For discussion EC(95-96)82
on 14 February 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following posts in the Education and Manpower Branch of the Government Secretariat -

  1. Permanent Post with effect from 1 April 1996

    1 Administrative Officer Staff Grade C

  2. Supernumerary Post up to 31 March 1998

    1 Administrative Officer Staff Grade C
    (D2)( $95,550-$101,450)


The Education and Manpower Branch (EMB) has inadequate staffing support at the Directorate level to cope with the significant increase in workload.


2. The Secretary for Education and Manpower (SEM) proposes to create -

  1. one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) (D2) with effect from 1 April 1996 to provide secretarial support to the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ), and to oversee other education policy areas; and
  2. one supernumerary post of AOSGC (D2) up to 31 March 1998 to deal with the additional workload arising from the increase in complexity and volume of work on manpower and employment issues.


The existing structure of EMB

3. At present, SEM (D8) is assisted by two Deputy Secretaries (one at D4 and another at D3 level) and seven Principal Assistant Secretaries (PASs) (D2) (four permanent, one supernumerary and two on-loan posts). An organization chart of EMB is at Enclosure 1. The areas of responsibilities of the seven PASs are as follows -

  1. PAS(EM)1 is responsible for policy work on public and privately-funded post-secondary and tertiary education including the Hong Kong Institute of Education, the Open Learning Institute, the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation; and student finance;
  2. PAS(EM)2 is responsible for policy work on pre-primary, primary, secondary, adult and language education, teacher training and other education support services;
  3. PAS(EM)3 is responsible for all work related to the Education Commission;
  4. PAS(EM)4 is responsible for manpower and labour matters, technical education, industrial training and retraining, importation of labour, Labour Tribunal and the Registry of Trade Unions;
  5. PAS(EM)5 (filling a supernumerary post created for five months up to 31 March 1996) is responsible for work related to the review on some employment issues;
  6. PAS(EM)6 (filling a post currently on short-term loan from central reserve) is responsible for all work related to the ACTEQ; and
  7. PAS(EM) Industrial Safety (IS) (filling a post currently on short-term loan from central reserve) is responsible for the comprehensive review of industrial safety.

Need for an additional AOSGC (D2) post to serve ACTEQ and handle other related issues

Work of the ACTEQ

4. Following the recommendation of the Education Commission Report No. 5 (ECR5), SEM established ACTEQ in mid-1993. The terms of reference and composition of ACTEQ are at Enclosure 2. The role of ACTEQ is to advise the Administration on ways to achieve the following four policy goals which are to -

  1. aim for steady progress to an all-trained teaching profession;
  2. ensure that efforts of course providers meet the needs of schools as fully and effectively as possible in all academic and non-academic areas of their work;
  3. encourage all teachers to enhance their professional competence systematically and progressively throughout their career; and
  4. increase the importance of professional development as a factor in career progression.

5. In its next phase of work, ACTEQ will focus on the following three major areas which are to -

  1. identify the needs of schools and the community which teacher education activities should aim to meet;
  2. create a framework for the in-service professional development qualification; and
  3. find ways to ensure that teacher education activities give due attention to teacher language awareness and language skills.

6. With the establishment of ACTEQ, EMB has embarked on a number of major and complex reviews and policy reforms on the area of teacher education and qualification. Since its establishment in 1993, ACTEQ has held a total of 13 main meetings and 37 sub-committee meetings. Until early 1995, the Branch had been able to cope through temporary on-loan arrangements of an AOSGC. His main duties were to serve the ACTEQ and to handle policy work on the special support services for children. But this additional AOSGC was withdrawn in early 1995, PAS(EM)2 and PAS(EM)3 shared the workload. This arrangement was entirely unsatisfactory as the two PASs were fully loaded with their respective duties and could not cope with the additional volume of work arising from ACTEQ. As an interim arrangement, an AOSGC has been again loaned to the EMB in December 1995 to relieve the workload, on the understanding that permanent arrangements would be put in place quickly.

7. We need a permanent AOSGC post as the additional work generated from ACTEQ is on-going and the existing two PASs in the education field (PAS(EM)2 and PAS(EM)3) simply do not have any spare capacity to handle work arising from ACTEQ. PAS(EM)2 is fully loaded with the responsibility for policy review work on the direct subsidy scheme, provision of international school places and nine-year compulsory education, review on primary graduate posts and the speech therapist grade, policy work in relation to education services for immigrant children from China after the increase of immigration quota from July 1995, monitoring and policy steering in drug education, the school improvement programme and the school building programme.

8. Likewise, PAS(EM)3 is presently working on a very heavy schedule. She serves as Secretary to the Education Commission and its working groups. Currently, the Commission is undertaking a number of major studies including the study on language proficiency, quality in school education, and school funding. It will soon start another major review of post-compulsory education in its current term. PAS(EM)3, being Secretary to the Commission, is responsible for conducting in-depth research into the studies; preparing and co-ordinating policy discussion papers, and writing up reports for public consultation. She is also the line manager of EMB’s Statistics Unit and chairs a Steering Group on the Development of a System for Educational Statistics in EMB.

9. The additional work of ACTEQ requires constant policy supervision and attentionofficer on loan. SEM therefore considers it necessary to create a permanent post of AOSGC (D2) to oversee and develop this area of work. The duties and responsibilities of the proposed permanent post are at Enclosure 3 and those for the PAS(EM)2 and PAS(EM)3 are at Enclosures 4 and 5.

Need for a supernumerary post of AOSGC (D2) to work on labour and manpower issues

10. At present PAS(EM)4 is responsible for all labour and manpower matters other than industrial safety, which is being handled by PAS(EM)(IS) (filled by an AOSGC on loan from Civil Service Branch) and the review of some employment issues by PAS(EM)5. When these two posts lapse in March 1996, their work will have to be reverted to PAS(EM)4. When this happens, PAS(EM)4 will not be able to cope with the increase in volume and capacity of work.

11. Work on labour and employment issues has become increasingly complex and demanding. This trend is expected to continue. As Hong Kong progresses towards a more mature economy, workers’ aspirations become high. We need to review regularly the two major pieces of labour legislation, i.e. the Employment Ordinance and the Employees Compensation Ordinance. This takes up an increasingly large proportion of the PAS(EM)4's time. At present, PAS(EM)4 oversees a number of compensation schemes and boards, including the Pneumoconiosis Compensation Scheme, the Occupational Deafness Compensation Scheme, the Employees Retraining Board, the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Board, Occupational Safety and Health Council, and a number of other labour-related boards.

12. In recent years, structural changes to the economy have brought about considerable changes to the labour market. Coupled with the recent rise in the unemployment rate, there is an urgent need to enhance the employment services provided by the Labour Department and the retraining programmes organised by the Employees Retraining Board and its training bodies. It also calls for reviews and closer monitoring of the various schemes for the importation of labour. All these have created additional work and responsibilities on the schedules of the two PASs (PAS(EM)4 and PAS(EM)5) on the employment side. Major programmes requiring attention are outlined below.

Review of Industrial Safety

13. Following the release of the consultation paper on the review of industrial safety in Hong Kong, EMB would need to follow up on legislative amendments to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (FIUO) and relevant regulations with a view to introducing a new self-regulatory safety management system in Hong Kong. Other amendments will also be necessary to give the Commissioner for Labour new authority to issue suspension and improvement notices to enhance his enforcement powers, particularly in respect of construction sites. SEM will introduce the relevant legislative proposals in the current legislative session.

14. As a longer term objective, we have undertaken to extend the safety management system to those proprietors and contractors employing 50 or more workers. We plan to review the situation in about one year after the implementation of the new legislation before deciding on the appropriate timing for extending the coverage further to smaller proprietors and contractors.

15. All these would need a policy officer to co-ordinate the heavy legislative programmes ahead with a very tight schedule.

Safety and Health in the Non-industrial Sectors

16. The Administration has accepted the recommendation of the Labour Advisory Board that new legislation and subsidiary regulations protecting the safety and health of non-industrial workers in six specific areas should be enacted in stages. Accordingly, we will introduce new enabling legislation and two sets of subsidiary regulations covering the safety, health and welfare aspects of the workplace and manual handling operations into LegCo in the current session.

17. As a second stage, we intend to introduce two sets of subsidiary regulations covering personal protective equipment at work and dangerous substances in the 1996-97 LegCo session. In the third stage, the remaining two sets of subsidiary regulations covering health and safety of using visual display screens and the use of work machines and equipment will be introduced in the 1997-98 LegCo session.

18. On an on-going basis, we also have to review whether there are other specific aspects affecting the safety and health of non-industrial workers, apart from those areas already mentioned. This will involve extensive research and prolonged consultations with employers and labour bodies.

Job Matching Programme

19. The rise in unemployment and under-employment since the beginning of 1995 has given rise to widespread community concerns. The co-existence of a considerable number of vacancies along with the great number of unemployed workers during the course of this year reflects a degree of on-going job mismatch in the labour market, the reduction of which will help the unemployed and those companies reported to be in need of manpower.

20. We have created 23 posts in the Local Employment Offices of the Labour Department to implement the Job Matching Programme. We shall create another 57 posts in the Labour Department and set up a Job Matching Centre in February 1996 to enhance job matching work and to function as an application office under the Supplementary Importation of Labour Scheme. These shift and dynamic changes in both policies and management have created tremendous workload not only for the Department but also for the Branch. SEM considers it necessary to have an officer overseeing and monitoring this fast expanding area of work and to review the policies and programmes so as to remain on top of the problem.

Consultancy Studies on the Employees Retraining Board

Vocational Training Council and Age Discrimination in Employment

21. EMB plans to undertake in the coming year or so three major consultancy studies on the work of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) and Vocational Training Council (VTC) and on the problem of age discrimination in employment.

22. The review on ERB will focus on the effectiveness of the Employee Retraining Programme and the future role of ERB with a view to mapping out the direction and development of the Employee Retraining Programme to cater for the changing demand for retraining.

23. The review on VTC will examine the work and strategies of VTC, as well as the systems by which it manages its activities, to ensure that VTC can continue to respond rapidly and achieve its aims and objectives in a changing environment.

24. The Administration has set up a Working Group on Age Discrimination (WG) in September 1995 under the EMB, with representatives from the Home Affairs Branch, the Financial Services Branch, the Labour Department and the Census and Statistics Department to deliberate on the subject. It has recommended, among others, to conduct a fact-finding survey on the subject to ascertain whether age discrimination in employment exists. On completion of the survey, the Branch will publish a report for public consultation and follow up on legislative and administrative measures to tackle the problem. Again, we expect this will involve substantial work on policy co-ordination and implementation.

Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

25. At present, EMB is increasingly involved in APEC working groups on human resource development (HRD), vocational training and related issues. The Branch co-ordinates contributions to the implementation of the APEC Action Programme on HRD, and oversees HRD activities developed under APEC.

26. In view of the substantial increase in workload as outlined above, SEM considers it necessary to create a supernumerary AOSGC (D2) post for an initial period of two years up to 31 March 1998, to be responsible specifically for policy work in the following major areas -

  1. follow-up work arising from the comprehensive review on industrial safety;
  2. employment related aspects of foreign domestic helpers;
  3. vocational training; and overseeing the review of the VTC activities and a study on age discrimination in employment; and
  4. undertaking issues in relation to APEC.

We will review the continuing need of the post by the end of 1997.

27. The job descriptions of the proposed supernumerary post, to be designated as PAS(EM)5, are at Enclosure 6 and the revised job descriptions of the PAS(EM)4 are at Enclosure 7.

28. With the creation of the two additional AOSGC posts, the total number of PASs in EMB will be six comprising five permanent and one supernumerary posts. We consider that this level of support staff is appropriate. A revised organization chart of EMB is at Enclosure 8.


29. The additional annual mid-point salary cost of this proposal is -

$ No. of Posts

New permanent post



New supernumerary post






30. We have included sufficient provision in the 1996-97 Draft Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal.

31. Two Personal Secretary I posts, one Administrative Officer post and one Senior Education Officer post (with a total annual mid-point salary of $1,827,720) have been created to service the two on-loan AOSGC posts. Should Members approve this proposal, we shall retain the Senior Education Officer post and one Personal Secretary I post permanently, and the Administrative Officer post and the other Personal Secretary I post up to 31 March 1998.


32. The ranking and grading of the two proposed posts are appropriate having regard to their duties and responsibilities.


33. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading proposed for the permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C would be appropriate if the post were to be created. As for the supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C, the creation, if approved, will be reported to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with the agreed procedure.

Education and Manpower Branch
February 1996

Enclosure 2 to EC(95-96)82

Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications -- Terms of Reference

The terms of reference of ACTEQ are, having regard to approved policies on teacher education and training, and to the supply of and demand for teachers with the necessary professional qualifications and skills, to advise the Government on -

  1. the levels, types and professional relevance of teacher education and training activities needed to meet present and forecast needs of schools;
  2. the distribution between activities funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) and other activities;
  3. the funding and academic quality of activities, other than those funded by the UGC;
  4. the suitability for teaching in Hong Kong of any academic or professional qualification acquired outside Hong Kong, and appropriate measures for assessing such suitability;
  5. the need for any policy changes in the light of both local needs and of developments in teacher education around the world; and
  6. any other matters relevant to teacher education and training which the Government may refer to.


Chairman: a member of the public of high standing, with experience in education, administration, commerce or industry

Members: ex officio (total 6):

Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower; Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service; Director of Education; Director of The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Secretary-General, University Grants Committee; and Executive Director, Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation.

Others (total 11 or more):

An experienced teacher educator from each tertiary institution offering teacher education courses; a primary school head; a secondary school principal; a special school principal; a kindergarten head; a practising teacher; and two persons experienced in business, industry or the professions.

Secretariat support: provided by the Education and Manpower Branch

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)82

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (6) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) (Proposed Permanent Post to be created)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) for -

  1. serving as Secretary to the ACTEQ, its three sub-committees and ad hoc task forces;
  2. following up within the Administration recommendations made by ACTEQ including their subsequent implemenatation;
  3. reviewing the policy and implementing the education support services for children in need of special education, academically gifted students and academically less able;
  4. scrutinizing and participating in the work of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Hong Kong Vocational English Programme;
  5. providing input to teacher education from the point of view of the users;
  6. policy relating to Kindergarten Education, including its interface with the child care sector; and
  7. overseeing the establishment of a General Teaching Council upon acceptance by the Administration of the proposal.

Enclosure 4 to EC(95-96)82

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) for -

  1. assisting the Secretary and Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower in overseeing and co-ordinating implementation of policies arising from Education Commission recommendations and commitments in the Governor’s Policy Addresses for the school sector including the provision of international school places;
  2. acting as the Branch policy desk officer on the whole range of education issues emanating from the Education Department, i.e. Primary and Secondary and Secondary 6 and 7 including drafting ExCo memoranda;
  3. providing policy input, monitoring and representing the Branch on the various reviews currently undertaken by the Board of Education/Education Department e.g. Review on Direct Subsidy Scheme, on International School Places etc.;
  4. acting as the Branch desk officer on all LegCo matters relating to school education including preparation of replies to LegCo questions, of papers to LegCo Education Panel, and drafting speeches for the Secretary for Education and Manpower;
  5. scrutinising proposals for new spending by Education Department in the context of the Resource Allocation System; and
  6. processing appointments to relevant boards and committees.

Enclosure 5 to EC(95-96)82

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (3) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) for -

  1. providing secretariat, logistical and other support to the Education Commission (EC) and its sub-committees, working groups and task forces which include -
    1. drafting EC Reports Nos. 6 and 7, and the School Funding Working Group Report;
    2. arranging publicity and for consultation as appropriate EC Reports Nos. 6 and 7 and the School Funding Working Group Report;
    3. providing secretariat support to EC’s working group on the need for a General Teaching Council including the preparation of policy discussion papers;
    4. setting up an interdepartmental Steering Group on Education Statistics;
    5. preparing policy discussion papers for the post-compulsory education review; and
    6. arranging visits for the EC;
  2. managing the Statistics Unit of the Education and Manpower Branch; and
  3. drafting speeches and Branch publications on education, and co-ordinating and fairing contribution to the Hong Kong Annual Report.

Enclosure 6 to EC(95-96)82

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (5) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) (Proposed Supernumerary Post to be created)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (1) for -

  1. policy relating to the employment related aspect of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes;
  2. undertaking the follow-up work arising from the comprehensive review on industrial safety;
  3. policy relating to vocational training;
  4. undertaking a study on age discrimination in employment;
  5. policy relating to the employment related aspects of foreign domestic helpers;
  6. formulating policy on public holidays; and
  7. undertaking issues in relation to the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Enclosure 7 to EC(95-96)82

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (4) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (1) for -

  1. assisting the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Education and Manpower in overseeing and introducing labour and employment policies and legislation and reviewing such policies and legislation from time to time in light of the restructuring of the economy and monitoring the work of the Labour Department;
  2. assisting the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary in formulating policies on the importation of labour and monitoring the various importation of labour schemes in the light of changing of the employment structure;
  3. providing policy input on retraining of the work force and monitoring the work of the Employees Retraining Board;
  4. monitoring the work of the Registry of Trade Unions;
  5. representing Hong Kong on the International Labour Organization and United Nation Conventions; and
  6. overseeing the policies and operation of various labour-related schemes and fund boards; such as the Occupational Deafness Compensation Fund board, Occupational Safety and Health Council etc.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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