For discussion
on 5 June 1996
Subhead 001 Salaries
Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -
(a) the revision of the salary scale of the Land Inspector grade with effect from 1 July 1996, as follows -
Rank | Salary Scale (Master Pay Scale)
Land Inspector II | Point 4 - 16 $8,555 - $17,270)
Land Inspector I | Point 17 - 22 ($18,145 - $23,080)
(b) the resultant increase of the permanent establishment ceilings in 1996-97 of the Lands Department from $869,485,000 by $15,609,000 to $885,094,000 and of the Works Branch from $155,414,000 by $296,000 to $155,710,000.
The entry qualification of the Land Inspector (LI) grade, set at Form IV level since its creation in 1976, does not reflect the increased responsibilities and complexity of work required of the gradedischarge fully their current duties and responsibilities.
2. We propose to upgrade the entry qualification of the LI grade to School Certificate level and to revise its pay scales as follows -
Salary Scale (Master Pay Scale)
Point 3 - 12 ($8,035 - $14,055)
Point 4 - 16 ($8,555 - $17,270)
Point 13 - 17 ($14,905 - 18,145)
Point 17 - 22 ($18,145 - $23,080)
We also propose to increase the notional annual mid-point salary (NAMS) ceiling of Lands Department from $869,485,000 by $15,609,000 to $885,094,000 and that of the Works Branch from $155,414,000 by $296,000 to $155,710,000 to cater for the increase of the NAMS value of the two ranks as a result of the salary revision.
3. We employ LIs in the Lands Department for a wide range of land administration duties. Since the creation of the grade in 1976, we have set the basic entry qualification at Form IV level. As at 1 April 1996, the grade had a total strength of 622, of whom 262 (42%) held a full School Certificate.
4. The Director of Lands has long supported staff claims that the basic entry level is not commensurate with the duties required of LIs, and that we should re-examine the entry level. As a result, in 1992-1994, we conducted a comprehensive review of the duties and responsibilities of the LI grade and found that as land administration work evolved over the years, the grade had shouldered a more complex and higher level of responsibilities mainly due to the following factors -
(a) Enrichment in job content through devolution of duties from grades with higher entry qualification
To improve work efficiency, LIs have taken up duties from other senior grades over the years. These include -
from Land Executive (MPS 15 - 33) - assessing the amount of compensation payable to agricultural activities and miscellaneous permanent improvements affected by resumption and clearance projects in the New Territories;
from Assistant Building Services Inspector (MPS 13 - 23) and Inspector of Works (MPS 24 - 33) - taking measurements and calculating the replacement costs in farm structure compensation cases, and following up on excavation permit applications, including the inspection of re-instatement works; and
from Health Inspector II (MPS 14 - 24) - conducting site inspections and making recommendations on the standard of sanitary facilities provided in village houses.
Previously, grades requiring an entry qualification higher than School Certificate performed these dutieshigher than School Certificate. The evolution has imposed a demand on the LI grade for better qualified staff to do the job.
(b) Increased complexity of the LI duties
The job nature of the LI grade itself has become more complicated and demanding because of the following developments -
With the enactment of the Buildings Ordinance (Application to the New Territories) Ordinance in 1987, LIs have been required to conduct detailed site-inspections relating to small house applications to ensure that the structural criteria stipulated in the ordinance are strictly adhered to.
Applications for land use in the NT have become more complicated since the 1980's. LIs are now required to enforce the complex schedules and conditions in Short-Term Tenancies/Waivers. They are required to take cautioned statements, to obtain personal particulars of illegal land users, and to give evidence in court.
Modernisation of the NT and the higher expectation of villagers have made land resumption more difficult. The number of items for which compensation may be paid has greatly diversified and skills are required to tackle aggressive claims.
5. The review has also revealed the following -
(a) In carrying out their daily duties, LIs are required to understand and proof-read complicated legal documents which are beyond the capability normally expected of officers with a Form IV educational background ; and
(b) although the grade does not require a full School Certificate for entry, over 40% of the serving officers are full School Certificate holders. Because of their higher educational standard, they tend to seek better job opportunities elsewhere. As a result, their wastage rate is in general higher than that of non-School Certificate holders.
6. In recognition of the increase in job complexity and level of responsibilities of the grade, we propose to upgrade the entry qualification of the grade from Form IV to School Certificate level, i.e. passes in five subjects in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education including English Language (Syllabus B), Chinese Language and Mathematics.
7. The existing pay scales of the LI grade are set at two points above the norm in recognition of job factors such as working outdoors and occasional confrontation with hostile members of the public. As we consider that some of these factors should still carry weight after upgrading, we propose to set the LI's pay scales at one point above the norm of Group I of the School Certificate Grades as follows -
Pay Scale
Pay Norm for Group I of
School Certificate Grades
Pay Scale
Point 3 - 12 ($8,035 - $14,055)
Point 3 - 15 ($8,035 - $16,450)
Point 4 - 16 ($8,555 - $17,270)
Point 13 - 17 ($14,905 - 18,145)
Point 16 - 21 ($17,270 - 22,035)
Point 17 - 22 ($18,145 - 23,080)
8. In accordance with established arrangements recommended by the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service and adopted in 1980, most serving LIs will convert to the next point on the revised scale if Members approve the proposal. Officers who have served on the old maximum point for one or more years will convert to two points above their existing pay. A chart showing the conversion arrangements is at Enclosure 1.
9 The upgrading proposal, if approved, will result in an increase in both the minimum and maximum pay-points on the salary scales of the two LI ranks. In consequence, the NAMS value of the two ranks will be revised as follows -
Existing NAMS Value
| Proposed NAMS Value
$251,820 |
The increase in the NAMS value of these two ranks will thus necessitate the increase of the total NAMS ceiling of the Lands Department and the Works Branch whose establishment includes LI posts.
10. The additional notional annual salary cost of this proposal at MID-POINT is $15,905,000. We have included sufficient provision in the 1996-97 Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal, which is estimated at $12,269,000 for the remainder of the financial year. The proposal has no other additional financial implications.
11. The LIs play an important role in providing support to the Land Executive grade in discharging land management duties in the New Territories. These include the processing of small house applications, preparation work for resumption, clearance and village removal, temporary disposal of land as well as other land control and lease enforcement duties. The job descriptions of LI/I and LI/II are at Enclosures 2 and 3 respectively.
12. As at 1 April 1996, the total establishment of the LI grade is 697, comprising 350 LI/I and 339 LI/II posts in the Lands Department and 3 LI/I and 5 LI/II posts on the Works Branch's establishment.
13. The Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service has examined the proposal in detail and advised that the proposed entry qualification and salary scale of the LI grade are appropriate.
Civil Service Branch
May 1996
Enclosure 1 to EC(96-97)25

Officer whose pay is less than the minimum of the revised scale should receive the new minimum.
Officer whose pay is equivalent to or above the new minimum should advance to the next point on the scale.
Officer who has served on the old maximum for one or more years should convert to two points above his existing pay point.

Officer whose pay is less than the minimum of the revised scale should receive the new minimum.
Officer whose pay is equivalent to or above the new minimum should advance to the next point on the scale.
Officer who has served on the old maximum for one or more years should convert to two points above his existing pay point.
Civil Service Branch
May 1996
Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)25
Objective & Role
To provide supporting service to Land Executives/Senior Land Executives/Chief Land Executives/Principal Land Executives in District Lands Offices in the administration and management of land and supervise the work of Land Inspectors II where necessary.
(A) Application for Small House and Redevelopment of
Village House and New Territories Exempted Houses
(i) To conduct site investigations;
(ii) To carry out screening of indigenous status of applicants and assist in determining applicants' eligibility by checking into land records;
(iii) To attend to the setting out of sites and preparation of site plans;
(iv) To demarcate small house sites or lot boundaries other than those handled by land surveyors;
(v) To calculate premia from rates provided in the Zonal Premia Chart for Recognised Villages and to check the fulfilment of Conditions of Grant; and
(vi) To check and report development progress and fulfilment to Conditions of Grant including -
(a) site formation
(b) silting
(c) height and area of building
(d) cutting slopes
(e) party wall
(f) any other fixtures as stipulated in the Conditions of Grant
(g) health requirements
(h) arrange the taking of photos and sketch plans for record purposes;
(B) Land Resumption
(i) To assist in field works, land clearance and paper work during the various stages of implementation including the preparation of resumption papers, resumption/clearance estimates, calculation of compensations/ex-gratia allowances and subsequent payments;
(ii) To assist in the preparation of the requisite number of copies of the Crown's submission to the Lands Tribunal. After the Lands Tribunal has made an Award, the Land Inspector will be required to -
(a) assist in preparing draft standard Gazette Notice in accordance with the Lands Tribunal's Award; and
(b) prepare a standard covering letter in English and Chinese together with the Gazette Notice for despatch or delivery by hand to the former owners;
(iii) To carry out any other duties to assist in meeting deadlines during various stages of implementation;
(iv) To prepare and check details/tenant particulars of each building lots affected for valuation purpose;
(C) Village Removals
(i) To look for suitable sites for resite and prepare up-to-date site plans;
(ii) To take note of any items or work which are required to be reprovisioned or eligible for compensation/
ex-gratia allowance and assist in subsequent payments;
(iii) To obtain land records and relevant information e.g. land status and particulars of land owners etc, in connection with village removal and maintain and update such information;
(iv) To assist in allocation and handing over of resite houses or house sites to villagers and assist them to apply for supply of water/electricity;
(v) To check development progress of resite houses, report any irregularities and take appropriate/timely action;
(D) Clearances
(i) To give on-the-spot suggestions and assistance;
(ii) To assist in the assessment and calculation of compensations/ex-gratia allowance involved and also assist in subsequent payments;
(iii) To assist in finding suitable agricultural resite areas;
(iv) To liaise with RSD on the exhumation of graves;
(v) To carry out joint site inspections with DAF in the assessment of crops;
(vi) To conduct surveys on structures affected;
(vii) To co-ordinate the work of LI(II)s in compiling schedules of particulars and statistical reports for various items affected by clearances;
(viii) To assist in negotiation with the occupiers and land owners;
(i) To assist senior officers to obtain suggestions for naming new roads/streets including discussion with local organisations such as Rural Committees etc.;
(ii) To prepare draft plans showing roads and streets and make proposals for house numbering;
(iii) To assist in the mediation of disputes relating to land matters, fung shui, water rights, village sites and local customs;
(iv) To assistant public utility companies as WSD to contact land owners and supply land details;
(v) To liaise with RSD on, and supervise grave exhumation operations;
(vi) To locate village burial ground boundaries;
(vii) To post notices in respect of Excavation Permits and check subsequent reinstatement work;
(viii) To report on any unlawful occupation of unleased land and illegal burials;
(ix) To make site visits with staff of other departments for preparation of site plans for street lighting, repair of footpaths, piers and other relevant local public works etc.;
(F) Modification of Tenancy Licences, Crown Land Licences, Rebuilding of Surveyed Domestic Structures and Letters of
Approval, Short Term Tenancies and Short Term Waivers
(i) To check and monitor the work of LI(II)s and to assist in field and paper work in the processing of applications for the issue, renewal, transfer, repairs, rebuilding/extensions, 'cancel & reissue' and modifications;
(ii) To oversee LI(II)s and, if necessary, offer assitance in more complicated and difficult cases;
(G) Lease Enforcement
(i) To detect irregularities and carry out site inspection, take photos and measurements and report on any breaches of lease conditions;
(ii) To check forbearance fee calculations, sketch plans and building plans, including approved carpark layout;
(iii) To advise owners/occupiers to rectify their breaches of leased conditions;
(iv) To prepare or vet draft site inspection reports and to keep inspection registers of buildings;
(v) To assist senior officers to obtain particulars and ownership;
(vi) To assist in supervising demolition operations;
(vii) To prepare works orders and to obtain estimates for demolition of unauthorised structures from the District Term Contractor;
(viii) To inspect/re-inspect new buildings with occupation Permit/Certificate of Compliance;
(ix) To keep and update progress registers and to provide information and statistical data for quarterly returns;
(H) Crown Land and Environmental Control
(i) To conduct site inspections of leased and unleased land and serve notices under authorization;
(ii) To prepare investigation and situation reports on illegal occupation of unleased land;
(iii) To make topographical and quantity assessments in connection with clearances of environmental improvement of unleased land;
(iv) To conduct general surveys in relation to clearances;
(v) To submit proposals and estimates for clearances and site maintenance and co-ordinate subsequent site patrols;
(vi) To supervise and monitor the District Term Contractor on his day-to-day works, his standard of work and where necessary report to senior officers on any deviation on his performance;
(vii) To apply for summons;
(viii) To assist in co-ordinating with other Government Departments including supervision of their staff in "Joint-Action" operations and supervise minor clearances and demolition;
(ix) To report on matters relating to environmental pollution;
(x) To assist where necessary, in environmental improvement works and co-ordinate subsequent site patrols;
(xi) To carry out calculation work and prepare works order and record financial statements of works carried out under the Crown land maintenance vote;
(xii) To prepare documents relating to take-over/hand-over of sites;
(xiii) To carry out spot checks of guards on duty on Crown land sites;
(xiv) To be present as a Government representative for take-over/hand-over of sites;
(xv) To take appropriate action on abandoned vehicles and consolidate information to be referred to departments concerned;
(xvi) To record particulars of offenders, take cautioned statements and attend court to give evidence in support of the prosecution conducted under the Crown Land Ordinance;
(I) Valuation and Estate Works
(i) To check the declared values of private land transactions involving stamp/estate duty;
(ii) To assist in analysing sale brochures of town lots;
(iii) To complete and submit valuation sheet to LEs;
(iv) To assist in checking and searching land titles and calculation of points of letter A/B Tender;
(v) To assist in dealing with temporary land disposal e.g. STT and STW, general management of STT/STW, including location of tenant for chasing of rental, posting of Notice-To-Quit and inspection;
(vi) To assist in checking building plans against grant conditions;
(vii) To conduct site checks and report on development progress of leased land and small house;
(viii) To process Building Convenant extension application;
(ix) To assist in arranging the issue of Certificate of Compliance;
(x) To assist in the preparation of lease conditions in allocation exercises;
(xi) To assist in handing over Government
Land Allocation/Tender sites to relevant departments/tenderers;
(xii) To prepare monthly valuation comparable records;
(i) To assist senior officers in the training of Land Inspector (II)s;
(ii) To co-ordinate and supervise the work of LI(II)s;
(iii) To assist senior officers to co-ordinate matters on village improvement works;
(iv) To carry out initial field and preparatory work connected with miscellaneous applications and land transactions;
(v) To liaise with other departments where necessary;
(vi) To deal with members of the public in relation to general land matters;
(vii) To proof-read land-related documents;
(viii) To check land records;
(ix) To conduct site check, draft simple standard letters and post/deliver notices/letters in connection with land-related matters and take photos of record purposes;
(x) To maintain and update statistical and other records and assist senior officers to analyse such information;
(xi) To advise on the correspondence addresses of local people and if necessary, deliver by hand all land-related notices and correspondences addressed to them;
(xii) To perform emergency duties during typhoon and other natural disasters;
(xiii) To report all relevant information to senior officers for consideration;
(xiv) To undertake any other duties as may reasonably be required by senior officers.
April 1996
Enclosure 3 to EC(96-97)25
Overall Objective
To provide supporting services to Land Executives/Land Inspectors I in District Lands Offices in the administration and management of land.
(A) Application for Small House and Redevelopment of Village Houses and New Territories Exempted Houses
(i) To assist in the compilation of priority list and personal particulars of applicants;
(ii) To check if the applications comply with the criteria for the construction of Small Houses, and recommend if Certificates of Exemption for Building Works, Drainage Works & Site Formation Works are issuable;
(iii) To assist in demarcating small house sites or lot boundaries other than those handled by Land Surveyors;
(iv) To prepare site plans and post/deliver notices;
(v) To monitor development progress, and report on any irregularities discovered;
(vi) To check health requirements for Small Houses before occupation to see if the necessary facilities are properly provided;
(vii) To take photos of buildings for record purpose;
(B) Land Resumption and Land Clearance
(i) To assist in the preparation of draft resumption plans, resumption schedules and resumption/clearance estimates;
(ii) To prepare draft compensation schedules and arrange subsequent payments;
(iii) To post and deliver resumption and clearance notices (including the removal of graves);
(iv) To conduct surveys on structures/properties and record items to compensated;
(v) To take photos of each lot, building and other items that may be required as evidence for Lands Tribunal;
(vi) To identity eligible claimants and assess ex-gratia allowance payable, prepare compensation assessment reports, prepare sketch and location plans and take photos and measurements of affected items for all MPIs eligible for compensation and others approved by Government;
(vii) To conduct site inspection in assessing claims for farm structures compensation, collect information on the eligible claimants and structures affected;
(viii) To carry out any other duties in connection with land resumption and clearance;
(ix) To survey graves affected and to identify graves in exhumation operations by RSD;
(x) To identify land status, take measurement of the area of cultivation for subsequent compensation calculation in crop assessment exercises;
(xi) To prepare site plans, take photos and measurements of affected crops caused by bore-hole investigation/silting/flooding as a result of implementation of development projects;
(xii) To conduct periodic field inspections and report on progress and irregularities;
(C) Village Removal
(i) To conduct preliminary investigations and survey of the villages affected and maintain family particulars of all eligible and owners, villagers and residents affected;
(ii) To prepare draft payment schedules for ex-gratia allowances and arrange subsequent payments;
(D) Geographical
(i) To assist senior officers to obtain suggestions for naming new roads/streets including discussion with local organisations such as Rural Committees as required;
(ii) To prepare draft plans showing roads and streets and making proposals for house numbering;
(iii) To assist in mediating disputes relating to land matters, fung shui, water rights, village sites and customs;
(iv) To assist public utilitity companies in contacting land owners and supply land details;
(v) To locate village burial ground boundaries;
(vi) To post notices in respect of Excavation Permit applications, check subsequent site and reinstatement work and report on the progress of works;
(vii) To report on any unlawful occupation of unleased land including illegal burials;
(viii) To point out lot boundaries to indigenous villagers;
(E) Modification of Tenancy Licence, Crown Land Licence, Rebuilding of Surveyed Domestic Structure, Letter of
Approval, Short Term Tenancy and Short Term Waiver
Assisting senior officers in processing applications for renewal, transfer, repair, rebuilding/extension, cancel & reissue, and modification which includes the following duties -
(i) To locate the site in question, prepare site plans and verify the nature of application taking into consideration factors such as fung shui, overhead power line etc.;
(ii) To prepare licenced STT and STW details, including number of structures, dimensions and area, holder details and fees to be charges;
(iii) To remind licences and tenancy/waiver holders to pay outstanding fees;
(iv) To check the survey particulars recorded by Housing Department;
(v) To ensure undertakings are properly signed by transferees and licences/tenants;
(vi) To report on any changes in the usage of land and in permitted structures held under licence and tenancy/waiver;
(vii) To take photos of structures for record purpose;
(F) Lease Enforcement
(i) To inspect leased land and new buildings after the issue of Certificate of Compliance or Occupation Permit and to report on any breaches of lease conditions;
(ii) To prepare site inspection reports and building registers of each building, sketch plans and site plans and to calculate forbearance fees;
(iii) To post notices on unauthorized structures on leased land under the Crown Land Ordinance;
(iv) To conduct site inspections with District Term Contractors in relation to demolition cases;
(v) To assist supervisors to obtain particulars of land
(G) Crown Land and Environmental Control
(i) To enter into and inspect leased and unleased land and make reports of any unauthoized occupation of Government land or leased land;
(ii) To collect information including land details, particulars and background of the occupiers, etc. and take photos, site measurements and prepare site plans;
(iii) to assist in the supervision of minor clearances and demolition, and of the District Term Contractor;
(iv) To assist, where necessary, in environmental improvement works and "Join-Action Operations" with other Government departments and carry out subsequent site patrols;
(v) To post and serve notices under the Crown Land Ordinance;
(vi) To take cautioned statements and record particulars of occupiers and attend court to give evidence in support of the prosecution conducted under the Crown Land Ordinane;
(vii) To assist in making spot checks on site guards, and in disposing abandoned vehicles;
(viii) to carry out routine inspections for maintenance of Government land sites;
(H) Valuation and Estate Works
(i) To conduct site visits and to take measurement of land and buildings affected;
(ii) To calculate the value of agricultural and building land by using methods and rates approved by the senior officers;
(iii) To collect and submit to senior officers information on temporary land disposals e.g. STT and STW, general management of STT/STW including location of tenant for chasing of retail, posting of Notice-To-Quit and inspections;
(iv) To collect and submit to senior officers comparables, information relating to modification premia, exchanges, land values, compensation etc. for valuation purposes;
(v) To check the compliance of the plot ratio restriction, the floor plan calculations by making reference to the guidelines of the Practice Notes issued by B.D., and assist in checking the lease conditions governing estate development;
(vi) To keep and update reference plans and relevant records of land disposals;
(vii) To carry out site checks and report development progress and any irregularities discovered;
(i) To conduct initial field and preparatory work connected with miscellaneous applications and land transactions e.g. to take measurements of sites and prepare preliminary plans;
(ii) To draft payment schedules and arrange payments;
(iii) To liaise with other Government departments, and provide assistance as necessary, in relation to land matters;
(iv) To check land records;
(v) To proof-read land-related documents;
(vi) To assist in the division of landed properties owned by villagers;
(vii) To handle simple public enquiries on land matters in the NT;
(viii) To advise on correspondence addresses of local people and if necessary, deliver by hand all notices/correspondences addressed to them;
(ix) To conduct site checks, draft simple standard letters, post/deliver notices/letters in connection with land related matters and take photos for record purpose;
(x) To report all relevant information to senior officers for consideration;
(xi) To perform emergency duties during typhoon and other natural disasters and to report damages;
(xii) To perform any other duties as may reasonably be required by senior officers.
April 1996
Last Updated on 3 December 1998