For discussion EC(97-98)5
on 14 May 1997



Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the re-distribution of responsibilities of the following permanent directorate posts in connection with the reorganisation of the Marine Department -

2 Assistant Director of Marine (D2);
4 Principal Marine Officer (D1); and
1 Hydrographer (D1).


In the light of Hong Kong’s rapid economic development and the increasing volume of marine traffic in the port of Hong Kong in the recent years, the present organisational structure of the Marine Department (MD) which has been in place since 1989 is not sufficiently effective in meeting the changing demands.


2. We propose to formalise the reorganisation of the Marine Department, which started on a trial basis on 1 April 1997, by -

  1. reshuffling the responsibilities of the Port Services Division and the Planning and Local Services Division and re-name them as the Port Control Division and the Planning and Services Division respectively; and

  2. re-distributing the responsibilities of two Assistant Directors of Marine (AD of M), four Principal Marine Officers (PMOs) and one Hydrographer.


3. In the light of the significant developments in the port of Hong Kong in the recent years, MD reviewed its organisation structure in late 1996 with a view to maximising operational efficiency, improving services to customers and optimising the utilisation of available resources. The review concluded that the department could improve its operation and services to the public by implementing the following measures -

  1. separating the regulatory function of the department from the services function;

  2. setting up a unified patrol service to undertake all patrolling functions in the waters of Hong Kong;

  3. providing the public with a full range of licensing and port formality services at its officesthe public (ESB/MD : Please clarify/elaborate.); and

  4. devising a more rational organisation structure to enhance efficiency and to optimise deployment of staff and utilisation of resources.

4. Accordingly, we have, on a trial basis, rescheduled the responsibilities of the Port Services and the Planning and Local Services Divisions and reorganised them as the new Port Control and Planning and Services Divisions with effect from 1 April 1997. We propose to formalise the new set-up which has proved effective. The organisation charts of the two Divisions before and after the reorganisation are in Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively.

5. Specifically, we propose to put all regulatory functions of the Marine Department under a new Port Control Division. The major sections set up under this new Division are as follows -

  1. A Harbour Patrol Section

    This section undertakes marine traffic regulatory responsibilities by merging the Harbour Service Patrol Unit of the former Port Service Division and the local patrol function of the six marine district offices of the former Planning and Local Services Division. This new arrangement enables a more efficient utilisation of patrol launches and staff resources and facilitates co-operation and communication among the patrol units. The department will be able to regulate more effectively shipping movements, reduce the number of marine accidents and respond more promptly to marine accidents with more flexible deployment of vessels.

  2. A centralised Licensing Section

    This section takes over the licensing functions of the six district offices previously under the Planning and Local Services Division. It provides better service to customers in respect of licensing matters and more support for the department’s helping business initiatives.

  3. Two Development Sections

    We have transferred the Airport and Port Co-ordination Section and one of the Planning Sections previously under the Planning and Local Services Division to form two new Development Sections to facilitate the approval and control processes for port developments.

6. Upon rationalisation of the regulatory functions of the department, we further propose to transfer the remaining planning and services functions of the former Port Services Division and Planning and Local Services Division to a new Planning and Services Division. One of the most significant improvements so achieved is the establishment of a centralised Cargo Handling Section which takes charge of the management of the Public Cargo Working Areas (PCWAs) previously handled separately by three regions and six marine district offices under the Planning and Local Services Division. The set-up of the entire Division is in Enclosure 2.

7. As a result of the reorganisation exercise, we have revised the post titles and the schedule of responsibilities of two AD of M, four PMO and one Hydrographer posts. A table showing the post titles and schedule of responsibilities of these posts before and after the reorganisation is in Enclosure 3. The duty lists under the two reorganised Divisions are in Enclosure 4.


8. The proposal has no additional financial or staffing implications as the establishment of Marine Department will remain unchanged.


9. The MD is responsible for the safety of ships, their safe navigation in Hong Kong waters and the provision of facilities such as mooring buoys and PCWAs. The MD is the Maritime Search and Rescue Co-ordinator for Hong Kong waters and the South China Sea. It also administers the Hong Kong Shipping Register and is responsible for developing and maintaining the safety, environmental protection and manning standards for Hong Kong registered ships and for ships trading within Hong Kong waters. The department has five functional divisions, namely the Shipping Division, the Multi-lateral Policy Division, the Government Fleet Division, the Port Control Division and the Planning and Services Division. It has reorganised the latter two Divisions on a trial basis with effect from 1 April 1997.


10. Civil Service Branch agrees that the re-distribution of duties among the two Assistant Directors and the four Principal Marine Officers will contribute positively to the efficient operation of the Department. The grading and ranking of the six permanent directorate posts after reorganisation is considered appropriate having regard to their revised duties and responsibilities.

Economic Services Branch
May 1997

Enclosure 3 to EC(97-98)5

Distribution of duties and responsibilities of the affected Directorate posts before and after the reorganization

Post title

(before reorganization)

Main areas of responsibilities

Post title

(after reorganization)

Main areas of responsibilities

Port Services Division

Assistant Director/

Port Services

review and manage of marine traffic & vessel traffic system

direct maritime search, rescue operations and emergency plans

as Head of Grade of Marine Controllers & staff of Aids to Navigation Section

manage the China and Macau Ferry Terminals

direct port services relating to pilotage, port formalities etc.

manage the Hydrographic Office

Assistant Director/

Port Control (PC)

review and manage marine traffic, & vessel traffic system including the unified harbour patrol services

direct maritime search, rescue operations and emergency plans

as Head of Grade of Marine Controllers

manage and control typhoon shelters, licensed- new local vessels, oversee procedures for port formalities and development projects

General Manager/

Vessel Traffic Services


manage marine traffic and the Vessel Traffic Centre

co-ordinate maritime search and rescue operations

co-ordinate port services relating to port formalities and aids to navigation etc.

undertake overseas and local liaison work related to vessel traffic services

General Manager/

Vessel Traffic Services

(PMO/PC Division)

manage marine traffic and the Vessel Traffic Centre including the enforcement of marine traffic control regulations

manage the unified harbour patrol operations

undertake overseas and local liaison work related to vessel traffic services

General Manager/

Port Operations


manage the China and Macau Ferry Terminals

co-ordinate port services relating to oil pollution control, harbour mooring and pilotage

General Manager/


(PMO/PAS Division)

manage the China and Macau Ferry Terminals

co-ordinate port services relating to oil pollution control, harbour mooring, private mooring and pilotage

oversee the Cargo Handling Section for the management of PCWAs



manage hydrographic surveying and charting matters


(PMO/PAS Division)

manage hydrographic surveying and charting matters

manage port services related to aids to navigation

Post title

(before reorganization)

Main areas of responsibilities

Post title

(after reorganization)

Main areas of responsibilities

Planning & Local Services Division

Assistant Director/ Planning & Local Services

plan and develop port facilities

manage and control PCWAs, typhoon shelters and licensed local vessels

develop policy for the control and safe operation of local and river-trade vessels

as Head of Grade of Shipping Safety Officers, Marine Inspectors and Assistant Shipping Masters

Assistant Director/

Planning and Services

(PAS Division)

plan and develop port facilities

manage the PCWAs under the new Cargo Handling Section

as Head of Grade of Shipping Safety Officers, Marine Inspectors and Assistant Shipping Masters

direct port services relating to pilotage, oil pollution control, harbour mooring, private mooring and aids to navigation

manage the Hydrographic Office

manage the China and Macau Ferry Terminals

General Manager/ Planning

analysis, evaluate and initiate planning and development proposals

keep statistical data and forecast future demands on port infrastructural facilities

co-ordinate departmental response on matters relating to the port of HK and its development strategies

General Manager/


(PMO/PAS Division)

analysis, evaluate and initiate planning and development proposals

keep statistical data and forecast of future demands on port infrastructural facilities

co-ordinate departmental response on matters relating to the port of HK and its development strategies

draft a new Local Vessel Ordinance

oversee the Prosecution Unit

initiate medium and long term strategic

planning proposals on the port

General Manager/ Local Services

enforce legislation relating to marine and local craft activities

liaise with local craft operators, related organizations and District Boards

manage the PCWAs

co-ordinate Airport Core project activities

draft a new Local Vessel Ordinance

oversee the Prosecution Unit

General Manager/


(PMO/PC Division)

liaise with local craft operators, related organizations and District Boards

co-ordinate maritime search and rescue operations

co-ordinate Airport Core projects and other port development activities

co-ordinate port services relating to port formalities and local documentation.

Enclosure 4 to EC(97-98)5

Duty List of Assistant Director / Port Control

Rank : Assistant Director of Marine

Accountable to : Deputy Director of Marine

1. To oversee the management of marine traffic within Hong Kong waters including management of the Vessel Traffic System and the unified harbour patrol services.

2. To direct and control maritime search and rescue operations and other maritime emergencies within Hong Kong waters and in the South China Sea.

3. To steer and guide departmental contingency plans other than the Oil Pollution Contingency Plan.

4. To oversee the management and control of typhoon shelters and licensed local vessels, the procedures for port formalities and development projects.

5. To act as the Head of Grade of Marine Controllers.

6. To be responsible for the financial and business planning and management of the Division.

Duty List of Assistant Director / Planning & Services

Rank: Assistant Director of Marine

Accountable to: Deputy Director of Marine

1. To oversee and co-ordinate planning and development of port facilities throughout Hong Kong to meet the needs of port users.

2. To oversee management of public cargo working areas, in particular the planning and implementation of management reforms in PCWAs.

3. To direct and co-ordinate provision of port services relating to pilotage, oil pollution, harbour mooring, aids to navigation and the publication of charts by the Hydrographic Office.

4. To oversee management and operation of the China and Macau Ferry Terminal in accordance with appropriate safety and security standards and appropriate commercial disciplines.

5. To oversee, manage and guide the efficient operation of the Planning & Services Division, and to act as the Head of Grade of Shipping Safety Officers, Marine Inspectors and Assistant Shipping Masters.

6. To handle public and LegCo enquiries on management and safety issues on provision of port services, publication of Hong Kong charts, port planning and development matters.

Duty List of General Manager / Vessel Traffic Services

Rank : Principal Marine Officer

Accountable to: Assistant Director / Port Control

1. To initiate, process and review proposals, procedures and projects related to the functions of the Harbour Patrol, Vessel Traffic, Technical and System Support Sections.

2. To prepare and scrutinize revenue and expenditure estimates and staff planning and management proposals.

3. To be responsible for the control and management of traffic in Hong Kong waters with the exception of local and river traffic in Sai Kung, Tai Po and Tuen Mun areas.

4. To advise on the safety of navigation within the waters of Hong Kong, including pilotage matters and marine related developments.

5. To liaise with organisations, Government agencies, departments and committees on matters related to the functions of the Vessel Traffic Services Branch.

6. To liaise with international organisations, such as International Association of Lighthouse Authorities and International Maritime Organization, on matters associated with the activities of the Vessel Traffic Services Branch.

Duty List of General Manager / Operations

Rank : Principal Marine Officer

Accountable to : Assistant Director / Port Control

1. To monitor the enforcement of legislation related to marine and local craft activities and control and manage local and river traffic in Sai Kung, Tai Po and Tuen Mun areas.

2. To ensure that all necessary formalities concerning vessels entering and leaving Hong Kong are observed.

3. To update and maintain the Local Craft Control Standing Instructions and Guidelines and compile budgetary and other forecast returns.

4. To liaise with and explain departmental policies related to local craft to local craft operators, related organizations, District Boards and pressure groups; to answer questions raised by LegCo and to attend District Board meetings, etc.

5. To plan, advise and monitor the revenue and expenditure account of the Branch.

6. To plan and co-ordinate all work and duties related to maritime search and rescue activities within Hong Kong waters and in the South China Sea.

7. To be responsible for all departmental operation and developments planning, including management and co-ordination of the Airport Core Project activities, and the issue of relevant Marine Department Notices.

8. To plan and co-ordinate the implementation of the latest management measures within the Branch.

Duty List of General Manager / Services Branch

Rank : Principal Marine Officer

Accountable to : Assistant Director / Planning & Services

1. To be responsible for the management of the China Ferry Terminal and Macau Ferry Terminal and the control of all operations therein.

2. To provide professional opinion/advice on port operations matters involving pilotage, harbour moorings, private moorings, pollution control etc.

3. To be responsible for the preparation and presentation of the annual operating accounts of the ferry terminals to the Secretary for the Treasury, to monitor the achievement of financial performance targets and to ensure an appropriate rate of return on assets employed.

4. To monitor and oversee the compliance of the terms of tenancies and concession agreements by tenants and concessionaires of the China and Macau Ferry Terminals. To liaise with tenants and concessionaires, to recommend new tenancy and concession agreements and to maximize revenue returns by promoting the image and raising the standard of the ferry terminals

5. To initiate amendments to the Shipping and Port Control Regulations as required.

6. To plan, advise and implement new improvement measures to ferry terminals to enhance their standard and facilities.

7. To oversee and handle all PCWA matters, including management, legislation and commercialisation.

8. To act as the departmental representative at meetings with other government departments, committees, shipping operators and the public on matters falling under the purview of the Services Branch.

9. To oversee all personnel and staff matters in the Services Branch.

Duty List of General Manager / Planning

Rank : Principal Marine Officer

Accountable to : Assistant Director / Planning and Services

1. To analyse and evaluate on a territory-wide basis, all planning and development proposals impacting on the operation of the port and to advise and co-ordinate departmental responses.

2. To maintain a statistical data bank for the analysis and evaluation of the shipping trends and growth patterns in the port of Hong Kong, and to forecast future demands on port infrastructural facilities.

3. To initiate medium and long term strategic planning proposals on the port to meet foreseeable demands.

4. To advise the Director of Marine on all port development and planning matters and to represent him at port related committees, working groups and in the selection and management of consultants in consultancy studies.

5. To brief visitors and official guests on matters relating to the Marine Department, the port of Hong Kong and its development strategies.

6. To oversee and co-ordinate departmental responses to requests for port information, planning parameters and requirements.

7. To oversee the drafting of a new Local Vessel Ordinance, and regulations made thereunder.

8. To oversee the operation and computerization of the Prosecution Unit.

9. To manage and guide the efficient operation of the Planning Branch.

Duty List of Hydrographer

Rank : Hydrographer

Accountable to : Assistant Director / Planning & Services

1. To plan and organize the Hydrographic Office.

2. To plan and organize hydrographic surveying of Hong Kong waters.

3. To co-ordinate surveys in support of dredging, oceanographic studies and cable laying.

4. To co-ordinate the collection and compilation of hydrographic data for navigational charts and publications and other applications to meet standards and requirements of International Hydrographic Organization and International Maritime Organization.

5. To oversee the production and distribution of charts and publications.

6. To direct operations to find, position and chart new dangers to navigation in Hong Kong waters.

7. To represent the government at IMO conferences relating to hydrographic surveys and developments.

8. To manage and co-ordinate all functions and duties carried out by the Aids to Navigation Section.


Last Updated on 12 August 1999
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