For discussion PWSC(95-96)75
on 10 January 1996


Environmental Protection - Sewerage and sewage treatment
126DS - Sham Tseng sewerage and sewage treatment and disposal facilities

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -

  1. the upgrading of part of 126DS entitled “Sham Tseng sewerage stage 1 - Sham Tseng reclamation” to Category A at an estimated cost of $176 million in money-of-the-day prices; and
  2. the retention of the remainder of 126DS in Category B.


There is no sewerage system along Castle Peak Road from Sham Tseng to Tsing Lung Tau. Sewage generated from nearby developments is discharged into Sham Tseng Nullah or direct into the sea, thus causing severe pollution to the neighbouring beaches.


2. The Director of Drainage Services, with the support of the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands, proposes to upgrade part of 126DS to Category A at an estimated cost of $176 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for the reclamation of about 3.5 hectares of land in Sham Tseng to the south of the Garden Bakery on Castle Peak Road in Sham Tseng. The proposed reclamation is mainly for accommodating the Sham Tseng sewage treatment plant.


3. The whole project comprises the construction of sewerage facilities including a pumping station, a sewage treatment plant and a submarine outfall in the areas of Sham Tseng and Tsing Lung Tau. We need to reclaim land to accommodate the proposed sewage treatment plant.

4. The part of the project we propose to upgrade to Category A comprises the following works -

  1. the reclamation of about 3.5 hectares of land with a 450 -metre seawall; and
  2. the extension of the existing stormwater drains by about 450 metres.


5. There is no proper sewerage system along Castle Peak Road from Sham Tseng to Tsing Lung Tau. The Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi sewerage master plan study completed in October 1992 recommended the setting up of sewerage collection and treatment facilities to combat pollution in the coastal area.

6. We have identified among others a site in Sham Tseng for private housing development to meet the community’s demand for housing. We expect that the population of the whole development in Sham Tseng will increase from the present 23 500 to 45 500 by mid 1999. We therefore require the sewage treatment facilities under 126DS to abate the existing pollution problem and to cater for the sewage which will be discharged from the proposed new private housing development in Sham Tseng.

7. The reclamation referred to in paragraph 4 (a) above will provide land for a sewage treatment plant, an electric substation, a new road, a waterfront promenade and some open space. The extension of the stormwater drains referred to in paragraph 4(b) above will divert the stormwater flow from the existing coastline to the front of the reclamation.

8. If we do not proceed with the proposed reclamation, there will not be any land available for constructing the Sham Tseng sewage treatment plant and untreated sewage will continue to pollute the coastal waters of Sham Tseng.


9. We estimate the cost of the proposed reclamation to be $176 million at MOD prices made up as follows -

$ million

(a) Seawall


(b) Reclamation


(c) Drainage works


(d) Resident site staff costs


(e) Consultants’ fees for construction stage


(f) Contingencies


Sub-total (at December 1994 prices)


(g) Inflation allowance


(in MOD prices)


10. Subject to approval, we will phase expenditure as follows -

Year $ million
(Dec 1994)
$ million

1996 - 97




1997 - 98




1998 - 99






A breakdown by man months of the estimates for consultants’ fees is at Enclosure.

11. We derive the MOD estimate on the basis of the Government's forecasts of trend labour and construction prices over the period between 1996 and 1999. We will tender the proposed civil engineering works under a standard remeasurement contract because we are uncertain about the sub-soil conditions at the seabed and thus the quantities of the filling materials required. The contract will not provide for adjustments to the tender price due to inflation as the contract period will be less than 21 months.

12. We estimate the annually recurrent expenditure arising from the proposed reclamation to be $ 0.25 million. We will charge this expenditure to the Sewage Services Trading Fund.


13. We exhibited the Tsuen Wan West Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TWW/5 on 28 October 1994 for public inspection under the Town Planning Ordinance. We included the proposed land use for the reclamation in the Plan. During the statutory objection period, we received two objections (from Messrs. Flopina Company on behalf of Union Carbide Depot and Messrs. Wheelock Property Limited). Both objections focused mainly on the insufficient buffer distance between the proposed sewage treatment plant and the comprehensive development area. The Town Planning Board (TPB) gave preliminary consideration to the objections in March 1995 and decided not to propose any amendment to the Plan. Messrs. Wheelock Property Limited did not pursue its objection. The other objector, Messrs. Flopina Company on behalf of Union Carbide Depot, continued to lodge its objection but subsequently withdrew the objection on its own accord before the final hearing by TPB scheduled to be held in October 1995.

14. We gazetted the proposed reclamation under the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance in November 1994. We received two objections (from the Tsing Lung Tau Hand Liner and the Ma Wan Fisheries Rights Association Limited) during the statutory objection period. Both objectors considered that the reclamation would affect fisheries production arising from the loss of fishing grounds. After we had explained to them the details of the works, the mitigation measures to be implemented to minimize the impact of the reclamation on the surrounding water, and that we would consider paying ex-gratia allowances to the fishermen affected by the reclamation, the objectors withdrew their objections unconditionally in June 1995.

15. In May 1993, we consulted the Tsuen Wan District Board on the proposed location of the sewage treatment plant. The District Board had no objection to the construction of a sewage treatment plant on the proposed reclamation area in Sham Tseng. We also presented the environmental assessment of the project to the Environmental Affairs Committee of the Tsuen Wan District Board in September 1995. The Committee supported the implementation of the project.


16. In August 1995, we completed an environmental impact assessment study to examine the environmental impacts during the construction and operation of the project. The study estimated that the reduction in water flow due to the reclamation would be very minimal (0.5%) and there would be no detectable change in water quality. In addition, any deterioration in water quality resulting from reduction in water flow would be compensated by the reduction in pollution loadings to the coastal water when the project is fully implemented. For short term impact, we shall incorporate adequate mitigation measures in the contract to control dust, noise and impact on marine environment during the construction period.

17. Upon full implementation of the entire project, we can reduce the water pollution problem in Ting Kau, Sham Tseng and Tsing Lung Tau and improve water quality along the western coastline of Tsuen Wan.


18. The proposed works do not require land acquisition.


19. We included 126DS in Category C in August 1990 and upgraded the project to Category B in November 1991. The scope of 126DS is to provide sewerage facilities including a sewage pumping station, a sewage treatment plant and a submarine outfall on land to be reclaimed for the development of Sham Tseng.

20. In July 1994, we included 183DS Ting Kau and Sham Tseng sewerage scheme - site investigation and environmental impact assessment in Category D for carrying out site investigations and environmental impact assessment study for the sewerage improvements works in Ting Kau and Sham Tseng.

21. We engaged consultants to undertake design and investigation work for the Sham Tseng sewerage project and charged the cost of $8.5 million to the block allocation 4006DX “Consultants’ design fees and charges and major in-house investigations for drainage projects”. The consultants have already completed the design and drawings and the preparation of tender documents for the construction of the reclamation works.

22. We plan to start the proposed works in March 1996 for completion in May 1997. We schedule to start the remaining works under 126DS in November 1996 for completion in August 1999.

Enclosure to PWSC(95-96)75

126DS - Sham Tseng sewerage and sewage treatment and disposal facilities

Breakdown of estimates for consultants’ fees -

Category of works/items fee
man months
Estimated fees
($ million)

Consultants’ fees for construction stage









Notes :

  1. The average estimated cost per professional man months is about equivalent to a Senior Engineer on MPS point 44.
  2. The average estimated cost per technical man month is about equivalent to a Technical Officer on MPS point 20.
  3. The figures given above are based on the actual fee proposals from the consultants undertaking the design and investigations.


126DS - Ting Kau and Sham Tseng sewerage stage 1 - Sham Tseng reclamation

(a) Necessity to go to the PWSC

We need to seek the funding approval of PWSC/FC to upgrade part of 126DS to Category A before awarding tenders for the necessary works.

(b) Authority

The project is in furtherance of the environmental protection addressed in the White Paper: Pollution in Hong Kong - a time to act (June 1989).

(c) Funding

The current project estimate of the proposed upgrading is $142.5 million at December 1994 prices. The 1995 RAE provides for $460 million. The balance of $317.5 million is for the remaining works of 126DS.

(d) Political assessment

We do not anticipate objection from Members.

(e) Lobbying requirement

We consider lobbying not necessary.

(f) Fallback option

If Members do not support the proposal, we prefer to withdraw the paper and re-submit it with amendments at a subsequent meeting.

(g) Attendance at the PWSC meeting

Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands (Mr Bowen Leung) and Director of Drainage Services (Mr Y Y Ng) will attend the meeting.

(h) Special consideration

If we do not put the paper to the January 1996 PWSC meeting, the implementation of the sewerage improvement works may be delayed and the water pollution problem along the coastline of Ting Kau and Sham Tseng will persist.

Planning, Environment and Lands Branch
December 1995

Last Updated on 8 December 1998
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