For discussion
on 26 February 1997


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the retention of the following supernumerary post in the Highways Department up to 31 March 1999 -

1 Director of Highways
(D6) ($152,150)

held against the following permanent post -
1 Director of Highways
(D5) ($144,200)


The supernumerary post of Director of Highways (DHy) at D6 level will lapse on 1 April 1997. We need to retain this post in view of the current level of responsibility and span of control of the post.


2. We propose to retain the supernumerary post of DHy at D6 level for a period of two years up to 31 March 1999.


3. The DHy is responsible for formulating policies and programme plans for the planning and implementation of highways items in the Public Works Programme and the Airport Core Programme (ACP), and the maintenance and improvement of the highways system. He is responsible to the Secretary for Transport for transport policy on road infrastructure and the highways development programme. He is also responsible to the Secretary for Works for works policy, construction standards, contract procedures and co-ordination of the Public Works Programme in respect of highways projects, including those in the ACP.

4. The Finance Committee approved the creation of the supernumerary post of DHy (D6) on 26 June 1992, held against a permanent DHy post (D5), in recognition of the increased responsibilities placed upon the post as a result of implementing the ACP projects. At that time, the ACP projects were targetted for completion before June 1997, and we considered it appropriate to review the ranking of the post towards the end of 1996. The organisation chart of the Highways Department (HyD) and the job description of the DHy (D6) as of June 1992 are at Enclosures 1 and 2.

5. Our latest review shows that since 1992, the department's activities have continued to increase and so have the DHy's responsibilities. Details are set out below.

Implementation of ACP highways and rail projects

6. The DHy directly supervises the Lantau Fixed Crossing Project Management Office (LFC PMO), the Airport and Port Access Project Management Office (APA PMO) and the Airport Railway Division of the Railway Development Office (RDO) for the implementation of ACP highways and rail projects. Although most of the ACP highways will be substantially completed before June 1997, DHy's management and supervision will still be required until the full completion of the Airport Railway in mid-1998 and until all outstanding works are finalised and claims fully settled.

Implementation of major road and rail projects

7. The Administration is committed to undertaking several major projects in the next few years, such as Route 16, Castle Peak Road Improvement, Tsing Yi North Coastal Road, the Central - Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link with an estimated total cost of $24 billion (Enclosure 3(a)). In addition, the Administration intends to secure funds in the next two years for the early implementation of more new projects including the Sham Tseng Link, Route 9 and a new road from Man Kam To to the New Territories Circular Road, with a total estimated cost of $32 billion (Enclosure 3(b)). These will place considerable additional demand on the HyD.

8. The department will also be heavily involved in the planning and implementation of the three priority railway projects recommended in the 1994 Railway Development Strategy, i.e. the Western Corridor Railway, the Mass Transit Railway Tseung Kwan O Extension, and the Ma On Shan/Tai Wai rail link coupled with the KCR extension from Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui. These three projects will have an estimated total cost of over $100 billion.

9. The DHy will have to take a leading role in the above projects in providing the appropriate level of professional steer in planning, developing, designing and implementing these massive projects, and resolving interface problems. He will also have to attend regular and ad hoc meetings at Branch Secretary and Head of Department level contributing to the formulation of policies, and to discuss with the top management of organisations concerned to resolve problems concerning these projects.

Increasing span of control and responsibilities

10. In order to cope with the increased span of control and the professional, administrative, management and financial responsibilities, we established the Major Works Project Management Office (MW PMO) and the RDO in mid-1995. have been created for these two offices. With an establishment of three directorate posts and 153 non-directorate posts, the MW PMO is responsible for managing major capital works projects mentioned in paragraph 7 above. The RDO is responsible for all railway
development matters, including the planning and implementation of the priority railway projects. It comprises the Railway Division, the Airport Railway Division and the Western Corridor Railway Division, with a total establishment of four directorate and 50 non-directorate posts. Both the MW PMO and RDO are under the direct supervision of DHy.

11. The establishment of the department has increased from 1 756, including 26 directorate posts, in June 1992 to 1 940, including 34 directorate posts, in December 1996. The existing organisation chart of HyD is at Enclosure 4.

12. In view of the above, we propose to retain the supernumerary post of DHy at D6 level for another two years up to 31 March 1999. The job description of the post is at Enclosure 5. When we review the organisation and establishment of HyD in 1998 upon winding down the LFC PMO and APA PMO, we will also review the ranking of the DHy post, having regard to the duties and responsibilities of the post, and the progress of the various major projects at that time.


13. The additional notional annual salary cost of the proposal at mid-point is -


1 supernumerary post of Director of Highways (D6)


held against 1 permanent post of Director of Highways (D5)


Net additional cost



There is no additional staff on-cost. We have included sufficient provision in the 1997-98 draft Estimates to meet the cost of this proposal.


14. Civil Service Branch considers the ranking and grading of the proposed post to be appropriate, having regard to the span of control, level of responsibility and professional input required.


15. As the post is proposed on a supernumerary basis, its retention, if approved, will be reported to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with the agreed procedure.

Transport Branch
February 1997


Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)63

Highways Department Job Description of Director of Highways as at June 1992

Post and Rank : Director of Highways (D6)

Main duties and responsibilities

The Director is responsible to the Secretary for Transport for transport policy and the highways development programme and to the Secretary for Works for works policy, construction standards, contract procedures and co-ordination of the Public Works Programme (PWP), including Airport Core Programme (ACP) highways projects. Main responsibilities are -

(a) formulating policies and programme plans for the planning and implementation of highways items in the PWP and ACP, and for the maintenance and improvement of the highways system;

(b) directing, co-ordinating and implementing the policies of Government for highways construction and maintenance development;

(c) planning and implementing highways projects in the PWP, including planning, design, construction and maintenance work;

(d) directing, and co-ordinating the operation and maintenance of the public highways network; x

(e) managing the staff and resources of the Highways Department; and

(f) serving on the following committees -

Public Works Sub-Committee

Transport Policy Co-ordinating Committee

Public Works Vetting Committee

Works Group Directors Meeting

Transport Advisory Committee

Subcommittee on Airport Core Works

ACP Transport Project Progress Subcommittee

Standing Committee for Civil Engineering Graduates under Agreement

Enclosure 3(a) to EC(96-97)63

Highways Department Funded major non-ACP road projects


Estimated cost

($ million)

Ting Kau Bridge and Approach Viaduct


Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Link


Lung Cheung Road and Ching Cheung Road improvements


Tsing Yi North Coastal Road


Expansion of kiosks and facilities at Lok Ma Chau


Widening of Tolo Highway and traffic surveillance and information system


Fo Tan Road widening


Castle Peak Road improvement between area 2 and Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan


Castle Peak Road improvement between Sham Tseng and Ka Loon Tsuen, Tsuen Wan


Improvement to Magazine Gap Road/May Road


Flyover and footbridge scheme at j/o Austin Road, Chatham Road and Cheong Wan Road


Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link


Route 16 from West Kowloon to Shatin




Enclosure 3(b) to EC(96-97)63

Highways Department Planned major non-ACP road projects


Estimated cost
($ million)

Further expansion of kiosks at Lok Ma Chau


Highway between Shap Pat Heung and Pok Oi


Choi Hung Road widening


Route 9


Improvement to Kam Tin Road stage 2


Sham Tseng Link


New road from Man Kam To to New Territories Circular Road and border crossing facilities


Castle Peak Road widening from Siu Lam to Ka Loon Tsuen


Widening of Yuen Long Highway


Widening T6


Widening of Tolo Highway between Island House and Fanling


Central Kowloon Route




Enclosure 5 to EC(96-97)63

Highways Department Existing Job Description of Director of Highways

Post and Rank : Director of Highways (D6)

Main duties and responsibilities

The Director is responsible to the Secretary for Transport for transport policy and the highways development programme and to the Secretary for Works for works policy, construction standards, contract procedures and co-ordination of the Public Works Programme (PWP), including Airport Core Programme (ACP) highways and rail projects. Main responsibilities are -

(a) formulating policies and programme plans for the planning and implementation of highways and rail items in the PWP and ACP, and for the maintenance of the highways system;

(b) supervising, co-ordinating and monitoring the implementation of ACP highways and rail projects to ensure project completion on time and within budget;

(c) providing steer in planning, developing, designing and implementing PWP highways projects and rail projects; and ensuring completion according to agreed standards, programme and budget;

(d) directing, co-ordinating , implementing and monitoring the maintenance of the public highways network;

(e) maintaining effective liaison with the Transport Branch and Works Branch and organisations concerned to implement government policies for construction and upkeep of highways;

(f) managing the staff and resources of the Highways Department; and

(g) serving on the following committees:

Public Works Sub-Committee

Works Group Directors' Meeting

Subcommittee on Airport Core Programme

Ports and Airport Development Strategy Briefing

Public Works Programme Executive Management Meeting

Building Contractors' Committee

Consulting Engineers' Committee

Construction Advisory Board

Standing Committee for the Training of Civil Engineering Graduates and Assistant Engineers

Standing Committee for Civil Engineering Graduates under Agreement


Last Updated on 12 August 1999
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