For discussion EC(96-97)32 on 9 July 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following 11 permanent posts -

2 Assistant Commissioner of Police

(PPS 56) ($95,550 - $101,450)

9 Chief Superintendent of Police

(PPS 55) ($82,850 - $88,100)

offset by the deletion of the following 15 permanent posts -

1 Deputy Commissioner of Police

(PPS 58) ($129,950 - $133,900)

1 Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police

(PPS 57) ($111,100 - $117,750)

3 Assistant Commissioner of Police

(PPS 56) ($95,550 - $101,450)

10 Chief Superintendent of Police

(PPS 55) ($82,850 - $88,100)


We need to update the existing directorate structure of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force, introduced in 1983, to enable the Police to cope with changes in its work.


2. The Commissioner of Police (CP), with the support of the Secretary for Security, proposes the creation of 11 new posts comprising two Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACP) and nine Chief Superintendents of Police (CSP) posts, offset by the deletion of 15 existing posts, comprising one Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), one Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP), three Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACP) and ten Chief Superintendents of Police (CSP) posts in order to effect organisational changes in the Police directorate necessary to maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the Police Force.


3. We need to streamline and update the management and control structure of the Police to take account of the changes in the demography and nature of crimes in Hong Kong that have taken place since the introduction of the existing directorate structure in 1983. The proposed re-organisation has taken into consideration the recommendations made by a management study on the Police command structure. The organisational changes which CP wishes to make through the staffing proposals in paragraph 2 above are as follows -

  1. strengthening the operational support role of the Support Wing;
  2. strengthening the Crime Wing's capacity to combat organised crimes;
  3. following up on the consequential changes brought about by disbandment of the Special Branch;
  4. rationalising the command structure of Police formation in the New Territories to take account of the population changes there;
  5. enhancing the human resource management capability of the Personnel Wing;
  6. replacing the Inspection Services Wing with a new Service Quality Wing to promote further the concept of accountability; and
  7. transforming and retitling the existing Management Services Wing to Information Systems Wing to take charge of the promotion of wider use of information technology in the Force.

We have set out the details of proposed changes in the ensuing paragraphs. CP has already started on a trial basis implementing the proposed changes. He finds the outcome satisfactory and proposes to make the changes permanent. Existing and proposed organisation charts of the Force Command Structure are at Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively.

Operations Department

Traffic Wing

(-1 ACP)

Support Wing

(+1 CSP, -1 CSP)

4. As part of an ongoing effort to ensure that the Police command structure can best cope with the changing demands on the Force, CP has put the command of the Traffic Wing under the Support Wing and renamed it "Traffic Branch". As the new Traffic Branch, headed by an CSP, will work to ACP Support who commands the Support Wing, there is no longer the need for the post of Deputy Director of Traffic (at ACP rank). CP therefore proposes its deletion.

5. In addition to traffic command, CP has also given ACP Support additional responsibilities. These include management of the Force's vehicle fleet (which was previously under the Management Service Wing) and matters relating to the Code of Access to Information. ACP Support also plays an active role as the Force's interface with the Legislative Council (these include, for example, responding to questions, and attending Panels and Bills Committees meetings), and inter-departmental policy and police public relations. The revised job description of the ACP Support post is at Enclosure 3.

6. In order to enable ACP Support to continue to focus on policy and strategic issues despite the expansion in his responsibilities, CP finds it necessary to create a new deputy post at CSP level. This new post, to be designated CSP Support, will head the Support Branch of the Support Wing which is responsible for matters affecting the operational support to the Force as a whole. The Branch also explores ways of providing better services to the public. A proposed job description of the CSP Support post is at Enclosure 4.

7. In addition, CP proposes to delete the CSP Auxiliary Headquarters post in the Support Wing as its functions have been transferred to the Personnel Wing (for auxiliary staff personnel matters), the Force Training Wing (for training matters) and the Civil and Administration Department (for financial, civilian staffing and stores matters).

Crime Wing


(+1 CSP, -1 CSP)

8. Until 1992, only one CSP - the CSP Crime Administration and Support - oversaw the work of the Identification Bureau, Ballistics & Firearms Identification Bureau, Criminal Record Bureau, Crime Prevention Bureau, Interpol Bureau, Forensic Science Laboratory and Forensic Pathology Service. As the workload of these units has grown in quantity and complexity over the last few years, CP considers that he needs an additional CSP post to relieve the heavily laden CSP Crime Administration and Support. He has therefore created a supernumerary post of CSP, designated as CSP Crime Headquarters, held against a vacant, and now redundant, permanent post of Bangkok Counsellor (at CSP level). The main responsibilities of CSP Crime Headquarters include handling the co-ordination, administration and resource matters within the Crime Wing Headquarters, and matters relating to the enactment of new legislation, use of Chinese in courts and preparation of responses to LegCo questions relating to Crime. The post is also responsible for the command of the Central Witness Protection Unit and the Child Abuse Investigation Unit. The original CSP post is then retitled as CSP Crime Support.

9. Experience indicates that the workload is such that CP needs the post of CSP Crime Headquarters on a permanent basis. CP therefore proposes the post be created on a permanent basis, offset by the deletion of the vacant CSP post of Bangkok Counsellor. The job description of the proposed post of CSP Crime Headquarters and the revised job description of the post of CSP Crime Support are at Enclosures 5 and 6 respectively.

Organised Crime & Triad Group

(+2 CSP, -1 CSP)

10. In the 1994 Policy Commitments, the Government undertook to fight the spread of triad influence by deploying 45 additional police officers to anti-triad activities and by reorganising the way we tackle triads and other serious crime problems.

11. To enable a more focused approach to operation, CP split the Organised Crime & Triad Group (OCTG) previously headed by one CSP, into two bureaux, namely, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB), and the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB). CP proposes that each of these two bureaux be led by an CSP, offset by the deletion of the CSP who headed the former OCTG.

12. The CIB's main role is to collect criminal intelligence territory-wide and to make improvement on the way it collects the intelligence. Creation of the proposed CSP post to head the Bureau would allow a senior officer to give dedicated attention to this task which is crucial to detection of crimes. The job description of the proposed CSP CIB post is at Enclosure 7.

13. The work of the OCTB has been on the rise since the enactment in October 1994 of the Organised and Serious Crime Ordinance and the transfer of some of the duties of the Anti-Smuggling Task Force to OCTB since April 1994. Given the syndicated nature of crimes involving triad groups, the OCTB needs experienced leadership at the directorate level to better ensure its efficacy. CP therefore finds it necessary to create a CSP post to lead the Bureau. The job description of the proposed CSP OCTB post is at Enclosure 8.

Regions and Districts

New Territories

(+1 ACP, +2 CSP, -2 CSP)

14. In July 1987, Finance Committee accepted, vide FCR (87-88)57, the financial implications of a proposal to split the Police New Territories Region into two regions in phases. The split was necessary to cope with increased policing commitments in step with the growth in population in the New Territories. CP implemented this split of the New Territories Region into New Territories South (NTS) and New Territories North (NTN) Regions in phases and completed it in 1993. The reorganisation also combines the Frontier District and the Field Patrol Detachment into the new Border District, thus enabling a more co-ordinated and focused approach on anti-illegal immigration and anti-smuggling work along the border.

15. To facilitate this split, CP has created three supernumerary posts : one ACP as Regional Commander (RC) NTS, one CSP as Deputy Regional Commander (DRC) NTS and one CSP Administration NTS, held against three vacant permanent posts, viz., DD Traffic (see paragraph 4 above), CSP Field Patrol Detachment (see paragraph 17 below) and one of the three CSP Inspection Team posts (see paragraph 26 below). The split has worked well, and CP proposes to create the above three directorate posts for the NTS Region (i.e., RC NTS, DRC NTS and CSP Adm NTS) on a permanent basis, offset by the deletion of the above three vacant permanent posts. The job descriptions of these three proposed posts are at Enclosures 9, 10 and 11.

16. As a corollary to the split of the New Territories command, CP has re-designated the posts of RC, DRC and CSP Administration of the former NT Region as RC NTN, DRC NTN and CSP Administration NTN respectively.

17. Following the amalgamation of the Frontier District and the Field Patrol Detachment to form a Border District on 1 June 1993, CP no longer requires the CSP Field Patrol Detachment post. CP therefore proposes its deletion.

Special Branch

(-1 DCP, -1 SACP, -1 ACP, -3 CSP)

18. Special Branch consisted of two Wings: Intelligence Wing and Security Wing. With the run-down of Intelligence Wing, the six directorate posts which constitute its directorate - one DCP, one SACP, one ACP and three CSPs - have been left vacant and frozen on a progressive basis. CP now proposes their formal deletion from the Force's establishment. With effect from 1 July 1995, the work of the Security Wing has come under the command of the Director of Crime and Security (DCS). The revised job description of the DCS post is at Enclosure 12.

Personnel and Training Department

Personnel Wing

19. CP proposes to retitle three existing CSP posts of CSP Personnel, CSP Staff Relations and Chief Force Welfare Officer as CSP Personnel Management, CSP Staff Relations and Conditions of Service and CSP Personnel Services respectively, to better reflect their present range of responsibilities. CP introduced these re-designations on 1 October 1994 to tie in with the renaming of the respective branches, and transferred certain administrative functions and conditions of service matter from Personnel Management Branch to Staff Relations and Conditions of Service Branch.

20. The revised job descriptions of the three CSP posts are at Enclosures 13, 14 and 15.

Force Training Wing

(+1 CSP)

21. Since October 1994, the Force Training Wing has taken up the additional responsibility of Auxiliary training in order to achieve better co-ordination in the use of training personnel and resources. Moreover, since February 1996, CP transferred the Police Driving School, which is purely a training establishment, to the command of the Force Training Wing to ensure the standardisation of the training policy and the maintenance of training instructions. CP also intends to review critically the Police in-service training policy, especially in areas such as higher training, firearms training, detective training, auxiliary training and information technology training. The aim is to equip the Force to meet the challenges of the next century. Against this background, CP proposes to reorganise the Force Training Wing by establishing an In-Service Training (IST) Branch to focus on the formulation, implementation and management of in-service training policy. CP proposes to rank this new post at the CSP level as it is imperative that the officer leading the In-Service Training Branch should be an officer with a wide-ranging experience of different operations of the Force. We will designate the proposed post, if created, as CSP IST.

22. Revised job descriptions of the existing post of ACP Training and the job description of the proposed CSP IST post are at Enclosures 16 and 17 respectively.

Management and Inspection Services Department

23. Before the Police Management Review, the Management and Inspection Services Department (MISD), headed by the Director of Management and Inspection Services, was responsible for computer development, research into Force requirements in respect of Police tactics and equipment, and the proper functioning of the Communications Branch and the Complaints and Internal Investigation Branch (C&IIB). The Inspection Services Wing and the Management Services Wing (MSW) were the two major formations under MISD.

Management Services Wing

24. The MSW consisted of the Research Branch, Transport Branch, Information Technology Branch and Communications Branch. Consequent to the Police Management Review, CP has implemented since August 1994 the following organisational changes on a trial basis -

  1. to transfer the work of the Research Branch under this Wing to the new Service Quality Wing to form a new Research and Inspections Branch (RIB). This will enable a more rational use of resources because RIB will expand upon the work performed by the Research Branch by conducting studies into the Force's current policy and orders;
  2. to transfer the responsibility for management of the Transport Branch to the Support Wing since the Transport Branch provides support services to the Force as a whole and it is therefore more logical for it to come under the Support Wing (see paragraph 5 above); and
  3. as a result of (a) and (b) above, the MSW can focus on ways to ensure keeping the Force's expertise and equipment abreast of technological advances. The aim is to ensure that, despite the increased complexity in crimes as a result of the use of modern technology, the Force maintains it's professionalism and effectiveness in tackling crimes.

25. After the reorganisation, the MSW would retain only the Information Technology Branch and the Communications Branch. However, the Force has increasingly relied on the use of information technology to improve its efficiency and maintain its effectiveness. CP therefore proposes to rename the MSW as the Information Systems Wing (ISW). He considers that the head of this new IS Wing should remain at the ACP level to adequately reflect the complexity of the work and thus the need for senior directorate level leadership. A job description of the ACP IS post is at Enclosure 18.

Inspection Services Wing

(+1 ACP, +2 CSP, -1 ACP, -2 CSP)

26. The Inspection Services Branch (ISB) and the C&IIB make up the Inspection Services Wing. The former conducted scheduled inspections on each formation in the Force while the latter was responsible for the investigation of all complaints against Police. Upon the devolution of responsibility for conducting regular inspections to regions in May 1994, CP disbanded the Inspection Services Wing, leaving three CSP posts (heads of the three inspection teams) vacant. CP has since then established a new Wing designated as the Service Quality Wing (SQW) to take over from and expand upon the remaining work of the ISB, C&IIB and the Research Branch of the then MSW. The grouping of both the inspection and research functions under one command will facilitate the Force in finding ways of improving value for money and quality of service. The SQW consists of the C&IIB and two new branches, i.e. the Performance Review Branch (PRB) and the RIB. CP proposes to create an ACP Service Quality (ACP SQ) to be offset by the Deputy Director Inspection Services (DDIS) post (at ACP rank); and two CSP posts for PRB and RIB to be offset by the deletion of two vacant CSP posts of the disbanded inspection teams. We have created these two CSP posts on a supernumerary basis since 1 October 1994.

27. Job descriptions of the posts of ACP SQ, CSP PR SQ and CSP RI SQ are at Enclosures 19, 20 and 21 respectively.

28. Given that CP has disbanded the Inspection Services Wing to establish the SQW, he proposes to re-name the MISD to Management Services Department and to retitle the Director of Management and Inspection Services as Director of Management Services.


29. Tables showing the overall position on creation, deletion and retitling of posts proposed in this paper are at Enclosures 22 and 23.


30. The proposal will generate savings. The savings assessed on the basis of notional annual salary cost at mid-point is $5,187,000, calculated as follows -

$No. of Posts

New permanent posts11,588,40011
LessExisting permanent posts
to be deleted

Net saving (5,187,000) (4)

The savings in terms of annual full staff cost is $9,595,000.

31. The direct consequence of this proposal on non-directorate establishment will be a net deletion of five posts, arising from the creation of two Personal Secretary I and five Personal Secretary II posts, to be offset by the deletion of two Senior Personal Secretary, four Personal Secretary I and six Personal Secretary II posts. The savings in terms of notional annual mid-point salary value is $1,264,320 and that in terms of annual full staff cost is $2,140,000.


32. In 1992, the then Governor directed that a major review of the establishment, management and command structure of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force be carried out. The last such review took place more than a decade ago; since then Hong Kong has undergone a period of considerable change. The purpose of the review was to ensure that the organisation and management of the Force reflected adequately these changes and provided a sound basis for taking the Force into the next century.

33. We carried out the review between 1992 and 1994, with the assistance of management consultants - Coopers and Lybrand. The proposal in this paper arises mainly from that review. CP has in fact implemented the recommendations of the review on a trial basis as and when the Force's deliberation of the recommendations was over. Experience has shown that the recommendations are conducive to raising the efficiency and effectiveness of the Force. CP therefore intends to make the changes permanent.


34. The Civil Service Branch considers that the ranking and grading of the proposed posts are appropriate.


35. The Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that they are satisfied with the proposed re-organisation of the Police Top Command Structure and that the proposed rankings of the eleven new posts are appropriate.

Security Branch
June 1996

Enclosure 1 to EC(96-97)32


Warning : The chart is quite large and may take some time to download.

Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)32


Warning : The chart is quite large and may take some time to download.

Enclosure 3 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Support Royal Hong Kong Police Force

Rank : Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 56)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Director of Operations for the following duties -

1. to maintain a high level of efficiency of the three formations under his command;

2. to recommend how Force policies on matters for which he is responsible might be developed and improved;

3. to implement approved plans and projects for which he or the formations under his command are responsible, to achieve the stated objectives within given deadlines;

4. to ensure that Force liaison takes place at the correct level on traffic and transport matters with the Transport Branch, Transport Department, the Legal Department and the Judiciary;

5. to ensure that Force liaison takes place at the correct level on day to day operational matters (other than Crime) with Security Branch, and any subsequent response to the Legislative Council Panels and Committees;

6. to collate and co-ordinate Operations Department ('A' Department) submissions to the Commissioner's Annual Resource Review of Major Plans and Projects;

7. to collate and co-ordinate 'A' Department submissions on support and operational requirements for inclusion in annual estimates of revenue and expenditure and the baseline forecast exercise;

8. to consult with 'A' Department major formation commanders, to advise the Assistant Commissioner, Training on operational training requirements;

9. to consult with 'A' Department major formation commanders, for liaison with Legal Department to discuss and agree new or amended legislation on matters for which he is responsible;

10. to liaise with 'A' Department major formation commanders to review broad operational strategies and to make recommendations for their development and improvement;

11. to liaise with Government departments and Headquarters British Forces on operational support matters;

12. to prepare, amend and promulgate Force orders on operational support matters; and

13. to serve as Chairman of the Uniform and Accoutrements Committee and members of such meetings as may be directed by or on behalf of the Director of Operations.

Enclosure 4 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Support Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Support for the following duties -

1. to command the Support Branch consisting of the following sections: Communal Information System (CIS), Field, General, Transport, Police Headquarters (PHQ) Buildings and Security and the Police Licensing Office;

2. to ensure the efficient use of resources;

3. to develop policies and co-ordinate activities of Support Wing formations including Police Public Relations Branch;

4. to maintain effective liaison with senior officers in Police Headquarters and Regional Headquarters;

5. to direct Force responses to LegCo queries and to monitor the administration of such responses and to attend the LegCo Panel and Committee meetings as appropriate.

6. to represent the Force, Operations Department ('A' Department), Support Wing or Support Bureau at external and internal meetings as directed by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Support (ACP S);

7. to prepare the 'A' Department contribution to the Commissioner's Annual Controlling Officer's report;

8. to co-ordinate, collate and update 'A' Department's contributions to the Commissioner's Annual Resource Review of Major Plans and Projects;

9. to co-ordinate and monitor promotion reports for Support Wing Personnel prior to submission to ACP S where appropriate;

10. to initiate annual inspections of Support Wing Branches on behalf of ACP S and to monitor follow up action;

11. to direct and monitor the CIS programme; and

12. to provide direction to the CIS Section on Force Policy and operational requirement.

Enclosure 5 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Crime, Headquarters Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime (ACP Crime) for the following duties -

1. to command the Administration Group of Crime Wing;

2. to implement and co-ordinate the administrative, establishment, training, transport and financial policy in Crime Wing;

3. to research, prepare and co-ordinate the long-term planning proposals regarding criminal investigation;

4. to co-ordinate and prepare the responses to LegCo questions;

5. to plan and co-ordinate the staffing requirements relating to operational and technical aspects of Crime Wing;

6. to liaise with Government departments in particular Legal Department, and the Judiciary at the appropriate level on criminal matters including new and impending legislation, law revision and legal advice;

7. to be responsible for all administrative matters relating to Crime Wing discipline, including defaulters and complaints against Police;

8. to prepare the Annual Draft Estimates and Baseline Forecast submission in respect of the Crime formations;

9. to command the Central Witness Protection Unit and the Child Abuse Investigation Unit;

10. to co-ordinate the promotion exercises and interview of Crime Wing candidates for promotion from Senior Inspector to Chief Inspector; and

11. to chair or attend at, meetings, working parties or conferences as directed by or on behalf of ACP Crime.

Enclosure 6 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Crime, Support Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime for the following duties -

1. to monitor the duty performance of the respective Bureaux within the Support Group;

2. to monitor and supervise the specialist training requirements for Support Group Bureaux;

3. to supervise the specialist promotion boards for Support Group Bureaux;

4. to plan and co-ordinate the staffing requirements relating to support aspects of Crime Wing;

5. to liaise with the Forensic Science Division and the Forensic Pathology Service;

6. to command the Headquarters Command and Control Centre Intelligence Centre (HQCCC Intcen); and

7. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings, working parties or conferences as may be directed by or on behalf of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime.

Enclosure 7 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Crime, Criminal Intelligence Bureau Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime for the following duties -

1. to direct operational policy, planning and methods of operation for the Bureau;

2. to monitor and assess the success of operations;

3. to target and establish the priorities within the Bureau;

4. to ensure a high level of efficiency within the Bureau and to this end carry out, at least once a year, an inspection of the various units within the Bureau;

5. to direct the normal conduct of territory-wide intelligence operations under the Formation Criminal Intelligence System and as instructed in the case of major emergencies;

6. to attend inter-departmental working bureaux committees, etc.;

7. to liaise with other Government departments, including Attorney General's Chambers, for assistance in conjunction with the Bureau's investigations;

8. to maintain close liaison with the Technical Advisor of the Technical Services Division, Crime Wing; and

9. to take command of the Intelligence Unit in a Terrorist situation.

Enclosure 8 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Crime, Organised Crime and Triad Bureau Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Crime for the following duties -

1. to direct operational policy, planning and methods of operation for the Bureau;

2. to monitor and assess the success of operations;

3. to target and establish the priorities within the Bureau;

4. to ensure a high level of efficiency within the Bureau and to this end carry out, at least once a year, an inspection of the various units within the Bureau;

5. to direct the investigation of territory-wide, major crime when required and in certain circumstances co-ordinate crime action in the case of major emergencies;

6. to attend inter-departmental working committees; and

7. to liaise with other Government departments, including Attorney General's Chambers, for assistance in conjunction with the Bureau's investigations.

Enclosure 9 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Regional Commander, New Territories South Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 56)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Director of Operations for the following duties -

1. to command and control of all Police Districts and Formations in the Region;

2. to monitor the crime trends and other policing problems in relation to illegal immigration, narcotics, gambling, vice, traffic, nuisance/ environmental controls and internal security;

3. to issue Regional Standing Orders relating to matters particular to the Region which are not the subject of Police General Orders or Headquarters Orders;

4. to ensure the Force policies are properly co-ordinated and implemented throughout the Region;

5. to plan and deploy the resources in the Region;

6. to conduct inspections of formations in the Region and monitor their performance;

7. to conduct staff interviews and submit reports on all officers of and above the rank of Chief Inspectors; and

8. to maintain liaison with other Government departments.

Enclosure 10 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Deputy Regional Commander, New Territories South Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Regional Commander, New Territories South (RC NTS) for the following duties -

1. to implement the Force/Regional policies, and orders with regard to all operational matters;

2. to direct and co-ordinate the Uniform Branch/Crime action against crime, illegal immigration, gambling, narcotics and vice;

3. to liaise with other Government departments and the military;

4. to plan and conduct Regional level operations;

5. to direct the New Territories South Headquarters operational units including Emergency Unit, Crime, Traffic, the Regional Police Tactical Unit Companies and Auxiliary Police in the Region;

6. to prepare the Regional Standing Orders pertaining to operational matters;

7. to personally attend to cases of :-

(i) use of firearms by police; and

(ii) escape from legal/lawful custody; and

8. to attend meetings, working group and study teams as directed by or on behalf of RC NTS.

Enclosure 11 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Administration, New Territories South Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Regional Commander, New Territories South for the following duties -

1. to implement Force/Regional policies, strategies and orders with regard to all administrative matters;

2. to implement and co-ordinate regional policy on establishment and personnel matters, including deployment, transfer, promotion, resignation, discipline, recommendation for award, commendation and inspection;

3. to monitor and control Regional expenditure and to formulate policy on cost reduction measures;

4. to forward planning, in respect of the provision, maintenance and modification of police buildings throughout the region;

5. to ensure that Estimates, Resource Allocation Exercises and all aspects of forward planning are correctly dealt with;

6. to liaise with various staff associations and to co-ordinate and maintain harmonious staff relations at all levels within the Region;

7 to monitor community relations programmes and projects in the Region;

8. to monitor and supervise the smooth running of two New Territories courts; and

9. to review, consolidate and implement Regional Standing Orders pertaining to administrative matters.

Enclosure 12 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Director of Crime and Security Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 57)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Deputy Commissioner of Police, Operations for the following duties -

1. to formulate Force policy directives on crime and security-related matters and ensure that they are complied with;

2. to ensure that personnel and other resources in Crime Wing and Security Wing are deployed in accordance with operational policies and priorities, and employed in a manner designed to achieve the desire results;

3. to co-ordinate and monitor all action taken by the Force to combat crime, including crime prevention and the collection, collation and dissemination of criminal intelligence. In so doing, he will consult with the Director of Operations and Regional Commanders when appropriate;

4. to co-ordinate Force efforts to ensure that an appropriate and effective response is made to specific crime problems which may arise from time to time;

5. to advise the Commissioner on matters concerning crime including crime trends and measures necessary to combat crime;

6. to liaise with the Attorney General and his Chambers in respect of legal advice, law revision, new legislation etc.;

7. to liaise with other Government departments, Security Branch, and the Judiciary at the appropriate level on crime and security-related matters;

8. to liaise with other law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong and overseas on crime and security-related matters;

9. to liaise with ExCo and LegCo through Security Branch and represent the Force at meetings with these Councils on significant policy matters related to crime and security; and

10. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings, working parties or Conferences as may be directed or on behalf of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Operations.

Enclosure 13 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Personnel Management Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel for the following duties -

1. to be responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel for all matters relating to the disciplined ranks including auxiliary police in respect of recruitment, career development, promotions, discipline and the administration of awards and commendations;

2. to assist in the formulation and review of policies in respect of personnel matters including career development in relation to the localisation of the Police Force;

3. to implement policies on personnel matters;

4. to command the Personnel Management Branch and supervise the work of the Career Management and Recruitment Groups in the Personnel Management Branch;

5. to deputise for the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel;

6. to liaise with Government Secretariat and formation commanders on personnel matters; and

7. to serve as Chairman of the Social Amenities Council; Secretary of the Steering Group on the Localisation of the Police Force and Chairman of the Extended Interview Board for Direct Entry and Force Entry Inspectorate; and Member of the Force Planning Group; Superintendent Posting Committee, and the Local and Overseas Recruitment Committee.

Enclosure 14 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Staff Relations and Conditions of Service Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel for the following duties -

1. to command the Staff Relations Group and Conditions of Service and Support Group;

2. to advise Police Headquarters on all relevant matters concerning morale, staff relations and conditions of service;

3. to maintain regular liaison with the four Police staff associations and relay their concerns to Police Headquarters;

4. to liaise with major Formation Commanders on all matters which may affect staff relations;

5. to represent the Force on various Government consultative bodies, committees or working groups on staff relations and conditions of service;

6. to liaise with Regional Staff Relations Officers and District Staff Relations Officers as and when necessary on staff relations matters; and

7. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings as may be directed or on behalf of the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel.

Enclosure 15 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Personnel Services Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Personnel for the following duties -

1. to advise the Commissioner, Chiefs of Staff and senior officers of the Force on matters regarding administrative and support, quartering, welfare, sports, recreation, catering as well as psychological services;

2. to advise the Commandant of the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force on all welfare matters;

3. to direct the staff of the Branch in their duties;

4. to direct and control the administration of the Police Education Trust Funds (on behalf of the Joint Management Committee of the Police Children's Education Trust and the Police Education & Welfare Trust), the Police Welfare Fund, the Police Credit Union and other benevolent funds operated by the Force;

5. to plan, direct, develop and co-ordinate all new welfare projects;

6. to serve as the Chairman of the Force Holiday Accommodation Review Board and Vice-Chairman of the Police Social Amenities Council;

7. to advise the Police Staff Relations Unit on such aspects of staff relations as education, quarters allocation, employment opportunities for pensioners;

8. to deal with special welfare cases;

9. to liaise, on behalf of the Commissioner, with the Commissioners and senior officers of other police forces in the region in connection with welfare, sporting and recreational activities;

10. to liaise with public charitable organisations and philanthropists, on behalf of the Commissioner, in the funding of various welfare projects;

11. to serve as a member of the official-side on the Junior and the Senior Consultative Committees; and

12. to serve as member on the Education Sub-Committee and the Management Committee of the Police Education Trust.

Enclosure 16 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Training Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 56)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Director of Personnel and Training for the following duties -

1. to command the Force Training Wing Headquarters, Police Training School and Detective Training School.;

2. to monitor all trends and activities within the Force as regards training, make recommendations to the Commissioner of Police as necessary in respect of training policy, and implement the Commissioner's decisions accordingly;

3. to prepare and implement of the annual Force Training Schedule in accordance with the Force Training Programme;

4. to maintain close liaison with other training agencies in Hong Kong and overseas police training establishments; and

5. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings, boards or committees as may be directed or on behalf of the Director of Personnel and Training.

Enclosure 17 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, In-Service Training Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Training for the following duties -

1. to command the In-Service Training Branch of Force Training Wing and to supervise directly two Superintendents of the Branch to ensure their respective commands are operating in an efficient and qualitative manner;

2. to assist the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Training in formulating Force training strategy, setting objectives and identifying priorities particularly in such areas as information technology, financial management and customer service training;

3. to be responsible for identifying training opportunities and integrating in-service training activities to include the application of common standards to enhance and to raise quality ideals;

4. to identify areas to improve overall training by the formal establishment of a training and development programme geared to the particular needs of the force and in line with overall human resource management;

5. to regularly review and evaluate the training programme to ensure that it has been implemented effectively and that training targets and objectives have been met;

6. to be responsible for planning and acquiring the budget for in-service training during the annual Resource Allocation Exercise and monitoring and reviewing expenditure to ensure full and effective use is made of approved funds;

7. to introduce the principles of total quality management within the In-Service Training Branch and, through liaison and communication both internal and external, to ensure Force awareness is maintained of modern management practices;

8. to ensure that training staff have the knowledge, skills and qualifications to deliver and manage training and development effectively; and

9. to serve as a member on the Force Overseas Training Committee, Force Examinations Board, and Force Working Group on Information Technology Training.

Enclosure 18 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Information Systems Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 56)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Director of Management Services for the following duties -

1. to ensure that appropriate strategies are developed and implemented in order that Force policy objectives and priorities in areas for which he is responsible are met;

2. to review and evaluate Force objectives, policies and procedures affecting his areas of responsibility and recommend how they might be developed or improved;

3. to maintain effective liaison with Wing and Regional Commanders to identify areas in which he may be of assistance in achieving their objectives;

4. to ensure that such assistance is rendered as promptly as possible;

5. to ensure that user formations are kept abreast of developments in the provision of management services and trained to make optimum use of facilities and equipment provided;

6. to ensure that subordinate formations practise sound financial, technical, project and personnel management;

7. to represent the Commissioner, when appropriate, and to promote and maintain good relations with staff, Government departments, suppliers and contractors; and

8. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings, working groups or committees as may be directed or on behalf of the Director of Management Services.

Enclosure 19 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Service Quality Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Assistant Commissioner of Police (PPS 56)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Director of Management Services for the following duties -

1. to formulate and implement Force policy in the following areas :-

(a) Complaints against police

(b) Internal investigations and accountability studies

(c) Independent Commission Against Corruption liaison

(d) Inspections

(e) Performance standards and measurement

2. to co-ordinate implementation of the recommendations arising from the Top Command Structure Review and the Manning Scale Review (Police Study Team Reviews); and

3. to serve as chairman or member of such meetings, working groups or committees as may be directed or on behalf of the Director of Management Services.

Enclosure 20 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Performance Review, Service Quality Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Service Quality for the following duties -

1. Project Support Unit

The Chief Superintendent of Police, Performance Review, Service Quality (CSP PR SQ) will have direct command of the Project Support Unit, which he will task to conduct research in support of work done by the two Divisions.

2. Efficiency Studies Division

The CSP PR SQ will have the following major responsibilities in respect of the Efficiency Studies Division :-

(a) to promote efficiency in all areas of the Police service in order to maintain or improve effectiveness with less resources;

(b) to co-ordinate efficiency studies and disseminate their results, if relevant, to other formations;

(c) to respond to requests from formation commanders for specific efficiency studies to be conducted;

(d) to authorise the formation of multi-disciplinary review teams, including consultants if required and to conduct specific studies; and

(e) to ensure all available data sources are effectively utilised in order to provide insight into how efficiently police resources are being utilised.

3. Service Quality Division

The CSP PR SQ will have the following major responsibilities in respect of the Service Quality Division :-

(a) to determine, by all available means, the service being provided to the community, and their perception as to its quality;

(b) to co-ordinate the formulation of performance pledges; and

(c) to co-operate with other Police formations to generate worthwhile and meaningful performance indicators that can be used to improve the efficiency and management of the Force, and stimulate productivity.

Enclosure 21 to EC(96-97)32

Job description of Chief Superintendent of Police, Research and Inspections, Service Quality Royal Hong Kong Police

Rank : Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55)

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Commissioner of Police, Service Quality for the following duties -

1. Research Unit

The Chief Superintendent of Police, Research and Inspections, Service Quality (CSP RI SQ) will personally supervise the work of the Research Unit, which will have the following major responsibilities :-

(a) to conduct detailed research into subjects or areas outside that covered by other units in the Service Quality Wing;

(b) to identify and research policy areas that are of fundamental importance and with likely impact on the Force; and

(c) to advise the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Service Quality on matters of policy concern that have been investigated on the instructions of the Commissioner or his deputies.

2. Inspection Teams

The CSP RI SQ will have the following major responsibilities in respect of the two Inspection Teams :-

(a) to co-ordinate and disseminate the results of inspections conducted by the Service Quality Wing and Regional Inspection Teams;

(b) to identify areas of policy, procedure or practice that can be improved to reduce complaints against police, enhance efficiency and effectiveness;

(c) to consolidate and ensure that follow-up action is taken in respect of Police Study Team Reports and findings made by other teams in the Service Quality Wing;

(d) to conduct inspection and studies of Police Headquarters formations on a triennial basis; and

(e) to conduct any special studies or inspections as directed by the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Service Quality.

Enclosure 22 to EC(96-97)32

Summary of Creation and Deletion of Posts

Rank( notional annual salary cost at Mid-point)

Title of Post
to be created

Title of Posts to be deleted

DCP ($1,606,800)


Director of Special Branch




SACP ($1,372,800)


Deputy Director of Special Branch




ACP ($1,182,600)

ACP Service Quality

ACP Inspection Services


ACP Traffic

Regional Commander NT South



Senior Assistant Director of Special Branch (Intelligence Wing)




CSP ($1,024,800)


CSP Auxiliary Headquarters

CSP Crime Headquarters


CSP Support


CSP Crime Intelligence Bureau


CSP In-Service Training


CSP Performance Review


CSP Research & Inspection



Assistant Director of Special Branch (3 posts)


CSP Bangkok Counsellor


CSP Inspection Team (3 posts)

Deputy Regional Commander NT South


CSP Administration NT South



CSP Field Patrol Detachment

CSP Organised Crime and Triad Bureau

CSP Organised Crime and Triad Group







Enclosure 23 to EC(96-97)32

Summary of Retitling of Posts


Former Title

New Title


Director of Management & Inspection Services

Director of Management Services

Director of Criminal Investigation

Director of Crime and Security


Senior Assistant Director of Special Branch

ACP Security

ACP Management Services

ACP Information Systems

Regional Commander NT

Regional Commander NT North


CSP Crime Administration & Support

CSP Crime Support

Assistant Director of Special Branch

CSP Security

CSP Personnel

CSP Personnel Management

CSP Staff Relations

CSP Staff Relations &

Conditions of Service

Chief Force Welfare Officer

CSP Personnel Services





Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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