For discussion EC(95-96)64
on 13 December 1995


Various Heads of Expenditures
Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the revision of the salary scale of the Supervisor of Typing Services grade from Master Pay Scale Point 17-23 ($18,145 - $24,165) to Master Pay Scale Point 17-24 ($18,145 - $25,305).


The salary scale of the Supervisor of Typing Services (STS) grade does not reflect the increased complexity of work and responsibilities of the grade.


2. The Secretary for the Civil Service (SCS) proposes to revise the salary scale of the STS grade with effect from a current date from Master Pay Scale Point 17-23 ($18,145 - $24,165) to Master Pay Scale Point 17-24 ($18,145 - $25,305).


3. The Supervisor of Typing Services (STS) grade was created in 1976 with duties and responsibilities as listed at Enclosure 1.

4. Rapid installation and upgrading of various computing and word-processing hardware and software in government over recent years has brought about a change in the nature of the job of STSs and a new dimension to their role in the provision of secretarial services. Notwithstanding the fact that office automation has affected almost every grade in the civil service, the impact on the STSs is particularly significant. The enhanced roles performed by the STSs are detailed in the following paragraphs. A duty list describing the increased responsibilities and functions of the STSs is at Enclosure 2.

The role as a trainer in departments

5. In the past, the STSs only provided limited training on the use of different typing machines or skills to the secretarial staff. The role of the STS as a trainer has, however, become more prominent following the rapid development of office automation. New recruits are only provided with a brief introduction on word-processing at the Civil Service Training Centre during the 3-day induction course. However, this cannot cover all the different software applications. The STSs therefore have to organise intensive training sessions and provide on-the-job training on the equipment and computer software used in the secretarial/typing pools to the new recruits at the workplace when they report for duty. They also have to train serving Personal Secretaries II (PS IIs) and Typists transferred from other departments who were using different software in the previous posts. As training provided by computer vendors and training sections in the departments only serves a supplementary function to that provided by the STSs, reliance on the expertise of the STSs is expected to increase in the years ahead. With the wider use of Chinese in the government, secretarial staff will get involved in Chinese word-processing duties and the STSs would need to assume a training role to facilitate the secretarial staff to fulfil their duties.

The role as an “Instant Help Desk” in departments

6. STSs are the key staff on the ground to help other staff in government departments to make full use of the various facilities brought about by improved technology. Towards this end, the STSs need to familiarise themselves, in the shortest possible time, with the principles and detailed operation of the facilities and software. With a good grasp of the skills needed in using the facilities, they can act as an instant source of expertise and as trouble shooters whenever hiccups arise. Their specialised knowledge and expertise have thus gradually turned them into the “Instant Help Desk” not only for the secretarial pools which they lead, but for other users of the software as well. In addition, STSs are required to customise the computer software acquired, design macros, glossaries and libraries in order to cater for the specific needs of the departments and to achieve higher efficiency in the work process. These are no simple tasks and demand a high degree of understanding and mastery of the word-processing system.

The role as a facilitator in office automation in secretarial/typing pools in departments

7. The government intends to realise the full potential of office automation and productivity of the secretarial staff by encouraging them to perform database management, spreadsheet preparation, graphic presentation, etc. over and above conventional word processing duties. In addition, we are also planning to promote greater use of Chinese within the civil service as part of the management of the transition and have secured funding of $112.8 million for this purpose. Technical support in terms of hardware capacity and availability of Chinese word-processing software is forthcoming. It is important that secretarial support, in terms of organisation, training and technical support at the work place, is not lagging behind in this process. STSs who possess the professional word-processing skills are expected to play a particularly important role in facilitating the process.

8. STSs are unique in that they are instrumental in the management of the changes set out in paragraph 5 to 7 above - they have a more important training role than before; they become experts in word-processing and take part in the planning and implementation of office automation; and they have to make organisational adaptations as working patterns and habits change. They also have to play an important role in developing the right organisational culture and individual attitude among the secretarial staff as the implementation of office automation advances.

9. In the light of the above, SCS considers that a one-point increase at the maximum of the STS salary scale should be granted to recognise adequately the increased responsibility and enhanced roles of the STS grade.


10. The estimated full year cost of the proposal is $1 million covering a total of 80 STS posts in 33 departments. We have sufficient provision in the 1995-96 Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal.


11. The Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the proposed salary scale of the STS grade is appropriate.

Civil Service Branch
December 1995

Enclosure 1 to EC(95-96)64

Duty List of Supervisor of Typing Services Grade When the Grade Was Created in 1976

  1. Supervise and organise the work of not less than five and not more than 12 Stenographers (latter retitled Personal Secretaries II) and/or Typists;
  2. Ensure that work is allocated equitably and processed efficiently;
  3. Handle queries and complaints about the work of her staff;
  4. Liaise with users of stenographic and typing services;
  5. Responsible for the establishment and maintenance of high standards of stenographic and typing services within a pool and areas delineated by Departmental Secretary;
  6. Provide on-the-job training to Stenographers and Typists;
  7. Maintain and supervise where appropriate the maintenance of work-log and analyse them for planning and record purposes; and
  8. Undertake stenographic and typing duties when required.

Enclosure 2 to EC(95-96)64

Existing Duty List of the Supervisor of Typing Services Grade

  1. Ensure high quality and efficient secretarial service provided by their pools and also monitor the standard of service of other Personal Secretaries II (PS IIs) and Typists in the department deployed outside the secretarial pools;
  2. Serve as a link between user, departmental management and the secretarial pool;
  3. Assist in matters relating to leave relief/temporary acting appointments for Personal Secretaries and Typists;
  4. Give guidance and on-the-job training to PS IIs and Typists, especially on the equipment and computer software used in secretarial pools;
  5. Serve as Member of PS II Recruitment Boards conducted by the General Grades Office and assist in the recruitment of contract /temporary Typists conducted by departments; and
  6. Serve as adviser to department management on acquisition and utilisation of word processors and other office equipment for secretarial staff.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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