For discussion EC(95-96)77
on 14 February 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following permanent post with effect from 1 April 1996 in the Police Headquarters -

1 Assistant Director of Accounting Services
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)


The current financial and human resources management within the Police Force needs substantial strengthening to enhance cost effectiveness.


2. The Commissioner of Police (CP), with the support of the Secretary for Security (S for S), proposes to create one Assistant Director of Accounting Services (ADAS) (D2) post to head a new Finance Department in the Police Headquarters.


Creation of an ADAS post

3. The Force’s finances are currently managed by the Finance Division (the Division) of the Civil and Administration Department led by the Police Administration Officer (PAO) ranked at Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 (D4) level. The Division is responsible for co-ordinating all matters relating to financial and accounting arrangements of the Force. It has an establishment of 93 and is headed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Noting the growth in volume and complexity in Police’s resource management, the CEO post has not been filled since April 1993, and a Principal Executive Officer (PEO) (D1) post has been created on a supernumerary basis to lead the Division and to undertake a series of project-based assignments for strengthening of the financial management of the Force. These assignments include reviewing the long-term financial management structure of the Finance Division, developing an overall budgetary delegation structure for the Force, and overseeing the planning and implementation of devolution of financial authority to Regional Commanders. The PEO post will lapse on 1 April 1996.

4. The Force’s estimated recurrent expenditure for 1995-96 is $9.6 billion. Despite the size of its expenditure, the Force does not have any professional accounting and financial support in resource management; all related activities are handled by either Police officers or officers of General Grades. With the devolution of financial management responsibilities from central government to departments, the Force’s need for professionalism and strategic planning in its resource management has never been greater. This points to the need for a strengthened team for financial planning and management, and in particular, for professional accounting support. The management consultants’ (Coopers and Lybrand) Report on the Review of the Top Command Structure of the Force (1993) and the Police Study Team (PST) Report No. 4/93 (1993) have drawn a similar conclusion. Both reports pointed out that the existing Division is basically adequate for a house-keeping function, but is inadequate to ensure best value for money. These reviews recommended that professional accounting staff should be introduced to enable a more strategic and cost-effective deployment of the Force’s resources.

5. Against the above background, CP, with the support of S for S, considers it necessary to strengthen the Force’s financial management by reorganising the existing Finance Division into a new and professionally managed Finance Department. This new department will be responsible for developing a new style of financial management, information and control systems and stores management, in addition to the task of co-ordinating all financial and accounting matters of the Force currently undertaken by the Finance Division. In brief, the major functions of this proposed department will be as follows -

  1. financial policy, planning and control;
  2. development of financial management, information and control systems;
  3. conducting internal audit inspections; and
  4. procurement of police and general stores and equipment.

The existing and proposed organisation under PAO are at Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively.

6. CP proposes that the new Finance Department be led by a person specialised in financial management. Having consulted S for S and the Director of Accounting Services, CP proposes the creation of an ADAS (D2) post to head the new department. Specifically, the proposed ADAS post will oversee and take forward the following -

  1. providing professional accounting input to the Force management;
  2. setting up management accounting systems;
  3. developing and monitoring financial performance indicators in support of the various financial management processes;
  4. developing an information management system on the use of the Force’s resources with a view to providing a reliable monitoring tool for the senior Force management; and
  5. considering the possibility of further delegating financial authority to formation commanders.

A proposed job description is at Enclosure 3.

The post of Police Civil Secretary

7. Under the existing organisation, the Police Civil Secretary (PCS) (D2) assists the PAO in managing the Force’s resources, both financial and staffing. The Force’s staffing establishment is large and complex. Total establishment currently stands at 33 000, comprising both Police and civilian officers. The 6 000 civilian staff (or 18% of the total Police establishment) come from over 50 departmental and general grades. Following the completion of the reviews of every formation of the Police by the PST, the PCS has taken up a pivotal role in the Force’s deliberation and liaison with other parts of the Government on, and implementation of, the PST recommendations. In addition, the PCS is the deputy to PAO, and secretary to Chiefs of Staff and CP’s weekly meetings.

8. Due to the daunting volume and complexity of work relating to the financial and staffing matters of the Force, the PCS has hitherto been unable to focus on the Government’s Human Resource Management (HRM) initiatives for the civilian staff in recent years. This situation, if allowed to continue, would not be conducive to the development and best use of the staffing resources of the Force. Like their counterparts elsewhere in the Government, officers in the Police Force stand to benefit from these initiatives which aim at improving the productivity, staff management and service to the public of Government departments. CP, with the support of S for S, therefore wishes to take the opportunity of the creation of a new and professionally managed Finance Department, to re-align the work of the PCS so that the latter can have the capacity to oversee a number of HRM initiatives for the civilian staff.

9. In addition, CP wishes to take forward a programme of civilianisation and Public Sector Reform in the Police Force. Subject to Members’ approval of the proposed creation of the ADAS post, the PCS, having been relieved of financial management responsibilities, will then have the capacity to assist PAO in formulating plans in these areas for CP’s consideration. An optimal civilianisation programme can better ensure cost-effective use of resources and the redeployment of as many police officers as possible for front-line operational duties. The Public Sector Reform aims at devolving authority to those responsible for service delivery and placing greater emphasis on service quality.

10. Hence, notwithstanding the transfer of financial management responsibilities to the proposed ADAS post, the PCS will still have on his schedule very important management functions requiring close directorate attention. CP therefore considers that the grading of the PCS post at Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) level remains valid. The revised job description of the PCS post is at Enclosure 4.


11. The additional notional annual salary cost of the above proposal at MID-POINT is -

$ No. of Post

New permanent post



We have included sufficient provision in the draft Estimates for 1996-97 to meet the cost of this proposal.

12. Subject to Members’ approval of the creation of the ADAS post, CP will create, through the Departmental Establishment Committee mechanism, one additional Senior Treasury Accountant (STA) post (with a notional annual mid-point salary value of $807,240) and one additional Personal Secretary I (PSI) post (with a notional annual mid-point salary value of $239,880) to provide technical and secretarial support respectively to the ADAS. The cost for the additional STA post will be met through redeployment within the Force and the cost of the additional PS I post has been included in the draft Estimates for 1996-97.


13. The Civil Service Branch considers that the ranking and grading of the proposed post is appropriate having regard to its duties and responsibilities.


14. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading proposed for the post of Assistant Director of Accounting Services is appropriate.

Security Branch
February 1996

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)77

Description of Financial Controller, RHKPF

Department : Royal Hong Kong Police

Title : Financial Controller

Rank : Assistant Director of Accounting Services (D2)

A. Overall Role

Responsible for the general management and supervision of the Finance Department, including development in financial management necessary to achieve higher cost effectiveness.

B. Major Responsibilities

Responsible to the Police Administration Officer for the following duties -

  1. to plan, promote and implement a strategy of improved financial management, including the provision of appropriate training, advice and technical support;
  2. to ensure that the Force’s financial management, stores and accounting systems are in tune with defined objectives, targets and performance indicators;
  3. to devise systems for better resource management of the Force, including physical assets and cash;
  4. to oversee the networking of a number of financial information systems, management information systems and computer systems to provide a reliable monitoring tool for the senior Force management;
  5. to ensure the Force’s Resources Allocation Exercise bids, collated by Planning and Development Branch, are compiled and submitted in the prescribed format;
  6. to co-ordinate the compilation of draft Estimates, capital account Estimates and the Controlling Officer’s Report;
  7. to advise Formation Commanders on financial and resource management issues and to consider the possibility of further delegating financial authority to them;
  8. to assist in financial planning and to chair a Financial Management Sub-Committee under the Force’s Planning Committee; and
  9. to attend any other meetings as member as necessary.

Enclosure 4 to EC(95-96)77

Revised Job Description of Police Civil Secretary, RHKPF

Department : Royal Hong Kong Police

Title : Police Civil Secretary

Rank : Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

A. Overall Role

Responsible for the general administration of the Civil and Administration Department including the handling of personnel functions for civilian staff as well as the establishment matters for the department.

B. Major Responsibilities

Responsible to the Police Administration Officer for the following duties -

  1. to deputise the Police Administration Officer;
  2. to be responsible for the overall management and welfare of the Force’s civilian departmental and general grades;
  3. to develop Human Resource Management initiatives for the civilian staff with an aim to managing them effectively for performance;
  4. to develop a more open, flexible and caring management of civilian staff so that they will be motivated and managed in a way which maximises their contribution to the Force;
  5. to deal with establishment matters, civilian and disciplined, for the whole department;
  6. to take part in deliberations on Force policy;
  7. to be secretary to the Commissioner’s weekly meeting and the monthly meeting of Chiefs of Staff;
  8. to provide general administrative support to Police Headquarters and other formations;
  9. to chair the monthly Civil and Administration meeting and serve as a member of the following committees/meetings -
    1. the Force Planning Committee;
    2. the Major Formation Commanders’ Meeting;
    3. the Departmental Establishment Committee;
    4. the Force Establishment and Manning Committee;
    5. the Public Sector Reform Committee;
    6. the Civilianisation Committee;
    7. the Information Strategy Committee;
    8. the Public Interface Committee; and
    9. the Force Honours and Awards Committee; and
  10. to make regular visits to formations, to attend the eight Police Civilian Staff Consultative Committees on a need basis and to attend meetings with the civilian staff associations in order to listen to the views of the civilian staff and to tackle their civil and administrative problems.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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