For discussion EC(95-96)79
on 14 February 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following supernumerary post for a period of four years from 1 April 1996 -

1 Chief Building Surveyor
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)


We need dedicated directorate support to oversee the implementation of Government’s accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) Programme regarding the safety of potentially dangerous private slopes.


2. The Director of Buildings (the Director) proposes to create a supernumerary post of Chief Building Surveyor (CBS) (D1) years to head a new LPM Section in the Buildings Department for a period of four years from 1 April 1996.


3. In 1977-78, the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering Department (CED) compiled a Catalogue of Slopes listing over 10 000 slopes in the territory. Subsequently we have established the LPM Programme to investigate and stabilise substandard slope features (i.e. slopes and retaining walls). Since 1 April 1995, GEO has accelerated the Programme, aiming to complete the stabilisation of all substandard slope features listed in the 1977-78 Catalogue of Slopes by 1999-2000.

4. Under the LPM Programme, GEO undertakes the initial investigation of slope features which may affect public safety. While GEO stabilises substandard government slope features, it refers substandard private slope features to the Building Authority (the Director of Buildings) who will serve statutory Dangerous Hillside Orders (the Orders) under the Buildings Ordinance on the owners concerned requiring them to investigate and, where necessary, to carry out remedial work to bring the slope features up to the required standard. There are about 4 000 private slope features in the 1977-78 Catalogue of Slopes. Up to the end of September 1995, Buildings Department has issued Orders on 466 private substandard slope features and stabilisation works have been completed on 337 such features.

5. At present, the Specialist Division of Buildings Department, which comprises the Dangerous Buildings (DB) Section and the Consultancy Services (CS) Section is responsible, among other major duties, for any matters concerning the safety of private slopes. The DB Section, is responsible for issuing and monitoring the enforcement of the Orders. If owners fail to carry out the Orders, its teams will refer the default cases to the Slopes Stabilisation Unit (SSU) of the CS Section. The SSU is responsible for carrying out the default works and recovering the costs of such works from defaulting owners. The existing organisation chart of the Specialist Division is at Enclosure 1.

6. Under the accelerated LPM Programme, the Director estimates that during the four year period from 1996-97 to 1999-2000, the department would issue an average of 220 Orders a year, of which about 70 would be default cases. These compare with 49 Orders (with 12 default cases) in 1994-95 and 16 Orders (with nine default cases) in 1993-94. The larger volume of cases will require a greater degree of planning, control and co-ordination input from the DB and CS Sections. The Director considers that the existing structure of the Specialist Division is inadequate to meet the additional demand of service in this area of work.

A new LPM Section

7. The Director advises that there is a need for a more focused and co-ordinated approach in implementing the accelerated LPM Programme and undertaking emergency duties concerning the safety of private slopes. He proposes to set up a dedicated LPM Section which will have the following main responsibilities -

  1. stepping up measures to remind private owners of their responsibilities for the safety of their slopes in consultation with GEO;
  2. clarifying with GEO and Lands Department on maintenance responsibilities of private slope features;
  3. preparing and issuing the Orders;
  4. liaising with the private owners concerned and their consulting engineers for compliance with the Orders and vetting/approving the consulting engineers’ slope remedial proposals and accepting the remedial works after completion;
  5. appointing geotechnical consultants to investigate, design and supervise the carrying out of the default works by a Buildings Department contractor and recovering the costs of works from defaulting owners; and
  6. providing emergency services regarding private slopes in co-ordination with GEO.

8. The head of the proposed LPM Section will be the key professional to oversee the implementation of the accelerated LPM Programme, to determine action on slope emergencies affecting public safety and to coordinate with government departments to formulate policies and strategy on slope safety matters. He will also be the delegated signatory of the Building Authority for statutory orders and has to administer consultancy agreements for default works and monitor slope works contracts. The Director considers that the head should be a highly experienced professional building surveyor at D1 level, well-versed in relevant government policies and work practices and of sufficient stature to command respect of the building professions. Accordingly, the Director proposes the creation of a post of CBS (D1) to head the LPM Section (designated as CBS/LPM). The proposed job description of the post is at Enclosure 2.

9. The Director has considered reorganising the DB and CS Sections to release one of the CBSs to become solely responsible for the LPM Programme. However, the two CBSs have other major responsibilities including demolition and investigation/repair of dangerous buildings, dangerous signs, defective drainage; giving advice on structural stability and adequacy of means of escape of licensed premises including restaurants, schools, child care centres and places of public entertainment; and preparation and management of Buildings Department works contracts. The workload in these areas has been increasing in the past year as illustrated by the following figures -

1994 1995

Works Orders issued
(excluding slopes)



Licensing applications received

4 066

4 843

No of reports relating to dangers in buildings

1 562

2 057

As the implementation of the LPM Programme is only a small part of the overall responsibilities of the DB and CS Sections and the work is spread out among the eight geographical teams in the DB Section and the SSU in the CS Section, the amount of staff resources released by taking away this part of duty is correspondingly small and will be more than taken up by the above increase in workload. After careful consideration, the Director has concluded that it is not possible to redeploy the existing CBSs.

10. As a result of the setting up of the LPM Section, the existing heads of the DB and CS Sections will have no responsibilities for slope matters. Their revised job descriptions are at Enclosures 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The revised structure of the Specialist Division is at Enclosure 6.


11. The additional notional annual salary cost of the proposal at MID-POINT is $994,200. We have included sufficient provision in the 1996-97 draft Estimates to meet the cost.

12. The head of the LPM Section will require 26 additional non-directorate posts comprising building surveyors, structural engineers, technical and general grades staff. The notional annual salary cost of these posts at mid-point is $7,362,840. We will create these non-directorate posts under the normal Departmental Establishment Committee machinery. In addition, we will transfer the SSU comprising seven non-directorate posts now under the CS Section to support the new LPM Section.


13. A Slope Safety Review undertaken by the Secretary for Works in 1994 recommended the inclusion of certain large slopes affecting high traffic density roads and busy footpaths in the LPM works programme. The review also recommended the acceleration of the LPM Programme to stabilise substandard slopes and stepping up measures to increase public awareness of slope safety responsibilities.

14. A summary of the initial findings of the Review was presented to the Legislative Council Panel on Planning, Lands and Works on 20 December 1994. A report on the Review was published on 3 March 1995.

15. On 12 May 1995, Finance Committee approved the creation of three supernumerary directorate posts for a period of five years for GEO to cope with the additional workload arising from the accelerated LPM Programme. As GEO has already embarked on the accelerated Programme and started referring private substandard slope cases to Buildings Department for follow up action at an increased rate, it is now necessary to strengthen Buildings Department’s capability for the effective implementation of the Programme.


16. The Civil Service Branch supports the ranking and grading of this proposed post as it carries responsibilities and professional policy input appropriate for the D1 level.


17. As we are proposing the creation of the post of Chief Building Surveyor on a supernumerary basis, we will report its creation, if approved, to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with the agreed procedure.

Planning, Environment and Lands Branch
February 1996

Enclosure 2 to EC(95-96)79

Job Description -- Chief Building Surveyor/Landslip Preventive Measures

Rank : Chief Building Surveyor (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Assistant Director/Specialist (AD/S) for the day to day administration of a new Landslip Preventive Measures Section with the objective of rendering potentially dangerous private slopes safe. Duties include -

  1. coordinating with the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Department in formulating policy and strategy on inter-departmental procedures for slope safety matters;
  2. approving the issue of statutory orders relating to dangerous hillsides;
  3. approving plans for remedial works in connection with dangerous hillsides, and ensuring the works are followed up and carried out properly;
  4. administering consultancy agreements and slope works contracts for default works;
  5. approving works orders and authorising payment in connection with default works to be carried out by Buildings Department contractors;
  6. serving as Chairman to the Works Management Group Meeting, the Buildings Department Slope Works Contractor meeting and various staff meetings within the section;
  7. representing the department in inter-departmental and external conferences and committees on matters relating to private slope safety;
  8. leading a team on emergency duty during tropical cyclones or other adverse weather conditions; and
  9. performing such other duties as may be assigned to him by AD/S.

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)79

Job Description -- Chief Structural Engineer/Dangerous Buildings 1 and 2

Rank : Chief Structural Engineer (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Director/Specialist (AD/S) for the day-to-day administration of the Dangerous Buildings Section and to Assistant Director/Structural Engineering (AD/SE) for structural aspects with the objective to remove and repair structural danger from buildings. Duties include -

  1. responsible for the decision to close buildings which are in his opinion dangerous or liable to become dangerous and ensuring that appropriate follow-up action is taken in the Courts and by statutory orders;
  2. administering the Demolished Buildings (Redevelopment of Sites) Ordinance (with recommendations from the Building Surveyor discipline as appropriate);
  3. approving the issue of statutory orders relating to dangerous buildings, dangerous building works and defective drainage;
  4. approving plans in connection with remedial works to dangerous buildings and defective drainage (with recommendations from the Building Surveyor discipline as appropriate);
  5. dealing with appeals against dangerous building orders including appearing before the Appeal Tribunal;
  6. making recommendations on prosecution and disciplinary board proceedings against Authorized Persons and Registered Contractors arising from Dangerous Buildings Section operations;
  7. preparing press releases in connection with closure of dangerous buildings and dealing with mass media on matters connected with Dangerous Buildings; and preparing initial reports on allegations against members of the Section;
  8. approving Works Orders and authorising payments in connection with action under section 105 of Public Health & Municipal Services Ordinance; and
  9. performing such other duties as may be assigned by AD/SE.

Enclosure 4 to EC(95-96)79

Revised Job Description -- Chief Building Surveyor (Dangerous Buildings)

Rank : Chief Building Surveyor (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Director/Specialist (AD/S) for the day-to-day administration of the Dangerous Buildings Section with the objective to remove and repair structural danger from buildings. Duties include -

  1. responsible for the decision to close buildings which are in his opinion dangerous or liable to become dangerous and ensuring that appropriate follow-up action is taken in the Courts and by statutory orders;
  2. administering the Demolished Buildings (Redevelopment of Sites) Ordinance;
  3. approving the issue of statutory orders relating to dangerous buildings, dangerous building works and defective drainage;
  4. approving plans in connection with remedial works to dangerous buildings and defective drainage (with recommendations from the structural discipline as appropriate);
  5. dealing with appeals against dangerous building orders including appearing before the Appeal Tribunal;
  6. making recommendations on prosecution and disciplinary board proceedings against Authorized Persons and Registered Contractors arising from Dangerous Buildings Section operations;
  7. preparing press releases in connection with closure of dangerous buildings and dealing with mass media on matters connected with Dangerous Buildings; and preparing initial reports on allegations against members of the Section;
  8. approving Works Orders and authorising payment in connection with action under section 105 of Public Health & Municipal Services Ordinance and section 32(2) of the Buildings Ordinance; and monitoring the estimates and expenditure of sign removal works; and
  9. performing such other duties as may be assigned by AD/S.

Enclosure 5 to EC(95-96)79

Job Description -- Chief Building Surveyor/Consultancy Services

Rank : Chief Building Surveyor (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to Assistant Director/Specialist (AD/S) for the day-to-day administration of the Consultancy Services Section. Duties include -

  1. keeping under constant review, the policy, procedures and duties relating to Works Unit and Licensing Unit within the Section and amending the Unit Manuals where necessary;
  2. keeping the estimate and expenditure items for the Works Units under periodic review. Monitoring and taking appropriate steps for recovery of costs to avoid unnecessary delays and accumulation of backlogs;
  3. supervising the preparation of the works term contracts, consultancy agreements and contracts for demolition works to ensure that the requirements of the works units are fully reflected in these documents;
  4. providing general guidelines on measurement of works, endorsing cost apportionments, issuing certificates under section 33 of the Buildings Ordinance and initiating action on cost recovery;
  5. serving as Chairman to the Buildings Department Contractor Meeting, and various staff meetings within the Section;
  6. advising the Licensing Authority on acceptance of licence applications from Buildings Department point of view; considering and endorsing certificates and plans for the purposes of section 12 of the Education Ordinance and section 7 of the Child Care Centres Ordinance; and
  7. considering and granting licences for oil storage tanks under the Buildings (Oil Storage Installations) Regulations; and
  8. performing such other duties as may be assigned to him by AD/S.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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