For discussion PWSC(95-96)74
on 10 January 1996


5001BX - Landslip preventive measures

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee an increase in the block allocation for Subhead 5001BX from $171 million by $25 million to $196 million.


The approved allocation for Subhead 5001BX landslip preventive measures, which is for carrying out landslip preventive works other than those directly related to specific development projects in the Public Works Programme, is insufficient to meet the estimated expenditure for the remainder of the current financial year.


2. The Director of Civil Engineering (DCE), with the support of the Secretary for Works, proposes to increase the approved allocation for Subhead 5001BX from $171 million by $25 million to $196 million to meet the estimated expenditure for the remainder of the current financial year.


3. The scope of Subhead 5001BX covers -

  1. landslip preventive works (other than those directly related to specific development projects in the PWP);
  2. remedial works of an ad hoc nature resulting from unforeseen slope failures;
  3. geotechnical and engineering studies directly related to identifying works likely to be required in future in the above categories, including consultants’ fees where necessary for advice on matters of an exceptional nature; and
  4. the completion of geotechnical studies already funded under existing PWP item.


4. We need an increase in the allocation for Subhead 5001BX for the following reasons -

  1. we need to increase the estimated expenditure for urgent repairs to slopes on Government land carried out by the Highways Department from $7 million by $31 million to $38 million. This is due mainly to the heavy rainstorms this summer. As a result of some recent major slope failures, such as at Fei Tsui Road and Shum Wan Road, we have had to incur exceptional additional expenditure not provided for in the original estimate for 5001BX. It is difficult to estimate precisely the actual expenditure required under such circumstances as we cannot predict the incidence of landslides with any accuracy; and
  2. we intend to bring forward three slope upgrading contracts (paragraph 6(a) below refers) and three consultancy agreements (paragraph 6(b) below refers) at an estimated cost of $9 million to speed up the Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) Programme on grounds of public safety. Under the upgrading contracts, we shall carry out necessary works for slopes on Government land which investigations have identified as being below an acceptable standard of safety. The number of such contracts to be awarded this year will increase from two to five for this financial year. We normally include up to 40 slopes in an individual contract. Under the consultancy agreements, we shall carry out stability assessments for slopes both on Government and private land1 in the 1977/78 Catalogue as well as design and construction supervision for necessary upgrading works for slopes on Government land.

5. Given that DCE will have fully committed the original allocation of $156 million for 5001BX at the end of December 1995 and because of the urgent need to continue emergency repairs to slopes on Government land, the Secretary for the Treasury (S for Tsy) has already approved under his delegated authority an additional allocation of $15 million to 5001BX2. However, having reviewed the projected expenditure needed under 5001BX, we still need additional funds amounting to a total of $25 million to deal with all the urgent slope repairs, and to allow other contracts and consultancies to proceed in accordance with the LPM programme.


6. A comparison of the original estimate approved in March 1995 and the revised estimate in November 1995 is as follows -

Approved Estimate
(Mar 1995)
Revised Estimate
(Nov 1995)

$ million

(a) LPM ground investigations and slope upgrading contracts



(b) Consultancies for LPM including slopes stability assessment and works supervision



(c) Special studies and investigations of major slope failures



(d) Urgent repairs to slopes on Government land






7. As 5001BX is a block allocation approved on an annual basis by the Finance Committee, the revised estimated expenditure of $196 million is expected to be spent within the current financial year.


8. Members approved the creation of 5001BX for landslip preventive measures on 21 December 1983. On 3 March 1995, Members approved a block allocation of $156 million for 5001BX for landslip preventive works in 1995-96.

9. On 12 May 1995, Members approved the creation of three supernumerary posts of one Government Geotechnical Engineer (D2) and two Chief Geotechnical Engineer (D1) for a period of five years to strengthen the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Department for accelerating the LPM Programme. We highlighted the estimated capital expenditure of about $1.3 billion for the accelerated LPM Programme over a period of five years from 1995-96 to 1999-2000. This represents an increase of some $800 million over the level of expenditure that we previously forecast to spend over the same period.

1 -- The Governor in Council approved on 11 July 1978 that the initial stabiliy assessment of slopes and retaining walls on Government and private land in the 1977/78 Catalogue of slopes should be carried out in a single programme financed by the Government. If the initial assessment indicates that upgrading of slopes on private land is necessary, we shall serve a notice under the Buildings Ordinance requiring the owners concerned to carry out further investigation and necessary remedical works.
2 -- Finance Committee has previously delegated to S for Tsy the authority to increase the maximum provision under this block allocation by up to $15 million.
3 -- S for Tsy has already approved an increase in the allocation for 5001BX from $156 million by $15 million to $171 million under his delegated authority.

Checklist for PWSC Submission

Head 705 - Civil Engineering Block Allocation Subhead 5001BX Landslip Preventive Measures

Application for additional allocation for 1995-96

(a) Necessity to go to the PWSC

PWSC's recommendation is required for an increase in the approved block allocation for Head 705 Civil Engineering Subhead 5001BX Landslip Preventive Measures from $171 million by $25 million to $196 million to meet the estimated expenditure for the remainder of the current financial year.

(b) Authority

The Landslip Preventive measures Programme was included in the Public Works Programme and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting held on 21 December 1983 under block allocation Subhead 5001BX.

(c) Funding

The approved block allocation for 1995-96 for Subhead 5001BX is $171 million.

(d) Political assessment

It is Government policy to accelerate the Landslip Preventive Measures Programme. Some of the supplementary provision is for this acceleration, but most of the requirement is to meet the additional expenditure for carrying out urgent remedial works to landslips in Government land after the rainstorms in the summer of 1995. The Civil Engineering Department has been urged by some Members to speed up the repair works and the Landslip Preventive Measures Programme.

(e) Lobbying requirement

No lobbying is required as we do not expect any objection from Members.

(f) Fallback option

If we encounter difficulties, we would withdraw the paper and reconsider our proposal for a re-submission.

(g) Attendance at the PWSC meeting

Mr H S Kwong, Secretary for Works, Mr J Collier, Deputy Secretary for Works, and Dr A W Malone, Principal Government Geotechnical Engineer, and Mr D J Howells, Government Geotechnical Engineer/Landslip Preventive Measures, of the Civil Engineering Department, will attend the meeting for this item.

(h) Special consideration

The supplementary allocation of $25 million is urgently required to enable the urgent repair works to landslips to continue and to enable contracts and consultancy agreements for landslip preventive works to be implemented as planned.

Last Updated on 8 December 1998
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