For discussion EC(95-96)72
on 17 January 1996


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the retention of the following two supernumerary posts for a period of one year commencing 1 March 1996 -

1 Assistant Director of Water Supplies
(D2) ($95,550 - $101,450)

1 Chief Engineer
(D1) ($80,450 - $85,400)


The Director of Water Supplies (DWS) requires the continued support of a dedicated project team to implement measures aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of his department.


2. DWS proposes to retain two supernumerary posts of one Assistant Director of Water Supplies (ADWS) (D2) and one Chief Engineer (CE) (D1) for a period of 12 months from 1 March 1996 to implement key recommendations of a management review of his department.


3. In February 1995, a study team in the Water Supplies Department (WSD), assisted by the Efficiency Unit and the Management Services Agency, started a management review aimed at identifying measures to help to improve the Department’s effectiveness and efficiency. The review is closely monitored by a Steering Committee chaired by the Secretary for Works.

4. The review covered, in broad terms, the policy, strategy, organisational structure, staff management philosophy and practices, systems and facilities of WSD. It examined the effectiveness of the present approach to the delivery of water supply services with due regard to costs and performance measures. It also identified potential efficiency measures and scope for improving the use of technology to achieve productivity gains. The study team completed the review in August 1995, and the Steering Committee endorsed the findings and recommendations of the team. A summary of the recommendations in the form of a workplan is at Enclosure 1.

5. Because of the limited time and the broad scope of the management review, the study team was only able to make recommendations in general terms on certain areas. To follow up in detail on these recommendations, we have to define more closely the scope of individual proposals, carry out cost-benefit analyses, identify critical activities and draw up implementation plans. DWS needs a dedicated team to take on these tasks and to manage the changes which will result from implementation of the recommendations.

6. As the tasks involve complex policy, financial, strategic and organisational issues, as well as extensive staff consultation, DWS considers that he requires one ADWS and one CE to carry out the duties. The ADWS will concentrate on strategic issues including external consultation to facilitate smooth implementation of the recommendations of the management review. The CE will mainly deal with inter-divisional liaison and co-ordination within WSD to effect the changes. DWS will redeploy other supporting staff for the team, as necessary, from other areas within the department.

7. For early implementation of the recommendations of the management review, we created two supernumerary posts of one ADWS and one CE each under delegated authority on 1 September 1995 for a period of six months. These posts will lapse on 29 February 1996.

8. In the light of experience of the past four months, we estimate that we will require the two posts for a further year from 1 March 1996 to formulate the strategy for managing the changes and to implement the key proposals of the review. The Steering Committee will continue to monitor progress against the implementation workplan.

9. The organisation chart of WSD and the job description for the two posts of ADWS and CE are at Enclosures 2, 3 & 4 respectively.


10. The total notional annual salary cost of this proposal at MID-POINT is -

New Supernumerary posts $ No. of Posts

Assistant Director of Water Supplies



Chief Engineer





We have included sufficient provision in the 1995-96 Estimates and the 1996-97 draft Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal. There will be no additional requirement of supporting staff.


11. The management review of WSD includes an Asset Management Study which will provide a strategy for asset maintenance, enhancement and replacement in order to bring WSD's operating services to a level comparable to that of other utilities in the private sector. On 17 November 1995, Finance Committee approved a commitment of $30 million for engaging consultants to carry out the two core projects of the Asset Management Study, namely a study of the underground assets of WSD and the digitization of water mains records. The Efficiency Project Team will manage the Asset Management Study as well as the implementation of the other recommendations of the management review.


12. The Civil Service Branch agrees that the wide and significant scope of work to be undertaken merits a dedicated team. The Civil Service Branch considers the ranking and grading of the proposed posts appropriate, having regard to the responsibilities and the professional input required.


13. As the two posts of one Assistant Director of Water Supplies and one Chief Engineer are proposed on a supernumerary basis, their creation, if approved, will be reported to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with the agreed procedure.

Works Branch
January 1996

Enclosure 3 to EC(95-96)72

Job Description Assistant Director/Efficiency & Management

Rank: Assistant Director of Water Supplies (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Director of Water Supplies for -

  1. overseeing the Management Review including the Asset Management Study;
  2. formulating and implementing financial strategies to achieve the target rate of return for WSD;
  3. formulating long term Information Strategy with the assistance of specialists;
  4. formulating customer services strategy with the assistance of consultants;
  5. drawing up staff communication and consultation plans for implementing changes;
  6. establishing performance measurement systems and performance standards;
  7. defining the scope of proposals for efficiency improvement measures; and
  8. liaising with relevant policy branches and departments for implementing the recommendations of the management review.

Enclosure 4 to EC(95-96)72

Job Description Chief Engineer/Efficiency & Management

Rank: Chief Engineer (D1)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Assistant Director/Efficiency & Management (AD/EM) for -

  1. reviewing and updating the objectives, programmes and activities for the Water Supplies Department (WSD), following the updating of mission and values;
  2. providing input to the studies carried out by the Management Services Agency study team and assisting in implementing the recommendations arising from those studies;
  3. overseeing the consultants for the two core asset management study projects and co-ordinating WSD input to the studies;
  4. developing a departmental plan containing all the initiatives identified;
  5. liaising with WSD divisions and staff groups for implementing the changes;
  6. assisting AD/EM in formulating and implementing financial strategies to achieve the target rate of return for WSD; and
  7. assisting AD/EM in formulating long term information strategy and customer services strategy and in establishing performance measurement system and performance standards.

Last Updated on 3 December 1998
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