Supplementary Note to EC(96-97)45


Subhead 001 Salaries

Members are invited to recommend to Finance Committee the proposal to create an Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (AOSGC) (D2) post in the Education and Manpower Branch (EMB) with effect from 1 January 1997 as set out in EC(96-97)45.


At the ESC meeting on 13 November 1996, Members expressed concern over the need for an additional permanent AOSGC post in the Manpower Branch (EMB to take charge of industrial safety and related matters given the workload of the Principal Assistant Secretaries (PASs) in the Education Commission and Teacher Education Divisions, i.e. PAS(EM)3 and PAS(EM)6 respectively as set out in Enclosure 2 to EC(96-97)45. The Administration withdrew the paper with a view to providing Members with more information on the responsibilities and workload of the two PASs.

2. This note sets out in greater detail why we could not absorb the additional workload arising from industrial safety and related matters within the existing permanent establishment of EMB.AOSGC to head the Education Commission and Teacher Education Divisions.

The need for PAS(EM)3 and PAS(EM)6

3. With the establishment of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ) in 1993, EMB has embarked on a number of major and complex reviews and policy reforms on the area of teacher education and qualification. Between 1993 and early 1995, EMB had been able to cope with the additional work arising from ACTEQ through temporary on-loan arrangements of one AOSGC. His main duties were to serve the ACTEQ and to handle policy work on the special support services for children. When the Civil Service Branch (CSB) withdrew this arrangement, PAS(EM)2 of the Schools Division and PAS(EM)3 of the Education Commission Division shared the workload. As there was difficulty in coping with the additional work, the CSB had again loaned an AOSGC to the EMB in December 1995 to cope with the workload. We then approached the Finance Committee and obtained its approval for the creation of a permanent AOSGC post (PAS(EM)6) in March 1996 [EC(95-96)82)].

4. PAS(EM)6 is fully loaded with the work of ACTEQ and its two subcommittees. The two subcommittees are currently working on language benchmarks for teachers, which is a recommendation of the Education Commission Report No. 6, and examining the setting up of an accountability mechanism to ensure that teacher education programmes meet the needs of our schools. PAS(EM)6 is the policy officer on teacher education and is responsible for providing input to teacher education from the point of view of the users. She is also fully responsible for policy formulation work subsequent to the Board of Education’s review on special education, which includes improving the quality of education for students with special needs, the systematic integration of disabled students into mainstream schools and teacher training to support quality improvements in special education. PAS(EM)6 is also responsible for policy work in relation to pre-primary education, including its interface with the child care sector, as well as scrutinising and participating in the work of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Hong Kong Vocational English Programme.

5. Likewise, PAS(EM)3 is presently working on a heavy schedule. She serves as Secretary to the Education Commission and its working groups and task groups. In recent years, the process and work leading to the publication of an Education Commission report have become increasingly complex and the workload of PAS(EM)3 has increased significantly. For example, consultation regarding ECR6 on Language Proficiency and ECR7 on Quality School Education differs from previous reports in that both reports involve detailed studies of the relevant issues by consultants, working groups/task groups, followed by a two-round public consultation. The Commission has to produce a consultation document for each round of consultation. It published the ECR6 in March 1996, and is currently conducting a second stage consultation on ECR7. As the Secretary to the Commission, PAS(EM)3 plays a leading role in co-ordinating relevant activities and provides policy input.

6. The Commission is also deliberating on the setting up of a General Teaching Council (GTC) in Hong Kong. The Working Group on GTC, to which PAS(EM)3 is the secretary, plans to submit its report to the Commission in the first half of 1997., which covers a wide range of issues relating to the school sector, will also generate a lot of follow-up work for the Commission. Apart from serving the Education Commission, PAS(EM)3 oversees the work of EMB’s Statistics Unit which provides the Branch with management statistical information in formulating policies in both the education and manpower areas.

7. The duties and responsibilities of the PAS(EM)3 and PAS(EM)6 are at Enclosures 1 and 2 respectively.


8. As shown in paragraphs 3 to 6 above, PAS(EM)3 and PAS(EM)6 are fully loaded with their respective duties and do not have any spare capacity to take on additional duties. We therefore propose to create an additional permanent post of AOSGC with effect from 1 January 1997 to cope with the additional workload in respect of industrial safety and other related issues.

Education and Manpower Branch
November 1996

Enclosure 1 to
Supplementary Note to EC(96-97)45

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (3) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) for -

  1. providing secretariat, logistical and other support to the Education Commission (EC) and its sub-committees, working groups and task forces which include -
    1. drafting EC Reports, and the General Teaching Council Working Group Report;
    2. arranging publicity and consultation as appropriate regarding EC Reports and the General Teaching Council Working Group Report;
    3. providing secretariat support to EC’s monthly meetings;
    4. setting up an interdepartmental Steering Group on Education Statistics;
    5. preparing policy discussion papers for the quality development in school education; and
    6. arranging visits for the EC;
  2. managing the Education Commission Secretariat and the Statistics Unit of the Education and Manpower Branch; and
  3. drafting speeches and Branch publications on education, and co-ordinating and fairing contribution to the Hong Kong Annual Report.

Enclosure 2 to
Supplementary Note to EC(96-97)45

Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower (6) Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2)

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Responsible to the Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (2) for -

  1. serving as Secretary to the ACTEQ, its sub-committees and ad hoc task forces;
  2. following up within the Administration recommendations made by ACTEQ including their subsequent implementation;
  3. reviewing the policy and implementing the education support services for children in need of special education, academically gifted students and academically less able students;
  4. scrutinizing and participating in the work of the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and the Hong Kong Vocational English Programme;
  5. providing input to teacher education from the point of view of the users;
  6. policy relating to pre-primary education, including its interface with the child care sector; and
  7. overseeing the establishment of a General Teaching Council upon acceptance by the Administration of the proposal.

Last Updated on 12 August 1999
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