For discussion EC(95-96)54
on 2 November 1995
Subhead 001 Salaries
Subhead 003 Recoverable salaries and allowances
Subhead 254 Senior Staff Course Centre
Subhead 001 salaries
Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -
With effect from 1 April 1996
- the merger of the Civil Service Training Centre and the Senior Staff Course Centre to form the Civil Service Training and Development Institute;
- the redeployment of one permanent post of Director, Senior Staff Course Centre (D3) ($111,100 to $117,750) to the Civil Service Training and Development Institute and the retitling of the post to Director, Civil Service Training and Development Institute;
With effect from 1 January 1996
- the redeployment of one permanent post of Principal Training Officer (D2) ($95,550 - $101,450) from the Civil Service Branch to the Civil Service Training Centre; and
- the creation of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) ($95,550 - $101,450) in the Civil Service Branch.
The Civil Service Training Centre and the Senior Staff Course Centre need to be merged into a single institution to cope effectively with the mission to enhance training and development of civil servants. Moreover, a supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) in the Civil Service Branch (CSB) working on a long-term basis on a wide range of duties including civil service training policy needs to be made permanent.
2. The Secretary for the Civil Service (SCS) proposes to -
With effect from 1 April 1996
- merge the Civil Service Training Centre (CSTC) and the Senior Staff Course Centre (SSCC) to form the Civil Service Training and Development Institute (CSTDI);
- redeploy one permanent post of Director, Senior Staff Course Centre (D, SSCC) (D3) to the CSTDI and retitle the post to Director, Civil Service Training and Development Institute (D, CSTDI) (D3) when the CSTDI is set up on 1 April 1996;
With effect from 1 January 1996
- redeploy one permanent post of Principal Training Officer (PTO) (D2) from CSB to CSTC to commission the setting-up of CSTDI on 1 April 1996 and to assist the D, CSTDI in running the new CSTDI thereafter; and
- create one permanent post of AOSGC (D2) to head a division in CSB.
3. At present, the training of civil servants at the central level is provided separately by CSTC and SSCC. The CSTC conducts a wide range of management, language, computer, and China studies courses to meet common departmental needs. It also provides professional advice and assistance to individual departments on their own training functions. The existing organisation structure of CSTC is at Enclosure 1. On the other hand, the SSCC is responsible for developing and running Senior Staff Courses (SSCs), which are full-time management development courses, for civil servants remunerated at Master Pay Scale (MPS) point 45 to D2 level. The existing organisation structure of the SSCC is at Enclosure 2.
4. SCS initiated a review of civil service training in November 1994. The review report recommended, inter alia, that CSTC and SSCC should be merged to form a new training agency, which should become a centre of excellence for civil service training. In recognition of the need for excellence, SCS proposes to merge CSTC and SSCC on 1 April 1996 to form a single training agency, named the Civil Service Training and Development Institute (CSTDI), at the central level to improve existing services and serve as a basis for further development. The merger would not only facilitate better co-ordination of various training programmes and maximise the use of training resources, but would also allow a cross-fertilisation of training expertise and ideas between CSTC and SSCC. Moreover, a central training entity would be more effective in monitoring training needs in the face of change and in working out long-term training strategies.
5. SCS proposes that the new CSTDI should be headed by a Director, to be supported by two directorate officers - an existing officer at Assistant Principal Training Officer (APTO) (D1) level and an additional officer at Principal Training Officer (PTO) (D2) level. This compact directorate structure will pull together eight units comprising some 160 staff with the PTO and the APTO each supervising four units. The proposed structure of the CSTDI is shown at Enclosure 3. The proposed arrangements are described in greater detail in paragraphs 6 to 9 below.
6. The head of CSTDI will have a bigger role than D, SSCC to play in the development of civil service training. He will set the strategic direction for achieving CSTDIs long term goal to become a training centre of excellence, develop and promote links with relevant institutions in Hong Kong and other countries and advise departments on up-to-date training and development practices. In addition to his responsibility for the CSTDI, the head will assist and advise SCS in formulating and implementing civil service training policy.
7. Having regard to the complexity of the duties and the wider responsibilities involved and to accord him suitable seniority to supervise his directorate staff at D1 and D2 level, SCS considers it appropriate that the D, CSTDI should be ranked at D3 level. SCS proposes to redeploy the D, SSCC (D3) to head CSTDI. He further proposes to retitle the post of D, SSCC to D, CSTDI to reflect the new responsibilities. The existing duty list of the D, SSCC is at Enclosure 4 and the proposed duty list of the D, CSTDI isis at Enclosure 5.
8. A PTO (D2) post was created in CSB in 1966 to take charge of the former Civil Service Training Division in the branch. However, in recognition of the increasing importance of training as a civil service policy subject, a supernumerary AOSGC (D2) post, held against the permanent PTO post, was created in 1979. This arrangement has remained in place since then.
9. The Financial Committee in 1983 approved ithe separation of the Civil Service Training Division from CSB to become the CSTC headed by an APTO (D1). Since then the number of trainees has increased from 8 000 in 1982/83 to about 70 000 in 1995/96. Over the past few years, CSTC has embarked on an intensive training programme to prepare civil servants for the transition. The Centre has also expanded its training in support of the new management initiative launched by the Efficiency Unit, Finance Branch and CSB. In view of the complexity and wide range of training provided by CSTC, we have created a supernumerary post of PTO for six months form 1 July 1995 to assume the higher training responsibilities involved and to start planning for the commissioning of CSTDI. When the supernumerary PTO post in CSTC lapses on 31 December 1995, SCS proposes to redeploy the PTO post from CSB to CSTC so that a D2 officer will continue to be available to run it and to commission the CSTDI until 31 March 1996. She will be supported by an APTO for the purpose. The duty lists of the PTO and APTO from 1 January to 31 March 1996 are at Enclosure 6 and 7 respectively, while those with effect from 1 April 1996 are at Enclosure 8 and 9 respectively.
10. Since 1979, the supernumerary AOSGC post held against the PTO post described in paragraph 8 above has assumed a wide range of important policy responsibilities. At present, the post is responsible for policies on performance management, staffing arrangements arising from corporatization/privatisation and establishment of trading funds in addition to civil service training. The post is also in charge of the CSB team which has been tasked with the important responsibility for co-ordinating and advising on Human Resource Management (HRM) development in departments - a logical adjunct to responsibility for training policy. Additionally, the post is responsible for policies on official languages in the civil service and government employment of the disabled. Furthermore, the post looks after one policy branch and 20 departments on the full range of "normal" CSB functions. The duty list of the AOSGC post is at Enclosure 10.
11. Considering that the AOSGCs duties are of a permanent nature, SCS proposes to rationalise the existing arrangement by creating a permanent post of AOSGC as Principal Assistant Secretary (Civil Service) to continue the work currently being undertaken. SCS has examined the possibility of redeploying the existing permanent posts in CSB to absorb the workload described in paragraph 10 above. However, as each of these posts already carries a full range of duties, such redeployment would be impracticable.
12. The additional notional annual mid-point salary cost of the above proposal is -
No. of Post
New permanent post -
Administrative Officer Staff Grade C
1 |
There is sufficient provision in the 1995-96 Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal. Subject to Members approval, we shall reflect changes arising from the merger of the CSTC and the SSCC in the 1996-97 draft Estimates.
13. These proposals originate from CSB and thus have the branchs full support.
14. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading of the new posts and the retitling of one post would be appropriate if the posts were to be created/redeployed.
Civil Service Branch
October 1995
Enclosure 4 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to : Secretary for the Civil Service
- Controlling Officer of the funds included in the annual Estimates to cover the expenses of the Senior Staff Course Centre under Head 46 General Expenses of the Civil Service.
- Responsible for the overall administration of the Centre and the courses run therefrom including -
- preparation and development of the syllabus and course material;
- coordination of the training modules and methods;
- liaison with local and overseas institutions and government departments on course subjects and materials;
- deployment and supervision of staff;
- validation and evaluation of the training, and development of research facilities for the courses; and
- appraisal of, and reporting on, staff and course members.
Enclosure 5 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to: Secretary for the Civil Service
- To supervise and set the strategic direction of the development of CSTDI, with the ultimate goal of leading CSTDI to become a centre of excellence for the provision of public service training;
- To set the strategic direction of programmes organised by CSTDI, i.e. training programmes which support central government management initiatives and meet common departmental needs, such as China studies training, Human Resource Management training and language training, etc.;
- To assist SCS in the formulation and implementation of civil service training policy;
- To advise departments on modern training and development practices;
- To develop links with similar institutions in Hong Kong and other countries to facilitate exchange of expertise and experience and promote operational links; and
- To act as the Controlling Officer of the new head of expenditure for CSTDI.
Enclosure 6 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to: Deputy Secretary (Civil Service) (3)
- To head CSTC and overall supervision of all units in CSTC;
- To work closely with D, SSCC on the establishment of CSTDI;
- To assist SCS in the formulation and implementation of civil service training policy; and
- To attend to all transitional matters related to the formation of CSTDI.
Enclosure 7 to EC (95-96)54
(1 January - 31 March 1996)
Responsible to : Civil Service Training Director (PTO)
- To assist PTO in overseeing the training programmes/services provided in CSTC;
- To be responsible for advising departments on modern training and development practice;
- To monitor CSTCs expenditure; and
- To receive visitors from Hong Kong and overseas to maintain links with counterparts.
Enclosure 8 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to : Director, Civil Service Training and Development Institute
- To supervise the Senior Management Development Unit, Management Training Unit, General Grades Development Unit and Training and Development Advisory Services Unit of CSTDI;
- To set the strategic direction of programmes/services provided by the four units of CSTDI under supervision;
- To assist in the formulation and implementation of civil service training policy;
- To be responsible for monitoring trends and development in specialist areas and ensuring that CSTDI respond to training needs of civil servants with appropriate services/programmes; and
- To be responsible for advising departments on modern training and development practice.
Enclosure 9 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to : Director, Civil Service Training and Development Institute
- To supervise the China Studies Unit, Language and Communication Training Unit, Computer Training Unit and Administration Unit;
- To set the strategic direction of programmes/services provided by the four units of CSTDI;
- To assist in the formulation and implementation of civil service training policy;
- To be responsible for monitoring trends and development in specialist areas and ensuring that CSTDI respond to training needs of civil servants with appropriate services/programmes; and
- To monitor the expenditure of CSTDI.
Enclosure 10 to EC (95-96)54
Responsible to : Deputy Secretary (Civil Service)3
- To be responsible for formulating strategy in promoting Human Resource Management in the civil service, co-ordinating and pursuing Human Resource Management initiatives;
- To be responsible for policy on civil service training, performance management and staffing arrangements arising from privatisation/corporation/establishment of trading funds;
- To be responsible for policy and arrangements concerning secondments to/from overseas countries;
- Policy on official languages in the civil service;
- Policy on employment of the disabled in the civil service; and
- To be responsible for casework on civil service matters in respect of -
Audit Department
Home Affairs Branch/Home Affairs Department
Civil Service Training Centre
Companies Registry
Government Land Transport Agency
Independent Police Complaints Council
Information Technology Services Department
Inland Revenue Department
Intellectual Property Department
Land Registry
Legal Aid Department
Legal Department
LegCo Secretariat
Office of the Commissioner of Administrative Complaints
Official Receivers Office
Printing Department
Rating and Valuation Department
Senior Staff Course Centre
Last Updated on 3 December 1998