Finance Committee

Establishment Subcommittee
Meeting Agenda as of 11 June 1996

Date :14 June 1996
Time:10:45 am

Item No. Subject
* I.Proposed changes in the directorate establishment of the Legal Department to cope effectively with the increasing workload and responsibilities
II.Proposed the following under Head 46 -(a) creation of three permanent posts of one Assistant Postmaster General(D2), one Chief Controller of posts(D1) and one Chief Treasury Accountant(D1) offset by the deletion of one post of Senior Controller of Posts(MPS 45-49) to cope with the demands arising from the growth of postal business and the new demands of the Post Office Trading Fund; and(b) redeployment of one permanent post of Chief Controller of Posts(D1)

* Deferred from meeting held on 5 June 1996

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Last Updated on 27 November 1998
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