For discussion EC(95-96)51
on 2 November 1995


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following permanent post in the Civil Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Department -

    1 Chief Engineer
    (D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)


The staff deployment and structure of the Civil Engineering Office (CEO) of the Civil Engineering Department (CED) do not accurately reflect the current and future demands of work on the office, thereby reducing its service efficiency and operational effectiveness.


2. The Director of Civil Engineering (DCE) proposes to create one permanent post of Chief Engineer (CE) (D1) to head a new Technical Services Division (TSD).


3. In April 1995 we completed a study of the organisational structure of the CEO as part of an overall management review of CED. The findings indicate that restructuring of the office is necessary in view of -

  1. increasing emphasis on project management;
  2. decreasing workload in the Solid Waste Division (SWD);
  3. increasing workload in the Port Works Division (PWD);
  4. increasing workload in the Port Development Division (PDD); and
  5. the identified need for increased research and development work.

4. As regards paragraph 3 (a), Members approved in May 1995 the creation of a permanent post of Government Engineer (D2), designated as Assistant Director/Project Management (General) (AD/PM(G)), to head a new Project Management Branch (PMB) in CEO to improve its ability to deliver capital works projects on time and within budget. We undertook to provide supporting staff through redeployment within the Department.

5. As regards paragraph 3 (b), the SWD is headed by a supernumerary post of CE first created in November 1991 for a period of two years, and subsequently extended for another two years. This post will lapse on 25 November 1995. It is responsible for managing old landfills, undertaking preparatory works for new strategic landfills as well as planning and co-ordinating public dumping projects. As the Environmental Protection Department has taken over the management of new strategic landfills and CED’s involvement in all landfill-related projects will cease in 1997, SWD’s workload on landfills is decreasing rapidly. Its workload on the provision of public dumps, however, is increasing significantly.

6. As regards paragraph 3 (c), the PWD is headed by a permanent post of CE. It is responsible for planning, designing and constructing marine works projects, and dealing with district administration issues and maintenance matters. The PWD is the maintenance authority for all marine frontages, and undertakes all types of marine works, including urgent projects such as the new Naval Base at Stonecutters Island and the management of the contaminated mud pits at East Sha Chau. The division’s current workload is extremely heavy and DCE has found it necessary to defer certain lower-priority projects in order to manage more important work properly.

7. As regards paragraph 3 (d), the PDD is headed by a permanent post of CE. It is responsible for planning, designing and constructing the next generation container terminals at North Lantau, and for port expansion in the Western Harbour (known as Lantau Port Development). In addition, it has a Hydraulic Models Section dedicated to the management and enhancement of the hydraulic physical and mathematical models, which are used for assessing the physical and environmental effects of projects on Hong Kong waters. Whilst demand for this service is rapidly increasing, workload on the Lantau Port is also very heavy as design work on Container Terminals 10 and 11 has reached an advanced stage. CE/PD is unable to devote adequate time to oversee the efficient management of the hydraulic models.

8. As regards paragraph 3 (e), there is a significant demand for research and development in the marine engineering field for the following reasons -

  1. to address the effects of the continuing programme of harbour reclamation on the overall current and wave climates as well as siltation in Hong Kong waters, in particular in the Victoria Harbour;
  2. to ensure use of the most effective designs and materials and to minimise the maintenance costs of marine structures. To achieve this, we need to study the application of new techniques developed overseas in recent years for use in the local environment;
  3. to ensure public safety, we are studying the condition of some 100 existing piers. We need also to review the latest technology for concrete structures in the marine environment for use in the pier-repair programme; and
  4. to support the Urban and Regional Councils in their endeavours to enlarge and replenish the Territory’s beaches. CED carried out the resanding of Repulse Bay and South Bay Beaches on behalf of the Urban Council. We need resources for supervising the necessary works if the beach improvements programme is to continue.

9. In the light of these changes in the workload pattern, the Management Review recommended the following changes to the organisational structure of CEO -

  1. to disband the SWD and transfer its resources to the PMB and the PWD to strengthen project management and to deal with the increasing workload on public dumping issues respectively;
  2. to transfer SWD’s residual landfill duties to the Development & Airport Division (D&AD);
  3. to relieve the PWD of district administration issues and maintenance responsibilities so that it can concentrate on port works including public dumping issues;
  4. to relieve the PDD of the management of hydraulic models so that it can concentrate on Lautau Port Development; and
  5. to establish a new TSD to take up district administration issues, maintenance works, hydraulic modelling and research and development work.

10. With the exception of the creation of a new TSD, the above organisational changes do not require the creation or redeployment of directorate posts. As mentioned in paragraph 5 above, the supernumerary CE post heading the SWD will lapse on 25 November 1995 following the proposed disbandment of this division. However, as the work of the proposed TSD is long-term in nature, we propose to create a permanent post of CE (D1), to be designated as CE/Technical Services, to lead the Division. We consider that such a ranking is appropriate having regard to the level of professional expertise required and the need to supervise and direct the work of four Senior Engineers. The job description for the proposed CE post is at Enclosure 1. The existing and proposed organisation charts of CEO are at Enclosures 2 and 3.

11. The proposed organisation of the CEO will enable a more logical distribution of work and will more accurately reflect the actual duties and workload of the CEO, thereby enhancing efficiency.


12. The additional notional annual salary cost of this proposal at MID-POINT is -


No. of Post

New permanent post



We have sufficient provision in the 1995-96 Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal.


13. The Civil Service Branch considers the ranking and grading of the post appropriate, having regard to the responsibilities and the professional input required.


14. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading of the proposed post would be appropriate if the post were to be created.

Works Branch
October 1995

Enclosure 1 to EC(95-96)51

Job Description Chief Engineer/Technical Services

Rank : Chief Engineer (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Government Engineer in charge of the General Engineering Branch for -

  1. planning and supervising the work of the Technical Services Division;
  2. checking of development proposals and lease conditions related to marine works on behalf of the Building Authority and Lands Authority respectively;
  3. providing expert advice and technical input to other Government departments and outside organisations on matters related to marine works;
  4. monitoring of maintenance of franchised/licensed ferry piers and advising on matters regarding the Ferry Services Ordinance;
  5. programming, investigating, planning and managing the port works maintenance contract for the inspection and maintenance of all public marine facilities including seawalls and piers etc. and maintenance dredging of fairways, typhoon anchorages, and river channels;
  6. planning, investigating, designing and constructing minor marine projects;
  7. managing and arranging for maintenance of the mathematical and physical hydraulic models and computer systems, undertaking model tests, and providing advice to other Government departments on the use of the models;
  8. preparing consultants' briefs, selecting and managing consultants, overseeing their work and negotiating agreements with them on the continuous programme of enhancement of the hydraulic models and computer systems; and
  9. undertaking studies and investigations, using consultants as and when necessary, on research and development in the marine engineering field, including studies on harbour salutation, beach replenishment, the wave climate in Hong Kong Waters, and the repair and reconditioning of marine structures.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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