Item No.
| Subject
I. | Capital Works Reserved Fund Block allocations for -
Head 701 - Land Acquisition
Head 702 - Port and Airport Development
Head 703 - Buildings
Head 704 - Drainage
Head 705 - Civil Engineering
Head 706 - Highways
Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
Head 709 - Waterworks
Head 710 - Computerisation
Head 711 - Housing PWSC(96-97)95
II. | Head 705 - Civil Engineering
229 CL Diamond Hill development, works, stage 1 PWSC(96-97)92
III. | Head 706 - Highways 15 TC Improvement to directional signs on expressways PWSC(96-97)94
IV. | Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
477 CL Feasibility study for Pak Shek Kok development area PWSC(96-97)93
V. | Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
26 MM Redevelopment of out-patient department and pupil hostel at the Our Lady Maryknoll Hospital PWSC(96-97)96
VI. | Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
Universities -
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
New item Phase VI consequential work
8022 EK Phase VI development
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
New item Major renovation to the Basic Medical Science Building
New item Major renovation to selected engineering and building services of the University Science Centre Complex
8032 EF Student hostels
8033 EF Extension to Madam S H Ho Hostel at Prince of Wales Hospital
The University of Hong Kong
8045 EG Development of Faculty of Medicine at the existing site of Northcote Campus of the Hong Kong Institute of Education
8046 EG Additional 300-place hall of residence PWSC(96-97)97
VII. | Other Business PWSC Procedures PWSC(96-97)91