For discussion
on 5 June 1996


Subhead 003 Recoverable Salaries and Allowances

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following permanent post in the Housing Department -

1 Assistant Principal Training Officer

(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)


The existing establishment of the Training and Development Centre (T&D Centre), Administration Division of the Housing Department (the Department) is in need of additional professional support at the directorate level to cope with the increasing complexity and volume of work.


2. We propose to create a post of Assistant Principal Training Officer (APTO) (D1) in the Administration Division of the Housing Department to meet the requirement.


3. Headed by an Assistant Director/Administration (AD/A) (Senior Principal Executive Officer at D2 level), the Administration Division is responsible for the provision, coordination and control of personnel and departmental administration services to the whole Department. It currently comprises the Personnel and General Administration SectionsS, a Committees Section, a Translation Section and a T&D Centre.

4. There has been a significant increase in the workload and responsibilities of the Division arising from the need to strengthen human resource management (HRM), and in particular, human resource development (HRD) in the Department. This is elaborated below.

Unified Training Structure

5. The Housing Department completed a training reviewcompleted by the Housing Department in March 1995 which has formulated a new training strategy for the Department. Under the new strategy, we envisaged an expanded training and development programme supported by a revised training structure underwe propose to establish a T&D Centre formed from amalgamating the previous Training Section and the Works Group Training Unit.

6. We created six training officer and three clerical officer postscreated in September 1995 to help set up the T&D Centre. In January 1996, we have deployed Senior Training Manager/Construction, previously under Assistant Director/Construction Services, to the Centre for reportingreports to AD/A direct. Moreover, we have also created a Senior Housing Manager post in April 1996 to oversee the vocational training for the Housing Class. With an expanded training structure, we require an officer with expertise and experience in training to assist AD/A in overseeing the Centre and drawing up the training strategies and programmes.

Human Resource Management Policy and Strategy Planning

7. At present, various sections in the Personnel Subdivision carry out HRM functions whilst the T&D Centre is responsible for HRD. Whilst supervising the activities of various sections and the T&D Centre, AD/A also chairs a HRM Development Team to integrate the HRM and HRD functions. In addition, he has to examine and recommend to the senior directorate the priority areas for determining longer term policy on HRM. With the increasing emphasis nowadays on developing human resources, there is a need for a directorate officer with the required expertise to co-ordinate and take these strategic management initiatives forward.

Core Competence Development

8. We have appointed a consultant to identify the core competencies for the Housing Manager grade. We envisage , with the experience gained in this project, to develop competencies for other grades. These competence profiles will then be used in other HR functions such as recruitment, training and development, performance management, career development and succession planning. We need to properly steer, coordinate and monitor these processes steered, coordinated and monitored, and to develop in-house staff to maintain the competencies. The anticipated workload will far exceed the capacity of the HRD Manager(Chief Training Officer) of the T&D Centre.

Customer Oriented Culture

9. The Department has commissioned a study to advise on the most appropriate approach to cultivate a customer oriented culture among its staff, improve service delivery, enhance the corporate image and improve its relationship with tenants. The study involved a full scale employee survey and a customer survey. Initial findings from the employee survey have revealed that customer service training is insufficient. It is necessary to develop a clearly defined, systematic and focused training strategy to disseminate the vision, mission and core values of the Department and to develop staff to carry them through in their work. We expectrequire massive training to achieve the desired culture and to maintain continuous improvement in service delivery. We should also devise overall HRD strategies to support a culture of excellent customer service. It requires a D1 officer to lead the work in devising and executing appropriate HRD strategies.

Expanded Scope of AD/A's Duties

10. Since April 1995, the Committees Section has been placed under the supervision of AD/A. At present, he is required to supervise eight senior professionals, as compared with three in 1994. Also, he is required to assist the senior management in the development of an overall strategic plan on ways to improve the efficiency and the standards of service delivery. The volume of work is so heavy that AD/A has not been able to devote as much time and input on some of the major policies as he would like.

11. We therefore propose to create an APTO post to alleviate the workload of AD/A. The proposed post will head the T&D Centre and assist AD/A in integrating the various HRM and HRD functions. A job description for the post, to be designated as Chief Manager/Human Resource, is at Enclosure 1. The proposed organization chart of the Administration Division is at Enclosure 2.


12. The additional notional annual salary cost of this proposal at MID-POINT is $994,200. The full annual average staff cost of the proposal, including salaries and staff on-costs, is $ 1,789,416. There are no other additional staffing and financial implications.

13. We shall recover the full staff cost of this proposal from the Housing Authority.


14. The ranking and grading of the proposed post are appropriate having regard to its duties and responsibilities.


15. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading proposed for the post of Assistant Principal Training Officer would be appropriate if the post were to be created.

Housing Department
May 1996

Enclosure 1 to EC(96-97)17

Job Description -- Chief Manager/Human Resource

Rank : Assistant Principal Training Officer (D1)

Duties and Responsibilities

(1) To oversee the activities of the Training & Development Centre and to monitor the overall expenditure on training.

(2) To advise AD/A on the integration of HRD and HRM functions and to
co-ordinate implementation of development plans, including the analysis of human resource needs and to devise strategies to satisfy those needs.

(3) To advise senior management on HRD strategies in response to new management initiatives and to advise on strategic choices on the basis of staff strengths and weaknesses.

(4) To direct the preparation of training plans and coordinate resource allocation between vocational and non-vocational training.

(5) To conduct regular reviews to ensure that HRD strategies are supporting departmental objectives.

(6) To maintain close contact with local and overseas academic and training institutes and to ensure that departmental HRD practices are on a par with international best practices.

Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)17

Proposed Organisation Chart of Administration Division

Warning : The chart is quite large and may take a while to load.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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