For discussion EC (96-97)64
on 26 February 1997


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the redeployment of the following permanent posts in the Development Offices of the Territory Development Department -

2 Chief Engineers
(D1) ($86,650 - $91,950)


The existing directorate support at the Chief Engineer (CE) level in the Hong Kong Island and Islands Development Office (HKI&I Dev O) and in the New Territories North Development Office (NTN Dev O) is inadequate to cope with the projected workload emerging from the increasing number and scope of development projects in the Hong Kong Island, North Lantau and the Northwest New Territories regions. In contrast, the New Territories East Development Office (NTE Dev O) and the New Territories West Development Office (NTW Dev O) will have spare resources at the directorate level for redeployment due to the lower level of development activities anticipated in their geographic regions.


2. We propose to redeploy the following permanent posts -

(a) one CE (D1) from the NTE Dev O to the HKI&I Dev O; and

(b) one CE (D1) from the NTW Dev O to the NTN Dev O.


3. At present, the TDD has five Dev Os, each charged with project responsibilities for developments situated in their respective geographic regions. With two CEs in two of the Dev Os and three CEs in the remaining three Dev Os amongst other directorate officers, the directorate structure for the five Dev Os has remained unchanged since the reorganisation of the department in 1994 as approved by Members vide EC(93-94)55. Recently, arising from changes in the priority of development of the territory, there has been a consequential shift in project workload in the geographic regions. We have therefore reviewed the existing and anticipated scope and volume of development projects, and have identified a need to re-distribute the number of CEs between the Dev Os so as to cope with the workload in the light of changing circumstances. The job description of the CE posts in the Dev Os is shown at Enclosure 1. Details of the proposal to redeploy directorate resources at the CE level are described in the following paragraphs.

The proposed redeployment of oneCE from NTE Dev O to HKI&I Dev O

4. There are two CEs in HKI&I Dev O designated as the CE (Hong Kong) and the CE (North Lantau). Recently, the main thrust of infra-structural development of the territory has shifted to the Hong Kong Island and the Lantau Island. This has generated a greater volume and complexity of project responsibilities at the CE level than that envisaged at the time of the re-organisation. The existing and anticipated increase in workload on the two CEs in the Dev O mainly emanates from the following development projects.

(a) TDD is responsible for the project management of the Central Reclamation and the Tung Chung New Town projects estimated at a value of $6 billion under the Airport Core Programme (ACP). The HKI&I Dev O requires resources for at least 18 months after the completion of works in 1997 to wind down the various construction activities.

(b) Non-ACP projects under the management of TDD in the Hong Kong Island, Tung Chung, Cheung Chau and Ping Chau areas include the extension of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and site formation and infra-structure construction for various phases of the Tung Chung Development. The HKI&I Dev O needs to closely monitor the progress and quality of these works for completion under a tight time frame.

(c) The HKI&I Dev O needs to coordinate, liaise with and provide comments and planning input on an increasing amount of major infra-structural works commissioned by other Government departments and statutory bodies within its geographic region. They include the MTR Airport Overrun Tunnel, the Central and Wan Chai Bypass, and the Justice Drive Extension.

(d) The HKI&I Dev O needs to undertake the planning and design work for the proposed Central Reclamation Phase III, Wan Chai Reclamation Phase II and Green Island Reclamation projects. Project duties arising from these developments will accentuate as they progress into the construction phase.

5. In contrast with the HKI&I Dev O, there are three CEs in the NTE Dev O each responsible for development projects in Sha Tin, Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O respectively. Whilst the development works in Tseung Kwan O will sustain at a rigorous level in the years ahead and require the full time attention of a CE, developments in Sha Tin are now approaching maturity or at an advanced stage. This provides for scope of redeployment of the resources surplus to requirement. We consider it feasible to combine the development works in ShaTin and Sai Kung under one CE, to be re-designated as CE (Sha Tin and Sai Kung Following this, we propose to redepoly the CE (Shatin) thus released to the HKI&I Dev O, to be redesignated as CE (Hong Kong 2), to re-designate the existing CE (Hong Kong) as CE (Hong Kong 1), and to re-distribute the project duties amongst the three CE in the HKI&I Dev O.

The proposed redeployment of one CE from NTW Dev O to NTN Dev O

6. There are two CEs in NTN Dev O, designated as CE (Tai Po/North) and CE (Yuen Long). Since the re-organisation of the department in 1994, new engineering and district development works in the northwest New Territories have been rapidly expanding in line with the growth of the cross-border activities. The increasing scope and range of the existing development projects and those coming on-stream will impose extremely onerous workload on the two existing CEs in the NTN Dev O. The increasing demand for professional input from the two existing CEs mainly emanates from the following development projects.

(a) The NTN Dev O is directly responsible for the development of some 210 hectares of land in the Tin Shui Wai Development Zone and Reserve Zone by TDD. The latter includes the initial site formation and infra-structure for six priority sites (estimated at $1.4 billion) which are scheduled for commencement in July 1997 and October 1998 and for completion in mid 2001, and other remaining works (estimated at $1.35 billion) for commencement 1999 and completion in 2003. This significant multi-disciplinary project requires extensive project management and coordination efforts of the NTN Dev O to ensure timely delivery for housing production programmes. In addition, it calls for much engineering expertise to ensure strict compliance with pollution control standards in view of the proximity to the ecologically sensitive areas of Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay.

(b) The NTN Dev O is directly managing some 40 active items in the Public Works Programme in the NTN region including flood prevention projects.

(c) The fast growing number of development and planning submissions and projects arising from active infra-structure provision programmes commissioned by other Government departments, statutory bodies and private developers in the NTN region requiring comments, planning input, coordination and liaison by TDD has added to the workload of the NTN Dev O. Since early 1995, these submissions have increased by 30% in number.

7. In contrast, there are three CEs in the NTW Dev O responsible for development projects in Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, and Kwai Tsing areas respectively. We expect that the project management activities of the development office will slow down following the transfer of the majority of the project management duties on the Reclamation of Tuen Mun Area 38 for Special Industries to other Government departments on operational grounds. Based on the present and projected workload of the NTW Dev O up to 1999, we consider it feasible to combine the development projects in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing under one CE, to be re-designated as CE (Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing), and transfer projects relating to port development viz. the Container Terminal No. 9, the Duplicate Tsing Yi South Bridge and the formation of the site for mid-stream operations at Stonecutter Island to CE (Tuen Mun). We propose to redeploy the CE post thus released to the NTN Dev O, to be re-designated as CE (Tin Shui Wai) and be responsible for development projects in the area. Following this proposal, we will re-distribute the workload between the existing CE (Yuen Long) and CE (Tai Po/North) in the NTN Dev O.

8. The existing and proposed organisation chart of TDD is shown at Enclosure 2.

Redeployment of non-directorate posts

9. Consequent upon the above redeployment, we shall process the necessary redeployment of non-directorate posts amongst Dev Os under the normal Departmental Establishment Committee machinery.


10. The proposed re-deployment will have no financial implications.


11. On 14 January 1994, Finance Committee approved the re-organization of TDD to reflect the shift in workload in the department. We undertook to review the directorate posts having regard to the overall workload of the department and developments prevailing from time to time.

12. On 12 May 1995, Finance Committee approved the deletion of one post of Chief Architect (D1) from the Headquarters Division of TDD following the transfer of management responsibility for community facilities projects and Regional Council Open Space Programme from TDD to the Architectural Services Department.


13. The Civil Service Branch considers the proposed redeployment appropriate, having regard to the prevailing workload of the five Development Offices and the responsibility and professional input required.


14. The proposed redeployment, if approved, will be reported to the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service in accordance with agreed procedures.

Planning, Environment and Lands Branch
February 1997

Enclosure 1 toEC(96-97)64

Job Description for Chief Engineer (D1) Territory Development Department

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Project Manager and the Deputy Project Manager for satisfactory progress of all development works within his district and advising them of any necessary adjustments to project programme or resources required. Duties include -

(1) programming and managing all engineering development projects in the district;

(2) preparing consultants' briefs and agreements, examining consultants' proposals, designs, specifications and other contract documents and advising them on design standards;

(3) obtaining approval on all statutory procedures in respect of projects under his control;

(4) overseeing the acquisition and clearance of land for development and reviewing subsequent progress;

(5) overseeing the work of the consultants to ensure that the work is carried out as designed and on schedule;

(6) liaising with other Works departments, utility companies and private developers where their activities affect the overall programme of works;

(7) proposing the inclusion of new items and the upgrading or revision of existing items in the Public Works Programme;

(8) exercising financial control over the engineering projects, including expenditure forecasts and estimates and application for funds; and

(9) attending meetings of works progress/steering committee, district planning conference, district land conference and other meetings in connection with development works.

Last Updated on 12 August 1999
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