernumerary post of Chief Engineer(D1) for the period up to 31 December 1999 to head a dedicated team in Transport Department to manage and steer the feasibility study on electronic road pricing.
II.Proposed creation of a supernumerary post in a new rank of Rating Adviser(D3) for three years with effect from 1 August 1996 offset by the temporary deletion of the rank and post of Rating Adviser(D2) in the Rating and Valuation Department to cope with new work commitments over the next three years.
III.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Engineer(D1) to cope with the growing workload and span of control of the post in the District and Maintenance Division of the New Territories Regional Office of the Highways Department.
IV.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Magistrate($71,265 - $85,400) in the Obscene Articles Tribunal to cope with the increasing workload.
V.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) in the Administration Wing of the Chief Secretary's Office to improve the co-ordination of Legislative Council business within the Administration and to improve liaison between the Administration and Legislative Council.
VI.Proposed conversion of the Entertainment Standards Control Officer grade from the permanent but non-pensionable establishment to the permanent and pensionable establishment in the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority.

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Last Updated on 27 November 1998
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