For discussion EC(96-97)54
on 16 January 1997


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee -

  1. the creation of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) ($102,900 - $109,250) in the Secretariat of the University Grants Committee with effect from 1 March 1997; and
  2. an increase in the ceiling placed on the total notional annual mid-point salary value of the non-directorate posts in the permanent establishment of the Secretariat of the University Grants Committee in 1996-97 from $11,238,540 to $11,478,420 for the creation of one post of Personal Secretary I.


2. The Secretariat of the University Grants Committee (UGC Secretariat) has inadequate staffing support to cope with the increase in complexity and volume of work at the Deputy Secretary-General (DSG) level.


3. The Secretary-General, University Grants Committee (SG,UGC) proposes to create one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) (D2) to provide the necessary support at the DSG level, and to increase the ceiling placed on the total notional annual mid-point salary (NAMS) value of the non-directorate posts in the permanent establishment of the UGC Secretariat in 1996-97 from $11,238,540 to $11,478,420 for the creation of one post of Personal Secretary I (MPS 16-21) ($18,595 - $23,725) to provide secretarial support to the proposed AOSGC post.


The existing structure of the UGC Secretariat

4. We have pitched the SG,UGC at D4 level on the civil service directorate pay scale. There are currently two DSGs at the AOSGC level under the SG, one occupying a permanent post created in 1982 and the other on loan from the Civil Service Branch since July 1996 to cope with the increase in volume and complexity of work in the UGC Secretariat pending this submission. The organisation chart of the UGC Secretariat is at Enclosure 1. The proposed duties and responsibilities of the two DSG posts are at Enclosures 2 and 3 respectively.

Expansion of Tertiary Education

5. We created the permanent DSG post in 1982. Since then, the volume, scope and complexity of work of the UGC Secretariat have significantly increased, which necessitate creation of an additional post of DSG.

6. When we first established the UGC in 1965, it was responsible for advising the Government on the development and funding of the then two institutions of higher education, namely the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Following a period of rapid expansion of tertiary education, in particular since early 1990s, there are now altogether eight institutions under the aegis of the UGC. The number of first-year-first-degree (FYFD) places increased sharply from 8 575 in 1990 to 14 500 in 1995, or 18% of the 17-20 age group. This figure was just 2% when the UGC was established. The UGC’s funding responsibility also increased considerably over the years. The recurrent grants to the UGC-funded institutions increased by over 197% from $3,313 million in 1990-91 to $9,862 million in 1996-97.

Establishment of new standing sub-committees

7. Prior to 1993, the UGC operated through a series of subject- or institution-specific sub-committees and sub-groups, which were formed and disbanded as and when the need arose. To provide for greater specialisation and devolution, the Committee has set up since 1994 a number of new standing sub-committees to plan and undertake quality assurance initiatives; to consider system-wide policy development and strategic planning; to oversee institutional development and to continue to review the development of higher education; to review the recurrent grant assessment methodology and to consider further the nature and scope of reviews of the financial and internal resource allocation systems of the UGC-funded institutions. The establishment of these standing committees has considerably increased the workload at the DSG level.

Quality Assessments and Reviews

8. The UGC and its funded-institutions have always attached great importance to quality assurance and cost-effectiveness. In January 1995, the UGC resolved to undertake Teaching and Learning Quality Process Reviews (TLQPRs) of the UGC-funded institutions with a view to ensuring that mechanisms for promoting and improving teaching and learning quality in institutions are in place and functioning as they should be. The UGC has appointed a panel to conduct the first round of TLQPR of the UGC-funded institutions. The Panel has started work in September 1995. A review timetable is at Enclosure 4. The reviews involve visits to the institutions, publication of reports and following up of progress reports submitted by the institutions in response to the review findings. The UGC plans to start the next round of the TLQPRs in around the year 2000.

9. The TLQPRs are an ongoing exercise in pursuance of Government policy that all the UGC-funded institutions should be subject to this kind of process review at least once every five years. We expect the incumbent of the proposed DSG post to take charge of this important exercise.

Management Reviews of the UGC-funded institutions

10. The UGC plans to undertake Management Reviews of the UGC-funded institutions starting in 1997 to ensure that they have in place appropriate internal resource allocation, planning and financial processes. Initial planning for the Management Reviews has started and the first Reviews are tentatively scheduled for late 1997/early 1998. These Management Reviews will be the first of their kind in Hong Kong and will become ongoing activities of the UGC, which require significant policy input at the DSG level.

Research Assessment and Postgraduate Education Review

11. The UGC is now conducting another Research Assessment Exercise to assess the research performance of tertiary institutions by cost centre as a basis for allocating part of the 1998-2001 triennial recurrent grants. It will require policy input at DSG level as regards the design, implementation and follow-up work of this important exercise.

12. Separately, the new UGC Postgraduate Education Sub-group has identified a number of deficiencies in the areas of management information, programme organisation and quality assurance, centres of excellence and allocations of post-graduate students, as well as their training and supervision. This is a complex area which the UGC has started to examine in greater detail. It will add to the work of the Secretariat as part of the duties of the proposed DSG post.

Research Grants Council

13. The UGC Secretariat also serves the Research Grants Council which is responsible for monitoring applications for research grants. The Secretariat will process the applications, oversee progress, assess and prepare reports to the Council. The number of applications has increased considerably from 304 for the 1992-93 academic year to 1 368 for 1997-98. This has led to a corresponding increase in workload at the DSG level.

14. We consider it necessary to create an additional DSG post. In addition, the proposal will necessitate the creation of one Personal Secretary I post to provide secretarial support to that post.


15. The additional notional annual salary cost at mid-point and the full annual average staff cost of the proposal, including salaries and staff on-costs, are -

Notional Annual Salary Cost at Mid-Point

Full Annual Average Staff Cost

No. of Posts

New permanent posts




We have not included provision in the 1996-97 Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal, which is estimated at $127,625 for the remaining month of 1996-97.

16. If Members approve this proposal, we shall approve under delegated authority supplementary provision required under Head 190 University Grants Committee Subhead 001 Salaries. We shall include sufficient provision in the 1997-98 draft Estimates for this proposal.


17. The UGC comprises eminent academics from Hong Kong and overseas and prominent professional and business persons. The role of the Committee is to offer impartial and expert advice to the Government on the development and funding of higher education in Hong Kong. It also plays an important role in monitoring the maintenance of teaching and academic standards and cost effectiveness of tertiary education.


18. Civil Service Branch supports the proposal to create an additional post of AOSGC. The ranking and grading of the proposed post are appropriate, having regard to its duties and responsibilities.


19. The Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service has advised that the grading proposed for the post would be appropriate if the post were to be created.

Education and Manpower Branch
January 1997

Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)54

Deputy Secretary-General, University Grants Committee (1) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Secretary-General, University Grants Committee for -

  1. formulating policy proposals on matters in the field of funding arrangement and academic development related to the development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education;
  2. monitoring of academic developments - assessment of triennial academic development plans; co-ordination of manpower requirements of the Hong Kong Institute of Education;
  3. providing administrative and secretarial support to the University Grants Committee (UGC) and some of its Sub-Committees - preparation of agendas, papers and minutes; provision of service during the meetings; and follow-up on decisions;
  4. contributing to the development of policies and analyses of issues/proposals on matters within the UGC’s remit - including terms and conditions of services of staff; higher education review; space and accommodation review; capital programmes in the UGC-funded institutions; providing input; participating in discussions; attending meetings (including Finance Committee); and handling daily correspondence;
  5. staff management and departmental administration - supervising staff at and below the Assistant Secretary-General level; handling staff matters; overseeing the preparation of departmental estimates; and
  6. liaison with the Government/tertiary institutions/other organisations/press/ public on subjects under purview - preparing briefs/reports; responding to enquiries; attending functions; and receiving visitors.

Enclosure 3 to EC(96-97)54

Deputy Secretary-General, University Grants Committee (2) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Secretary-General, University Grants Committee for -

  1. allocation of recurrent funding to tertiary institutions; assessment and disbursement of grants; examination of financial returns; and co-ordination of reviews and financial consultancies;
  2. monitoring of academic developments - assessment of triennial academic development plans; co-ordination of manpower requirements;
  3. providing administrative and secretarial support to the UGC, some of its Sub-Committees, the Research Grants Council and its panels - preparation of agendas, papers and minutes; provision of service during the meetings; and follow-up on decisions;
  4. contributing to the development of policies and analyses of issues/proposals on matters within the UGC’s remit - including medical issues and quality issues; monitoring of financial returns; providing input; participating in discussions; attending meetings (including Finance Committee); and handling daily correspondence;
  5. assisting in the planning and implementation of Teaching and Learning Quality Process Reviews, Research Assessment Exercise and Management Review;
  6. staff management - supervising staff at and below the Assistant Secretary-General level; handling staff matters; overseeing the preparation of departmental estimates; and
  7. liaison with the Government/tertiary institutions/other organisations/press/public on subjects under purview - preparing briefs/reports; responding to enquiries; attending functions; and receiving visitors.

Enclosure 4 to EC(96-97)54

University Grants Committee -- Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review


Start Date


University of Hong Kong

January 1996


Chinese University of Hong Kong

January 1996


Baptist University

April 1996


Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology

April 1996


Lingnan College

September 1996


Hong Kong Polytechnic University

January 1997


City University of Hong Kong

January 1997


Hong Kong Institute of Education

Early 1998


Last Updated on 12 August 1999
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