For discussion EC(95-96)60
on 15 November 1995


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the creation of the following permanent post in the Highways Department -

1 Government Engineer
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)


The workload and span of control of the Deputy Director of Highways (DDHy) (Principal Government Engineer) (D3) have increased to such an extent that he can no longer cope effectively.


2. The Director of Highways (DHy)We proposes to create one post of Government Engineer (GE)(D2) to relieve the workload of DDHy and strengthen the directorate structure of the Highways Department Headquarters (HyD HQ).


3. Under the present organisation of the Highways Department (HyD), DHy directly supervises four major offices, namely, the Lantau Fixed Crossing Project Management Office, the Airport and Port Access Project Management Office, the Major Works Project Management Office, and the Railway Development Office. He is supported by DDHy, who looks after the three Regional Offices and all divisions and units in the HyD HQ. The existing organisation chart of HyD and job description for the DDHy are at Enclosures 1 and 2.

4. Since the creation of the DDHy post in 1989, the workload and span of control of the incumbent has increased substantially. The number of divisions and units in the HyD HQ has increased from ten to 14 to cope with increasing workload and the need to improve standards of service. The range of his responsibilities has extended to important new areas such as site safety handled by the Safety Advisory Unit, and responding to public enquiries and concerns through the Complaints Unit.

5. DDHy is also the chairman or member of 24 committees and working groups, details of which are set out at Enclosure 2. At the same time, he required to implement additional delegations of authority and management functions arising from such new initiatives as Human Resource Management, Code on Access to Information, and Green Management. He has to undertake many of these delegated authorities because they have to be exercised by an officer at D2 level or above and he is the only such officer in HyD HQ apart from DHy.

6. DHy considers the workload and span of control of the DDHy to be far beyond the ability of one officer to handle. He therefore proposes to create a new post of GE (D2), to be called Assistant Director, Headquarters (AD/HQ) to -

  1. relieve DDHy of the day-to-day supervision of the 14 divisions and units in the HyD HQ and provide guidance and direction on the full range of professional and technical matters for which they are responsible;
  2. replace and complement DDHy as chairman/member of 14 committees and working groups which handle highly technical matters such as the Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Committee and staff management matters such as the Engineering Grade Management Meeting;
  3. be responsible for grade management matters for technical inspectorate grades of which DHy is Head of Grade and for approving postings and acting appointments of Engineers within HyD; and
  4. assume delegated authority for all appointments and personnel matters requiring the attention of a directorate officer and be responsible for general administrative matters.

7. DHy has reviewed the organisation of the department and concluded that it would not be appropriate n or practicable for the work to be shared by other GEs who are all fully engaged in their own duties and responsibilities and are located away from the Headquarters.

8. The proposed additional GE post will enable DDHy to focus his attention on supervising the three Regions and maintenance work to be more closely involved in prioritising the activities of the Regions in the face of increasing and competing demands for resources. He will also be able to focus more on the allocation and control of resources within the whole department.

9. The revised job description for DDHy and the job description for the proposed AD/HQ are at Enclosures 3 and 4.


10. The additional notional annual salary cost of this proposal at MID-POINTmid-point is $1,182,600. We have included sufficient provision in the 1995-96 Estimates to meet the cost. Subject to Members’ approval of this proposal, DHy will create one post of Personal Secretary I, the additional notional annual salary cost of which at MID-POINT is $239,880, to provide support to the new AD/HQ under delegated authority in the normal way. There are no other additional resource implications.


11. The Civil Service Branch considers the ranking and grading of the proposed post appropriate, having regard to the responsibilities and professional input required.


12. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading of the proposed post would be appropriate if the post were to be created.

Transport Branch
November 1995

Enclosure 2 to EC(95-96)60

Highways Department Existing Job Description

Rank : Principal Government Engineer (D3)

Post : Deputy Director

Responsible to : Director of Highways (DHy) (D6)

Main duties and responsibilities

  1. assisting in controlling the HyD's overall administration, finance and resources;
  2. assisting in formulating policies for the efficient construction and maintenance of the public highways network;
  3. monitoring the progress of highways projects in the Public Works Programme and taking corrective action when necessary;
  4. formulating technical and administrative policies, standards, techniques and guidelines on highways engineering matters;
  5. recommending the appointment of consulting engineers to undertake highways projects for the HyD, negotiating fees and agreements, and directing and controlling the consultants, where necessary;
  6. the overall control of the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Regional Offices;
  7. supervising the work of the 14 Headquarters' Divisions and Units;
  8. managing and approving the deployment of all staff within the HyD including:
    1. arranging with Heads of Grades and departments the transfer and posting of Engineers and other professional staff; and
    2. undertaking the role of ‘Head of Grade’ in managing some 1 000 technical staff in the grades of Inspector of Works, Technical Officer (Civil) and Works Supervisor employed in HyD and other user departments;
  9. approving various appointments and personnel matters under delegated authority;
  10. advising on requests for Access to Information in HyD HQ;
  11. advising on Green matters;
  12. overseeing arrangements for Declarations of Investments;
  13. serving on the following committees -
    1. as Chairman
      1. Highways Department Departmental Consultative Committee;
      2. Highways Department Departmental Establishment Committee;
      3. Highways Department Green Committee;
      4. Highways Department Programme Progress Review Meeting;
      5. Departmental Staff Suggestion Committee;
      6. Maintenance Working Group;
      7. Managing Review Committee Meeting for Contractors’ Performance Reports;
      8. Public Lighting Vetting Committee;
      9. Reporting Review Committee Meeting for Contractors' Performance Reports;
      10. Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Committee;
      11. Utilities Technical Liaison Committee;
    2. as Member
      1. Building Contractors' Committee;
      2. Consulting Engineers' Committee;
      3. “Crosslinks” Study Steering Group;
      4. Engineering Grade Management Meeting;
      5. Fill Management Committee;
      6. Highways Department Directorate Meeting;
      7. Highways Department Senior Staff Conference;
      8. Joint Utilities Policy Group;
      9. Programme Management Review Meeting;
      10. Public Works Programme Executive Management Meeting;
      11. Review Committee on Manpower Resources;
      12. Transport Advisory Committee;
      13. Transport Policy Co-ordinating Committee; and
  14. acting as DHy as and when required.

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)60

Highways Department Proposed Job Description

Rank : Principal Government Engineer (D3)

Post : Deputy Director

Responsible to : Director of Highways (DHy) (D6)

Main duties and responsibilities

  1. controlling the overall administration, finance and resources of the Highways Department (HyD);
  2. formulating policies for the efficient construction and maintenance of the highways network;
  3. monitoring the progress of highways projects in the Public Works Programme and taking corrective action when necessary;
  4. formulating technical and administrative policies, standards, techniques and guidelines on highways engineering matters;
  5. overseeing the work of the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Regional Offices;
  6. the overall control of the 14 Divisions and Units in Headquarters;
  7. managing all staff within the HyD including deployment of directorate staff;
  8. acting as Head of Grade for Inspector of Works, Technical Officer (Civil) and Works Supervisor Grades;
  9. overseeing arrangements for Declarations of Investments; and
  10. serving on the following committees -
    1. as Chairman
      1. Highways Department Departmental Consultative Committee;
      2. Highways Department Departmental Establishment Committee;
      3. Highways Department Programme Progress Review Meeting;
      4. Managing Review Committee for Contractors’ Performance Reports;
      5. Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Committee;
      6. Utilities Technical Liaison Committee.
    2. as Member
      1. Building Contractors’ Committee;
      2. Consulting Engineers’ Committee;
      3. “Crosslinks” Study Steering Group;
      4. Engineering Grade Management Meeting;
      5. Highways Department Directorate Meeting;
      6. Highways Department Senior Staff Conference;
      7. Programme Management Review Meeting;
      8. Public Works Programme Executive Management Meeting;
      9. Review Committee on Manpower Resources;
      10. Transport Advisory Committee;
      11. Transport Policy Co-ordinating Committee; and
  11. acting as DHy as and when required.

Enclosure 4 to EC(95-96)60

Highways Department Proposed Job Description

Rank : Government Engineer (D2)

Post : Assistant Director, Headquarters (D2)

Responsible to : Deputy Director of Highways (DDHy) (D3)

Main duties and responsibilities

  1. assisting in monitoring the progress of highways projects in the Public Works Programme and proposing corrective action when necessary;
  2. assisting in formulating technical and administrative policies, standards, techniques and guidelines on highways engineering matters;
  3. recommending the appointment of consulting engineers to undertake highways projects for the HyD, negotiating fees and agreements, and directing and controlling the consultants where necessary;
  4. supervising the work of the 14 Headquarters' Divisions and Units;
  5. deploying non-directorate engineers and other HyD professional staff in consultation with Heads of Grades and other departmental heads.
  6. undertaking grade management functions for some 1 000 technical staff in the grades of Inspector of Works, Technical Officer (Civil) and Works Supervisor employed in HyD and other user departments;
  7. approving various appointment and personnel matters under delegated authority;
  8. advising on requests for Access to Information in HyD HQ;
  9. advising on Green matters; and
  10. serving on the following committees -
    1. as Chairman
      1. Departmental Staff Suggestion Committee;
      2. Highways Department Green Committee;
      3. Maintenance Techniques Working Group;
      4. Public Lighting Vetting Committee;
      5. Reporting Review Committee Meeting for Contractors’ Performance Reports;
      6. Utility Management System Project Steering Committee; and
    2. as Member
      1. Fill Management Committee;
      2. Highways Department Directorate Meeting;
      3. Highways Department Programme Progress Review Meeting;
      4. Highways Department Senior Staff Conference;
      5. Joint Utilities Policy Group;
      6. Managing Review Committee Meeting for Contractors' Performance Reports;
      7. Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Committee;
      8. Utilities Technical Liaison Committee.
  11. acting as DDHy as and when required.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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