Finance Committee

Establishment Subcommittee
Meeting Agenda as of 26 July 1996

Date :8 May 1996
Time:10:45 a.m.

Item No. Subject
I.Proposed creation of two permanent posts of Deputy Principal Crown Counsel(DL2) in the Prosecutions Division of the Legal Department to cope with the growing volume of work
II.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) in the Geneva Office and deletion of a permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) in the London Office under Head 96
III. Proposed -
  1. creation of three permanent posts of Administrative Officer Staff Grade A(D6) offset by the deletion of two posts of Secretary, Government Secretariat(D8) and one post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1(D4) in the Overseas Offices of the Trade and Industry Branch; and
  2. extension of the approved flexible ranking system in the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices to all Directorate Head and Deputy Head posts
IV.Proposed changes in establishment under Expenditure Heads 21, 142, 143, 144 and 151 to enable the reorganisation of the Political Adviser*s Office
V.Proposed creation of a supernumerary post of Government Land Agent(D2) for three years with effect from 10 June 1996 in the Lands Department to head a multi-disciplinary Task Force to tackle the land use environmental problems in the New Territories
VI.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Air Traffic Control Officer(D1) in the Civil Aviation Department with effect from 1 June 1996 to cope with the increasing workload and responsibilities arising from the development of the new airport at Chek Lap Kok
VII.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Geotechnical Engineer(D1) in the Civil Engineering Department to head a new Landslip Investigation Division
VIII.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Architect(D1) in the Housing Department to head the Standards Section and to take over part of the responsibilities of the Architectural Division

[ Agenda | Papers ]

Last Updated on 27 November 1998

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