For discussion EC(96-97) 35
on 9 July 1996
Subhead 001 Salaries
New Recurrent Account Subhead "Recoverable salaries and allowances (Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund)"
Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the following changes in establishment in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department -
(a) creation of the following permanent posts -
1 Deputy Director of Electrical & Mechanical
(D3) ($111,100 - $117,750)
1 Government Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)
1 Chief Treasury Accountant
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)
offset by deletion of the following posts -
1 Government Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (supernumerary)
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)
1 Senior Treasury Accountant (permanent)
(MPS 45-49) ($62,665 - $72,195)
(b) redeployment of the following permanent posts -
2 Government Electrical and Mechanical
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)
4 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)
2 Chief Electronics Engineer
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)
1 Chief Building Services Engineer
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)
We need to strengthen and restructure the directorate structure of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) in order to effectively manage the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) and other activities of the department.
2. The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (DEMS) proposes to -
- replace the existing supernumerary post of Deputy Director of Accounting Services (D3) by a permanent post of Deputy Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services (DDEMS) (D3) when the supernumerary post lapses on 1 April 1997;
- make permanent one supernumerary Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (GEME) (D2) post;
- upgrade one permanent post of Senior Treasury Accountant (STA) (MPS 45-49) to Chief Treasury Accountant (CTA) (D1) to help manage the trading activities of the Trading Fund; and
- redeploy nine directorate posts of two Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (GEME) (D2), four Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (CEME) (D1), two Chief Electronics Engineer (CEE) (D1) and one Chief Building Services Engineer (CBSE) (D1) to effect the necessary redistribution of responsibilities.
3. In recent years, we have been trying to make EMSD a more cost-effective and efficient organisation. As a first step, EMSD has been charging user departments in respect of its workshop services through an EMSD Workshop Services Suspense Account (Operating Services Account) set up under Section 30 of the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap.2). In the light of its successful operation, we proposed to establish the EMSTF with effect from 1 August 1996 to cover all of the department's non-regulatory services. The Legislative Council endorsed the proposal on 26 June 1996.
4. The main objective of setting up the EMSTF is to deliver services along business lines. This involves charging clients for services, redesigning and developing services that are viable and cost-effective, and eliminating uneconomical and non-value-added activities. DEMS has to rationalise, integrate and package the services to make them responsive to clients' needs. DEMS envisages that this will bring about operational changes, different financial procedures, a new culture and new activities such as marketing and development of services in the department. He considers that in order to ensure effective implementation and operation of the EMSTF, while at the same time maintaining the current level of advisory and regulatory services being provided to the public, he needs to strengthen and re-organise the directorate structure of the department.
5. He proposes to group the department's activities into two streams -
- services under the EMSTF including the operation and maintenance of electrical, mechanical and electronic equipment and installations and undertaking project activities for such installations. They also include maintenance of vehicles; and
- regulatory and associated services under Government vote-funded accounts including the administration and enforcement of various legislation such as the Electricity Ordinance, the Gas Safety Ordinance, the Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance, the Amusement Ride (Safety) Ordinance and the Builder's Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance as well as advising the Government on energy policy and efficiency issues and monitoring the performance of the electricity utility companies.
6. In respect of the EMSTF, DEMS proposes to strengthen its management by creating one permanent post of DDEMS (D3), to be designated Trading Services Manager, and one permanent post of GEME (D2), to be designated General Services Manager. DEMS also proposes to create one permanent post of CTA (D1) to take charge of the special financial operations of the Trading Fund. DEMS also proposes a fundamental change in the way the directorate of the EMSTF is structured, to make them Managers of various services/sectors, thus, more responsible for their units' success. This will include the redeployment of two D 2 and seven D 1 directorate posts as well, and 5 356 non-directorate posts.
7. As regards the regulatory services, they will be re-grouped under the existing Deputy Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services, to be designated Regulatory Services Controller. He will also look after grade management and departmental administration.
8. Under the new organisation structure, DEMS will oversee the Trading Fund stream and the regulatory services stream through the Trading Services Manager and the Regulatory Services Controller respectively. He will assume the dual role of head of EMSD and the General Manager of EMSTF.
9. The present and proposed organisation charts of the department are at Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively.
10. DEMS considers that he needs a senior directorate officer at the rank of DDEMS (D3), to be designated Trading Services Manager, to assist him in the planning, directing, monitoring and controlling of activities of the entire engineering service business to ensure its successful development and long term viability under the Trading Fund. The main role of the Trading Services Manager will be to develop business plans for the Trading Fund, to set intermediate targets for the achievement of business goals, and to manage the delivery of services to ensure that the goals are achieved. He will also be required to direct, co-ordinate and supervise the work of the new General Services Branch, Dedicated Services Branch, Business Development Branch and Finance Division to ensure effective engineering operations and services and the smooth operation of the Trading Fund business. He will be required to provide pricing, charging and financial advice to the General Manager relating to maintaining the viability of the services and meeting of financial targets. He will prepare annual reports and accounts for tabling in the Legislative Council and assist the General Manager in fulfilling his legal responsibilities. The proposed job description for the post of Trading Services Manager is at Enclosure 3.
11. During the initial period of operation of the Trading Fund, we expect a substantial, high level input of financial and accounting expertise and experience from the Trading Services Manager. The first incumbent of the post should therefore preferably possess a high level of financial and systems experience as well as a flair for both business opportunities and development of a customer culture within the EMSTF. He needs business analysis skills together with experience in service pricing and costing to establish the Trading Fund services on a profit-based footing. Later on when the Trading Fund has been established for some time, the officer will need to apply the appropriate professional knowledge and experience in the engineering services industry to ensure the long term viability of the business under a competitive business environment. In the light of the above requirements, we propose that the post of Trading Services Manager should initially be filled by a professional accountant at the rank of DDAS (D3). We will retain the existing supernumerary post of DDAS (D3) created up to 31 March 1997 to suit the purpose. After that, the supernumerary DDAS post will lapse and the new DDEMS post will be created and filled by a professional engineer of the department who possesses the requisite expertise for the further development of the Trading Fund services.
12. The proposed General Services Manager (GEME) (D2) will assist the Trading Services Manager in the management of the Trading Fund business in respect of vehicle, electrical and mechanical and electronics services. He will head
a new General Services Branch consisting of three divisions, namely, the Electronics Division under the charge of a CEE (D1), and the Vehicle Division and the Electrical & Mechanical Division each under the charge of a CEME (D1). The main responsibility of the General Services Manager is to co-ordinate and monitor the activities of the Branch which includes provision of vehicle services, evaluation and provision of technical advice on electrical, mechanical and electronic equipment, maintenance of vehicles and equipment, and project work. He will report to the Trading Services Manager to ensure that delivery of the services is cost-effective, high-quality and can satisfy customers' needs. He will take charge of the profit and loss responsibility for the EMSTF's vehicle services, electrical and mechanical visiting services, electronics services, and traffic signal and aids services. The total revenue budget of these services is estimated to be around $1,000 million a year.
13. Having regard to the complexity and high value of the work involved, we consider that the General Services Manager post should be ranked at GEME (D2) level. As the existing GEMEs filling permanent Assistant Director posts of the department are already fully committed and have no spare capacity to handle the additional workload generated by the Trading Fund operation, we propose to create a new post of GEME to head the General Services Branch. The proposed job description of the GEME post is at Enclosure 4. Upon creation of the proposed General Services Manager (GEME) (D2) post, the existing supernumerary post of Government Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (GEME) (D2) (internally designated as Assistant Director/Works & Management Services) which has been tasked with assisting the development and preparation of the EMSTF, will no longer be required and will lapse.
14. The department currently has an Accounting Services Division under the charge of an STA (MPS 45 - 49) who is responsible for providing traditional financial advice for a vote-funded department. With the establishment of the Trading Fund, we need to operate in a different set of financial and accounting arrangements which have to comply with the requirements of the Trading Fund Ordinance and the EMSTF Framework Agreement. We propose to set up a new dedicated Finance Division, to be headed by the Finance Manager (CTA) (D1), to handle all financial and accounting matters of the Trading Fund. The original Accounting Services Division will be converted into a smaller Accounting Services Unit to be headed by a Treasury Accountant (MPS 30 - 44) to handle the financial affairs of the regulatory functions and other non-trading fund activities in the department which will remain vote-funded.
15. During the initial period of the EMSTF, the Finance Manager will be mainly involved in assisting the Trading Services Manager to refine and review the various financial and accounting arrangements of the Trading Fund. In the subsequent years, his main duties will be to provide professional accounting and advisory support to the Trading Services Manager, who will be a professional engineer (see paragraph 11 above), for managing a set of commercial accounts, providing financial information and advice on pricing and charging, and providing regular profit statements and forecasts to ensure that financial targets are met. Additionally, he will be responsible for managing the EMSTF's own banking and funding arrangements. In view of the heavy responsibility of the post and the high standards of performance required of the Trading Fund operations, DEMS considers that the Finance Manager post should be ranked at chief accounting professional level. He proposes to create the post by upgrading the present STA (MPS 45 - 49) to CTA (D1). The proposed job description for the Finance Manager is at Enclosure 5.
16. To go with the above proposed creation of posts and re-organisation, DEMS also proposes redeployment of nine existing directorate posts to facilitate formation of the following new Branches and Divisions -
- (a) General Services Branch
- We will redesignate the posts of CEME (Workshops) (D1), CEME (Projects and Waste Disposal) (D1) and CEE (General) (D1) as Vehicle Manager, Electrical & Mechanical Manager and Electronics Manager respectively in the new General Services Branch. Each of the three posts will head a new division (see paragraph 12 above). We will meet the other staffing requirements for these divisions from redeployment of resources from the existing Workshops Division, Projects and Waste Disposal Division and the General Electronics Division. The proposed job descriptions for the three directorate posts are at Enclosures 6, 7 and 8.
- (b) Dedicated Services Branch
- (i) We propose to redesignate the Assistant Director (Projects and Plant Management) (D2) as Dedicated Services Manager to head the Dedicated Services Branch. He will lead three new divisions of Municipal Sector Division, Building Services Division and Health Sector Division. We will redesignate CEME (Operations and Maintenance)1, CBSE (Operations and Maintenance)2 and CEE (Medical) as Municipal Sector Manager, Building Services Manager and Health Sector Manager respectively for heading the divisions. The post of Health Sector Manager will require professional knowledge and experience in either electronics engineering or electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines. The proposed job descriptions for the four directorate posts are at Enclosures 9, 10, 11 and 12; and
- (ii) the Branch will be responsible for co-ordinating and providing prompt, efficient and cost-effective electrical, mechanical and electronic services to all government offices, hospitals, clinics, civic venues, recreation centres and the airport where electrical & mechanical staff will be stationed for immediate response to clients' needs. The total revenue budget for the Branch's activities is estimated to be around $1,100 million a year.
- (c) Business Development Branch
- (i) We shall redesignate Assistant Director (Electronics & Electricity Legislation) (D2) and CEME (Management Services) (D1) as Business Development Manager and Management Services Manager respectively in the Business Development Branch. The proposed job description for the two directorate posts are at Enclosures 13 to 14;
- (ii) business development is a new sphere of work without an equivalent in the existing structure of EMSD. The initiative requires an officer at D2 level to handle the job and the main task of the Business Development Manager will be to develop the Trading Fund operations into a viable and sustainable business. The post will take charge of the Business Development Branch and be responsible for the development of marketing and customer services plans and pricing policies, as well as the identification and development of services to be provided for Trading Fund customers. He will also be responsible for providing management services to the Trading Fund operations, for developing the organisation into an efficient and customer-focused set-up which will respond to customer needs and market pressure, and for looking after the training and re-training needs of staff. He will play a vital role in the success of the EMSTF; and
- (iii) the Business Development Branch will consist of a Management Services Division, a Marketing Unit, a Customer Support Unit, and a Research & Development Unit. The Management Services Manager will head the Management Services Division and the post will require professional knowledge and experience in either the electrical and mechanical, building services or electronics engineering disciplines. For the other units, they are to be headed by senior professionals of appropriate disciplines. By redeploying the existing posts of Assistant Director (Electronics & Electricity Legislation)(D2) and CEME (Management Services)(D1) together with their supporting staff in the existing Management Services Division, we will provide the necessary resources for the new Branch.
17. DEMS intends to group all regulatory and advisory functions and the general administration of the department under the responsibilities of the existing DDEMS (D3). He plans to retitle the post as Regulatory Services Controller who will be responsible for undertaking the following main duties -
- supervising the work of the Gas & General Legislation Branch, the Energy Efficiency Office, the Electricity Legislation Division, the Departmental Administration Division, the new Accounting Services Unit and other units;
- planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the regulatory and advisory functions of the department. The work includes formulating work policies and programmes in consultation with various policy secretaries and other works departments; and
- overseeing grade management and general administration of the department.
18. In respect of the work described in paragraphs 17(a) and 17 (b) above, the Regulatory Services Controller has to provide professional input and to lead in planning, steering, controlling and developing work policies and programmes. He has to spearhead the enactment and enforcement of legislation, and provide expert and professional advice on related subjects. In recent years, the workload of the existing DDEMS has expanded tremendously with the enactment of new legislation including the Builders' Lift and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance, the Plugs & Adaptors (Safety) Regulations and the Gas Safety (Amendment) Ordinance 1996. With other new legislation such as those on gas safety, ventilation systems, fire services installations, tramways, electrical products and electricity supply coming, we expect that the workload and responsibilities of the Regulatory Services Controller will further increase in future. Many issues under his purview are related to public safety and consumer protection and are of great public concern. We consider that DDEMS (D3) is the appropriate level for the responsibilities, having regard to his strategic input in drawing up work plans, his representational role in liaising with policy branches and consultation bodies, and his professional and political judgement in responding promptly to public concerns and in crisis situations.
19. In respect of paragraph 17 (c) above, the Regulatory Services Controller will continue to assume the role of overall co-ordinator for grade management of all grades under DEMS as Head of Grade. He is responsible for the formulation and development of grade management and personnel policies, and seeing to their effective implementation in respect of over 5 000 staff in four professional grades, 14 technical and supervisory grades, and a number of other grades. On Human Resource Management and Public Sector Reform, the Regulatory Services Controller has to lead and provide impetus for effecting top-down new initiatives in order to take forward and realise the benefits of the reform.
20. Specifically, after the re-grouping of duties, the Regulatory Services Controller will be fully occupied by work generated from -
- management of the Gas & General Legislation Branch and the Energy Efficiency Office which have not changed in structure and operations but with increasing responsibilities;
- increasing public demand on EMSD's professional advice, instant responses and improved performance in areas such as electrical and mechanical safety, energy conservation and energy issues, potentially hazardous installations and performance of public utilities;
- new work dimensions for the Departmental Administrative Division (which has to provide supporting services to both trading fund and non-trading fund activities) after establishment of the Trading Fund; and the need to devote more time to human resource management issues to effect improvement and development ;
- ensuring the smooth running of the department, the need to address staff concerns relating to Trading Fund and to balance the conflicting interests of both Trading Fund staff and non-trading fund staff in cultivating a harmonious working relationship between the two parties; and
- direct supervision of CEME (D1) of the Electricity Legislation Division after redeployment of Assistant Director (Electronics & Electricity Legislation) (D2) to become Business Development Manager.
A proposed revised job description of the post is at Enclosure 15.
21. The additional notional annual salary cost of this proposal at mid-point and the additional full annual average staff cost of the proposal, including salaries and staff on-cost, are -
Annual notional
mid-point salary
Full annual
average staff cost $
No. of Post
New permanent posts
Less permanent post deleted
We shall recover the full salary costs, including on-costs, from the EMSTF.
22. On 18 October 1989, Members approved the creation of the supernumerary posts of one DDAS (D3) and one GEME (D2) to head a project team to introduce inter-departmental charging and ultimately a Trading Fund in EMSD. EMSD started charging user departments on 1 April 1992 for vehicle maintenance and repairs and related services, and later extended this charging scheme to all EMSD's workshop services, except for electronics which was to be covered at a later stage. EMSD has now re-organised its services and has instilled commercial disciplines within the department with a view to changing to Trading Fund operation on 1 August 1996.
23. On 8 March 1996, Members approved the retention of the supernumerary posts of one DDAS (D3) and one GEME (D2) for a period of one year with effect from 1 April 1996 to continue the preparation for the establishment of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund.
24. On 26 June 1996, the Legislative Council passed a resolution under the Trading Fund Ordinance to establish the EMSTF. Under trading fund arrangements, staff working in the EMSD remain civil servants. However, EMSTF, being a separate financial and accounting entity, is required to meet all its expenditure from the Trading Fund, including the full staff cost of civil servants engaged. Staff working exclusively on regulatory services such as electricity and gas safety, will continue to be funded in the normal manner under Head 42 EMSD. Staff providing central supporting services to both the EMSTF and regulatory functions such as human resource management will be met from Head 42 EMSD in the first instance. DEMS will work out their full operating costs and will bill the EMSTF for the portion borne by the EMSTF.
25. The Civil Service Branch supports the ranking and grading of the proposed posts as they carry responsibilities and policy input appropriate to their ranks.
26. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading proposed for the permanent posts would be appropriate if the posts were created.
Works Branch
June 1996
Enclosure 1 to EC(96-97)35

Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)35

Enclosure 3 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Deputy Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services (D3)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the General Manager (Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services) for ensuring the effective management of the EMSTF and the long term viability of the Trading Fund business. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- the strategic planning and formulation of policies relating to the Trading Fund services carried out by the department;
- managing and co-ordinating the business activities of the Trading Fund to ensure that business objectives and targets are achieved;
- planning, directing, co-ordinating and controlling the engineering services in the General Services Branch, Dedicated Services Branch and Business Development Branch;
- preparing a business plan for the development of services provided by the Trading Fund and arranging for the targets and objectives proposed to be agreed by the Works Branch, Finance Branch and Civil Service Branch of the Government;
- formulating pricing and financial policies for the Trading Fund which will enable defined financial targets to be achieved;
- reviewing, co-ordinating and redefining the delivery of the Trading Fund services so as to ensure the appropriate quality and reliability of the services;
- developing and refining managing techniques and practices to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Trading Fund services;
- strengthening customer relations, meeting customer requirements and developing marketing strategies;
- reviewing the financial, asset management and investment arrangements for the Trading Fund, and liaising with Finance Branch and Works Branch for approval when making changes;
- reviewing the scope of services offered by the Trading Fund and making proposals to the Government for consequential amendment to the EMSTF Framework Agreement; and
- ensuring that adequate systems and procedures are maintained and developed so that the Trading Fund complies with all financial reporting and accounting requirements of the Trading Funds Ordinance.
Enclosure 4 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Government Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (D2)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Trading Services Manager for managing and developing the businesses of the vehicle, the electrical and mechanical, and the electronics services to meet customers' needs and expectations, and ensuring these businesses are cost-effective and self-supporting under the Trading Fund. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- managing and planning for the long-term viability of the businesses of the vehicle, the electrical and mechanical, and the electronics services;
- ensuring these businesses are properly run according to set policies and business objectives so as to achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction;
- directing the development of these businesses such that they can meet changing customers' needs and expectations;
- contributing to the setting of departmental policies in areas of business development and human resource management; and
- managing a number of customer accounts to ensure that all services are properly integrated and packaged to meet individual customer's requirements.
Enclosure 5 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Treasury Accountant (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Trading Services Manager for ensuring the financial targets and requirements for the EMSTF are met. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- heading the Finance Division of the EMSTF and advising the Trading Services Manager and other senior managers on all financial and accounting related issues;
- co-ordinating the preparation of financial projections for the Annual Business Plans and Medium Range Corporate Plans;
- providing financial management and accounting functions in terms of preparation of management and financial accounts/reports, financial budgets, pricing scenarios and financial models;
- ensuring that the financial and accounting operations comply with the requirements of the Trading Funds Ordinance and the EMSTF Framework Agreement, in particular the keeping of full set of commercial accounts in line with prevailing accounting standards of accountancy bodies and other principles as directed by Director of Accounting Services;
- monitoring, reviewing and developing accounting and financial systems and procedures to ensure the effective and efficient operation of revenue and payment functions and that they comply with relevant regulations;
- monitoring the day to day cashflow and cash investment of funds under the EMSTF; and
- providing advice in support of business development including charging policies and the introduction of new services.
Enclosure 6 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the General Services Manager for heading the Vehicle Division for the provision of vehicle maintenance and procurement services to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring that the vehicle business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the vehicle business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the vehicle business;
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the vehicle business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Management Services Division for the improvement of existing operations, and providing leadership to the Work Improvement Teams in the Vehicle Workshops; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the vehicle business.
Enclosure 7 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the General Services Manager for heading the Electrical & Mechanical Division for the provision of electrical and mechanical services including maintenance, project, consultancy, and procurement services to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring that the electrical and mechanical business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the electrical and mechanical business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the electrical and mechanical business.
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the electrical and mechanical business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Management Services Division for the improvement of existing operations, and providing leadership to the Work Improvement Teams in the Division; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the electrical and mechanical business.
Enclosure 8 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electronics Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the General Services Manager for heading the Electronics Division for the provision of electronics services including maintenance, projects, consultancy and procurement services to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring that the electronics business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the electronics business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the electronics business;
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the electronics business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Management Services Division for the improvement of existing operations, and providing leadership to the Work Improvement Teams in the Division; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the electronics business.
Enclosure 9 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Dedicated Services Manager for heading the Municipal Sector Division for the provision of electrical and mechanical, building services, and electronics operation, maintenance and procurement services to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring the municipal sector business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the municipal sector business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the municipal sector business.
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the municipal sector business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Management Services Division for the improvement of existing operations, and providing leadership to the Work Improvement Teams in the Division; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the municipal sector business.
Enclosure 10 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Building Services Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Dedicated Services Manager for heading the Building Services Division for the provision of building services maintenance and procurement business to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring that the building services business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the building services business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the building services business;
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the building services business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Architectural Services Department and Management Services Division of EMSD for the improvement of existing operations; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the building services business.
Enclosure 11 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electronics Engineer (D1) or
Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Dedicated Services Manager for heading the Health Sector Division for the provision of electrical and mechanical, building services, and electronics operation, maintenance and procurement services to meet customers' needs and expectations. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- ensuring that the health sector business is run according to set policies and business objectives and being responsible for the profit and loss, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction for the business;
- proposing changes to policies and business objectives to enhance the potential of the health sector business and its long term viability;
- liaising closely with customers at senior management level to identify their needs and quality expectations, as well as possible policy/operational changes affecting the health sector business;
- preparing and implementing strategic business and development plans for the health sector business, including the packaging, the type and quality of services as well as the development of new business and facilities;
- establishing operational directives and procedures and setting performance indicators and targets;
- monitoring these performance indicators and targets, identifying deviating trends, conducting investigations and implementing corrective actions;
- liaising with Management Services Division for the improvement of existing operations, and providing leadership to the Work Improvement Teams in the Division; and
- motivating and managing staff and contributing to the organisation development, manpower planning and development of the health sector business.
Enclosure 12 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Government Electrical & Mechanical Engineer (D2)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Trading Services Manager for managing and developing the businesses of the health sector, the municipal sector and the building services to meet customer's needs and expectations, and ensuring that these businesses are cost-effective and self-supporting under the Trading Fund. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- managing and planning for the long term viability of the businesses of the health sector, the municipal sector and the building services;
- ensuring that these businesses are properly run according to set policies and business objectives so as to achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction;
- directing the development of these businesses such that they can meet changing customer needs and expectations;
- contributing to the setting of departmental policies in areas of business development and human resource management; and
- managing a number of customer accounts to ensure that all services are properly integrated and packaged to meet individual customer's requirements.
Enclosure 13 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (D2)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Trading Services Manager for formulating and overseeing the implementation of strategic and development plans for the Trading Fund businesses to meet market and customer needs, and providing support to line management for the implementation of these plans to ensure the long term viability of these businesses. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- formulating and overseeing the implementation of strategic and development plans of the Trading Fund businesses;
- undertaking marketing function of the Trading Fund businesses including conducting market research/surveys and sales forecasts and setting competitive bench marking, and preparing marketing plans;
- identifying business opportunities and developing new businesses;
- providing customer support to the General Services Branch and Dedicated Services Branch including customer survey analysis, public relations and publicity;
- providing management support to the General Services Branch and Dedicated Services Branch by carrying out management consultancy studies, developing incentive schemes, quality management and management information systems;
- formulating training strategic plans and providing training to staff;
- formulating plans for organisational changes to meet business needs and providing support to line management for their implementation; and
- managing a number of customer accounts to ensure that all services are properly integrated and packaged to meet individual customer requirements.
Enclosure 14 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (D1) or
Chief Electronics Engineer (D1) or
Chief Building Services Engineer (D1)
Major Duties and Responsibilities
Responsible to the Business Development Manager for providing management services support to the Trading Fund businesses. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- planning, directing and supervising the activities of the Management Services Division;
- reviewing and improving work procedures and practices particularly in relation to service delivery arrangements to ensure efficient and economical services of quality standards that meet customers' needs;
- reviewing organisational structure and manning levels and implementing organisational changes to meet management objectives and business needs;
- reviewing management/technical skills of the workforce and liaising with line management to plan and implement training/retraining programmes;
- developing and maintaining computerised management information systems for the efficient and effective operation of the Trading Fund; and
- developing total quality management particularly in relation to ISO 900X certifications.
Enclosure 15 to EC(96-97)35
Grade/Rank : Deputy Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services (D3)
Main duties and responsibilities
Responsible to DEMS for ensuring professional advice is provided to policy branches and departments, legislation are enforced effectively and the department is smoothly run in terms of departmental administration and supporting services. His main duties and responsibilities include -
- assisting the Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services in the strategic planning and formulation of policies relating to the regulatory and advisory functions carried out by the department;
- directing, monitoring and controlling the activities of the Gas and General Legislation Branch, the Energy Efficiency Office, the Electricity Legislation Division, the Departmental Administration Division, the Accounting Services Unit and other units under his charge which include the Departmental Safety Unit and the Staff Relations Unit;
- formulating work policies and programmes in consultation with other Works Departments and the Policy Branches, administering and monitoring the implementation of such, and enactment and enforcement of relevant legislation;
- liaising, cultivating and maintaining close working relationship with other departments, policy branches, the Legislative Council, the boards and councils concerned, the utility companies, unions, trade associations and other local/international organisations which have dealings with the department;
- formulating, co-ordinating and administering departmental policies and practices which apply to the whole department; initiating reviews and improvements on such according to the Government's Human Resource Management and other reforms;
- planning and overseeing the acquisition, allocation and use of departmental non-Trading Fund resources; and participating in the annual Resource Allocation Exercise of the central Government and regular programme progress review meetings with policy branches; and
- managing and developing all the professional, technical and other departmental grades under the central authority of the department, including activities like recruitment, promotion, posting, career development and training.
Last Updated on 3 December 1998