For discussion EC(95-96)55
on 15 November 1995


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following permanent post in the Trade and Industry Branch -

1 Administrative Officer Staff Grade C
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)

to be offset by the deletion of the following supernumerary post in the Trade Department -

1 Administrative Officer Staff Grade C
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)


The existing supernumerary Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) post in the Trade Department, which is used to accommodate an officer on secondment to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat in Singapore, will lapse on 5 March 1996.


2. We propose to create a permanent post of AOSGC in the Trade and Industry Branch to accommodate an officer on secondment to the APEC Secretariat.


3. Membership of the APEC forum provides an important platform for Hong Kong to contribute to and influence decisions on regional trade and economic issues. It is therefore important that Hong Kong is seen to make a positive contribution to APEC, including support for its Secretariat.

4. In recognition of the importance for Hong Kong’s participation in and support of the APEC activities, Members approved on 5 March 1993 (vide EC 1992-93 Item 38) the creation of an AOSGC post to allow the secondment of an officer to fill a professional post in the APEC Secretariat. As APEC decided that the method of appointment of professional staff members to the APEC Secretariat should be reviewed in three years’ time, the post was created on a supernumerary basis for three years.

5. A Task Force has been appointed by APEC to review the arrangement and functions of the APEC Secretariat. It has recommended, among other things, that the current secondment mechanism for staffing the Secretariat should be maintained and that there should be a modest increase in the size of the secretariat to support the expanding activities of APEC. As at present, each member economy would be requested to bear the full cost of seconded staff. The Task Force’s recommendations have been endorsed by APEC Senior Officials.

6. Secondees to the APEC Secretariat are expected to be senior level officers with political acumen and general experience in international affairs, capable of operating in international environment. In the light of the experience so far and in anticipation of a continual growth in the magnitude and complexity of the APEC Secretariat’s work, we consider that the secondee to APEC should continue to be ranked at the level of AOSGC (D2). We therefore propose to create an AOSGC post on a permanent basis. It is further proposed that the new post be created in the Trade and Industry Branch, which is the policy Branch responsible for coordination of Hong Kong’s participation in APEC.


7. The notional annual mid-point salary cost of this proposal is $1,182,600. Subject to Members’ approval, we shall include sufficient provision in the 1996-97 draft Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal.

8. The proposal has no other financial or staffing implications.


9. APEC is an inter-governmental forum for high level consultations on economic and trade matters. Hong Kong joined APEC in November 1991. Other members include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and the USA.

10. The APEC Secretariat was established in February 1993 and is located in Singapore. The organisation chart and principal functions of the APEC Secretariat are at Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively. Hong Kong’s secondee is responsible for the overall administration, including personnel and finance matters, of the APEC Secretariat. The main duties and responsibilities of this officer are set out in Enclosure 3.


11. CSB agrees that there is a need to demonstrate Hong Kong’s long term commitment to APEC’s activities, and that for this purpose a permanent AOSGC post would need to be created to accommodate the secondee. The continued need for the post will be reviewed if there is any change in the secondment system.


12. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading of the proposed AOSGC post would be appropriate if the post were to be created.

Trade and Industry Branch
October 1995

Enclosure 2 to EC(95-96)55

Functions of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat

1. Logistical Services

  1. co-ordinating and assisting in the development of the current APEC work programme and other APEC activities;
  2. facilitating communications between members on APEC activities;
  3. providing assistance to the Chair of APEC and support for meetings;
  4. building collaborative links with the public and private sectors and other organisations in the Asia-Pacific region and other regions in order to contribute to progress on global and regional issues; and
  5. co-ordinating APEC public relations activities and disseminating information to the press, business, academic institutions and the general public.

2. Technical Services

  1. monitoring and reviewing activities of APEC Working Groups;
  2. providing information on work project activities and recommendations on co-ordination among Working Groups;
  3. providing analytical support for Ministerial discussions, in particular on economic issues; and
  4. serving as the APEC Documentation Centre.

3. Financial Management

  1. preparing an annual APEC budget proposal for consideration and approval by Senior Officials and Ministers; and
  2. disbursing APEC funds as directed by Senior Offficials.

4. Other tasks as directed by Senior Officials

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)55

Officer seconded to the APEC Secretariat (Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2))

Main duties and responsibilities

Responsible to the Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat for -

  1. smooth running and efficient operation of the APEC Secretariat;
  2. managing all administrative matters including personnel services in the APEC Secretariat;
  3. controlling the APEC operational and administrative accounts and managing all finance related issues, including preparation of the APEC Budget, appointment of auditors, etc;
  4. co-ordinating the development of APEC activities;
  5. facilitating communications between member economies on APEC activities; and
  6. acting as central co-ordinator of the APEC Secretariat.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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