LegCo Paper No. CB(1)1627/96-97(01)
EMB CR 1/876/80 VII 2810 3036
2868 5916
FAX : 2869 6794
Secretary General
Legislative Council
(Attn. Mrs Constance Li)
Legislative Council Building
8 Jackson Road
Hong Kong


Bills Committee on Public Holiday (Special Holidays 1997) Bill

At the meeting of the Bills Committee on 6 May 1997, I agreed to provide information on whether the British and Chinese sides had discussed the legislative arrangements for the general and statutory holidays after 30 June 1997 before the Bill was introduced into the Legislative Council on 23 April 1997. In this respect, I should like to inform you that the question of public holidays has been discussed in the Joint Liaison Group. We acknowledge the need for legislation to provide certainty and have therefore introduced the present Bill into LegCo. The Bill has not been a subject for consultation with the Chinese side.

Yours sincerely,
(A M Reynalds)
for Secretary for Education and Manpower

Last Updated on 30 November 1998

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