LegCo Paper No. ESC 56/96-97
(These minutes have been
seen by the Administration)
Ref : CB1/F/3/2
Establishment Subcommittee
Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on Wednesday, 28 May 1997, at 10:30 am in the Legislative Council Chamber
Members present :
Hon Ronald ARCULLI, OBE, JP (Chairman)
Dr Hon Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung (Deputy Chairman)
Dr Hon LEONG Che-hung, OBE, JP
Hon Michael HO Mun-ka
Dr Hon HUANG Chen-ya, MBE
Hon Fred LI Wah-ming
Dr Hon Samuel WONG Ping-wai, OBE, FEng, JP
Hon CHAN Wing-chan
Hon CHENG Yiu-tong
Hon IP Kwok-him
Hon Bruce LIU Sing-lee
Hon Margaret NG
Hon NGAN Kam-chuen
Hon Mrs Elizabeth WONG, CBE, ISO, JP
Members absent :
Public officers attending :
Mr Kevin HO,
- JP Deputy Secretary for the Treasury
- Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service
Mr Benjamin TANG,
- JP Deputy Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands
- JP Director of Environmental Protection
- Principal Assistant Secretary for Works
Mr Billy C L LAM, OBE, JP
- Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office
- JP Deputy Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office
- Project Manager of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office
Mr Tony TOY
- Assistant Director of Architectural Services
- Assistant Director of Education
Mr Francis NG
- Principal Assistant Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands
- Assistant Director of Buildings
Dr Ernest S W LEE,
- JP Deputy Commissioner for Transport
Ms Alice TAI,
- JP Judiciary Administrator
Miss Susie HO
- Assistant Judiciary Administrator
Mr Patrick CHIM
- Principal Assistant Secretary for the Treasury
Mr Dennis PANG
- Chief Systems Manager of Information Technology Services Department
- Chief Systems Manager of Information Technology Services Department
- JP Crown Solicitor, Legal Department
- Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport (4)
Ms Linda SO Principal
- Assistant Secretary for Transport (7)
- Principal Government Land Agent, Lands Department
- Government Land Agent, Lands Department
- Government Land Surveyor, Lands Department
Clerk in attendance :
Mrs Constance LI
- Chief Assistant Secretary (Finance Committee)
Staff in attendance :
Mrs Vivian KAM - Assistant Secretary General 1
Ms Anita SIT Senior - Assistant Secretary (Finance Committee)1
Proposed creation of five permanent posts of Principal Environmental Protection Officer (D1) in the Environmental Protection Department to strengthen the directorate structure |
Members noted that this was a re-submission item. The original proposal had been discussed by the Subcommittee on 26 February 1997 but withdrawn by the Administration in view of members comments. In the revised paper, the Administration had given supplementary information on the increased workload and responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD). Referring to the additional information (Appendix) obtained from the Administration, Mr Michael HO sought clarification on the justification and performance targets of the five Principal Environmental Protection Officer (PEPO) posts under request. In response, the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) gave the following clarifications.
PEPO (Assessment & Audit)
2. With regard to the monitoring of environmental performance of the Chek Lap Kok Airport projects and other major infrastructural developments on Lantau Island, DEP advised that the PEPO would perform the role of an auditor in ensuring contractors compliance with the Environmental Impact Assessment recommendations, in particular those concerning dust emissions and liquid effluent that might pollute the surrounding waters. DEP stressed that monitoring work was particularly important in large projects such as the Lantau developments, as there would be greater risks of omissions of environmental protection components from complex projects which spread over several years.
PEPO (Motor Vehicle Emissions)
3. On the introduction of more stringent practical standards on motor vehicle emissions and fuels, DEP advised that international standards and technology had been changing over the past years. As Hong Kong was a relatively small market, it would be difficult to impose unique standards on manufacturers. The Department would therefore keep close watch on the latest developments in European countries and would introduce the tightest possible standards to Hong Kong through amendments to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance.
4. On the target to reduce diesel vehicles through the use of cleaner alternatives such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) vehicles, DEP advised that the trades were not in favour of the proposal to introduce petroleum taxis and mini-buses a few years ago. EPD had since looked into the availability of LPG vehicles in the market and the experience of other countries, and considered it opportune to put forth the revised proposal. To demonstrate to the trades the operation of LPG vehicles in Hong Kong, EPD was now finalising a proposal for a trial scheme to import a number of LPG vehicles and to set up some LPG fuel stations in Hong Kong.
5. As regards the implementation of a comprehensive in-service vehicle inspection and maintenance programme, DEP advised that there were plans to introduce more vigorous tests to replicate actual conditions of vehicles on the road. A trial scheme requiring periodic tests of vehicles causing most emission problems would be carried out for taxis, mini-buses and large diesel vehicles. Heavier penalties would also be imposed for excessive emissions.
6. Members noted that implementation of these programmes would require legislative amendments and effective coordination with the trades and government departments. These would be on-going programmes requiring the professional input of a directorate officer. DEP pointed out that the present informal arrangement for an experienced senior professional to take charge of other senior professionals in the Motor Emission Group was unsatisfactory, as the officer-in-charge could not fully perform the duties of a directorate officer in directing and coordinating activities in this area.
PEPO (Corporate Services)
7. Responding to Mr Michael HOs reservations about having a professional officer to take charge of the human resources and departmental administration functions, DEP clarified that the post-holder would be required to supervise seven Headquarters units providing administrative and technical support services to the Department. As EPD was a multi-disciplined department highly dependent on information technology, a professional officer was considered more suitable for coordinating the various technical services at Headquarters level. The Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (DS/CS) added that he agreed with the departmental recommendation on the complementing of the post having regard to the operational requirements.
PEPO (Special Waste Facilities)
8. DEP acknowledged Mr HOs concern about the likely difficulties in obtaining support for a suitable site for developing waste-to-energy incinerators to achieve waste reduction. DEP advised that a consultancy study had been commissioned and one of its missions was to identify a site for the purpose. The PEPO would be responsible for the public consultation and explaining to parties concerned the reasons for selecting the site and the operation of such facilities, in order to allay concern about the environmental impacts of such facilities.
9. With regard to the target of achieving greater cost-effectiveness in the operation of the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC), DEP advised that a consultancy study had been engaged to review its operation and charges to address the concerns of the industrial sector. The consultancy findings would be available in a few months. It was envisaged that the PEPO would have to negotiate with the CWTC contractor for a more cost-effective operation of the Centre.
10. Regarding the plan for disposal of other special wastes, DEP advised that the current thinking was to modify the CWTC to include clinical wastes treatment facilities and to construct cremators for animal carcasses. Members noted that trial burns of clinical wastes had been carried out at the CWTC, and finalisation of the implementation details such as contractual arrangements and other logistics would involve negotiations with the contractor and consultation with medical service providers. The Administration would discuss the proposals with the LegCo Panels on Health Services and Environmental Affairs on 30 May 1997.
11. DEP further advised that, to find new solutions to environmental protection problems, the Waste Reduction Plan now under public consultation had identified new initiatives such as the construction of waste combustion plants to reduce the volume of wastes for landfills and wastes recycling. In this connection, the PEPO would be involved in the development and subsequent monitoring of the new facilities.
12. To illustrate the extent of growth in responsibilities of the Department, DEP pointed out that there had been over 30% increase in the non-directorate establishment and the Department was now overseeing contracts exceeding $37 billion. Members also noted that among the executive departments under the remit of Planning, Environment and Lands Branch, EPD had the lowest ratio of directorate staff, even after the creation of the five additional PEPO posts.
13. After discussion, Mr IP Kwok-him indicated that the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) supported the proposal in principle on the basis of the additional information provided by the Administration. DAB hoped that with a strengthened directorate structure, the EPD would be able to take forward its new initiatives on environmental protection in an effective and efficient manner.
14. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) and one Chief Engineer (D1) in the New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office |
15. On the work of the Community Relations Division of the New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office (NAPCO), the Director/NAPCO advised that NAPCO was responsible for the promotion of the ten government-funded Airport Core Programme (ACP) projects as a whole, while the Airport Authority (AA) was responsible for promoting the new airport. As the ACP projects had attracted worldwide attention, Hong Kongs capability to complete eight of the ten ACP projects on time and within budget was the best credential of Hong Kong as a service provider on infrastructural development. It was the objective of NAPCOs community relations work to introduce these achievements to the local community and overseas visitors to enhance the image of Hong Kong as an international economic and financial centre. It was envisaged that such promotional activities would come to an end when all ACP-related projects had been completed.
16. A member enquired whether there had been unforeseen changes in workload since the last extension of the supernumerary posts of Assistant Director (Community Relations) (AD/CR)) and the Technical Manager(1) (TM(1)) in February 1996, that had given rise to the present proposal for further extension of the posts. The Director/NAPCO advised that in proposing the retention of the supernumerary posts last year, the Administration had pointed out the need for a review of the posts in the light of the work progress. After the recent review, it was considered that the AD/CR and TM(1) posts would have to be retained beyond September 1997 as there were still a number of outstanding issues which had to be resolved to enable timely opening of the new airport. These included the construction of remaining ACP projects such as the Passenger Terminal Building and the Airport Railway, the operational readiness of the new airport involving the AA and government departments, as well as the various franchisees of airport related services, the provision of computer systems for AA and government supporting facilities at the airport, and the consolidation of internal set-up of AA, etc. The actual magnitude and complexity of the work involved were greater than that envisaged when the supernumerary posts were extended last year. As for the TM(1) post, it was also required to perform a newly enhanced role in monitoring AAs claims in addition to the on-going responsibilities in monitoring labour and safety issues and the outstanding issues described above. There were still 2 424 unresolved claims in respect of the ACP contracts, and the complicated claim resolution process would require the professional input of TM(1).
17. In view of the long list of outstanding issues outlined by the Director/NAPCO, a member asked whether the proposed period of extension would be adequate to complete all necessary works before the deadline. In reply, D/NAPCO advised based on the present forecast, the proposed periods of extension should be adequate, and the continued need of these posts would be reviewed nearer the time. With regard to two other supernumerary posts in NAPCO, namely the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director (Technical) posts which were due to expire on 1 October 1997, the Director/NAPCO advised that these posts would be reviewed in due course.
18. Responding to a members concern about the lack of facilities such as toilets at the Visitors Centre cum Viewing Platform at Tsing Yi, the Director/NAPCO explained that the facilities were temporary pending long-term developments. Owing to site and financial constraints, full scale amenities would not be available but there were plans for incremental improvements. Mobile toilets would soon be provided by the Regional Council. As regards the reasons for charging parking fees before the official opening of the Centre, DD/NAPCO explained that in view of the limited parking space available, a parking fee was charged to discourage long stay and to increase the turnover to service more visitors.
19. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Architect (D1) in the Architectural Services Department to oversee and co-ordinate the works of the Whole-day Primary School Programme and the School Improvement Programme |
20. While indicating support of the Whole-day Primary School Programme and the School Improvement Programme (SIP), a member enquired about the need for a permanent Chief Architect (CA) post to oversee the School Buildings Projects and the SIP. The member pointed out that as most schools were of standard design and that SIP works were contracted out, the additional responsibilities involved might not justify a permanent CA post.
21. In response, the Assistant Director of Architectural Services (AD/AS) advised that the design and preparation of tendering documents in respect of school building projects were done in-house. While most existing schools were built on standard design, more new schools would require non-standard design to suit the conditions of the smaller and irregular sites due to difficulties in finding suitable school sites. This would entail greater complexity in design and technical works. To meet the targets of an accelerated school building programme for converting existing primary schools to whole day schools, the existing establishment for school buildings in the Architectural Services Department (ASD) would have to be increased to cope with the additional workload arising, and a CA post would be required to head the expanded team.
22. As for the SIP, AD/AS advised that while the detailed design and construction works were undertaken by consultants, ASD would need to evaluate the options recommended by consultants and monitor the contract administration. As many schools under the SIP were of non-standard design, analyses and decisions of the more complicated improvement proposals would require the experience and professional input at CA level.
23. On the justifications for the CA post to be created on a permanent basis, AD/AS advised that the workload on school building would remain on the high side even beyond 2001. Notwithstanding the current targets of increasing the percentage of whole-day schools to 48% with the provision of a total of 80 schools by 2001, there was already some slippage due to difficulties in finding suitable sites for these schools. In addition, ASD would still have contractual responsibility for school maintenance after handing over the buildings to school management. In view of the long term plans of providing more schools to meet the projected increase of school age population beyond 2001, and the continuation of SIP after completion of Phase III, it was likely that the high workload situation would be sustained in the foreseeable future. The Administration therefore considered it more appropriate to create this CA post on a permanent basis to ensure that the experience gained would be retained.
24. The item was voted on and endorsed.
25. The item was voted on and endorsed
EC(97-98)10 |
Proposed making permanent of the post of Principal Transport Officer (D1) in the Management and Licensing Branch of the Transport Department with effect from 16 July 1997 to oversee contracts for the operation and management of privatised transport facilities and to co ordinate the drafting of legislation and contracts for new projects identified for privatisation |
26. In response to members enquiries, the Deputy Commissioner for Transport (DC for T) explained the need for converting the supernumerary Principal Transport Officer/Management (PTO/M) post to the permanent establishment. He advised that following a recent staffing review, the Department considered it necessary to retain the PTO/M post on a permanent basis to continue to provide professional input in project evaluation, preparation of contracts for transport facilities, legislative amendment proposals and matters relating to privatisation. The Department had explored the possibility of sharing the responsibilities among existing staff but found it impracticable in view of the magnitude, complexity and on-going nature of the tasks.
27. DC for T advised that there would be increased work relating to tendering of new contracts, as a number of new infrastructure facilities were coming on stream such as the six new tunnels and three new government carparks. As regards the work for re-tendering exercises, the Department would need to review the contract conditions having regard to new developments and community expectations, and to re-assess the financial situation and commercial potential of companies concerned to safeguard government revenue and customers interests. In reply to a member, DC for T confirmed that based on the current work programme, the PTO/M would have a heavier schedule than that in the past.
28. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed creation of seven permanent judicial posts in four new ranks in the Judiciary with effect from 1 July 1997 offset by the deletion of the rank and post of Chief Justice ($202,650) for the establishment of the Court of Final Appeal |
29.Responding to Miss Margaret NGs enquiry about the estimated workload of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) during the first year of its establishment, the Judiciary Administrator (JA) advised that as the CFA was a completely new court in Hong Kong, it would not be fruitful to attempt to guess the number of cases that it would handle. Nevertheless, she envisaged that as the CFA was to operate in Hong Kong, there might be a greater number of applications for leave to appeal to the CFA than with the Privy Council in the past. With regard to the workload of the Privy Council, JA advised that in 1995, the Privy Council had dealt with nine appeal cases from Hong Kong and 11 applications for leave to appeal. In 1996, there was a total of 16 appeal cases and 26 applications for leave to appeal. JA added that as far as she was aware, the Privy Council intended to complete all cases that had been lodged with it from Hong Kong before 1 July 1997. At the request of Miss Margaret NG, JA agreed to provide information on the number of cases arising from Hong Kong currently before the Privy Council and the number of cases arising from Hong Kong dealt with by the Privy Council in the past four years.
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(Post-meeting note : The Judiciary Administrator has clarified that the numbers of appeals from Hong Kong in 1995 and 1996 should be as follows -
Petitions |
11 |
28 |
30. On the proposed salary structure for the CFA posts, JA advised that as the CFA would be the highest level of courts in Hong Kong, the salaries of the Chief Justice (CJ) and its judges should be pegged at comparable levels of the current judicial pay scales to maintain relativity with other judicial posts. Considering that the Chief Justice of CFA would be the head of the Judiciary as the existing Chief Justice, the proposed salary of the CJ/CFA post would be the same as the existing CJ (D10). As regards the salary for the CFA judges, it would be equivalent to the median point between D9 and D10, having regard to the current salary of High Court judges which was the equivalent of D8 and that of the Justice of Appeal which was between D8 and D9. The proposed pay scale of the CFA Registrar was pegged to that of the existing Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, that is, between D3 and D4.
31. Miss Margaret NG had doubts on the proposed salaries for the CFA posts considering that the CFA might not have many cases especially during the first year of operation. In response, JA stressed that according to the Basic Law, Hong Kong would need to set up the CFA to replace the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as the highest appellate court in and for Hong Kong. Unlike the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the CFA would be a full-time professional court, and the salary structure of the CFA judges should commensurate with their status. In this regard, the Chairman commented that the salary structure should be able to attract judges or practitioners of the highest calibre to sit on the bench. As to whether CFA judges would be gainfully employed, JA informed the meeting that the Chief Justice (Designate) and the acting Chief Justice had suggested that CFA judges could be deployed to judicial studies if they had spare time.
(As the Chairman had to leave the meeting due to other commitments, the Deputy Chairman took the chair for the ensuing discussion.)
32. On the remuneration of non-permanent overseas CFA judges, JA advised that they would likely be appointed on a case-by-case basis paid on a daily rate on a pro rata basis taking into account the monthly salary of the permanent judges. The necessary staff costs had been included in the present proposal. Return passages and hotel accommodation would be provided to these visiting judges, and to their spouses if the judges were required to stay for more than four consecutive weeks. As regards the medical cover for overseas non-permanent CFA judges who were not ex-judges or ex-judicial officers, the Administration was currently negotiating with insurance companies for a suitable medical insurance package for these visiting judges.
33. Miss Margaret NG expressed concern that there might be cases especially in the first year of operation that some CFA judges would be disqualified to deal with cases previously handled by them to avoid conflict of interest. In these circumstances, additional non-permanent judges would have to be appointed to make up the required bench of five CFA judges to hear these cases. As such, she enquired if the Administration had included any estimate on the expenditure for employing additional non-permanent judges to cater for these situations.
34. In response, JA advised that Section 16 of the Court of Final Appeal Ordinance provided that there would be five judges to sit on the CFA including a non-permanent judge, and that no judge should sit on the CFA on the hearing of an appeal from a judgement or order made by him. To cater for these circumstances, arrangements would be made for a non-permanent judge to sit in place of the disqualified CFA judge on the hearing. While the present paper only set out the financial estimates of the general recurrent expenditure required for the normal operation of the CFA, JA and the Deputy Secretary for the Treasury (1) assured members that the Administration would seek supplementary provisions in the normal manner to cater for any unforeseen requirements for additional non-permanent CFA judges where necessary.
35.With regard to the estimated number of cases requiring additional non-permanent judges, JA undertook to provide the information after the CFA judges had been appointed and when the number of cases requiring disqualification of full-time CFA judges was known.
| Admin |
36. In referring to the proposed duty list of the new post of Registrar, CFA, Miss Margaret NG sought further clarifications on the actual responsibilities of the proposed post. In reply, JA advised that the proposed Registrars duties would largely depend on the future operation of the CFA and more details would be available after the working party had finalised the Rules of the CFA. Generally speaking, the CFA Register would play a role similar to that of the Registrar of the Supreme Court at present. He would be the most senior officer in charge of all matters relating to the CFAs operation other than the actual hearing of cases, including the supervision of the CFA registry and support services to the CFA judges and the Chief Justice, CFA. It was envisaged that the incumbent would also be involved in preparatory work for the hearing of CFA cases.
37.Miss Margaret NG was of the view that the paper did not give concrete information on the operation of the CFA and on the justifications of the proposed salary structure especially that of the new post of Registrar, CFA. JA responded that the LegCo Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Service (AJLS) could be briefed on the operation of the CFA about 18 months after its operation. In view of members concern about the operation of the CFA especially during the initial years of its establishment, the Deputy Chairman advised that the subject should be followed up by the LegCo Panel on AJLS.
| xx |
38. As the proposal had been discussed at length, the Deputy Chairman put the item to the vote. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Systems Manager (D1) in the Information Technology Services Department to head a dedicated team for the development and management of the Government Information Technology Infrastructure |
39. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed retention of the consultancy position of one Consultant (at Principal Crown Counsel (DL3)) from 28 December 1997 to 27 September 1998 in the Civil Division of the Legal Department to provide legal advice and to conduct litigation in relation to Vietnamese asylum seekers and illegal immigrants |
40. A member asked about the reasons for proposing a nine-month extension of the Consultant post. In reply, the Crown Solicitor (CS) advised that based on past experience, it would be possible to complete the outstanding litigation work by June 1998 when all first instance hearings would have been concluded and the number of appeals known. He did not envisage a significant increase in litigation cases concerning Vietnamese migrants (VM) during this period as the majority of the 1 000 VMs now remaining in Hong Kong were already involved in legal proceedings. As any unfinished litigation work by June 1998 should be less complicated, the remaining work could either be briefed out or absorbed by in-house staff upon expiry of the consultants contract. On the other hand, if the bulk of the work could be completed earlier than June 1998, the Administration could terminate the consultants contract by giving three months notice.
41. The item was voted on and endorsed.
Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts of one Government Land Agent (D2), one Chief Estate Surveyor (D1) and one Chief Land Surveyor (D1) for a period of five years in the new Railway Development Section of Lands Department |
42. The item was voted on and endorsed.
43. The Committee was adjourned at 1:05 pm.
Legislative Council Secretariat
20 June 1997
(1) PEPO (Assessment & Audit)
The main targets for the new post will be to :
implement the recently enacted EIA Ordinance (to come into operation early 1998);
make sure the environmental performance of future major infrastructure projects such as port & railways projects are assessed and monitored;
monitor and ensure satisfactory environmental performance of the full development of Chek Lap Kok Airport & related planning and developments on Lantau Island.
(2) PEPO (Motor Emissions)
The prime role of the new post is to improve our air quality through implementation and regular review of an integrated strategy to control motor vehicle emissions. The main targets in the next 2 years are to :
introduce the most stringent practical international standards on motor vehicle emissions and fuels;
reduce the number of diesel vehicles through the use of clean alternative motor vehicles such as LPG vehicles; and
put in place an effective and efficient vehicle inspection and maintenance programme to control smoky vehicles.
(3) PEPO (Corporate Services)
In the next two to three years, in addition to providing day to day supervision of five separate headquarters units, the head of the Corporate Services Division will,
develop and implement a competency-based performance management system linked to commitments made in the departments annual corporate plan and individual programme plan;
identify the departments future needs for corporate information technology to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, and manage the development of infrastructure and support services to meet these needs;
analyse the departments needs for human resource development and training, devise and supervise a coordinated professional and management training programme for all the departments professional personnel, and oversee the development of a strategy to improve departmental human resource management.
(4) PEPO (Special Waste Facilities)
The new post will be responsible for the development of waste-to-energy incinerators under the waste reduction plan, and management and development of treatment facilities for special wastes such as chemical waste, clinical waste, livestock waste and radioactive waste. The targets in the next 2-3 years are :
identify sites and establish the feasibility of developing waste-to-energy incinerators to achieve waste reduction.
achieve more cost effective operation of the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre.
finalise the option for disposal of the clinical wastes.
(5) PEPO (Urban East)
The main role of the new post is to organise the multi-disciplinary work force of five Local Control Office sections to tackle the pollution problems in the urban east area. The main targets in the next 2 years are to :
improve the water quality in bathing beaches through vigorous enforcement of the water pollution control and chemical waste controls;
enforce the Water Pollution Control Ordinance vigorously to ensure effluents are properly disposed of into the waters of Hong Kong, in particular, Victoria Harbour, thereby reducing toxic metal loading by 1000 kg/day and BOD loading by 10 tonnes/day (equivalent to the quantity of domestic sewage produced by 150,000 people) due to elimination of illegal discharges and connections to storm water drains. There will be accompanying protection to the fabric of sewerage system which will otherwise be damaged through clogging by oil and grease and corrosion by acids and alkalis;
enforce the Noise Control Ordinance and Air Pollution Control Ordinance vigorously to ensure a quieter and cleaner environment. Special attention will be given to the redevelopment of the Kowloon Peninsula and development of West Kowloon Reclamation area; and
respond to the concerns of the local community including the trade associations and the general public through complaint investigations and meetings with them.
Last Updated on 12 August 1999