For discussion PWSC(95-96)78
on 24 January 1996


Transport - Roads
552TH - Reconstruction of major roads in the territory, 1995-96 programme

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -

  1. the upgrading of part of 552TH, entitled "Reconstruction of major roads in the territory, 1995-96 programme, phase II", to Category A at an estimated cost of $52.37 million in money-of-the-day prices; and
  2. the retention of the remainder of 552TH in Category B.


A significant number of roads in the territory have reached or are nearing the end of their useful economic life. They are in need of reconstruction and rehabilitation .


2. The Director of Highways, with the support of the Secretary for Transport, proposes to upgrade part of 552TH to Category A at an estimated cost of $52.37 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for the implementation of phase II of the 1995-96 programme for the reconstruction of major roads in the territory.


3. The reconstruction of major roads in the territory, 1995-96 programme comprises -

  1. reconstruction of nine sections of roads in the territory (as detailed in the Enclosure);
  2. associated road rehabilitation; and
  3. ancillary roads, drainage, lighting and landscape improvement works.

4. The works we now propose to upgrade to Category A are in respect of the section of Clear Water Bay Road between Silver Cape Road and Tai Au Mun Road (Item No. 5 in the Enclosure).


5. The roads included in the 1995-96 programme have reached the end of their useful economic lives. The Director of Highways considers it necessary and more cost-effective to reconstruct the roads than to carry out relatively costly maintenance works which at best might extend the life of the roads by only one to two years.

6. The section of Clear Water Bay Road between Silver Cape Road and Tai Au Mun Road is under Phase II of the 1995-96 programme. We have completed all the preparatory work for the reconstruction works to start.


7. We estimate the capital cost of the proposed works to be $52.37 million in MOD prices (see paragraph 8 below), made up as follows -

$ million

(a) Reconstruction works


(b) Ancillary road, drainage, lighting and landscape improvement works


(c) Contingencies


Sub-total (at December 1994 prices)


(d) Inflation allowance


(in MOD prices)


8. Subject to approval, we will phase expenditure as follows -

Year $ million
(Dec 1994)
$ million

1996 - 97




1997 - 98




1998 - 99




1999 - 00






9. We derive the MOD estimate on the basis of the Government's forecasts of trend labour and construction prices over the period between 1996 and 2000. We will tender the works under a standard re-measurement contract because of uncertain ground conditions under the road. The contract also provides for adjustments to the tender price due to inflation because the contract period will exceed 21 months.

10. There will be no additional annually recurrent expenditure.


11. We consulted the Traffic and Transport Committee of the Sai Kung District Board on 3 November 1994 on the proposed works. The Committee supported the proposed works.


12. The Director of Environmental Protection completed an Environmental Review for this project in September 1994. The findings indicated that the works will have no major long term impacts on the environment. For short term impacts, we will control dust, noise and site run-off impacts during construction through the implementation of mitigation measures in the relevant contract.


13. The proposed works do not require any land acquisition.


14. We upgraded this project to Category B in November 1993.

15. Members agreed to upgrade part of this project to Category A in April 1995 for the reconstruction of three sections of roads (No. 1 to 3 of the Enclosure) at an estimated cost of $132 million at Dec 94 prices. Members also agreed to upgrade another part of this project to Category A in July 1995 for the reconstruction of Sha Tau Kok Road from Lung Yeuk Tau to Ping Che Road (No. 4 of the Enclosure) at an estimated cost of $49.4 million in MOD prices.

16. The Secretary for Transport authorised the proposed works under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance in January 1995. We have substantially completed detailed design and working drawings for the proposed works using in-house staff resources.

17. After the authorisation of the proposed works under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance in January 1995, we have taken some time to sort out the gas main laying arrangements with the Hong Kong & China Gas along the concerned section of Clear Water Bay Road. We have now scheduled the proposed works to start in May 1996 for completion in February 1999.

18. To minimise disruption to traffic during reconstruction, we will carry out the proposed works in stages, on a lane by lane basis. We will operate two way traffic in one lane by using temporary traffic signals. We will carry out construction activities at no more than three sections at any one time. Each section will be 100 metres long on a straight road and 50 metres long on a curved road. Each section will be at least 1 kilometre apart from each other. With the above traffic management measures, we will maintain adequate capacities at all time during reconstruction.

19. The remaining works under the project are in respect of four sections of roads (No. 6 to 9 in Enclosure). We plan to upgrade them to Category A in 1996 and 1997 to tie in with the implementation of other road works projects in their vicinity.

1 -- Road reconstruction is the complette renewal of the raod pavement. This involves excavation and subsequent reconstruction of the whole pavement structure. Road rehabilitation is the structural repair and strengthening of the road pavement to extend its useful life.

Enclosure to PWSC(95-96)78

Roads included in the 1995 - 96 reconstruction programme

* 1. Tai Tam Road

*2. Fat Kwong Street - section between Chatham Road North and Sheung Shing Street

*3. Sau Mau Ping Road (part) and Sau Ming Road

@4. Sha Tau Kok Road - section between Lung Yeuk Tau Road and Ping Che Road

+ 5. Clear Water Bay Road - section between Silver Cape Road and Tai Au Mun Road

6. Man Kam To Road near San Uk Ling

7. Lockhart Road - section between Canal Road East and Arsenal Street

8. Gloucester Road Service Road - section between Fenwick Street and Percival Street

9. Victoria Park Road and Gloucester Road - section between Hing Fat Street and Marsh Road

* : upgraded to Category A as 571TH "Reconstruction of major roads in the territory, 1995 - 96 programme, phase I"
@ : upgraded to Category A together with 528TH as 585TH "Dualling and reconstruction of Sha Tau Kok Road from Lung Yeuk Tau to Ping Che Road"
+ : proposed to be upgraded to Category A now.

Last Updated on 8 December 1998
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