For discussion EC(95-96)76
on 14 February 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following supernumerary post for the period from 1 April 1996 to 30 September 1997 -

1 Administrative Officer Staff Grade C
(D2) ($ 95,550 - $ 101,450)


The existing structure and directorate support of the Home Affairs Branch (HAB) is inadequate to absorb the new workload generated from planning and co-ordinating the 1997 handover ceremony and the events associated with it.


2. The Secretary for Home Affairs (SHA) proposes to create one post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) to head a new Co-ordination Office for Handover Ceremony (the Co-ordination Office) in HAB for a period of 18 months from 1 April 1996 to 30 September 1997.


3. In October 1995, the British and Chinese Foreign Ministers agreed, among other things, that an Expert Group should be set up under the Joint Liaison Group (JLG) to work out arrangements for the 1997 handover ceremony. SHA has been charged with the responsibility of co-ordinating the planning and organisation of the handover ceremony and events associated with it, and providing the necessary support to the Expert Group. The handover, being a monumental event in the history of Hong Kong, will not only attract world-wide attention, but will also provide an unmatched opportunity to promote Hong Kong to the world. We need to set up a Co-ordination Office to undertake the work. The exact staffing requirements of the Co-ordination Office will depend on the final shape of the handover ceremony and the ancillary events before and after the ceremony. The proposed staffing structure of the Co-ordination Office at this stage is shown at Enclosure 1.

4. The AOSGC, departmentally to be titled as Head of the Co-ordination Office, is directly responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs(2) for handling all the work concerning the handover ceremony from now until September 1997, and ensuring that all necessary preparations are arranged in good time so that the ceremony and events associated with it can take place smoothly. He will be required to -

  1. co-ordinate the efforts of various Branches and Departments in drawing up the details of the programme, the proceedings and the necessary logistical arrangements of the handover ceremony to ensure that it is conducted in a befitting way. This also involves discussions with various non-government bodies and working groups;
  2. co-ordinate the efforts of various Government Departments, District Offices and outside bodies to ensure that a variety of cultural, sporting and community events, ranging from district-based functions to major events of territory-wide interest, to be held in the weeks before and after the day of handover are well implemented;
  3. compile the necessary financial requirements, seek funds from the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council if necessary, coordinate fund-raising or sponsorship activities and control the expenditure relating to the ceremony; and
  4. be closely involved in the work of the JLG Expert Group, including providing input and participating in expert talks on the programme of events.

The job description of the proposed AOSGC post is at Enclosure 2.


5. The additional notional annual salary cost of the proposal at mid-point is $1,182,600. We have included sufficient provision in the 1996-97 draft Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal .

6. At this stage we estimate that the AOSGC will need a total of ten support staff at notional annual mid-point salary cost of $4,965,300 to assist him to carry out his duties. We will create these posts through the normal Departmental Establishment Committee machinaery as and when necessary.


7. The Civil Service Branch considers the grading, ranking and duration of the proposed AOSGC post appropriate having regard to its duties and responsibilities.


8. We will report Tthe creation of the post, if approved, to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with the agreed procedures.

Home Affairs Branch
February 1996

Enclosure 2 to EC (95-96)76

Job Description of the Head of the Coordination Office for Handover Ceremony

Major duties and responsibilities -

Responsible to the Secretary for Home Affairs, through Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs(2) for -

  1. co-ordinating the preparation and execution of the programme of the handover ceremony;
  2. co-ordinating the overall financial provisions, preparation and execution of the programme of transition-related cultural, sporting and community events;
  3. providing input to and participating in expert talks in the JLG on the organisation of events;
  4. chairing inter-departmental working groups and liaising with Government and non-Government bodies involved in organizing transition-related events; and
  5. handling public and media enquiries on the programme of events.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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